Five-Star Cowboy

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Five-Star Cowboy Page 9

by Charlene Sands

  Trent cocked his mouth and his eyes danced. “The mustangs are here.”

  Julia blinked. The wild horses he planned on setting loose beyond Shadow Ridge had arrived.

  “I’ve thought about what you said about endangering the guests. I think I’ve come up with a solution.”


  “I’d like you to see what I had in mind for them.”

  His gaze steady, Trent waited for her reply with patience. Julia didn’t know which Trent Tyler was more dangerous, the one who would’ve sent her to cowboy heaven on her desk minutes ago or the one who’d valued her opinion enough to put his ego, money and pride on the line.

  “Well?” he asked.

  “Let’s go,” she said, deciding the safer move would be to ride out to Shadow Ridge with Trent rather than be alone with him by her…desk.


  “S arah Rose is here,” Kim announced breathlessly, her expression one of awe. “I can’t believe it, Julia! I’m such a fan. I love her music.”

  Julia rose immediately. She’d asked Kim to alert her the minute Sarah’s limousine pulled up. “No gushing fans, Kim. Remember, she’s coming ahead of time for a little rest and relaxation. We’re to treat her as a special guest. Her privacy is essential right now.”

  “I know,” Kim said, wringing out her hands. “I’ll maintain, I promise.”

  “Where’s Trent?” she asked, as she strode out her office door, Kim just steps behind.

  “He rode out to check on the mustangs again. He’ll be back by noon.”

  All had worked out with the mustangs. Thankfully, Trent had agreed to a compromise and had protected the area up by Shadow Ridge for the guests by putting up a short distance fence and using natural barriers to assure their safety. He’d blocked out a small area of land to do so, thus ensuring the mustangs freedom and affording the guests a good and safe view from Shadow Ridge.

  Trent had come through with a viable compromise and Julia had been impressed with the results, admitting that when given all the facts, her employer could be a reasonable man.

  Aside from some hot, hungry looks and a few suggestive comments these past few weeks, Trent had been easy to work with and had put their past relationship on the back burner for the time being. Julia was grateful for the reprieve. They’d put their heads together and done a good job of transforming Tempest West into the vision Julia had for the hotel. They’d hired an artist, Ken Yellowhawk—a Cherokee Indian—and arranged for his gorgeous landscapes to be spotlighted in the Tempest gallery. He’d come with a full resume of accomplishments and would spend months here at Tempest, giving lectures, lessons and inspiration to art lovers.

  Sarah Rose would draw country-music lovers. The dramatic southwest canyons and sunsets were a perfect setting for her sentimental ballads and lighthearted tunes.

  “Okay, that’s good,” she said to Kim. “Trent will meet her later. I’ll show Sarah to her suite and make sure she’s settled in and comfortable.”

  Kim cast her a resigned look, her lips pulling down in a pout.

  Julia laughed lightly. “I promise I’ll introduce you soon. I need you to check on that added security Trent arranged for Sarah’s stay here.”

  Kim nodded. “He’s due in today. Cody Landon.”

  “He’s coming personally? Wow, Trent is really on top of his game.” Cody “Code” Landon owned a multimillion-dollar high-tech security agency. From what Trent had said, he was the best in his field and his corporation had ties to the Tempest hotel chains, their security systems being placed in all of their hotels.

  “Trent said he insisted on coming personally. Maybe he’s a fan, too,” Kim added.

  “Please let me know when he arrives. I’d better get going.”

  A thrill coursed through Julia as she rode down the elevator and across the lobby to greet Sarah outside personally. Her vision for Tempest West would soon become reality. No longer deemed as a stopover hotel on the way to something more grand, Tempest West would become an exclusive destination, a place for guests to kick back, enjoy the lakefront views, ride along the canyons on horseback and be privy to private concerts and art lectures given by renowned artists in their field.

  Julia had scheduled barbecues around the fire pits called “Hot Roasts” for guests who needed a late-night snack. She’d coerced Pete to give morning tack-and-grooming lessons at the stables before the guests took a ride. Everything was set up to make guests feel like active participants. They could partake in everything planned or simply do nothing at all.

