by Odd Westad
Chinese diaspora, 26–28, 55–56, 141, 218, 239–245. See also Chinese emigration
Chinese Eastern Railway, 167
Chinese Educational Mission, 72
Chinese emigration
to cities, 214
conflict in immigrant communities, 233–234
to Europe, 229–231
exploitation of immigrants, 233, 235
19th-century, 213–216
return to China, 231–232
to Singapore, 221–223
to South America, 226–228
to Southeast Asia, 213, 215, 216–221
to Taiwan, 113–114
transnational, 216
to United States, 223–226
Chinese Equal Rights League, 225
Chinese history textbooks, 416–417
Chinese language, 20th-century changes in, 206–207
Chinese modernities, 439–441
Chinese nationalism, 120, 121
CCP and, 291
Christianity and, 192
contemporary, 455–458
ethnicity and, 150–151
Japanese nationalism vs., 120–121
overseas Chinese returning to China and, 220–221
Republic of China and, 169
revolution of 1911 and, 139
1990s and 2000s, 394, 396, 398
Sino-Japanese War and, 247–248, 265
Chinese people
defining, 29–30
love-hate relationship with US, 133
Chinese People’s Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, 308
Chinese Protectorates in the Straits Settlements, 221
Chinese students abroad, 236–239
in Europe, 230, 239
in Japan, 106–107, 237, 414
return home to market economy, 387
in Soviet Union, 238–239, 241
in US, 72, 237, 239
Chinese travelers, 76–79
Chinese world exposition, 203–204
Chow, Vivian (Zhou Chenggui), 229
Choy, Armando, 228
Christianity, 68–70, 127–129, 189–192, 326
Chu Chengbo, 103
Chui, Gustavo, 228
Chuikov, Vasilii, 198
Chung, Arthur, 228
Churchill, Winston, 280
Citizenship, 94
Civil law, development in China, 449–450
Cixi, 55, 82, 207
Boxers and, 126, 127–128, 129–130
reforms and, 106, 135–136
Sino-Japanese war and, 100
Tongzhi Restoration and, 90
Clement XI, 11
Clinton, Bill, 391, 393, 395–396, 434
Coca-Cola, 379
Cold War
impact on Sino-Indian relations, 434
Korea and, 201, 410
Sino-American relations and, 375–377, 378, 395, 464
Sino-Vietnamese relationship and end of, 408
College for Interpretation (Tongwenguan), 83
Comintern (Communist International), CCP and, 158, 198–199, 200, 254, 272–273, 286–287
Commercial law in China, 67
Communism, inspiration for Chinese, 285–286. See also Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
Compradors, 64, 65
Concessions, 60–63, 171, 173–177
Confucian approach to world affairs, 84
Japanese, 120
Qing dynasty and, 5, 7, 54, 103, 123
Constitutional expeditions, 137
Consumer choice, 388
Credit-ticket system, 232
Chinese immigrants in, 27, 226, 227–228
PRC and, 350, 352–353
Cultural Revolution, 321–324, 344, 345–346, 353–357, 358–360, 361–363
effect outside China, 358–359
in history texts, 416
Kim on, 350
Mao and, 333–334
returning Chinese and, 243–244
self-centeredness of China during, 333–334
Czechoslovakia, 357
Daewongun, 96, 100
Dai Li, 196
Dai (Thai), 29
Dalai Lama, 148–149, 253, 342, 451–452
Dane, Richard, 194
Daoguang, 22, 23–24, 39, 40
Daoism, 192
Darwin, Charles, 86
de Gaulle, Charles, 261, 280
Demchugdongrub (Prince), 283
calls for in PRC, 381–382, 449
Chinese concepts of, 108
Taiwan and, 390–391
Democratic Progressive Party, 392
Deng Xiaoping, 70, 181, 218, 238, 286
death of, 384
economic reform and, 372–373, 377, 378, 384
