His Christmas Baby: A Friends to Lovers Romance

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His Christmas Baby: A Friends to Lovers Romance Page 4

by Sullivan, Piper

  “Sleep. Your body needs it. I’ll wake you when the food arrives .”

  “Sounds good to me .”

  “Yeah well, not like I could be anything else to my best guy .”

  * * *

  “W hat’s wrong?” It couldn’t possibly be anything I did to make her look like she was on the verge of tears. We’d been living together for a week and things were going well. I managed to make us dinner—one handed—most nights, and we laughed and chatted the way we had back in high school. Sometimes in college, if our schedules allowed us to. But this, was something else .

  Sylvie looked half angry and half ready to bawl her big blue eyes out. “I quit my job today. I quit my job, Brady and I’m trying to have a baby. That’s not exactly responsible behavior .”

  “What did that prick Nelson do ?”

  “Tried to sabotage my case. I double checked all the exhibits last night before I left and I know Sebastian did too. This morning, when I needed the blown up version of some crime scene photos, they were nowhere to be found. Didn’t take a genius to know they’d be in Paul’s fucking office! I went to the senior partners and they did fuck all about it .”

  “Sweetheart, I’m sorry. But it does sound like you did the right thing.” She hated that job anyway, no matter what she said. They didn’t appreciate her, her talent, smarts and skills .

  “I did, but now what am I going to do ?”

  “Let’s make a plan. As soon as this cast is off, we can start making a baby which gives us six weeks—give or take—to figure out what comes next .”

  “I’ll have to leave L.A. Even with my savings, the cost is outrageous and a baby is even more expensive. I can’t think about it, not tonight. Let’s just drown our collective sorrows in top shelf booze, eat too much pizza and listen to music too loud .”

  “That sounds like a damn fine plan to me. Go get changed while I order some food. Splash some water on your face until you feel better .”

  “Yeah, it should take a few months. By then all the water in the city will be gone .”

  I laughed at her bitter words, because we both knew she would come back feeling revived and refreshed, if still a little raw. “Want me to help? I do all right getting women wet .”

  She laughed from the back of the condo and I knew that despite the upheaval of our lives right now, everything would be fine. “With your arm all jammed up, I’d have to do all the work .”

  With a grin, I placed an order for food, choosing her favorite indulgence because she would never choose it for herself. We had about forty minutes to ourselves before the delivery arrived and I knew the one thing that would help Sylvie. She needed to forget her problems, at least until she’d had enough distance to see this for the good news that it was. She didn’t need a shitty job where a senior partner was out to get her. Sylvie was better than that. She could do so much better than those jackoffs, and I would tell her .

  Just as soon as she was ready to hear it .

  “What’s this ?”

  I grinned and poured two shots, handing one to her. “This is step one in your recovery program .”

  She blinked, but accepted the glass, knocking it back swiftly. “Okay,” she shivered, “step one complete and working its way through my body. On to step two .”

  I handed her a beer and patted the seat beside me. She sat and rested her head on my shoulder, letting me stroke her hair gently to relax her. “I know this isn’t how you would have done it, Syl, but it really is the best thing. You’ve been worried about how you would do this job pregnant, and then as a mom anyway. Right ?”

  She nodded, shoulders sagged in resignation. “Of course, but I’m not even pregnant yet. I would have liked all of this to be on my timeline .”

  “You’re so cute when you pout,” I told her and pressed her ski jump nose. “Besides this is perfect practice for a kid. Nothing will ever be on your timeline again .”

  A smile twitched the edges of her mouth, slowly at first, before a full blown smile formed. “Yeah, you’re right about that. What was I thinking ?”

  “That you’ve always wanted a piece of me, and now you can?” She laughed just as I’d meant her to, but I swear I saw a glimmer of desire in her gaze .

  “How did you know about my secret hopes and desires? Good looks and smarts too.” She shook her head, wearing a wry expression .

  “Very funny, smartass.” I squeezed her side with my good arm and her body relaxed into mine. I knew the booze had started to work .

