His Christmas Baby: A Friends to Lovers Romance

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His Christmas Baby: A Friends to Lovers Romance Page 13

by Sullivan, Piper

  “You’re like a fucking wet dream, Fiona.” His growl didn’t make that sound like a good thing and suddenly I felt vulnerable. Exposed. “I shouldn’t want you Fi .”

  I froze for a moment at his words, and then I flew off the sofa. “Don’t do me any fucking favors Keane!” Feeling hurt and humiliated I escaped to the bathroom and another hot shower to wash away the desire still making my body buzz .

  Damn him .


  “F iona is fine Seamus. She’s a handful but she’s safe as promised.” I didn’t want to bother him with the dagger in her car nonsense because it had been handled before we left town. All he needed to know was that we were no longer in Boston .

  “If you’re not around, who’s keeping things running at home ?”

  “I am,” I growled, wondering what the fuck was up with all the questions. “Since when do I need to be present to put the fear of god into any man ?”

  Seamus chuckled and I could hear him puffing on one of those disgusting fucking cigars of his. “True enough. I heard somebody found one of the Red ‘Rock boys near death outside of Madigan’s Pub .”

  I smiled at his mention of my handiwork. The army taught me how to kill, but the streets taught me to enjoy it. Some assholes just needed a beat down or worse, and I was happy to do either in service to my crew. “I’m sure he served to deliver the message as I intended .”

  “I heard the boys came into some extra goods, more than they know what to do with .”

  Yeah I heard the question he didn’t have to ask. “It’s handled. Being split between black and green,” I told him. Just because we were on burner phones didn’t mean we could be careless with details. “I just wish I could be there to see Cally’s face when he sees that empty truck.” We both laughed at the idea of screwing that asshole any way we could. Payback might be a bitch, but revenge was a motherfucker. “Have you found out anything yet ?”

  “Only that the fucking Feds were tipped off. Anonymous call I’d bet came from a 617 area code .”

  I knew he would hate this but I had to ask, “You want me to ask Fi for help?” She was always hunched over a computer so she had to have some skills in the area .

  “You know I don’t.” Seamus’ voice went deadly serious and I sighed .

  While I understood his reluctance to involve her, she was already involved. “Seamus, she is already at risk since it was a Cerulean truck. The Feds will be looking for her any day now .”

  “An administrative assistant is hardly worth the Feds’ time .”

  “Maybe so, but it sounds like she’s done a lot more to me.” How could he not know how involved she’d been with the company ?

  “Put her on the phone .”

  I turned to call out to her, only to find Fiona standing in the door that lead to the back deck, completely unashamed that she’d been caught eavesdropping. I handed her the phone and she grabbed it, brushing the back of my hand in the process and I had to tell my cock to settle down. She’s not for you, asshole .

  “What’s up Daddy ?”

  Though I could only hear her side of the conversation I knew my old friend had to be as frustrated as I with her stubborn nature. His voice boomed down the line, but in typical Fiona fashion, she merely rolled her eyes .

  “Yeah, well it’s a little too late to worry about that now, isn’t it? What the hell did you think I was doing at the office every day for fuck’s sake, finishing up an art project?” She barked out a laugh at whatever he’d said. “Oh please, Maeve couldn’t find her ass in a rectal exam,” she said of the office manager. Shaking her head, she turned frustrated blue eyes towards the heavens and growled. “Whatever. If you want my help, all you have to do is ask. If not, then I’ll happily never set foot inside Cerulean again.” She smiled, obviously Seamus was as unable as I was to resist her. “Write down everything I need to know about the shipment in an email but don’t send it. Just save it and I’ll do the rest.” Another laugh that transformed her face beautifully. “Of course I do, it’s Mom’s birthday. Love you too.” She handed me the phone with an icy look and walked away .

  I guess I’m still on her shit list though I still couldn’t figure out why. “You need anything else Seamus ?”

  “Just keep her close .”