forging closer links with Southeast Asia, 418–419
India and, 432
Le Duan and, 349
political reform and, 380, 381, 382, 383–384
return to power, 371
reversing party policy and, 339
Rong Yiren and, 243
Russia and, 426–427
Singapore and, 241–242, 419–420
on social inequality, 448
Soviets and, 338, 344
Taiwan and, 389–390
US and, 374, 375, 376–377
Vietnam and, 407
Deng Yiming, Dominic, 326
Department stores, 182–183, 243
Development Finance Corporation, 194–195
Dewey, John, 201
Dhanin Chearavanont, 218
Dianshizhai (newspaper), 181
Dimitrov, Georgi, 273
Ding Ruchang, 102, 103
PRC and, 368, 373–374, 460
Qing China and, 11–12, 34, 82–84, 174, 193
A Doll’s House (Ibsen), 208
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 201
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 202
Dress, changing style of, 178–179
Dulles, John Foster, 103, 325
East Asia, Japan’s role in, 109
East China Sea, Sino-Japanese conflict over, 417–418
East India Company, 36, 40, 59
future development of, 444–447
Great Leap Forward and, 335–336
reform under Deng Xiaoping, 377–380, 384–389
21st-century Chinese, 401–402, 406
uneven growth in 19th-century Chinese, 25–26
Western-style sector of Chinese, 125
WTO membership and change in, 398–399
See also Trade
Eden, Anthony, 325
Chinese students abroad (see Chinese students abroad)
Christian missionaries and, 70, 71, 132, 189–190, 190–191
foreign influence on, 170, 204–205
in Hong Kong, 59–60
in Qing China, 70–73
Soviet model, 308–311
Einstein, Albert, 205–206
Elements of International Law (Wheaton), 81
Embassies, under siege during Cultural Revolution, 354–355
Engels, Friedrich, 201
Epstein, Israel, 355–356
Ethnic groups, 28–29, 69–70
Chinese nationalism and, 150–151
Chinese preoccupation with, 456
Ethnic nationalism, 120–121
Europe, Chinese immigration to, 229–231
European Union, China and, 466–467
Falun Gong, 451, 452
Family, foreign influence and, 208–210
Fang Lizhi, 242
Federal republic, 140
Feng Guifen, 91
Ferry, Jules, 58
Fiji, 229
Film, foreign, 202
First Five Year Plan, 309, 310, 327
Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, 320
Forbidden City, 12
Ford, Gerald, 370
Foreign ad
visers, 192–195
American, 197
German military, 195–197, 199
Japanese, 193
military, 195–201
Soviet, 193, 301, 305–307, 309–310, 316–318, 339
Foreign books/films, limiting access to, 299
Foreign companies, 183–187
Foreigners, 171–211
Boxers and, 127, 128–130
CCP purge of, 298–300
in Chinese cities, 45–46
Chinese view of, 30–31, 32
concessions, 60–63, 171, 173–177
Cultural Revolution and, 354, 355–356
expulsion after 1949, 210
extraterritoriality and, 171–172
interpreting role of, 210–211
in late 19th century, 84–86
numbers of in China, 172
rights of in China, 56
in Shanghai, 181–183
Foreign influence, map of, 61
Foreign investment, 65–68, 184–185, 384–385, 445–446
Foreign knowledge, Chinese access to, 75–76
Foreign missions, 84
Foreign powers, support for central power in China, 124–125, 144
Foreign products, in China, 176–177
Foreign relations
Communists and, 329–332
history of, 6–12
Qianlong and, 22
Foreign-run capitalism in China, 26
Foreign texts translated into Chinese, 201–202
Foster, John W., 103
Four Modernizations, 136
France, 50–51, 56–58, 238
