Grit And Grind (Dirty South Book 1)

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Grit And Grind (Dirty South Book 1) Page 21

by Kat Addams

  “Before we get the show started tonight, folks, we have a special guest. He usually moonlights down the street at those other bars … but tonight, we’re going to show him just how much better our bar is. Isn’t that right?” the host called out to the cheering crowd. “Are you ready?” he asked the audience.

  I looked around and noticed there were a lot of women crowding the stage area.

  Who is this guy anyway? What’s so special about him? Unless he has the moves like Jagger, I doubt I’ll be entertained.

  “Give it up for … Jason Jones!” he shouted before exiting the stage. His departure sent even more women scrabbling to the front when they heard who was playing.

  “Damn, what’s with all these women going nuts?” I asked Jess.

  She just shrugged. Apparently, we had been out of the loop too long. That was what happened when you started to get old. Although, at twenty-nine, I didn’t think I could be called old … yet. Maybe next year when I hit that big three-zero. I didn’t like to think about that.

  I stood up to try to get a better look at the stage as the artist made his way front and center. I didn’t have the best eyesight, but even from the back of the room, I could see biceps, biceps, biceps—and some more biceps. Also tattoos. Also … well, fuck! He was my one-night stand—maybe two-nights stand. Hell, this guy I would take every single night of my life if I were given the chance.

  I glanced over at Jess and could see her jaw had dropped as well.

  Where are we? Do they really make men like this in Nashville? No way he is from here. That body, those piercing eyes, that tousled hair … damn.

  I tightly squeezed my legs together as I felt myself start to throb.

  “I choose him,” I whispered to Jess.

  Dumbstruck, she nodded and continued staring at the live Roman statue before us.

  “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Very pleased to be here with you all tonight. I’ve got a few songs I’m going to sing for y’all tonight before your favorite band graces the stage. Now, some of these songs you might’ve heard before. Some are old; some are new. Some are happy; some are blue.” He winked at the women in front of him.

  “But most of all, I just want y’all to have fun tonight. You think you can do that for me?” he said to the crowd of salivating women and curious men. “All right then. You know it, you sing along with me. Deal?”

  The crowd hollered and whistled, and someone even made a meow sound from the back.

  “All right! Let’s get this party started!”

  He opened his mouth to sing, and that was when I immediately felt the elastic in my panties melt off. And if they didn’t melt all the way off by the time he was done onstage, he could take them off himself—with his teeth. Now, I had never been one for super Southern—aka redneck—accents, but Jason didn’t have a redneck accent at all. He had Matthew McConaughey’s voice on a Superman body. His face alone was worth writing a song about. In fact, I was sure the love song he was singing was really about his face—not some hot chick, but his own damn face.

  “Going in for a closer look!” I told Jess as I grabbed my drink and scurried toward the stage.

  She was still staring at Jason, stupefied and in a trance like the rest of the women in here. But I didn’t have a lot of time to waste, and by the looks of it, I had a ton of competition. I needed to see and be seen—by him—and ASAP. I had to catch his eye—at least before these other cougars and fangirls did anyway.

  I squeezed myself in beside the stage, as close as I could get, squishing in between two doe-eyed sorority girls. I fluttered my lashes and looked up at him, hoping he would look down at me.

  Hey, Mr. Guitar-Strumming, Straight-Up Sex on Those Strings, please look at me! Come get your participation trophy right here. I’m hot and ready!

  “Any requests tonight from this amazing crowd? Don’t be shy now. Let’s hear it!” He peered out into the dimly lit room.

  “I do! I do!” a voice shouted from the back.

  Uh-oh. I know that voice. This can’t be good—or can it?

  “It’s my BFF’s birthday tonight. She’s standing right there in front of you. Long and lustrous auburn hair, little black dress, sexy red heels. Yeah, that’s her,” Jess shouted as she made her way to the front and beside me.

  Jason had his head cocked to the side as he listened to Jess, but his eyes stared straight into mine. He looked like a deer caught in headlights, and I so wanted to crash right into him.

  Wow, he is staring hard. Do I have a really gnarly booger hanging out of my nose or something? I shifted my feet around, antsy and uncomfortable.