  Live our legends or create one of your own.

  Julia drew oxygen into her lungs and smiled, feeling that zip of elation when all things came together as planned. On the business front, Julia knew success and felt down deep in her bones that Trent’s hotel would thrive. That’s all she could concern herself with at the moment.

  A chauffeur helped Sarah out of the limousine and Julia waved, walking over to her. “Sarah, hello again. It’s so nice to see you.”

  Sarah straightened and smiled, her green eyes, two shades darker than Julia’s and with a hint of aqua, lighting up briefly. “Hi, Julia. It’s good to see you again, too. I’m looking forward to,” she began with a deep sigh, taking in the surroundings, “just being here.”

  “And catching up on some well-deserved rest? I promise we won’t work you too hard. It’s a casual setting. No cameras, no crazy fans. The best part is that we don’t have to deal with any arrangements until later in the week.”

  “Sounds doggone heavenly,” she said, her Texas twang coming through.

  The auburn-haired woman with curls cascading past her shoulders looked tired and pale. Her pretty eyes faded from their rich hue quickly and Julia sensed that Sarah had come here because she’d desperately needed a rest. Julia didn’t read tabloids, but it was common knowledge that Sarah Rose had a daunting day in, day out schedule of concerts, appearances and charity events. Sarah’s name had been linked with pro football players, rock stars and movie producers. Julia didn’t envy her fame, but rather felt that Sarah had been whisked into an overwhelmingly unfamiliar world from her late teen years.

  When Kirby walked up, Julia introduced him to Sarah and noted the appreciation in his eyes. Kirby was a huge country-western fan and Sarah Rose was as famous as they came. He simply tipped his hat politely and gathered up her luggage. Julia made a mental note to invite the aging cowboy to a performance. She gave him the number of the private suite and he and the chauffeur headed in that direction, Sarah’s belongings in tow.

  Julia wrapped her arm around Sarah’s shoulder as they walked toward the entrance of the hotel. “Thank you for coming,” she said in earnest. “You’re saving my life.”

  “It just about might be the other way around,” Sarah said with a slight forced chuckle. “I need to be here as much as you need me here. I know that’s not very savvy to say,” she added. “My manager would not approve, but it’s the God’s honest truth.”

  From what Julia had gathered from her friendship with Sarah, her manager was a taskmaster and held tight rein on her career. “Well, then, it’s a fair deal. I know you’ll love it here. And you won’t be bothered. Trent’s hired extra security to make sure your privacy won’t be intruded upon.”

  “I appreciate it.”

  “Trent’s checking on the wild mustangs, but he wants to meet you.”

  Sarah stopped when they entered the landing that overlooked the enormous lobby, her mouth dropping in awe. She gazed at the massive floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows to view the landscape. “All this and wild mustangs on the grounds?” Sarah’s eyes sparked with delight. “I was raised on a small parcel of land outside of Dallas. It was a ranching community—nothing like this, but it’s kinda strange how this place reminds me of home.”

  “It’s serene here, Sarah, and I think you’ll have a wonderful experience staying with…” Julia was about to say “with us.” But Tempest West wasn’t hers. This was Trent’s vision and Julia only worked here.
She had to remind herself of that time and again when she became too proprietary. “Staying here at Tempest West,” she finished awkwardly.

  Sarah didn’t seem to notice her discomfort and once they arrived at the cottage suite with a wonderful view of Destiny Lake, Julia spent the next ten minutes making sure she felt settled. Julia gave Sarah her private number and they agreed to meet up later in the day after Sarah had a chance to rest a little.

  “Quite honestly, I didn’t expect you’d come personally,” Trent said, shaking Code Landon’s hand. He’d found the security expert waiting inside his office after Kim informed him of his arrival just minutes earlier.

  “You said you wanted the best.”

  Trent tossed his hat onto the leather sofa and offered the man a seat. Code sat across the desk from Trent. “I guess I got it.” He gave him a quick grin.