Fryer, John, 75–76
Fujian province, emigration from, 215, 217, 218
Fukuzawa Yukichi, 109
Gandhi, Indira, 434
Gandhi, Rajiv, 434
Gao Gang, 311
Gardens of Perfect Brightness (Yuanminyuan), 12–13
burning of, 51
Garuda Shield, 425
General Foods, 379
General Plan for Beijing, 313, 314
General Plan for Moscow, 312
Gerbillon, Jean-François, 11
German military advisers, 195–197, 199
China and, 130–131, 133–135
military alliance with Japan, 263
pact with Soviet Union, 262–263
Gezhi huibian (Chinese Scientific and Technical Magazine), 75–76
Ghana, 350, 352
Gini coefficient, 389
Global China, 28
Global financial crisis, 447
GMD. See Guomindang (GMD) Goddess of Democracy, 382
Gojong (King), 96, 99
Gong Pinmei, 326
Gong (Prince), 82–83, 90
Gongsuo, 215
Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, 428
Goodnow, Frank, 143
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 377, 426–427
Gordon, Charles, 48
Gore, Al, 400
Goto Shimpei, 186
Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere, 275
Great Firewall, 453
Great Leap Forward, 334, 335–341
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. See Cultural Revolution
Gros, Jean-Baptiste, 56
Gruzenberg, Mikhail (Borodin), 159, 161, 199, 200
Guandong Army, 250
Guandu shangban, 67
Guangdong, 144, 215, 218
Guangxi, 253, 263, 279, 359
Guangxu (emperor), 54, 100, 105, 128, 135
Guangzhou, 36, 62, 259, 290
Guangzhou Christian College, 73
Guerrilla warfare, 262, 272
Guevara, Che (Ernesto), 352
Gunboat diplomacy, 174
Guomindang (GMD), 143–144, 165–169
banks and, 188
CCP and, 199, 273, 289
civil war and, 290–291
end of extraterritorial rights in China and, 269
fragmentation of, 274–277
German advisers and, 134
May Thirtieth movement and, 161–162
military, 195–201
Northern Expedition, 162–165
popular support for, 156–157
reconstituted, 155
Sino-Japanese War and, 249, 261–262, 263, 269, 271, 278–280, 282–283
Soviet Union and, 157–160
Guo Moruo, 76, 163
Guo Quan, 182
Guo Songtao, 84
Guo Yue, 182
Guyana, 228
Hackett Medical College for Women, 191
Haihua, 206
Hakka, 70, 217
Hall of Calm Seas, 12
Hamaguchi Osachi, 249
“Han” Chinese, 28, 315, 317
Han Dongfang, 242
Han dynasty, 4, 28
Hangzhou, 203
Han Suyin, 372
Harbin, 62, 172
Hardoon, Silas, 174, 211
Hart, Robert, 83, 193
Hawaii, Chinese immigrants in, 27, 225–226
Hay, John, 130, 131
Hebei province, 256–257
Heinz, 379
Henan province, 270, 277, 279
Hirohito, 251
Hiroshima, 281
History, influence of in China, 2, 16–17
History curriculum, Sino-Japanese relations and, 415–417
Hitler, Adolf, 196, 263
Hobson, Benjamin, 75
Ho Chi Minh, 200, 319–320, 347
Hong, 65
Hong Kong, 42, 44, 55, 58–60, 66, 172
as Chinese trade conduit, 358
as part of China, 441, 442–443
Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC), 66–67, 187–188
Hong Song Match Company, 185
Hong Xiuquan, 47–48
HSBC. See Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC)
Hua Guofeng, 371, 372
Hua Lanhong (Leon Hoa), 243–244
Huang Hua, 191
Huangpu Academy, 159, 162
Huang Qing zhigongtu, 32
Huaqiao, 419
Hua Xinmin, 244
Huaxin Spinning and Weaving Mill, 140–141
Huayiguan, 30–31
Hu Hanmin, 108, 139
Hui, 215
Huiguan, 64–65, 215
Huitong siyiguan (Common Residence for Tributary Envoys), 39
Hu Jintao, 132, 387, 400, 401, 428, 437–438
