Wayward Witch

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Wayward Witch Page 12

by Samantha Bell

  The Headmaster spread his arms wide as he addressed the two dozen students. "I have decided to hold a meeting today at lunchtime in the lobby. Go to your classes, but do not be late. No one is going to want to miss this." He grinned over his shoulder at me and vanished into purple mist.

  The students clamored back to get to class, staring at me with wide, terrified eyes before taking their leave.

  Lucy ran past the Sons of Hell and stopped just short of touching the magical bars. "Evie, what happened?"

  I was dumbstruck. "I don't really know. He just started picking on me." I shrugged and held myself tightly. "Go. You should go before he finds you here," I said. "I'll be ok. I promise." When she hesitated I glared at her. "I said, go."

  Lucy looked down and backed away.

  The Sons of Hell were the last to leave.

  "What are you staring at?" I demanded. I would not cry in front of them, though hot tears were threatening to spill over. No tears. Crying was for the weak.

  Blake looked like he wanted to say something, but remained silent.

  "Evie," Knox tried.

  "No. Fuck off. Fuck you guys. Get out of here!" I screamed and turned away so they wouldn't see me wiping my eyes. When I turned back, they were gone. I was left alone in the drafty lobby with nothing but the sound of pulsing magic bars to fill the void. I sank down to the floor, hugged my knees to my chest and waited.




  The sounds of footsteps on the marble floor woke me from my trance-like state of anxiety. I looked up, not surprised to see the interim Headmaster staring down at me.

  "Are you ready for your punishment, little witch?" His suit jacket was gone and his shirt sleeves had been rolled up past his forearms.

  I stared back silently. I would not give him the satisfaction of knowing how scared I was.

  "Gather round students," Mr. Hemingway said. "Let me show you that no misdeed goes unpunished when I am in charge at Woodlock's." He snapped his fingers and the magical cage vanished.

  Students made a half-circle around the lobby, staring in silence. Blake was among them. Knox and Zane hung back, unable to meet my eyes.

  "This is going to be the first lesson I teach you lot," The Headmaster continued. "Mage culture is extremely strict and corporal punishment is the standard. He spoke over the shocked whispers. "Do I need to remind you all that Woodlock's Home is not a vacation spot. It is not some high-brow academy, either. We are here to reform you into good citizens. Previous administration has been too lax, and it is time that ended."

  The Headmaster snapped his fingers and a buzzing sensation took over my body. I watched, wide-eyed, as my body moved without my permission. I walked to the center of the room with awkward robotic steps. A purple glowing stool appeared and my body arched over it, exposing my thighs to him.

  I seethed, fighting against his magic. This was humiliating. "Let me go." I hissed through clenched teeth.

  "I think not." Mr. Hemingway whispered, so quiet that I was certain I was the only one who could hear him. "You will regret talking back to me, little witch. No one is above the law." He flicked his wrist and a white flexible cane appeared in his hand.

  For a moment I wondered exactly what kind of mage he was. I had never seen powers like this. But my inquisitive mind was silenced as the cane snapped through the air and struck my calves, leaving burning hot lines of pain on my skin. I screamed.

  A collective gasp went through the crowd of students.

  The Headmaster struck my legs again, the cane biting at the soft flesh behind my knees.

  Another scream escaped my body, rattling my ribs against the hard stool as it went. Less than a second later, another lash hit my thighs. And another. And another. I didn't have time to react between the lashes, the pain burned hotter with every stroke.

  I was thankful for my hair that hung in front of my face so I wouldn't need to see the students looking at me and they wouldn't see the tears I was losing my fight against. Blood rushed to my head and I began to feel sick. The lashes didn't stop and the pain only intensified.

  Suddenly, the lashes stopped, leaving a buzzing pain on my thighs and calves. Students gasped. I looked up and saw Blake.

  "Please, sir, stop." His voice was controlled and slow.

  "Step away, Mr. Hood," The Headmaster said. "This does not concern you."

  "You have proved your point. Let the girl go," Blake said. "Pain can be a suitable punishment, but once it dulls it becomes useless."