  “Well, ya see,” Jess continued, “she’s just recently gone back on the market. And I think she would love nothing more for her birthday than for you to croon a little song in her ear. How ’bout it?”

  “Is that right?” he asked as he started to part his lips in a grin. His dazzling smile sent up long-drawn-out sighs from everyone around me—myself included.

  “Liz! Her name is Liz!” Jess said, hopping up and down.

  I could feel my cheeks grow hot and my palms start to sweat as all eyes focused on me. I wasn’t sure if this could get any worse.

  “Come on up here, Liz.” He grabbed another barstool from the side of the stage and set it beside him, patting it to beckon me up.

  Shit. Yes, it can get worse.

  I squeezed Jess’s arm and gave her the look of murder, to which she just replied with a thumbs-up sign as she pushed me up onto the stage. I was going to have to talk to her about her wingwoman skills.

  This is a recipe for disaster—not for hooking up.

  The crowd murmured as I very carefully tiptoed my way to the barstool beside him. I’d seen one too many YouTube videos of people falling on their ass onstage, and I wasn’t going to be the next viral sensation.

  Not today, echoed in my head.

  Jason reached out and took my hand. He looked me dead in the eyes and put his lips to my knuckles. “Pleased to meet you, Liz. Have a seat.”

  I was sure he could tell I was nervous. The sweat starting to form on my forehead would let everyone know that I was two seconds away from peeing my pants right next to this godlike creature. I was way too afraid to look out into the crowd, so I kept my eyes on him and smiled, completely terrified. I felt his gaze size me up from the tip of my newly highlighted hair to my sexy red heels. He licked his lips.

  Did I just imagine that? No, definitely not. I couldn’t have. Maybe he is just thirsty. I should offer him a drink. That was more my style of putting out a feeler. Not this shit Jess had pulled.

  He started to sing John Mayer’s “Your Body Is a Wonderland.”

  Fuck! There they go. Panties. Done. Burned. Off.

  I didn’t even need him to touch me. That had done it.

  I’m done. Got ridden hard. Just hang me out to dry now. I am D-E-A-D.

  But no, he still went on and on and on, singing the most swoonworthy words, as he watched me practically melt into a puddle on the floor.

  Oh my gosh, why is he eye-fucking me like that? This shit is ridiculous. I think I just got pregnant!

  I sat, mesmerized, with the goofiest of grins plastered across my face right up until he hit the last note.

  “Happy birthday, Liz. And I mean what I sang; your body is just that.” He winked.

  I didn’t even remember what exactly had happened after that. All I could remember was the crowd cheering and the women giggling. Jess had had to come and pull me off the stage—apparently, after I didn’t get the hint that my time to shine was up.

  Somehow, I’d ended up back at the bar, and I was on my third negroni before I snapped out of it.

  “Dude, are you okay now? Can you talk? Are you pissed off at me?” Jess waved her hands in front of my face.

  “No, of course I’m not pissed. I’m fucking livid! What the hell were you thinking?” I said to her. Mostly joking. Mostly.

  “I’m trying to get you laid! Team Jizz, remember!?”

  “I didn’t ask for a serenade in front of all of Nashville! Geez Louise!” I tried to sound exasperated, but I couldn’t stop smiling.

  “Shut up! You liked it!” Jess teased back.

  “Yeah, I did.” I shrugged. “But all it got me was a ton of embarrassment and a titty hard-on!” I laughed and finished my drink.

  Jess’s eyes grew wide as she stared right at me.

  “What? You’ve never heard of a titty hard-on?” I asked, confused, because I knew Jess was way kinkier than me. At least, she was for now—until I got my hands on someone willing to experiment a little bit with me.


  “It means, my nipples were hard. I could probably cut glass with them if he sang like that to me again,” I rambled on.

  “Liz!” Jess smacked my knee and quickly shook her head. Her finger barely lifted to point behind me.

  “Your body is a—” Jason sang in my ear, sending me tumbling off my chair before he caught me. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you!” he quickly apologized. His puppy-dog eyes wouldn’t have him in the doghouse for very long—or even at all.

