Love Broken

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Love Broken Page 15

by J. D. Hollyfield

  “Don’t discredit how talented you are because of someone else’s downfall. If that woman left her husband after reading the book, it was because you gave her courage to. And after seeing the way he treated you, I think you did a good thing for that woman. I read your book. It has meaning. Even I took something away from it.”

  I offer him my cute—okay, not really so cute shy smile. “Oh, yeah, and what insight did I offer you, Green?”

  He stares into my eyes, his beautiful irises glowing back at me. “You taught me there is real love out there. And to never settle. Because one day, I would find exactly what my life was missing.”


  Holy fuck.

  He hasn’t looked away from me since he began speaking and the meaning in his words is threatening to smack the wind right out of me.

  “I’m… I’m sorry about this morning. I didn’t mean what I said,” I spit out.

  He smiles tenderly back at me in return, brushing his thumb along my cheek. “You don’t have to apologize, Katie. You say what you believe, and I envy that about you.”

  I’m not sure insulting him on having feelings is being envious. “Yeah, but I shut down anything you were saying. And possibly telling me.” I draw in a big gulp of air and take a leap of faith in us. “And, well, it had me thinking all day. I don’t… I mean, I do believe in love at first sight. If it’s like having emotions that are so strong, it’s almost a painful feeling you can’t dissect. The confusion of how something so crazy can be happening with someone you’ve barely met. When your life just seems brighter. Happier. Hope—”

  I welcome his lips, wrapping my arms around his neck. He kisses me with intent, his tongue diving into my mouth and stealing my breath. We kiss for what seems like ages before we eventually break apart. My vision is blurred, but that’s what his kisses usually do to me. He pulls back, his eyes intense with want.

  “Katie,” he says my name on a hoarse whisper. I open my mouth to reply, but he places a single finger over my lips. “Just wait. Let me say something.”

  I nod, now curious, but allowing him the floor. It takes him a bit to gather himself, but then he speaks.

  “That feeling? When you’re unsure if it’s good or bad? The pain of seeing someone so amazing that you don’t know if she’s real or not? I felt that. For you.” He takes a moment to allow his words to settle then continues. “The bafflement at how someone can fall into your life so quickly and you want nothing but to offer her everything? Katie, you’ve become the brightness in my life. Your beauty, your strength. Your big heart. Before I met you, I could agree with you on not believing in instant love. What fool would? But the moment I fell into your room, that changed for me.” He pauses to make sure I’m still with him. My mouth is slightly parted, a little in shock, and partially struggling to breathe.

  “I know you’re anti-love. And I’m not telling you this to pressure you. But I need to get it out. Because each second that passes that I hold in how I feel, is like drowning with the truth. I am in love with you, Katie Beller. I have been since the day we met.”

  There’s no hiding the gasp that leaves my mouth. “You… you what?” I heard him wrong. I had to.

  His laugh resonances as he speaks, “Katie Beller, I’m madly in love with you. You and all your crazy.”

  Okay, shit. I heard him right.

  “I-I…” I have a sudden stuttering problem. My throat feels thicker than normal and my chest is too tight. “I… shit.” I think he broke me! Chase Green just admitted he is in love with me. ME! All the wishes and hopes. Dreams and aspirations that have flooded my mind since the moment Chase Green fell into my door, all come crashing at me at once, and I say the one thing that concludes all those wants. “I love you. I’ve felt it for a while. But I was too scared to acknowledge it. I was afraid you’d hurt me. But shit. I do love you too. Shit!” I end on a squeal as Chase scares me by jumping off me, now standing on top of the bed over me.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, seriously confused. I thought we were having a moment there.

  “I’m celebrating. Katie Beller just admitted she loved me!” He laughs and starts howling, all while jumping on the bed. My body bounces in between his jumps and I can’t help but laugh along with him.

  “Have you gone mad?”

