The Dragon's Mate

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The Dragon's Mate Page 53

by Emilia Hartley

  “Therefore,” Nemoy said, not looking at his mother, “I am granting a temporary stay for the human of Strathford, Amara Townsend. I am granting her immunity to the Secrecy Law, as well as placing her under our protection until such time as the threat posed by the Valley Clan has passed.”

  Neveah glared at Nemoy, but before she could protest, Nemoy raised a hand. “Your Alpha has spoken, Neveah. Do not cross me tonight.”

  The look she gave both her sons told them this was far from over, but she did as she was told. With a regal bow, she turned on her heel and strode away, a few of her usual followers going with her.

  Nova couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Nemoy was letting Amara stay. More, he was protecting her as if she were one of their own. Thrilled, he wrapped his arms around her and swung her around, pulling her face to his in one fierce kiss.

  When they broke apart, Nemoy offered them one of his rare, genuine smiles. He wrapped his arm around his beaming wife and reached out his other hand for Amara’s. “Welcome to the Pack, Amara.”


  “She’ll come around,” Nova began, “don’t worry.”

  “I know, I just wish I didn’t put you in such an awkward situation,” Amara said, stroking Nova’s hair. Neveah hasn’t said a word to either of her sons since Nemoy declared that Amara will be protected by their clan temporarily. “I guess I just didn’t expect your mother to be this upset over the whole situation,” She continued, feeling guilty.

  “Hey. It was my choice when I decided to bring you here, and it’s not like I didn’t expect this to happen. She’s very old school. Besides, the rest of the pack seems to like you.” Nova said, running the back of his finger down her cheek. “I was really scared that I would lose you for a second there. I’m just happy you’re safe.” He whispered, planting a kiss on her forehead. For some reason, it seemed like he always knew what to say to comfort her. He really was perfect.

  It had been a few days since the Mountain Wolf Clan was attacked. There have been no signs of Kal anywhere, despite the efforts that Nova, Nemoy and the rest of the clan have been putting in to find him. It was as though he disappeared. Even with his disappearance, everyone knew he would be back, and this time they would be prepared. Nova had been busy creating strategies with Nemoy to deal with Kal the next time he shows his face. Amara had spent the past few days getting to know a few of the members of the pack. Ivanah had been the one to give Amara a tour of the compound. She was surprisingly friendly, and Amara was grateful for her hospitality.

  This was the first real time the two of them got to spend together since they arrived at the den. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Amara sat up, looking Nova in the eyes and said, “You know, you never told me what made you interested in me.”

  “Where would I even begin?” Nova replied with a coy smile. “There was something about you, something different. I couldn’t figure it out. I’d only just joined the Protectors of the Mountain Wolf Clan when I noticed you. You were wearing a bright red jacket. I saw you from one of the buildings, something about the way you walked caught my eye.”

  She sat silently listening, staring at him wondering how she could be so in love in such a short time.

  “I waited for days for you to return from the hospital, and when you finally did my heart was beating so quickly. I vowed to never let you get hurt again, so I spent my nights making sure you were safe. While I watched, I kept trying to pinpoint what it was exactly that intrigued me about you so much.”

  “That’s not creepy at all,” she joked, nudging him. “Thank you. For protecting me.” She continued, “I don’t think I would be here if it weren’t for you.” Nova could sense her sincere appreciation in the tone of her voice.

  She cleared her voice, “You still haven’t told me, don’t think you’re getting off easily.”

  With a laugh, he continued, “You know, I wasn’t exactly sure why I was so interested in you, until I met you for real a few weeks ago.” He propped himself up on his elbow.

  “Oh?” She replied, listening intently.

  “I think it was your independence that intrigued me. The confidence you exude when you talk to people. Your positive attitude towards things.” Kissing her neck he continued, “Or maybe it was your adorable laugh that I’d heard so many times from afar.”

  He kissed her chest, continuing, “Or the way your lips curved when you smiled that made me want to see them up close and personal.”