  Like I could do anything else when it came to her. My cock stirred again just thinking about how close I’d come to taking her yesterday morning. How wet she’d been on my fingertips. After she stomped away, I couldn’t resist licking all traces of her from my fingers, that sweet juice slid down my throat and made me hungry for more. From her juicy pussy .

  “Will do. Check in again in two days.” We disconnected and I went to check on Fiona, who was already bent over her laptop busy at work. “What are you doing ?”

  “Trying to help. Despite what you think of me Keane, I have skills you don’t know about .”

  I refused to touch that remark knowing it only lead to trouble. “You’ll lead whoever is looking for us straight here on that thing.” This was why she needed protection, because Fiona could be impulsive, though usually it was only when it came to friends and boyfriends. Now the stakes were higher with our very lives on the line .

  Rolling those big blue eyes, she ran a hand through her hair and looked up at me like I was a pest. “You really do think I’m useless?” Her voice held equal parts disbelief and disappointment, but she pushed on. “Fine. I’m using a VPN so if anyone is watching they’ll think I’m in Switzerland, Australia, Czech Republic and so on…got it? They can look all they want but all they’ll get is frustrated.” She turned her back to me and got to work .

  Hell she really did have skills I didn’t know about, couldn’t even imagine. “I don’t think you’re useless Fi .”

  “I’m sure I’ll rest easier knowing that.” That flat voice told me I’d hurt her more than she would ever let on .

  “Have you found anything ?”

  “You’ll be the first to know,” she told me without looking up or acknowledging that I still stood behind her .

  Damn. Never had a woman so thoroughly dismissed me, and fuck if it didn’t have me hard and aching to pound into that tight little pussy, forcing her to acknowledge me. I groaned and walked away .

  I had a date with a cold shower .

  * * *

  “D oes this mean we’re calling a truce?” I scanned the patio table to take in the feast she’d prepared. Grilled whole fish, salad, grilled potatoes and chocolate cake .

  Fiona shrugged, but she couldn’t hide the pretty little blush that started at the swell of her tits all the way up to her scalp. She wore another one of those little dresses, this one red and just as short and sweet. “I wouldn’t say a truce but sometimes cooking helps me work out a problem .”

  “Am I the problem ?”

  She shook her head and sighed. “No. I prefer to work on problems with actual solutions .”

  If only she knew how I really felt, but I wouldn’t tell her, not even if she asked. “Did all this cooking help you figure out the problem ?”

  “Maybe. I need to think on it a little longer .”

  I couldn’t look away as her back arched while she scooped her hair up into a messy bun. I just wanted to take it down and watch it fall over her bare shoulders .

  “Okay then, tell me how you learned to do all that computer stuff ?’

  She licked her lips and grinned, gesturing for me to sit. “You might not realize it, but having the most notorious gangster in the city for a father made it hard to keep friends. After awhile I just stopped trying and turned to the computer. I could meet people from all over the world with shared interests. One of those people was a college professor who taught me a couple programming languages. It kind of spiraled from there .”

  “You weren’t worried he was some kind of pervert ?”

  She laughed. “Not at first, but spend any amount of time online and you pick up on it pretty quick. Back then I was worried, but Alan only talked about programmi
ng and jobs I could do. He still hasn’t tried to meet me .”

  “You still talk to him? Are you insane ?”

  “He’s more than capable of finding me if he wants. And I can find him if I wanted too. We just trade tricks and I’ve done a little consulting work for him. All legit,” she added before I could ask .

  I wondered if Seamus knew any of this about his daughter. “So is that what you want to do when you get your degree?” For some reason I assumed she would stay on at Cerulean. Close by .

  “I don’t know. I thought I might like to run Cerulean Shipping but now I’m not sure .”

  “This is good,” I pointed a fork at my half-empty plate. “You’re worried that what your dad does with the Cearul organization is too intertwined with the Cerulean Shipping company ?”

  She took a long pull off the sweaty beer bottle. “Yes, but not how you think. I’ve already got systems in place to hide that. My problem is that too many of Dad’s people work at the company .”