  “How much of that conversation did you just hear?” I asked, but his grin already told me the answer to that.

  “Just enough to know that I’d like to sing to you again. And again. And maybe again. Definitely again!”

  “Great! Nice knowing ya! I’m going to go crawl in a hole now, I think,” I stammered as I gathered my things to go.

  “No way! Hey! It’s your birthday. At least let me buy you a drink.”

  “You don’t need to do that! Your song was enough of an amazing gift! Thanks though. I’m just going”—I looked around for a place to escape—“that way!” I pointed at the exit door. “Come on, Jess. We gotta run!”

  Jess giggled and watched our exchange like we were some sort of comedic relief for her. She was having way too much fun with this situation. She sat her butt firmly on her barstool and didn’t even attempt to move despite my pleas.

  “I think I’m still thirsty, Liz. Aren’t you thirsty? You were so thirsty when we came here. So … damn … thirsty.” She giggled.

  At that moment, I decided that I was not on Team Jizz anymore. I was about to be on Team Fuck Y’all and Bitch Bye!

  “Want me to sing something silly for you? Will that help? How about ‘C Is for Cookie’? Or a nursery rhyme?” he joked, pulling up a barstool and sitting alongside us. “Come on. Sit down with me, Liz. Please? I could use some company tonight. Let’s toast to your birthday. How old are you anyway?”

  “Actually,” I started as Jess tried to subtly kick me from under the bar, “it’s not even my birthday. This chick right here just likes to get us into trouble.” I side-eyed Jess.

  “In my defense, I was only trying to be a good wingwoman! I mean, if she were put front and center, in the spotlight, and I just so happened to mention that she was on the market, then every man in here could get a good look at her, right? I mean, look at her! She’s the jackpot!”

  “Jess!” I grew even more uncomfortable.

  She was going to get an earful as soon as this sexpot next to me left. I felt the steam from his hotness start to cloud my brain and make me fuzzy, or that could be the alcohol—probably a little bit of both.

  “She’s right. You are the jackpot. Wonderland and all. But about this fake birthday … I guess that means no birthday spankings then, huh?” He frowned, making his heart-stopping puppy eyes.

  Jess nearly choked on her drink. “I’m all right. I’m all right! Just gonna run to the ladies’ room real quick. See ya!” She scurried away, turning around only long enough to give me a quick wink and thumbs-up before she disappeared, leaving me—and Jason—all alone.

  “Now, I didn’t say I was opposed to spankings, but …” I took a deep breath and grabbed at my chance. I had come here for one reason tonight—for him. I just hadn’t known it until I saw him walk on that stage like he’d just come down from Mount Olympus. Now that he was here, in front of me, well …

  I gotta do what I gotta do.

  And Jason was what I had to do.

  “Mmhmm.” He leaned over to whisper in my ear, “How bad do you want it?”

  His breath tickled my neck, sending every single hair on my body standing at attention. His attention.

  Sir, yes, sir.

  “Check, please!” I called. My heart raced. I could feel the blood pump through my cheeks, my titty hard-ons, my inner thighs. I had never done anything like this before. Okay, that was a lie. I had—but not with someone like him.

  “I got it.” He winked as he pulled out his wallet. “After all, it’s your pretend birthday, right?”

  Best pretend birthday ever.

  “Where are we going? I need to text Jess real quick and let her know.”

  “We aren’t leaving. I’ve got a changing room in the back. Come check it out,” he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

  I quickly texted Jess while he led me through the crowd.

  Me: Be back soon. Give me an hour? Maybe two. ;)

  Jess: You’re not going home with him, are you?

  Me: No! Just headed to the changing room in the back. Be back shortly. Promise.

  Jess: Fine! But I get juicy details. I’ll be back at the bar. Same place you abandoned me at.

  Me: Ha! You left me! And besides, this was your idea. Thankfully.

  Jess: You’re right. Enjoy it. Lucky girl! No cheesy tacos either. You’d better rubber that ducky.

  Me: Lucky ducky.

  Jess: Sucky, sucky!

  “What are you giggling about?” Jason asked, opening the door to the changing room.

  It was so dimly lit that I could barely see anything, and he didn’t even attempt to turn on a light.