  “Yes. Fucking yes. Madly in love.” He stops instantly, startling me again, then drops down to straddle me. “Fuck, I love you. I’ve been wanting to say that forever.” He dips down, kissing me, his smile evident on my lips. “I have to undress you now,” he says between nips and licks. I have no objections, and we work in unison to tear at one another’s clothes, until we’re flesh against flesh.

  “We slipped up yesterday. But I’m not sure I can go back to having anything between us. You okay with that?”

  Thankfully I’m on the pill, but if I wasn’t it wouldn’t stop me from telling him yes. I nod and watch as his irises disappear into the blackness. I love that look on him. The need. The lust. The love. He presses my thighs open with his knee, and I open for him willingly. He places his lips to mine and slowly pushes inside. It’s more meaningful than any other time he’s entered me. His movements are unhurried as he pulls out and guides himself back home. His fingers tangle into my hair, lips back on mine. With each kiss, each slow thrust, he strips me of my walls.

  “You’re so beautiful like this,” he breathes, spreading kisses up the lining of my chin. He brings a hand down to coddle my breast. The sensation causes my body to arch, the slowness of each thrust making my needy sex pulsate. I moan as he takes my nipple into his grip and softly pinches my hard bud. The low tension in my belly tells me I’m not going to last much longer.

  “Chase,” I beg, unsure of what I need. But he does. He knows exactly how to play my body like the perfect violin. The sounds of my arousal are in perfect harmony with each thrust, each pinch, each slow kiss he offers.

  “I love you, Katie.” His soft words sift into my ears, into my heart. And I can feel them in my soul. The truth of his admission, the feel of his body taking me to a place only he’s taken me. It’s all too much. A single tear falls from my eyelid as I give in and every nerve ending in my body explodes with ecstasy. I moan out my release, my nails digging into his muscled back. And soon after Chase is following me in his own release.

  His weight covers my body, our heated skin, both covered in a sheer layer of sweat. He lifts his hand to wipe away my tear, and I close my eyes, embarrassed at my out of control emotions.

  “Why are you crying?” he asks.

  “I don’t know. It’s just… this is a lot for me. I… I’ve never said that to anyone before.” My admission shocks him. It’s apparent in the way he inhales, his eyes widen. “I know, it’s a silly thing to get emotional about.”

  He shakes his head. “It’s not. And I can’t even begin to explain how happy that makes me… well, not that you’ve never said it. But I’m the lucky bastard who won your heart.” His smile is wicked and so damn sexy. I can’t help but match him. He drops a quick kiss on my lips then goes to cleaning us up. Once done, he wraps us both in the comforter, resting my head on his chest.

  “Will you tell me about your life? Growing up, anything?” he asks, combing his fingers through my hair.

  I think about my life and all the sadness attached to it. “There’s nothing really to tell. I grew up in a small town in Ohio. My parents died when I was in high school. I went through the whole stepparent bullshit until I was old enough to be on my own. Attempted college, but it didn’t work out. Around the same time, I found the bar and never left.”

  “What made you so down on love? So against it?”

  He sure is going guns blazing with the questions.

  I shrug my shoulders and speak. “I guess I just saw how happy my parents were. They had that forever love. That love most people spend their entire lives searching for. I grew up wanting what they had. But then they died. And it made me realize nothing’s forever.”

  “I’m so
rry, I didn’t know your parents were gone.”

  More shrugging. “It’s fine. It happened a long time ago. When they died, the feeling of strong love that I felt died with them. I was never treated the way my parents treated me. It made me hard on the inside, and the more of life that passed, I just realized love was not what I thought it was. I watched people claim to love, but cheat. Do horrible things to their spouses, the stories, the deceit. It was nothing compared to what I watched my parents share. And I promised myself I wouldn’t be a victim of this broken love.”

  His lips brush my head, offering me a consoling kiss. It feels strange to open up like this, since it’s the first time I’ve actually shared that. I don’t talk much about my parents, because no matter the time that passes, it still hurts.