  She blushed a deep red and, before he could say anything further, she pulled him close and silenced him with a passionate kiss. She wanted nothing more than to show him how much she loved him.

  Finally, she pulled away, her face a few inches from his. His eyes searched her face, trying to take in as much of her beauty as he could.

  After a few moments, he pulled her tight against his chest.

  “I love you,” she said quietly, closing her eyes, getting lost in his embrace.

  “I love you too, Amara” he said softly.

  They were just a few simple words, but for the first time in what seemed like forever, she felt whole, as if nothing else in the world mattered.

  Adored by the Mountain Wolf

  Emilia Hartley

  Chapter 1

  Amara sat in the passenger seat of Nova’s truck, staring out the window. A dozen tiny cottage houses blurred by as they drove down the streets of the Compound. She had spent the last couple weeks under the Mountain Wolf pack’s protection, secluded from everything and everyone in her human life. And, because she was sworn to secrecy, she couldn’t even tell them why.

  Nova reached over and took her hand. He smiled at her, and she couldn’t help but smile back. It was amazing to her, to think that she had gone so long without knowing him. And now, here they were, in love and fighting off an enemy wolf pack together.

  She knew he was breaking Pack Law to protect her, and of course, she was grateful. But she was worried about her family, too. About her town. The worst part about it was the situation her little sister, Sadie had gotten herself into. As if having to lie to her about Nova’s shifter talents wasn’t hard enough, Sadie had gone and fallen for their enemy. Kal Vann. The same wolf who had tried to kill Amara. A few times now, in fact. But Sadie wouldn’t hear a word against him, and it wasn’t like Amara could tell her the truth.

  Amara thought back to the last time she had seen her sister, a couple weeks before. She’d been packing clothes to go stay at the compound. Sadie was lounging on her bed.

  “I cannot believe Nova has talked you into going on vacation with him,” Sadie mused, plucking a lacy dress from among the pile. “Where are you going again?”

  “His family has a lake house a few hours away. He’s taking me there.”

  “Mmm. Must be nice.” Sadie flopped back over onto the bed and grinned up at the ceiling. “I wish Kal would whisk me off to some unknown location. I haven’t even seen his house yet.”

  Amara frowned, knowing she needed to tread carefully. “Don’t you think that’s a little odd?”

  Confused, Sadie sat up. “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know, just that maybe there’s more to Kal than you know. Maybe he’s hiding something from you.”

  “Why would you say that?” Anger was beginning to cloud Sadie’s eyes.

  Amara sighed. “Look, Sadie, I didn’t want to say anything, but I get a really bad vibe off the guy.” Like psycho serial killer vibe, only he turns into a wolf when he does it. “I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

  Sadie shook her head. “Are you sure that’s what it is, Amara? Are you sure you’re just looking out for me? Are you sure you’re not just jealous?”

  “Jealous? What? Why would I be jealous?” Amara spat back with a laugh.

  Crossing her arms, Sadie stood to face Amara, who resisted the urge to take a step back.

  “Kal told me you hit on him.”

  Amara blinked. “Wait, what?”

  “He warned me you wouldn’t l
ike us dating, but I didn’t believe him. I said you would never try to get in the way of my happiness. And yet, here you are, doing exactly what he said you would.” Furious, she grabbed her coat and stormed to the door. “I cannot believe he was right. Have fun on your vacation, sis. Don’t call me when you get back.”

  She hadn’t heard from Sadie since. Of course, she had tried calling her a few times, but reception at the compound wasn’t exactly ideal. Besides, living among the wolves had its own set of challenges.

  “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Nova asked, interrupting Amara from her thoughts. Nova’s voice was edgy, and Amara almost felt guilty for worrying him. But she couldn’t be cooped up any longer. Finally, she was getting out. Somehow she managed to convince Nova to allow her to go back into town. Nova drove the truck through the gate and waved at the two guards. She knew them by name now; Nate and Ian.

  Nate waved at her from the guard box. He was smiling, but his eyes were strained. Ian watched her solemnly. “Stay safe, Amara,” Nate advised her.