  My brows rose. “Never took you for a snob Fi, these people are just like me and Seamus .”

  “No you jerk, it’s because they’re unqualified and they don’t listen. I can’t work for a company designed to fail. Do you think Billy Fists ever delivers mail? Or that Ciara forwards calls when they come in? Because they don’t, and customers don’t like being hung up on, and they certainly don’t like their calls going unreturned. Or have contracts waiting to be signed.” She stood with her plate and grabbed the beer. “I’ll finish my meal inside. Alone .”

  How could I read her so wrong? I’m damn good at reading people, it’s an essential part of the job, knowing when a guy really doesn’t have information and when he’s holding out. But with Fiona I keep getting it all wrong .

  I bit into the delicious chocolate cake with the Bailey’s frosting and smiled. I knew one area where I got it right with her, and I knew I could use that to my benefit .


  I woke up on the fifth day of our stay at the cabin determined to change things between me and Keane. Why did I let him get to me, other than the obvious that I had a thing for him? A major thing. So what if he didn’t think much of me, aside from being hot for him I didn’t think much of him either .

  Waking up with our bodies glued together again, something I suspected he did just to get in my head, gave me an idea. But first I needed to sort out my Dad’s problem .

  I got up and went back to work trying to find out where the problem in the shipment had come from, a task that shouldn’t be all that hard since I made the tracking program that created unique numbers for every crate, box and barrel inside the truck. The problem I had centered around the fact that shipping codes were often created weeks, sometimes months before they were actually shipped anywhere. Especially when it came to private importers and antiquities for museums and private collections .

  So I spent the day down the rabbit hole. I’d only gotten about halfway down before dinner rolled around .

  Time to put my plan into action .

  I chopped and seasoned potatoes for fries and popped them in the oven. “Hey Keane, can you grill a few burgers for dinner ?”

  He was silent for a moment before giving a grunted, “Sure .”

  With a smile I made my way to the bathroom for a quick shower and shave before slicking strawberry scented body oil all over. A hint of lipstick across my lips and a little shimmery bronzer across my face and chest. I slid a long maxi dress over my head. No underwear. Not needed. Tonight I would lose my virginity to Keane .

  If he didn’t piss me off again .

  I stepped into the kitchen, and stopped to soak him in at the grill looking extra manly as the smoke wafted up. Since we got here he’d shed his always present leather jacket in favor of dark jeans and t-shirts, mostly white and grey because that’s just the kind of man he was. And damn he looked fine as hell in those jeans that hugged his ass and strong thighs so perfectly that I sometimes hoped I’d come back as a pair of Levis .

  My whole body was set aflame just watching him put the beer bottle to his lips, seeing the jump of his Adam’s apple beaded my nipples under the thin layer of cotton I wore. Yeah, I was ready for this. At least that’s what I told myself to keep my nerve up .

  “Smells good,” I told him through the window as I pulled the fries from the oven. The smile he flashed me made my insides jump .

  “Thanks. My meat’s the juiciest .”

  My shoulders shook with laughter at his double entendre. “I cannot believe you just said that !”

  “It was just hanging there, waiting for me.” That boyish shrug did more than his panty-melting smile had .

  “Are they close to done, or we going for the full hockey puck?” I laughed at the affronted look he shot me and finished slicing tomatoes, lettuce and pickles. If I went through with this tonight, I was sure I’d need all the fuel I could get .

  “They’re thick and juicy, so I’d say they’re done .”

  This whole not wearing underwear thing felt kind of dicey with the way he was talking, the way he looked at me. I was pretty sure if anyone touched me there now they’d find me dripping with need. But somehow I managed to get the buns, condiments and fixings out to the patio .

  “Let’s eat then .”

  Keane popped the cap on two beers and we dug in. “What’s up?” he asked around a mouthful of burger .

  “What do you mean?” I blinked innocently. Twice .

  He put the burger down and crossed his arms, drawing my attention to those delicious biceps. “I mean, you’ve been prickly as hell for days. Taking everything I say the wrong way. Now you’re smiling and laughing like we’re old friends .”