  “Well, can I say I’m glad you opened your door that night and forced me into your room, because otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to save you from this broken love you speak of.” He places his hands under my armpits, dragging me up his body so our noses are brushing. “You can call me super Chase. And if you ask nicely, I’ll even wear a cape for you.” He laughs as I smack him in the chest. He doesn’t skip a beat and kisses me senselessly. I’m feeling bold and climb up, straddling him, placing my palms on his rock-hard pecks.

  “My turn with the twenty questions. Why aren’t you in the NHL? From everything I hear about you, you’re really good at hockey. Why you hanging out with crazy authors, risking your reputation instead of the NHL?”

  Okay, maybe wrong question to start with. The spark in his eyes dulls and it’s obvious I’ve hit a sore subject. “Hey, I’m sorry. You don’t have—”

  “No, it’s fine. It’s…” He stalls, taking in a deep breath before finishing. “It’s complicated.”

  “Complicated how? I’m sure you’re awesome. Everyone should be banging down your door.”

  “Well, it’s not that easy. I started in the minors. Signed a contract with an agent. It’s his job to get me there. And, well, there have been some roadblocks.”

  That doesn’t sound good, but I’m still shocked why someone as eager and passionate as Chase wouldn’t fight through those. “Well, you should tell them to get you signed or you’re going to get another agent. You’re not getting any younger, buddie,” I joke, wiggling my hips.

  “I’m trying. I’m in the works with a lawyer. But right now, things are kinda messed up. Let’s just say I got myself in a bind I don’t know how to get out of without sabotaging my entire hockey career. And all I want is to play. So, I have to tread lightly right now.”

  My eyes don’t hide my concern for him. If he’s in trouble, then I hope he’s getting the proper guidance he needs. He’s confessed since the beginning about people taking advantage of him for who he is. He lifts his finger to caress my eyebrow.

  “Sounds messy. Do you need me to kick anyone’s ass? Give me a name and number. I’ll take care of it.”

  He smiles gently, working his hand down my face to cup my cheek. “Thanks, but this is something I have to handle. And as soon as I get it worked out things are going to be good again.”

  His words worry me. “Are you okay, Chase?”

  “I am with you.” He wraps his hand around my neck, bringing me down to meet his lips. I could never get tired of kissing him. We kiss until the air in our lungs expires, and he offers a nice slap to my bare ass cheek. “Now. I say we order a sick amount of pizza and you reenact some of those sex scenes in your book.”

  I shake my head, laughing. “Stop reading my book, Green.”

  “Stop being so wonderful.”

  I don’t know how I ever woke up before Chase Green. I don’t know how anyone wakes up without a human alarm clock bringing my dead to the world body awake with a glorious orgasm. I was dead in a dream, when a warm hand made its way down my stomach and past my navel, caressing my skin, all the way down to my core. I debated at first on smacking his hand away because I was so tired. And hungry. The pizza was ordered last night but barely touched. Our bodies, on the other hand, no piece of skin was left untouched.

  His thick finger ventures in between my sex and even half asleep he makes me wet. He enters me and with his warm breath hitting the back of my neck, his tongue gently sucks on my earlobe, a morning moan flows from my lips.

  “Good morning,” he whispers softly, pushing his finger deeper inside me.

  I lay my head back, allowing him better access to my bare shoulder, his teeth gently grazing the surface of my skin.

  “Feels like it,” I reply slowly, working my hips with the movements of his hand. The hardness of his dick pressed against my ass cheeks makes me crave more than just his finger.

  “Oh, well, then we better make that good morning an explosive morning.” He works his finger faster, his mouth back on my flesh. He sucks to a point; I fear he’s going to leave a mark.

  “Chase,” I moan out my warning to watch it.

  But he doesn’t let down. His thrusts quicken and his free hand wraps around a chunk of my hair, gently pulling my head further back, allowing him access to my lips. His mouth is on mine and the moment our tongues collide, I explode. He doesn’t release me. He kisses me all the way through my release, until my body becomes lax in his hold. I feel his lips forming a smile and when I open my eyes, his shiny greens are staring back at mine.

  “Now that’s an explosive morning.” He grins, pulling his finger out.