  He said that with such conviction I wondered if he had been subject to caning before.

  "I am not done." Mr. Hemingway sneered. "You may think I am old but I do not grow tired easily. This witch must take her punishment."

  "Then punish me," Blake said and everyone gasped, including me.

  "What?" The Headmaster laughed. "Are you serious, boy?"

  Blake nodded. "Spare the girl. I will take the punishment."

  "If you're sure, boy." Mr. Hemingway laughed and snapped his fingers. The purple stool underneath me vanished and I tumbled to the floor. Dried blood was streaked down my legs. I let out a shuddering gasp and looked up.

  Blake stared down at me for a second before speaking to the Headmaster. "I'm sure. As you said, no one is above the law." He didn't flinch when the Headmaster's cane struck his back and shoulders. He stood staring ahead, barely moving as each blow came down on his back.

  "Blake." I whispered.

  Lucy emerged from the crowd and helped me to my feet. Her cheeks were streaked with tears. "Come on girl, let's get you cleaned up."

  I looked back over my shoulder as Lucy guided me through the mob of students.

  The Headmaster let out a yell and the white cane snapped over Blake's back. He was panting, his face was red and his silver-streaked hair was wild. "Boy," He said. "Do not challenge me again, or you will get far worse than this cane." He threw the broken cane to the floor and vanished.


  That night, I limped all the way down to the computer lab, barely keeping my dignity in tact as I went. If this was how it was going to be, then I needed to get out of here as quickly as possible. Being a good little witch wasn't going to cut it anymore. I had to escape.

  Escaping without magic was going to be hard. I didn't kid myself. Escaping Woodlock's enchanted barriers had never been an option I would have entertained until now. Unfortunately, I had no other choice.

  The welts on my thighs screamed as I sat down and booted up the computer. I winced and sucked in a breath to avoid making a sound. I knew whatever punishment might befall me if I got caught tonight was worth the risk.

  I typed my parents name into the search engine. Just like last time, there were few details and no updated information or articles. Blake said someone was after them, what if they were already caught?

  "What are you doing?"

  A low voice made me jump out of my seat and the immediately regret the reaction. I bit down on my lip as the welts flared up with pain. Blake appeared by my side. "Still sore, huh?"

  I glared at him. "Of course I'm sore. What do you want?" I snapped. "Turning me in to your mage friend?"

  Blake scoffed. "He's not my friend. I thought I proved that to you already. The pain gets easier, by the way."

  I looked away. He had stepped in to save me from any more lashes at the expense of getting a few himself. "Sorry."

  "Don't apologize. That's so not like you," Blake said.

  "How do you know what I'm like?" I asked. "You're so hot and cold, I don't even know where to begin. So I'll ask again, what are you doing here?"

  Blake pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a long breath before answering. "I know I'm going to regret this. The boys talked me into it, just so you know," He said. "But you are in danger here."

  I gestured to the computer, dead-pan. "I know. That's why I'm going to escape."

  Blake's eyebrows shot up. "You're kidding. You can't escape! No one has esc
aped Woodlock's. I wouldn't even think of it and I'm ... well, I'm me." He shrugged and suddenly looked much more boyish than the hardened glaring beast I was used to.

  "That's why you're not invited." I turned back to the computer. "Is that all you had to say? Are you done wasting my time?"

  Blake glanced at my screen. "You're not going to find info about them on the Internet, you know. Nothing that's worth anything to you. If your parents have evaded capture for this long, I would bet good money that they know how to cover their tracks."

  "So you believe I don't know where they are?" I asked.

  Blake nodded and winced, his hand flying to his shoulder, where he had been struck with the Headmaster's cane.

  My heart twinged with emotion. "Thanks for stopping him," I said in a small voice.

  "Don't mention it. Seriously." Blake looked away, staring out at nothing. His profile was illuminated by the blue glow of the computer screen.

  I blinked. "So, does that mean we have a truce?"

  "Something like that. Just until his headmaster is gone, then we're back to the way it was. Got it?" Blake's eyes blazed to add emphasis.

