The Dragon's Mate

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The Dragon's Mate Page 74

by Emilia Hartley


  Alex accepted his fate and turned toward the yellow truck. His father shoved his walking stick into the bed and huffed himself into the driver’s seat.

  Alex sighed. He looked over the grounds one last time for any sign of Cynthia but was met with quiet houses and the morning breeze. After a time he pulled himself into the passenger seat and his dad fired up the engine. The dull roar could be heard echoing around the den, anyone still trying to sleep must have been snapped awake.

  “Let’s go,” Alex said, defeated.

  His father shifted the truck into gear and started his way down the dirt road that connected the den to the outside world.


  Hours passed, the dull pumping of the engine was the only thing heard for miles, aside from his father’s frustrating attempt at singing. He could carry a tune about as well as a fish could fly. Even worse, when he wasn’t driving he would snore louder than the engine. If there was a level in hell, Alex had found it. But, aside from his father’s incessant annoyances Alex was lost in thought. He worried that he’d said something to Cynthia that pissed her off. For whatever reason, his mind kept drifting back to the bear from last night.

  Shit, I hope she’s okay.

  Just stop thinking about it. She’s fine. She’s a big girl who can take care of herself. Still, part of him yearned to return home to make sure she was okay.

  “I’m sure she’s fine,” his father said, snapping himself from his snoring.

  How did he know what I was thinking about?

  “We’ve all left loved ones before, and Cynthia is no dummy. She can take care of herself,” he continued.

  “Is that how you felt about mom?” Alex asked, although he regretted bringing up his mother when his father never seemed interested in talking about her.

  He pondered his answer for just long enough that Alex started to become uncomfortable.

  “I loved your mother,” he said, “and I would have done anything to keep her safe.”

  Alex exhaled, not realizing he’d been holding his breath.

  “You never talk about her,” Alex said, “Hell the first real photo I saw of mom was only last night and Miss Bannon was the one that showed it to me, not you.”

  “I’m always thinking about her.” he replied, “I know I could share more about her but it’s hard.”

  That’s not an answer.

  “What was she like?” Alex asked.

  His father glanced at him and laughed. “Why are you bringing this up now? Did that old photo really have you wondering?”

  “Why? Because we have another 4 hour drive ahead of us and I don’t know anything about my own mother,” Alex said.

  His father sighed and stared straight at the road ahead. As the truck snaked through the mountains the old dog talked as though he were alone.

  “She was the prettiest thing I’d ever set my eyes on,” he started, “Jacob and I were crazy about her from the second we both laid eyes on her. The three of us grew up together in the pack; we knew each other better than we knew ourselves.” He laughed. It was an honest laugh and one Alex rarely got to see. It was full of memories and it showed him another side of his father. “Jacob was my best friend, and Connor’s father. He held a torch for that woman like you wouldn’t believe. But she never had eyes for him. When she and I got hitched, the pack alpha knew I was the one to take over. After I was given the title Jacob got pissed off and ran to start his own pack. Had a lot of followers, too; but they’re all back in the fold with us now, just like before. All those years of fighting seem so pointless, but if I were in his position, I might have done the same thing myself. Your mother was special to us both, I’m not sure I could have sat by and watched my best friend take both her and the title of Alpha.”

  What the hell?

  “So you and mom made the pack split. All that fighting between the two packs was because of you two?”

  “In a round-about way, yes,” he laughed again, with sorrow in his eyes. “Did I ever tell you the story about one of our old pack members that got on your mother’s bad side? He fled for the hills when she heard him bad mouth the food she made. She chased him out with cleaver! I tell you, I never saw somebody run so fast.”

  Alex laughed as a tear welled up in his eye. He’d never felt his father being so tender before.

  “I can see that same fire in your girl Cynthia,” he said, “she’s got a passion in her that she can’t hide. And, whenever I see you two together I’m glad that you two found each other.”

  Just choke it back. He can’t see you cry. You’re a big man and there’s no reason to start crying about some overly emotional moment.