  Cody Landon was Brock’s friend from Texas and recently Tempest hired the Landon Security Agency to oversee their entire chain’s operation. Cody’s company had a reputation for high-tech security and surveillance. He’d coupled his father’s military training and expertise with his keen sense of business during the past ten years and had built a respected multimillion-dollar company equal to none. Trent already had a small team from Landon’s agency working for him at the hotel and they’d installed security measures on the grounds before the hotel had opened.

  “I heard rumors you were thinking of taking a backseat in your company.” Trent leaned back in his chair, wondering why the hell Code had really come to babysit a celebrity starlet.

  Code’s mouth quirked up. “Did you hear that from your brother?”

  “Brock?” Trent scratched the back of his head trying to recall. “Yeah, maybe.”

  “I might have said that at one time, after a few too many drinks,” he admitted with a wry expression. “My work consumes all my time, leaving no room for anything else.”

  Trent could relate to that. He’d been solidly consumed with the hotels for years, but Tempest West was his baby and he’d eaten, slept and breathed it for months now. Nothing was more important than seeing to its success.

  “Hell, I’m not complaining, but why you? You could have sent any number of the experts on your team? We have your security in place, we just needed a little extra insurance, is all.”

  “Maybe I wanted to see Tempest West myself. Maybe I miss working in the field. Maybe I like country music.”

  Maybe none of the above, Trent thought. There was another reason that Cody Landon had come to Tempest West and he doubted he’d find the true reason until Code decided he wanted him to know.

  “Fair enough. You know Sarah Rose arrived this morning. We want to make her stay here as uncomplicated as possible, so the security around her will be subtle but effective. Our anniversary celebration starts in one week, by invitation only. Sarah’s presence here was our main draw. She’ll do several intimate shows weekly, up at the lake. We’ve screened the guests and shouldn’t have a problem with anyone. We’re hoping the hotel sells out.”

  “We are sold out,” Julia said. She was standing at the office threshold wearing a smug expression and an ivory two-piece suit that accentuated her curves and showed off her long legs. Delicate skin peeked out from under the V of her jacket’s wide lapel, showing just enough cleavage to make Trent swallow hard. Having Julia deliver the news that Tempest West was sold out only intensified his desire for her.

  She walked into the office, offering her hand to Code. “I’m Julia Lowell. Sorry I wasn’t here when you arrived.”

  Code stood and took a long assessing look at Julia. “Worth the wait, Miss Lowell,” he said, shaking her hand. “We’ve spoken on the phone.”

  “Yes,” she said with a smile, “we have.”

  Julia finished briefing him and when she questioned him about coming personally, teasing that she hoped he wouldn’t charge them head-honcho fees, Code’s reply to her was just as cryptic as it had been to Trent.

  He gave nothing away.

  “I’m hosting dinner with Sarah Rose in my suite later tonight. Trent will be there as well. It would be a good chance for you to meet her. Would you care to join us?” she asked.

  Code didn’t hesitate. “Thank you.”

  Julia added, “Sarah’s had a very busy, trying year. She wants to keep a low profile. I think she’s exhausted both mentally and physically. She’s here alone, no entourage, no business manager. I got the feeling she hasn’t had much privacy lately. It’s our hope that she enjoys herself at Tempest West enough to want to return for other exclusive engagements.”

  Unmoved, Code’s expression didn’t change, except for the slightest flicker in his eyes. “I’ve got a file on her. You’re right, she’s had quite a year,” he agreed, his mouth curling with a slight twist. “I’ll check in with my security team and then meet you for dinner.”

  Julia nodded. “Eight o’clock. I’m staying in the Palomino Suite in the main hotel.”

  Once Code exited the office, Trent grinned wide and took Julia’s hand, pulling her close. “We’re sold out?”

  He was in the mood to celebrate.

  “For three full weeks and the reservation desk is still ringing off the hook. I’d venture to guess we’ll have every room, suite and cottage full for the entire month. It seems,” she added, “the private invitations did the trick. Didn’t seem to matter that we nearly doubled our room fees.”