  I shut off the computer and stood, smoothing my skirt. I hadn't changed out of my uniform because I knew my leggings would only irritate the marks on my legs. I winced.

  "He really did a number on you, huh?" Blake asked.

  "I could say the same to you." I nodded to his shoulder. His white shirt was faintly marked with blood.

  Blake shook his head. "I'd like to say I took harder hits than you, but that would be a lie. You're a tough girl, Evie. You make an excellent nemesis."

  I couldn't help myself, letting out a laugh. "Oh, so is that what we are?"

  "As good a label as anything else." Blake said with a smirk. His eyes locked onto mine and time seemed to slow.

  I couldn't look away. I was trapped in his red gaze like a moth to a flame. I knew what was coming and I was powerless to stop it. The energy between us was too strong. I fell into his arms and he kissed me, cradling me close to him and holding me like he never wanted to let me go.

  I moaned against his kiss. "Blake." I warned.

  "Shh," He said. "Don't ruin this. Let's just enjoy it and worry about it later."

  "Is that your motto?" I asked.

  Blake ran his hands down my back and grabbed my ass softly. "Pretty much. It works for asshole trust fund kids like me." He kissed me hard. "That's why I'll never be what you need."

  "I want you." I insisted.

  "Then what are we waiting for?" Blake whispered against my lips.

  Heat surged through me, but it wasn't from his flame. It was pure, unbridled need. How many times had we gotten too close and resisted? I wasn't going to pull away this time. I wanted to go all in. If this fucked up our lives more, so be it. I would not escape this place wondering what could have been.

  Blake gave into the beast inside of him, holding me and carrying me to one of the sofas at the back of the lab. He threw me down and ran his hands up my skirt, pulling my panties down with a single ferocious tug.

  "Blake!" I squeaked.

  "Shh," He chuckled and lowered his face down to my wetness. He worked his tongue up and down, around in perfect circles and sending jolts of pleasure through my body.

  I moaned and thrashed against him. His strong hands kept me still as he teased me with his tongue and trailed kisses on my inner thighs.

  "You wouldn't believe how long I've been fantasizing about this," He said.

  "Since our first night in the library?" I panted.

  "Longer," The mage said with a grin. He licked his wet fingers and plunged them inside me. "You want this bad, huh?"

  I nodded, biting my lip. "Please," I begged. I grasped his shoulders, careful to avoid the welts from the cane.

  Blake didn't wait. He unbuckled his belt and let his giant manhood free. "Ready little witch?" He grinned and plunged deep inside me.

  I groaned. Pain turned to pleasure as he stretched me open, forcing me to take every last inch of him.

  "Like that?" He grunted as he bore down on me. He dug his fingers into my ass cheeks, pushing me up to meet his strokes.

  I couldn't speak. I couldn't think. All I could do was be lost in the feeling and let him take me like the brute he was. He grabbed, pinched, and squeezed all of my most sensitive areas, pushing me to the brink and then letting me beg for it.

  An orgasm rattled through my body, but he wasn't done. Before I could even say a word, he withdrew and flipped me on my knees. I held the top of the sofa as he spread my wet, pink lips and pounded me even harder. "Oh my gods," I groaned. I blinked. The room was a blur.

  Blake grunted and nibbled my ear. "Evie," He growled. "Evie, you're mine. I'm gonna, ah!" He cried out and filled me with his hot seed. The mage shook with the force, letting his hands graze over my back and down my legs gently.

  I was trembling. I wondered what he saw when he looked down at me, with my ass in the air, half naked. Was I the pathetic witch he thought I was? I closed my eyes and leaned my forehead against the cold leather.

  Blake left without another word.

  I lay on the couch and stared up at the ceiling. I knew this would fuck things up even more, but that sex was so worth it. Soon I'd be out of here and he'd be nothing but a bad memory.




  Last night was like a dream. When I woke up the next morning, I didn't trust my memories until they were confirmed by the fading bruises left by Blake's fingers on my thighs and waist. I pulled my sleep shorts down, wincing when the fabric grazed against the welts from my caning.