  “You know,” he continued, “you’re starting to look the part of an alpha yourself. I’ve watched you grow stronger since the bear attacks a few months ago.”

  “If I’m going to be the one to protect Cynthia, I need to be strong. All the fights up till now have shown that to me,” Alex replied.

  “Good,” his father said, reaching over to pat Alex on the shoulder with his massive hand, “I think you’ll make a great leader someday.”

  “You really think I would want to lead?” Alex asked even though he didn’t really care to know the answer at all. Sure, he wanted to lead before Connor came along but he couldn’t imagine doing a better job.

  “What made you stick around? You could’ve just left that night you snuck into Connor’s truck.”

  “Cynthia,” Alex replied, “I couldn’t think of travelling without her. I was about to say my goodbye’s to Tess that night, but when I saw her and Connor lying in each other’s arms I just lost interest in leaving.”

  “The sign of a good man,” his father added, “bring it here!” His father tried to lean over into a hug but Alex threw a hand up to fight against it. Marcus was stronger than he looked. An odd feeling rushed over Alex with his father’s arms wrapped around him. He’d never felt pride from his father before.

  “Let’s get this over with so we can get you home to that woman of yours,” his father said. He started to sing in a deep voice.


  So freaking cold.

  The heater in the truck didn’t want to work as they climbed higher and higher through the mountain pass. Snow piled along the sides of the road and the slick terrain made progress slow but steady.

  Day light was already starting to wane over the top of the mountain. As the dark started to settle in, they arrived at their destination, an old, half snow-covered mile marker sign.

  “Hurray.” Alex said in a monotone voice hopping from the driver’s seat. “Where the hell is the den?”

  Before his father could answer, a wolf peeked out from behind a snow covered tree. It growled at the two of them defensively only to be joined by another, and another. Half a dozen wolf shifters advanced on them, Alex’s father was the first to speak.

  “We’re here to meet with your alpha,” Alex’s father said, confidently.

  The wolves continued to growl and barked at the bed of the truck. Alex reached in, pulling his bag from the truck bed. It was much heavier than normal.

  What the hell is in here?

  He tossed the bag into the snow, and fresh powder puffed into the night breeze.


  No way.

  If this was what he thought it was then he wasn’t sure whether to be excited or angry. His fingers worked the zipper and as the bag opened, Cynthia poured out. The wolves stood at bay and barked at the new stranger.

  “Cynthia!” Alex said, choosing excitement. “Why did you stow away in my bag? Aren’t you freezing?” She wasn’t wearing much more than a pair of leggings and a tight blouse that hugged her body. Her nipples poked through her shirt from the cold and Alex threw his arms around her to warm her up.

  “I wanted to surprise you,” she said, “surprise!” Her teeth chattered in the wind. Alex tore off his winter coat and wrapped it around her shoulders.

  “I swear we didn’t mean
to hide her. Hell, I’m just as surprised as you are.” Alex said, turning back to the wolves. As happy as he was to see her, hiding in the back of the truck was dangerous, and it didn’t necessarily help their situation. He’ll talk to her about this later, for now he was just happy she was safe.

  From around a snow bank, a figured clad in a large jacket and thick snow boots crunched his way through the snow toward them.

  “Ah, you must be from the Night Runner pack,” he started, “don’t mind them, they always gets antsy when new people show up. Follow me back to the cottage.”

  Alex let out a sigh. He and Cynthia followed along closely with his father trudging along, leaning heavily on his walking stick.

  How far is this place? They walked for fifteen minutes through high snow and biting cold, through a sparse thicket and across rocky tundra. When the guide stopped, Alex was frozen to the bone and couldn’t fully grasp what he saw at first.

  “That is the Cliff Walker den,” the guide said.

  Thank god.