  “Thanks.” She sighed and I knew her mind had already wandered back to her job. “I have a lot to think about .”

  “You do, and all those problems will still be there tomorrow for us to tackle. Together .”

  We sat in contemplative silence for several moments, taking slow pulls on the beer and absently staring at the old action flick on the tv. “Do you think it’ll be weird to sleep together ?”

  “We sleep together all the time .”

  She groaned. “You know what I mean. Sex. What if we can’t do it?” She turned to look at me, eyes so big and bright, filled with concern. “What if it’s too weird and it ruins things between us ?”

  “It won’t,” I answered automatically .

  “You don’t know that, Brady. Even you can’t control that .”

  “Try me. You mean the world to me Syl and I would never let something as silly as sex come between us. Plus, sex won’t be weird or awkward. It’ll be fantastic .”

  “Brady, be serious .”

  “Oh, I am. You’re hot with that fiery hair and those curves. And we both know how hot I am. We’re friends Syl, not eunuchs .”

  She laughed and smacked my leg. “You are ridiculous, I swear.” She finished her beer and took the bottle to the kitchen, returning with two more and a determined look on her face. “I think we should kiss. Right now. We should know sooner rather than later if this is something we can actually do .”

  “What?” Not that I was opposed to kissing Syl, she was beautiful, but she’d caught me off guard .

  “You heard me. The mood is set,” she said, glancing at a few lit candles around the living room .

  “The doctor said all these ridiculous scents of yours can help. The better I feel, the quicker I’ll heal.” Athletes were notoriously superstitious and I was the same. If it would, could, or might work, I’d try it .

  “We’ve had a few drinks and we’ll have dinner. This is practically a date, so let’s have a goodnight kiss .”

  “Will I be forced to leave afterwards with blue balls?” I joked because suddenly the tension thickened the air until it was a palpable thing in the room between us. I could kiss her, but then I wanted to kiss her .

  “Depends on how good or bad the kiss is,” she shot back, crossing her arms with a saucy grin .

  Challenge accepted. “Come here then .”

  She hesitated for a brief moment, but determination flashed in those blue eyes and her shoulders squared, back straightened, she looked prepared for battle. “I will,” she said defiantly and walked the few feet back to the sofa. Standing right in front of me in yoga pants and a fitted tee, she climbed up and straddled me .

  My hand immediately went to her hips, stroking up and down. I felt a swell of pride at the way her breath caught. “So far, so good.” She felt damn good. Too good to be my best friend .

  Her soft, delicate hands held my face. Her eyes examined me a little too closely, but I let her because she needed to do this. Her thumb raked across my bottom lip and she licked hers as she lowered her head to mine. The moment our lips touched, I rethought my cocky reassurances from earlier. Her kiss electrified my whole body. Her soft pink tongue slowly tortured my mouth, licking my lips, massaging my tongue, driving me crazy .

  Then she began to kiss with her whole body and I was lost. She rocked back and forth, holding me tighter while her mouth devoured mine, making love to my mouth like it was the only thing she wanted to do. Had anyone ever kissed me like that? If they did
, I couldn’t remember. I could only feel, pressing my hips up into that damp cradle between her thighs. She moaned and my cock grew so hard I thought he might just take over the rest of the evening .

  Luckily, or unluckily, the doorbell prevented the kiss from going further. Sylvie pulled back with a lust-filled gaze and a satisfied grin .

  “Wow. I guess that answers that,” she said and slid off my lap .

  I might have been offended by her flippant remark, if her legs hadn’t wobbled as she made her way to the door .


  “A re you sure you want to do this?” Brady sounded uncertain which was unusual for him in general, but especially when it came to visiting Almond Valley. He was the town’s adored son. The golden boy. The superstar .

  I stared at the yellow and brick ranch style house Brady had grown up in, and I’d practically lived in until we both left for different colleges. I also felt a wariness I didn’t often feel when it came time to visit home. Maybe it was because things were about to change. Get very complicated. But hopefully…not .