  Amara forced a smile. When they were clear of the gate, she huffed out a sigh. “I’ll be fine, Nova. It’s just the bar. And you’re dropping me off. It’s not like I’m walking by myself or anything.”

  Nova frowned. “I know. I just don’t like leaving you alone like that, is all. I wish you’d let me come with you.”

  “You are not going to babysit me at work,” she said firmly. “I would never be able to explain that anyway.” She brought his hand to her lips and grinned at him. “Nova, it’s not just that I need to go back to work. I need to go back to my life. It’s been two whole weeks. I can’t keep hiding from reality with the Pack. I have a life, a job, family. I have friends that I have basically been hiding from. Sadie won’t even talk to me. I can’t let Kal take my life from me. I won’t. I know you’re just trying to protect me, Nova, I do. But I need to do this.”

  For a moment or two, Nova watched the road, not saying a word. She knew it was hard for him to let her go. He’d spent the last ten years protecting her from the Valley Clan wolves. The night he had saved her and her friends from Kal when she was a teenager, he had sworn to protect her, even though she hadn’t known it. And if anything happened to her, if she even got a scratch, she knew it would torture him. But she couldn’t live in a safe little bubble forever. She was going insane. And she needed to talk to her sister.

  Finally, Nova nodded and the tension in her shoulders gave way to relief. It wasn’t just being away from her life that made her eager to get away from the compound. Most of the people were nice enough; welcoming even. Nemoy, the Pack’s alpha and Nova’s older brother, had allowed her in and offered their protection, even though she knew he wasn’t comfortable with a human knowing their secrets. Still, he was always kind to her. His wife, Ivanah, had taken a liking to her, and the two of them had become fast friends.

  But not everybody was willing to heed their Alpha’s orders. In fact, there was a small faction who had voiced heavy opposition right from the start. Their protests had been silenced, or at least somewhat quieted by Nova and Nemoy, but it was hard to stop a force once it was in motion, especially when that force was being spear-headed by their mother.

  Neveah Lowery was a pillar of the community in her own right. As the widow of the previous Alpha and the mother of the reigning Alpha and Beta, the respect within the Pack for her was insurmountable. So, when she was the one vocalizing her discontent with Amara’s presence, and her feelings were reciprocated by other members of the Pack, it was hard not to feel uncomfortable and unwanted within the compound.

  But telling Nova his mother was the reason she wanted to leave would break his heart, which she had no intention of doing.

  At last, they reached the main street of Strathford. Nova pulled the truck up to the curb outside Murphy’s Tavern and put it in park. “Don’t go out alone,” he cautioned, a pained look on his face.

  Amara’s lips crooked up at the corners. He sure was cute when he was worried. “I won’t.”

  “And don’t try to walk home by yourself. I’ll be here to pick you up at the end of your shift.”


  “And stay away from outsiders. Let Mitch or someone wait on them.”

  “Nova. Relax.” She leaned closer, brushing her lips against his. “It will be fine.”


  She kissed him again, this time deepening the kiss. She let their tongues intertwine, savoring the sweet vanilla and pine scent that was Nova, hoping her touch would have the same mind-numbing effect on him as his did on her.

  When she pulled back, his dark eyes seemed blissfully blank, and she considered it a job well done. She kissed him again, lightly this time, and beamed. “I have to go. I’m going to be late for my shift.” Without waiting for his protest, she opened the heavy door and climbed down from the truck, shutting it behind her.

  Nova rolled down the window. “I mean it, Amara,” he called, and she tried her best not to be annoyed. “Don’t go outside alone.”

  Amara rolled her eyes and forced a sunny smile. “Okay, dad,” she hollered back, spitefully delighted when Nova winced. “I promise I’ll be good.”

  She loved the man; really, she did. But she would be lying if she said she wasn’t feeling smothered. A few normal hours of work would do them both some good.

  Turning on her heel, Amara stared at the face of the stone building before her. It didn’t look like much, but the bar felt like home. She had helped her best friend, Mitchell Murphy, build the business from the ground up. Her name may not have been on the paperwork, but Murphy’s Tavern was as much hers as it was his. She truly did love the place.