Human rights in China, 396, 399–400, 463
Hunan province, 144–145, 263
Hundred Flowers Campaign, 329
Hundred Regiments Campaign, 272–273
Hungary, 231, 328–329
Huo Qingtang, 183
Hurley, Patrick, 279–280
Hu Shi, 206
Hussein, Saddam, 436, 437
Hutchison, 59
Hu Yaobang, 380, 381
Ibsen, Henrik, 202, 208
Illustrated Treatise on the Maritime Kingdoms, 46
Imperial examinations, 30, 73–74
Imperial Maritime Customs Service, 83
Imprisonment, for foreigners in China, 299–300. See also Labor camps
China and, 341–343, 405, 432–435, 461–462
Indonesia and, 425
Individual rights, 94
China and, 350, 351–352, 422–425
Chinese emigration to, 217, 219
India and, 425
Indo-Pakistani war of 1971, 432
Industrial production, following Sino-Japanese War, 276–277
Inner Mongolia, 359
Intermarriage, 208–210, 226
International Committee for the Nanjing Safety Zone, 259
The International Development of China (Sun Yat-sen), 155
International law, 81–82, 94–95, 458
International partnerships, 377–378
“International society,” 458
Internet censorship, 453
Inukai Tsuyoshi, 249
Investment in property and stocks, 388
Iraq War, China’s response to US, 436, 437–438
Italy, 230–231
Ito Hirobumi, 105
Iudin, Pavel, 336–337
Japan, 87–122
Chinese revolution and, 138
Chinese students in, 106–107, 237
conflict with China over Korea, 98–103
economy compared to China, 405–406
events leading to war with China, 255–257
expansionism/imperialism and, 249–252
future Chinese relations with, 459–460
Korea and, 95–98, 110, 115
Manchuria and, 117–119, 175
Meiji Restoration, 89–90
military alliance with Germany, 257, 263
military occupation of China, 260
as model for China, 93–96, 106–109, 114–115
modern relationship with China, 413–418
rivalry with US over China, 132
Russo-Japanese War, 110–112
Ryukyu islands and, 80
Taiwan and, 92–93, 112–114, 172–173
as threat to China, 87–89, 119–122, 167, 168, 169–170
treaties with China, 91–92
Twenty-One Demands, 115–116
in World War I, 115
Japanese advisers in China, 193
Japanese history textbooks, 417
Japanese nationalism, 120–121
Jardine, Matheson, 65, 183
Jardine, William, 59, 65
Jazz, 203
Jesuits, 11, 189
Jesus Family, 192
Jiang Menglin, 205
Jiangnan Arsenal, 67
Jiang Qing, 202, 416
Jiang Zemin, 245
Russia and, 428
Taiwan and, 391, 392
US and, 393, 394–396, 397–398, 400–401
Jiaoshibao (magazine), 311
Jiaqing (emperor), 20, 22–23, 38–39
Jouett, John, 197
Journalism, Shanghai, 181–182
Justice, Chinese concept of, 5, 6
Kadeer, Rebiya, 452
Kaing Khek Eav (Duch), 408
Kaiping Mines, 67
Kakuei, Tanaka, 414
Kang Sheng, 355
Kangxi (emperor), 8, 11, 33
Kang Youwei, 104–106, 107, 114
Das Kapital (Marx), 286
Karakhan, Lev, 158, 160
Kazakhstan, 29, 430, 431
Kennedy, Robert, 351
Kentucky Fried Chicken, 379, 380
Khmer Rouge, 407–408
Khrushchev, Nikita, 304–305, 328, 337, 338–339
Kiakhta system, 36
Kiakhta Treaty, 33–34
Kidnapped in London! (Sun Mei), 240–241
Kim Dae-jung, 410–411
Kim Il-sung, 200–201, 294, 319, 347, 349–350, 410
Kim Jong-il, 411
Kim Jong-un, 411
Kim Ok-gyun, 97
Kissinger, Henry, 111, 368, 369
Kobun Gakuin (The Academy of Vast Learning), 106
China and, 409–413
civil war in, 293–297
Japan and, 87, 95–98, 110, 115
Sino-Japanese War and, 98–103
as tributary country, 10, 21