  “It’s all due to your hard work, darlin’. You managed to pull it off.” Trent circled his hands around her waist, coming face-to-face with her, breathing in her erotic scent and itching to do more than hold her.

  “I just figured out what your clientele really wanted. Then I gave it to them.”

  “Have I told you how amazing you are?”

  “Am I?”

  Julia got that wary look in her eyes again. Telling her he cared for her wouldn’t come off as sounding sincere now. In truth, the woman had begun to really matter to him, although she didn’t trust him, and Trent couldn’t push her too hard. He couldn’t afford to lose her. He needed her at Tempest West. “You’re my miracle worker.”

  Julia lowered her head and nodded. “Just doing my job, Trent.” She backed away and gazed at him with accusation in her eyes. “What you hired me to do, remember?”

  Ouch. Trent knew enough to back off from that look. She still hadn’t forgiven him for the way he’d manipulated her employment here. But he had to give her credit for doing a damn fine job here. Even though she’d resented him, she hadn’t let that get in the way of turning things around at Tempest West.

  He had to admire that.

  “Yeah, but you deserve something more from me.”

  Julia’s pretty grass-green eyes widened. “More from you?”

  He nodded. “A bonus. When all is said and done, I’d planned on giving you—”

  Julia’s eyes narrowed, like a suspicious cat. “Are you talking about a monetary bonus, Trent?”

  Trent nodded. “Sure enough.”

  Julia’s mouth formed a perfectly round O. Her expression registered disappointment for a moment. She inhaled slowly and whispered, “Make sure it’s a good one, Trent. Lord knows I deserve it for putting up with you.”

  Then she turned on her heels and exited his office, slamming the door behind her.

  Julia paced her suite, trembling with mounting fury at Trent. She uttered more than a few unkind words aimed solely at the cowboy. She couldn’t believe him. Had their time together meant nothing to him?

  Didn’t he know that the more she wanted from him had nothing to do with contracts and money? Didn’t he know that she was working exceptionally hard to forgive his deceit and learn to trust him?

  Was everything he did related to his precious hotel?

  Julia had always known the answer, but deep in her heart, she yearned for that something more with Trent. Deep in her heart, she knew that she wanted a future with him, the proverbial happily ever after.

  But Trent only saw her as a commo
dity, a means to keep Tempest West in the black. A way to ensure besting his brother Brock with their crazy challenge.

  “You’re a fool, Trent,” she muttered. She walked from the bedroom to the parlor and back with the intent of tidying up for dinner but accomplished nothing. She fell onto the bed as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Trent was tossing away something more precious than his hotel. She knew it, but doubted he could see past his own aspirations to recognize it.

  “Dense, insensitive, arrogant,” she whispered before surrendering to her sudden fatigue. She closed her eyes and rested, refusing to worry about her dinner party tonight. She had a few hours to nap and darn if she didn’t deserve a break.

  Four hours later, Julia reassembled her thoughts and, feeling slightly renewed from her rest, decided she wouldn’t give Trent the satisfaction of knowing how much he’d hurt her. Actually, once she reasoned it out, she realized that offering to reward her efforts was sound business. She’d accept the bonus graciously because she had worked very hard and deserved every cent.

  Julia dressed in a sweeping black dress of chiffon and black satin. She put on chandelier rhinestone earrings and let her dark hair fall freely in subtle waves onto her shoulders. She puckered up and outlined her lips with daring red, then put a touch of green shadow on her eyelids.

  Once the table by the balcony was dressed, she dismissed the staff and walked to Sarah’s suite on the far edge of the property. She knocked and Sarah opened the door timidly then smiled with relief when she saw it was Julia and exited closing the door behind her. “I’m ready.”

  Sarah’s aqua eyes were brighter and her face appeared more relaxed than hours earlier when she’d arrived at the hotel. “That was the best six hours I’ve spent in a long time.”

  “Really? What did you do?” Julia asked as they walked along the path leading to the main hotel.

  “I took a long soak in the tub. I read. I napped. No phone calls. No text messages. I shut off my cell.” She grinned. “It was heaven.”


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