  Ouch. “So we’re not old friends ?”

  Jaws clenched, he struggled for how to respond. Of course we weren’t friends because he would never allow it. “We go way back .”

  That’s one way to put it. “For the record, I just took you at your words so I wasn’t misinterpreting anything.” I held up a hand to stop the defense I knew he’d attempt. “But I’ve decided that I don’t care what you think. It’s not like we were ever really friends, right ?”

  “Well, ah…,” he was speechless. Good .

  “Anyway, I don’t need the friendship of someone who thinks so little of me. But, I do need to get laid and if nothing else, you’re attracted to me .”

  He froze, beer half way to his mouth. His eyes met mine .

  “And you want me to fuck you Fiona ?”

  I nodded, refusing to be shocked by his language, refusing to chicken out. “Yes Keane, I want us to fuck. While we’re up here away from…everything. Then we’ll go back to our regularly scheduled lives .”

  “You sure that’s what you want ?”

  “Are you interested?” I didn’t want to get into some silly conversation about expectations and all that .

  “You know I am.” His voice was low and steely with intent. His gaze met mine with an intensity that made me quake .

  I bit the inside of my cheeks to keep my lips from trembling .


  “Be sure Fiona, because once we get started there’s no turning back .”

  This time I couldn’t help but shiver at his words .

  “You don’t need to protect me in this Keane. I know what I’m doing.” No, no I really didn’t know, and now I was starting to feel a bit panicked. But I was already committed .

  He knocked back the rest of his beer. “I’m not sure that you do .”

  “Yes or no ?”

  Keane stood so fast he knocked over his chair. Food forgotten, he stalked towards me pulling me up, cupping my face, he kissed me roughly, as though he were punishing me for making him want me. I didn’t give a damn. All I cared about was Keane. Having him .

  At least temporarily .

  He cupped my ass and squeezed. “Legs up,” he grunted against my mouth. As soon as I complied—sweet heavens that cock felt so delicious—he walked us back inside and laid me on the so
fa. “Fiona,” he groaned .

  “Yes I’m sure. Fuck!” Sitting up, I unfastened his jeans, freeing his erection. I wrapped my fingers around his bare flesh. “So hot. So hard.” I tried for a confidence I didn’t feel, but I couldn’t risk Keane going all honorable on me before sealing the deal .

  “Goddammit Fiona!” He pulled my legs forward until I was sitting on the edge of the sofa and knelt before me. The hem of my dress balled in his hands as he slowly dragged it up my body and over my head. “Fuck, Fi. You’re beautiful. I can’t believe you were naked under there the whole time .”

  Eyes closed as his hands skimmed up my body, I savored the feel of his reverent touch. “Keane,” I moaned and put my hands on his chest to steady myself. He took me in another punishing kiss, grasping my tits, my ass, everywhere his hands could reach .

  His lips left mine and trailed down my neck and breasts, tongue swirling one nipple while his fingers pinched and pulled the other, making me gasp. The sensation shooting from the tips of my nipples all the way down to my pussy .

  He kissed and nibbled his way down my belly while his strong hands gripped my ass so hard I knew I’d be bruised later, but God it felt good. “Fuck you smell good,” he inhaled the scent of my arousal, and as turned on as I felt, I also was a little self-conscious .

  “You don’t have to-oh!” His tongue parted my folds and touched my clit which set off a spark deep within me .

  “You don’t like having your pretty little cunt licked Fi? Too bad because I won’t stop until you beg me to. Got it ?”

  Cocky bastard. “Whatever you say.” I just wanted his mouth back on my pussy because that shit felt like Christmas and my birthday rolled into the sweet afterlife .

  One hand low on my belly he pushed me down on the couch and shoved my knees beside my ears, licking at my dripping pussy as I writhed beneath him. My legs trembled but he just held them, held me wide open at his mercy and stabbed my cunt with his tongue as juices ran down my ass, his chin .


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