  “I’m sure. Why wouldn’t I be ?”

  He sighed. “You want me to put a baby in you .”

  “Brady you know that both of our mom’s single greatest wish is that we’ll fall in love and live happily ever after, providing them with teams of grandchildren, right ?”

  He grinned. “Right .”

  “Besides, I don’t plan on telling them until I’m pregnant. And I’ve been thinking, if you decide you don’t want to be involved as a father, then I think we shouldn’t tell them you’re the father .”

  “What the fuck, Syl? That’s messed up.” He frowned, arms crossed so his shirt pulled across biceps that hadn’t lost their luster despite weeks in a cast .

  “Calm down. This is for you. We both know I can explain until I’m blue in the face about how much I want a baby and asked you to do this for me, it’ll look like you abandoned us. Which would not be the truth, but if someone whispers it to the wrong person that could be very bad for your career .”

  He stared at me, green eyes wide with shock. “You’re right .”

  “We’ll pick this up later,” I told him as my mother and his bounded down the steps towards the car. “Smile .”

  He grumbled as he got out of the car, but Brady was a pro. He flashed his pearly whites and embraced both women. “It seems like you both have gotten prettier since I last saw you.” He laid a kiss on four cheeks until the women tittered like they hadn’t seen him running around in a diaper .

  “Still charming as ever, Brady.” Mom looked to me and gave me a commiserating smile even though I knew she loved it. “You look…surprisingly relaxed Sylvie .”

  “Thanks Mom, I think.” After hugs, I followed everyone into the house where a buffet of food was already laid out in Merry Houston’s warm, cherry kitchen. “How did you get all this done in just a few hours?” We’d given them as little lead time as possible to make a fuss, and it was still too much time .

  “Oh honey, two mamas are better than one.” Merry winked and pulled plates while Mom got flatware and drinks. “We’re so happy to see you both. It’s been too long.” Merry stopped in front of me and pulled me into another hug. “I want to thank you for taking care of Brady. You didn’t have to do any of it, but I know he wouldn’t have let anyone else do it for him .”

  “You don’t need to thank me, Merry. I’m happy to help .”

  “Good, good. But I needed to thank you anyway. That call took about twelve years off my life.” She squeezed again before taking a seat and wiping away tears. “Are you two lovers yet ?”

  “Ma, seriously?!” Brady scowled but all I could do was laugh at her outrageous question. Ever since she and my mom had joined that fiction book club, they were naughtier .

  “Not yet, Merry. But only because Brady is a tease. Despite what the tabloids say, the guy just doesn’t put out .”

  Merry laughed loudly while Mom snickered in deference to Brady’s dark look. “Don’t encourage her Syl .”

  I shrugged. “I wasn’t.” The next few minutes passed mostly in silence while we all piled our plates with mac & cheese, Mom’s succulent lamb, broccoli and mashed potatoes. “Biscuits! No one makes biscuits like you Merry. Sorry Mom .”

  “Don’t apologize, honey. We all know it’s true, just ask my backside .”

  Brady groaned, but this time it was discomfort. I stood and retrieved my purse from the coat hook by the door, returning later with ibuprofen. “Here .”

  He looked up, surprised. “But -,”

  “I can tell when you’re in pain, Brady .”

  He grinned. “Thanks, but I don’t want those pills. They make me -,”

  “Loopy, I know. These are ibuprofen. You can’t just be in pain, take these .”

  “What would I do without you?” He grabbed my hand in a dramatic fashion, kissing it and placing it over his heart .

  “Let’s hope you never have to find out.” We shared a long grin not unlike the ones we always had, but this one felt charged and I knew it was that kiss. That delicious, knee melting kiss that had yet to be repeated. That thought brought me up short. Clearly there was a reason Brady held back, so I would follow his lead. But when I took my seat, both moms stared with knowing smiles. “What ?”

  “You two have always been so cute together .”

  “Mom,” I rolled my eyes because for some reason being around my mother turned me back into a mouthy teenager. “It’s called friendship .”