  It was the same cottage from Miss Bannon’s picture. The structure was massive in person. The stacked log walls reached almost thirty feet tall at the zenith. The large double doors that greeted them were engraved with images of wolves on the hunt, and appeared to be decades old. The entire cottage appeared to be just as old, for that matter. The cottage itself overlooked a rolling plain dotted with sparse trees. A few small cabins surrounded the space but were clearly empty.

  As the doors tore open, a wave of heat blasted from inside. Alex was glad for the chance to warm up, he wouldn’t have lasted another minute in the freezing cold. Cynthia shuddered inside his jacket leading the way in.

  The space was superbly maintained. A single roaring fire occupied the fireplace in the center of the house. The floor was covered in handmaid knit rugs that were strewn this way and that. Hung on the walls were a series of tapestries with all manner of wolf patterns, describing old hunts and leaders. A pair of stairways hugged each of the walls and led to a loft upstairs. The back of the cottage housed an old wood-burning, cast iron stove. The smell of fresh stew wafted toward his nostrils. Young wolves surrounded the fire, while warriors played games and told stories in cross-legged circles around the space.

  “You all live under one large roof?” Alex asked, “How can anyone have their privacy?”

  “It’s easier to heat one space than many. We have a few cabins for privacy in the area but most are deserted during winter,” the guide said. “I know why you’re here, but now isn’t the time to talk. It’s late. Rest and we’ll talk in the morning.”

  “Are you the alpha?” Alex wondered.

  “I wouldn’t be much of a host if I weren’t,” he replied.

  He was of native decent, the lines on his face and the gray in his hair betrayed his age. His skin was course and could have passed for shoe leather, but, his smile was bright and inviting.

  Alex offered a hand in greeting and the alpha returned with a firm handshake.

  Cynthia was already warming her feet by the fire. Some of the young wolves took a curious interest in her as she sat beside them. Marcus stamped his way into the space, shaking off the snow that accumulated on his jacket.

  “Is that your woman?” the alpha asked.

  Damn right she is.

  Alex nodded.

  “There’s a cabin just down the hill. Plenty of wood for the stove, nice little place if you don’t mind the cold,” he said with a wink.

  Face palm. Did the entire world know how desperate Alex was?

  “Thanks?” Alex replied.

  “Don’t mention it,” he said, shuffling away.

  Okay, Alex needed answers and he needed them right now. Cynthia was by the fire, rubbing her calves as Alex sat beside her.

  “What the hell,” Alex asked, in a loud whisper.

  “What?” she asked, “you can run all over talking to other packs and I can’t join you at all?”

  “You might have put this entire mission in danger by coming,” Alex chided, “what if they decided you were a threat and just attacked?”

  “Well, they didn’t,” she replied.

  “But, what if they did?” Alex continued, “I don’t know what I would have done if I lost you.” Cynthia sat still for a moment. The firelight danced shadows across her face. Dammit if she wasn’t the most gorgeous thing on two legs. His demeanor softened. He couldn’t stay mad at her no matter how hard he tried. “Listen, I’m glad that you came, and at this point I can’t send you home. But, please don’t do this again.”

  “I promise I won’t do anything to-”

  She paused and her eyes searched around the room. Alex knew what she was looking at, nearly all the people there were staring at them. They were strangers in a strange land. “Perhaps we should go somewhere more private?”

  “The alpha told me there’s a cabin nearby. If we can get there then we can talk alone,” he said.

  And maybe I’ll finally get to see what’s under those tights.

  Cynthia’s eyes widened, a confirmation that she was thinking the same thing. Alex stood and offered a hand to his mate as he helped her to her feet. When he pushed open the front door, cold air blasted at them. Through the billowy wind he saw the tiny snowy topped cabin waiting and together they trudged over. Once inside and out of the elements Alex took in their room for the night. There was just enough space for a bed on one side and a camp stove on the other. Alex set to work getting a fire started in the stove as Cynthia locked the door behind.


  Fucking freezing. Cynthia peeled off her still wet tights and tossed them to the floor as she dashed under the blanket. The bedsheets slowly warmed as she rustled beneath.