  Taking a deep breath, Amara hauled open the door and let herself be immersed in the sounds and smells of the bar. It was a typical Saturday night at Murphy’s, and conversation was both loud and exuberant. The regulars she’d come to know on a first-name basis were seated at their usual tables and bar stools. The younger crowd filled booths and trickled onto the dance floor, occasionally emitting high-pitched shrieks, or chants of “chug, chug, chug!” The air was filled with the mixed aroma of spirits, beer, and fried food, with just a hint of sour and bleach underneath.

  Amara’s face split in a wide, enthusiastic grin. It was good to be home.

  “Hey, Mara,” the bouncer, Sam, greeted her. His round cheeks blushed a sweet crimson at the sight of her. “Glad to have you back.”

  Taking off her coat, Amara let the warmth wrap around her, chasing away the crisp chill from outside. She squeezed Sam’s arm affectionately and pretended she didn’t see his blush deepen. She handed him her coat and waited while he hung it on the rack behind his ample frame. “It’s good to be back,” she told him, before winding her way through the clientele to get behind the bar.

  “Hey, hey!” Mitch called out when she approached. He handed the beer he was holding to the patron he was serving, and bee-lined for Amara. Before she could even respond, he had wrapped his arms around her and lifted her from her feet in a giant bear hug. “You’re back,” he exclaimed, setting her on her feet again.

  Amara swayed a bit and took a step back, trying to find her balance. Her grin widened. “I am. Did you run this place into the ground without me?”

  Mitch chuckled. “Almost.” He lowered his voice. “I had to hire Zoe to pitch in some while you were gone.”

  Amara’s eyes widened in alarm as she tied the knot of her apron behind her back. “You had to do what?”

  “I know. It’s worked out okay,” he conceded, glancing over his shoulder to where Zoe was leaning against the bar, her own apron around her back. “Which is surprising, actually.”

  “I’ll say.” Amara glanced around, suddenly feeling out of place. She’d only been gone for two weeks. “So, what else did you change while I was gone?”

  “I hired a chef, kicked out all the regulars, instated a disco night, and hired Zoe to replace you full time.” When she merely gaped at him, Mitch smirked. “Relax, Mara. Zoe�
�s only giving me a hand for a little while. She needed the work. Everything else is the same.”

  Amara pursed her lips, but she felt a little better. Reluctantly, she smiled back at him. “Good.” She took the towel from him and began wiping down the bar. “Because you would look awful in a disco suit. Ugh.” She wrinkled her nose. “Spandex.” She shuddered. “Lord, spare me.”

  Howard, a long time regular who had been friends with her late father, set down his empty glass and tapped on the counter. “Lord, spare us all.”

  With a wicked laugh, she winked at him and refilled his glass, leaving Mitch scowling and shaking his head behind her.

  Chapter 2

  It didn’t take her long to get back into the swing of things. Before she knew it, she was slinging drinks, taking orders, and delivering hot plates to co-eds on winter break as if she’d been born to it.

  She and Zoe worked together surprisingly well, which seemed to please Mitch to no end. He kept hinting to Amara that maybe he should make it a regular thing, to which Amara’s answer was to repeatedly smile and grind her teeth.

  At one point, she managed to corner Mitch and asked about her sister.

  Frowning, Mitch scratched his head. “Yeah, she’s come in a few times. Usually with that guy she’s been dating.”

  Amara’s heart sank. “So they’re still together?”

  “Looks like it.” He shook his head. “I don’t like him, Amara.”

  “No.” She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to push the worry aside until she could do something about it. “I don’t like him either.”

  A little after midnight, the heavy door opened again. In walked Nate and Ian, the two Pack guards from the compound. Both were dressed like the typical Strathford blue collar worker. She knew they rarely made it into town except when they were on patrol—usually on Nova’s orders. They both found seats at the end of the bar.

  Amara saw Zoe catch their eye and start to move towards them, but she shook her head. “Those are mine.”


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