  “The best relationships start out as friends,” Merry added in a less than helpful sing-song voice .

  They were not going to make this easy for us. Thank goodness we’d be sleeping in separate houses. “You two are relentless. Drop it or we’ll both stay single forever.” That would likely happen to me anyway .

  “How has it been, living on top of each other ?”

  I knew where Mom was going and I knew exactly how to blow it up, but I wouldn’t. Not yet. “We hang out at night but during the day I go to work while Brady pretends to take it easy .”

  “Hey! I take it easy,” he insisted with an attempt at being offended .

  “He also forgets that I take the laundry to the washer because until recently he’s only had one good hand .”

  “Both of my hands are always good.” He wiggled his fingers in what was basically jazz hands, but my sex starved brain only saw those big strong hands gripping my hips to pull me closer while he kissed me senseless. Grabbing my ass and squeezing like he liked my curves. Shit, I need to get laid before I jumped my best friend .

  Before I officially jumped him to make a baby .

  Shit. This was getting complicated .

  “You good, Syl?” Brady looked at me wearing that lazy grin that was stupid and sexy .

  “I’m just fine. Did you take those pills yet ?”

  He grinned and popped them in his mouth, washing them down with a big glass of water. “Yep. So, Fiona what’s new? Any new men step up to try out the blond hair yet ?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at the way Mom preened at his words. For the past few years she’s experimented with a variety of hair shades from platinum blond to fire hydrant red. The soft golden blond suited her, shocking since her natural hair was a deep chocolate color .

  “Thank you, Brady. No new suitors yet, young man. I’ve got to find one for Sylvie first, because I really feel like my next journey is grandmotherhood .”

  I nearly spit out my tea. “Seriously, Mom? Grandmotherhood ?” I loved the woman but she was clearly insane .

  “It’s a thing. I read about it. Women like me have raised uber professionals, they called you. You have high powered careers which means you need constant, reliable and affordable child care. That’s where grandma comes in.” She went on and on and on about how her life would change significantly, like a new phase of motherhood. “It’s the in thing now, honey .”

  Brady snickered and I fought the urge to roll my eyes at my own mother. That kind
of thing was frowned upon, wasn’t it? Soon enough I’ll be the one having some ungrateful child roll his or her eyes at me. Shit, what color will they be, blue or green ?

  “I’m feeling a little tired now, Mom. I think I’m just going to head home. Thanks for dinner, it was delicious.” I stood, suddenly feeling unsteady as I rounded the table to grab my purse .

  “I don’t know where she’s running off to when the house won’t be ready for weeks .”

  I froze and turned. “What ?”

  “You heard me,” she called out, but I was already retracing my steps. “I’m getting new floors put in downstairs. New cabinets and a few other little things. I’ve been staying with Merry for a few weeks now .”

  “That’s right. It’s been like having a sleepover every night. We stay up late watching the Netflix and drinking wine,” Merry giggled. “Now that you two are here you can sleep in Brady’s old room. It has a queen bed now .”

  I groaned inwardly. Brady and I had shared a bed plenty of times over the years, from childhood to young adulthood, and it was never a problem. If I showed any visible signs of a problem now, they would both be apoplectic with giddiness .

  “Fine by me. I call the wall .”

  “No way, you’ll kick me off. I’m injured and I need my rest .”

  I laughed because it was true. I slept like I spent the whole night running for my life, which meant Brady often ended up on the floor or at the wrong end of one of my punches .

  “Fine, take the wall .”

  His shoulders relaxed in triumph. “Thanks .”

  “No liquids after ten,” I told him and went to retrieve both bags from the car .


  “W e both know you want that craftsman farmhouse Syl, put me out of my misery .”

  The woman had woken me up bright and early, tits pressed up against my back and warm breath fanning my neck, just to take me house hunting .

  She beamed a smile at me. “But it was so gorgeous, wasn’t it? All those dark wood floors, big windows, and that yard! I could grill all summer long in that yard .”


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