  I collapsed back into the soft sheets and closed my eyes. Memories of his touch, his smell, his taste, his everything took over me. Just the thought of him sent warm shudders through my body. Gods, I hated him so much, and yet here I was fantasizing about his touch. This was wrong on so many levels.

  I went to my nightstand and pulled out the broken shards of my wand and the grief hit me hard and fresh. I should hate him. Blake Hood. The mage who single handedly stole my magic from me. The mage who made me question my own sanity. Who made my heart skip a beat every time we locked eyes.

  "What is wrong with me?" I growled and slammed the drawer shut.

  Escape was my only option now. I had to get away from the sadistic Headmaster and these boys who were making me crazy with lust. I didn't have much time. I had to act soon.

  I filled my gym bag with some street clothes and my old locket. After a moment of hesitation, I threw my broken wand in there too. I doubted it was fixable, but a girl could hope.

  My plan was simple: make a run for it during gym. I didn't have much of a choice. When I had fucked up last week, the coach had left me unsupervised to clean up. All I had to do was repeat the process, get stuck with cleaning duty, and then get the hell out of here. I stuffed my gym back under my bed. Tomorrow I would make my escape. If I could survive today.

  The morning left me in a false sense of security. Breakfast was uneventful, aside from everyone steering clear of me and ignoring me more than usual. Even Lucy seemed nervous to get close to me.

  If Ms. Lowe heard any of the news while she was gone, she didn't mention it. She went straight to homework in her usual cheery voice. Had no one told her that we were now under the rule of a psychopath? And that this fiasco was caused by the rich-ass boys that called themselves the Sons of Hell?

  Knox glanced at me as we went around the room, talking about our homework that no one had done. Not even the nerdy teacher's pet, who I distinctly remembered passing out after only a few shots before I got kicked out of the party. Knox said nothing, but his expression told me enough. He wanted to talk to me desperately. Probably to apologize. An apology that I decided I would not accept. Not this time.

  Ms. Lowe turned to me. "What about you, Miss Knight? Did you do the homework?" She asked.

  "I'm afraid not, ma'am," I replied.

  "Do you have a
nything to say on the topic?"

  I shook my head.

  The therapy group was silent.

  Ms. Lowe closed her eyes and sighed. "How do any of you expect to get better if you don't put any effort in to therapy?"

  I bristled. That was the most unfair statement I had ever heard her say. "Excuse me?" I exclaimed. "I don't know about the others, but I actually have been trying my best. Maybe you should know that these stupid reflections and writing prompts don't do much for all the deep-seated anger, trauma, and abuse that we've endured to get to this point!"

  Ms. Lowe's mouth fell open.

  "I thought you were a fucking psychologist? Shouldn't you know this shit?" I stood and she leaned back in her chair. "You all don't give a fuck about reforming us. Stop pretending that you do."

  The students around the circle stared at me like wide-eyed fish, even Knox. No one said a word.

  I ran my fingers through my hair to sweep it out of my eyes.

  Ms. Lowe's face turn red as she sputtered. "Get - get out of my class. Now!"

  "My pleasure."

  I didn't get far before a purple fireball chased me down. It pulsed and spelled out: HEADMASTER'S OFFICE. I rolled my eyes and waved the fire away. It turned into smoke and curled into the words. NOW!

  I covered my mouth until the smoke dissipated. "Whatever," I huffed to myself and began taking the stairs up to the top floor. I hadn't been in the elevator since the awkward first day and I had no intention of starting now. At least my ass was looking good.

  I stopped at the Headmaster's office. The plaque that read: Headmistress Gertie Woodlock was still there, etched in silver. I took a moment to catch my breath and knocked.

  "Come in, Evelyn." The Headmaster said. The door swung open by itself.

  When Gertie was in charge, her office had been horribly dusty and cluttered. Now it was spotless, all of the former Headmistress' belongings were boxed and stacked in a pile. The hexagon-shaped room looked strangely bare. All that remained was the desk, two chairs and the bookshelves that were built into every wall. I stopped several paces from the desk, where Mr. Hemingway was sitting.


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