  “What am I going to do with you,” Alex sighed.

  I can think of something.

  “That’s a good question,” Cynthia let a smile curl on her lips, “what are you going to do with me?”

  He tore off his shirt, exposing his chest to the cold room, then off came his jeans wish just as much gusto. His boxer briefs left no room for imagination and outlined his package perfectly.

  Cynthia bit her lip and stared. He sidled into the bed with her, giving her a chill with his cold skin. Nevertheless, Cynthia brushed up beside him and leaned her head to his chest, listening to his heartbeat. The rhythmic thumping was relaxing. She could have fallen asleep to it. Could have.

  “Look, I’m glad I got to see you,” he said, “I was really annoyed that I didn’t get to see you before we left. Why the hell did you have to follow along? It’s dangerous out here. You never know when a bear attack is going to happen.”

  The fire started crackling as the wood ignited and burned hotter. It would be a while before the room was heated, but it was a solid start.

  “What the hell did you expect me to do?” Cynthia wondered, “Did you want me to sit at home waiting for you to maybe return? I couldn’t take the waiting any longer.”

  What didn’t he understand? She wanted this and nothing would have changed her mind. Not her grandma, not the bears, not even the alpha could have talked her out of it.

  “I talked to my father in the car,” Alex said.

  “Oh?” Cynthia asked. She was glad for the subject change.

  “It was the first time we’ve ever really talked. At first I couldn’t wait to get away from him. But, when we talked I started feeling a connection that either wasn’t there before, or I’d ignored for so long that I thought it didn’t exist.”

  Cynthia simply listened to him. She was proud of him. Over these past two months, Alex had grown so much. She sat and listened.

  “I want to end the fighting with the bears,” he said after a moment of silence, “and I need to know that I can protect you from anything that might get in our way until then.”

  “So, you see yourself as my new protector, eh?” she teased.

  “Since you can’t seem to protect yourself, someone has to do it,” he poked right back.

  Cynthia craned
her neck and kissed him on the chin. A patch of day old stubble met her skin, the texture of rough sandpaper chaffed her lips. Just as she liked it. She lifted herself from his chest, planting a soft kiss on his lips. What little anger he had must have left because he joined in the kiss, wrapping his hand around the back of her head to pull her in closer.

  The frustration of the previous day was still fresh in her mind and she wouldn’t let it go this time, no matter what. Having had her pleasure she could feel warmth spreading throughout her body and she became greedy for more.

  Alex’s cold hands found their way to her back; her nipples hardened instantly and poked against the fabric of her shirt. The sudden freeze sent tiny shocks of excitement through her body.

  His hands continued to search around her body. Each tender touch from his chilled hands left goosebumps in their wake. With her spindly fingers she crept down his chest, through his rock hard abs, and down to the cotton of his underwear. He was already starting to swell and pressed against the elastic band that imprisoned his erect cock. It drove her wild.

  His lips kissed down her neck and chest, until they found her nipple, which he sucked and licked in delicate circles. His other hand played with her other perky tit and she gasped from the pleasurable sensation that overcame her.

  “Right there,” she said, tossing her head back. Even at his smallest touches, Alex pleased her needs.

  Every little circle with his tongue made her pussy quiver with delight. She had already soaked through her panties which by now were just an inconvenience.

  Her hand liberated him from his underwear and she began to stroke him softly. He lifted himself from her nipples and pushed her to the bed. She gasped with surprise.

  He planted kisses that ran down the length of her stomach. His hands wrapped around her thighs and he sniffed at the air, smelling her sex wafting from between her legs. She bucked her hips as he hooked his fingers around her panties and stripped them from her. Her dripping slit was ready to be taken and Alex wanted to taste it for himself.

  He moved his head down to her clit and lightly tickled it with his tongue. Cynthia let out a gasp as she held onto the sensation again. Then another light play on the tip of her clit lit up every nerve in her body.


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