  Does he not want to see what he is doing with me? Is something wrong? Is he not attracted to me? Am I a butterface?

  “Oh, nothing! I was just telling Jess I would meet her back at the bar afterward, is all,” I replied as I let my eyes adjust to my surroundings—mirror, chair, couch, closet. Nothing special. It looked like a stereotypical changing room. Not that I’d ever been in a changing room, but I had seen plenty on TV. That counted, right?

  “Uh-huh. You two seem like trouble,” he said as he took my hand and led me to the couch.

  It looked clean enough, but the nurse in me wanted to sanitize the hell out of it.

  People have probably been banging on this couch for years. Yuck.

  I forced that dirty thought out of my mind and focused on dirty thoughts with the rock star in front of me.

  “We’re the good kind of trouble.” I grinned. I was even more nervous now.

  How long has it been since I had nooky? Weeks? Months? Years?

  Jason took a step toward me, licking his lips as if he wanted to eat me alive. I couldn’t even think straight when he looked at me like that.

  “So, you’re a bad girl?” he asked.

  His hand reached out, and he slowly traced the back of his index finger down from my shoulder to my palm, circling it until I clenched it in my fist and pulled him into me.

  “I can be your bad girl,” I whispered as he leaned down to kiss me.

  His hand rested on the back of my head as he gently pushed me toward his mouth. His tongue slipped over mine, warm and wet. Just like me.

  “I think you’re a very good girl,” he said, pulling back. “So good that you’re going to do as I say. Are you okay with that?”

  Uh, what? I wasn’t so sure I knew how to answer that.

  Is this going to get weird? Or bad? Or creepy? I do want to try non-vanilla sex, but what exactly does he have in mind? Maybe I need to sign some kind of contract …

  He cautiously stepped back. He must have seen the hesitation in my face.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it in a creepy way. I just meant, if you want to try something a little rough and kinky. I only have your best interests in mind. I’ll not hurt you. But I understand if you want to
just, ya know, do it. Or not. We don’t have to do anything. Up to the birthday girl.”

  Well, this is what I came here for, right? Something not so ho-hum. And with him—Jason Jones? Easy choice. I wonder what he has in mind.

  “Let’s do it.” I smiled as my heart beat out of my chest. Thankfully, I knew the signs of cardiac arrest.

  “That’s, Yes, please, Mr. Jones,” he said as he grabbed a condom from a nearby drawer.

  Oh, hell yes.

  “Yes, please, Mr. Jones,” I moaned as he pulled me into him.

  His hands stealthily slipped up my thighs and removed my panties before I even had time to get my head in the game—his game. I instinctively grabbed for him. My hands reached for the bulge in his pants as he removed his belt.

  Damn, it’s a nice bulge. A very nice, hard, thick bulge. I felt it pulsing in my palm.

  “You are a naughty girl! I’m going to have to tie those hands up,” he said as he turned me around and very loosely tied my hands behind my back with his belt.

  He sat on the edge of the couch and steered me backward, toward him. I wasn’t sure what to do with myself anymore. I just let him have control—which was so not like me, but this was hot as fuck!

  “Birthday spankings for the bad girl,” he said as he motioned for me to lie across his lap. Facedown, ass up.

  Normally, I would feel pretty damn vulnerable in this position, but with Jason, I was way too hot and bothered to resist.

  “Let me see that perfect little ass of yours.” His hands glided all the way up the backs of my thighs and lifted my dress up until my bare butt was right in his face. “Damn, Liz. You have the perfect round ass. Like a peach I want to bite.”

  He leaned down to bite my left ass cheek while he gave my right one a hard slap. I moaned as I felt an electric tingle shoot all the way down to between my legs.

  “How many birthday spankings is it?”

  “Twenty-nine,” I whispered. I could barely get the words out. I was breathless already, and we were just getting started.

  I should have told him fifty.

  “One … two …” he counted out as he slapped my ass hard, smoothing his hand over my cheeks and gently caressing them after each slap. “Are you wet enough for me yet?” He slid his finger between my legs and slowly moved it in and out. “Almost. But I think I can make you drip for me.”


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