  I roll to my other side so we’re facing one another, and he brings his strong arms around me, hugging me to his chest.

  “Let’s play hooky today.”

  “Kristen would kill us. Well, she’d kill you. She loves me too much.”

  Chase chuckles, kissing the top of my head. I love his small gestures.

  “Wouldn’t you save me? Without me your mornings would suffer.”

  I press a kiss to his bare chest. “Well, I’ve seen her angry, so I’d have to just accept the fact that I was back to waking myself up. I would miss you, though. Oh—”

  Chase startles me, flipping me so I’m flat on my back, his amazing body covering mine. “Say it ain’t so. You would save me.”

  I fight to keep a serious face as I reply, “I really can’t confirm I would.”

  His eyes light up and I secretly get excited at what he’s going to do if I don’t comply.

  “You love me. You’d save me.”

  “Yeah, but it’s still so fresh. I’ll get over it. Shit!” I start to scream when he begins to tickle me. “Chase, stop!” I cry.

  “Not until you admit you would save me… and tell me that you love me.”

  “No.” Wrong answer. He goes at it even more aggressively and I’m choking on my own laughter and pleas for him to stop.

  “All you have to do is say it, and I’ll stop. Maybe even reward you.”

  I refuse to give in. I shake my head because I’m laughing too hard to speak. That’s when he goes for the kill and starts squeezing my inner thigh.

  “Oh my God! Stop! Fine! You win! I’d save you!”


  “I love you.”


  “I love you,” I repeat.

  He stops tickling. Thank God because I was seconds away from pissing myself.

  “I love you too. And when I get my shit together, I want us to figure out our lives. I can’t do long distance with you, Katie.”

  Wow. He just went deep on us. He can’t do long distance. But what does that mean? “Chase…”

  “Don’t overthink it. I’m not asking you to leave your life. I’d come to you. Shit, I’d move across continents for you. If you’d have me.”

  Jesus Christ.

  “Chase,” I say his name, this time on a whisper.

  “I know. It’s a crazy statement. This is crazy. We’re crazy. But I love you. And that’s all I care about right now.”

  He sure is right. This is crazy. He can’t possibly be thinking straight. “Chase, what about your career? Your life back in Minnesota?” Ther
e’s no hiding the smidge of stress that flashes in his eyes.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “I don’t know. I’d have to think about—Okay! Okay! I do,” I finish, needing him to stop fucking tickling me. “I trust you.”

  “Good. So just trust that I have some major changes in the future. I just need to work them out and then us? We’re going to take this thing a whole step further. Then further after that.”

  I seriously love Chase Green right now.

  “How about we put all this talk on hold and you use that pretty thing you have growing up my stomach and put it in that warm place waiting just for him. Then you can continue to show me just how much you love me.” My boldness causes a grin so wide, I feel another jolt of his hard cock on my stomach. He kisses me roughly, and I accept his challenge. He’s inside me within seconds and bringing me back to another screaming orgasm.

  “How are we going to break it to Ellie and Gerdie?” he asks, grunting with each push. He’s so large and hitting so deep I can barely respond.

  “Maybe they can share a room,” I moan, digging my nails into his tight ass.

  “Fuck, that means you’ve considered us living together.” He pulls out and slams back into me. Shit. I didn’t even realize the intensity of my reply.

  “For the weekend then maybe—”

  Chase slams his mouth to mine, stopping me from finishing my sentence. “You can’t take it back now, Beller. You see us playing house together. Now I’m holding you to it.”

  I can’t respond because he’s like a stallion slamming home over and over again, until my eyes cross and I’m threatening to bite my own lip off while my body explodes with sensations only Chase can provoke out of me.

  “Fuck, I can stay inside you forever. I love you…” He trails off as his orgasm blasts through him, his hot seed releasing inside me.

  “God, you’re hot. Last chance to play hooky.” We’re in the elevator on our way down to the ballroom. He’s holding my hand, as he always does, but maneuvering our connected hands to rub my ass.


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