The Red Queen: Wonderland University Book One

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The Red Queen: Wonderland University Book One Page 1

by K.N. Lee

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  An Exclusive Look at Half-Blood Dragon: Dragon-Born Trilogy Book One:




  Wonderland University Book One

  K.N. LEE

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. September 19, 2017.

  Copyright © 2017 K.N. Lee.

  Written by K.N. Lee.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  An Exclusive Look at Half-Blood Dragon: Dragon-Born Trilogy Book One:



  About the Author

  More Great Reads by K.N. Lee

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  Further Reading: Academia of the Beast

  Chapter 1

  While pixies buzzed outside the glass walls of the Hall of Dark Arts, the urge to play with magic overwhelmed Beth. Her nerves were shot, and lack of sleep made it difficult to keep from throwing small sparks of white light into the air with her fingertips.

  Bored. That’s what she was as she rolled out of bed that morning and headed to the first course of her senior year. As she wound a lock of raven-black hair around her finger, electricity flowed within. Still, she kept it at bay. Such an ability was addictive, especially after years of developing her strengths and learning how to control what unique gift she’d been born with. She chewed her bottom lip and sighed as she and the other ninety-nine students in the stadium-seating lecture hall waited for their professor.

  “I hear he’s very strict,” Lora whispered while peering down at an ancient book on possession and soul-stealing. “Like a drill sergeant.”

  “I hear finals are killer. At least fifteen percent of each class either flunks out or dies each year.”

  “Yes, Constance,” Beth said. “Don’t be so dramatic. We know.” She hadn’t been studying relentlessly all summer for nothing. It wasn’t a rumor that students died during their finals. It was fact. Her older sister’s best friend had did during a duel. She’d attended the funeral.

  Finals were no joke.

  Constance shrugged. “Just saying.”

  With long white hair and peaches and cream colored skin, she resembled both the mermaids of her kingdom and the humans who lived above the sea. That was her unique lineage that made her stand out from nearly everyone on campus. That, and her shimmering silver eyes.

  Constance, on the other hand, was human just like Beth. Her long blue hair reached the back of her knees, and her pale skin refused to tan no matter how hot the sun became or how long they lay under it. Her glass-blue eyes always seemed to look directly into your soul, and so Beth usually avoided looking right into them. Even though they were best friends, she had some secrets she never wanted to see the light of day.

  Beth yawned and Lora continued. “But, Professor Hatter is supposed to be a hard ass, a bit mad, but fair at least. Can’t say the same about some of the other professors.”

  “Like Coach Hook,” Constance said, tapping her pen on the desk that folded over their laps. “Why do all of the strict professors have to be hotties? Totally not fair. I hear Professor Hatter is movie-star hot. Not that Beth cares. She’s still hung up on Chess. The purple-haired freak. Why would you want to date a Cheshire cat shifter, anyway? Gross.”

  “Well, he is quite dreamy. I would have scooped him up if Beth hadn’t first,” Lora said. Then, she lifted a brow. “Have you heard from him, yet?”

  Shaking her head, Beth sighed inwardly. She knew they’d bring it up. The fact that she hadn’t heard from her boyfriend all summer didn’t help her nerves or the fact that insomnia had reared its ugly head once again.

  “Sorry, love. I’m sure he was just busy with his usual family stuff. But, look at how lucky you are. While I’m stuck with Rumpelstiltskin, you get Professor Hatter as your advisor. That must count for something,” Lora said.

  “I don’t know how lucky she is. He’s Alice’s advisor as well,” Constance said with a frown. “She’s been copying poor Beth since freshman year. Like a little leech. I bet she requested him on purpose.”

  Beth shrugged, feigning nonchalance. Yet, she curled her fist around a pen and nearly snapped it in half. The mention of Alice’s name sent ice through her veins. Of course, Alice requested him. She wasn’t surprised. It was that girl’s sole goal in life to be a pest to Beth.

  “Whatever. I really don’t care what Alice does. I’d appreciate if we didn’t bring her name up again,” she said.

  “Sure,” Constance said, giving Beth’s shoulder a squeeze. “One more year and you’re free of your little protégé.”

  Beth grimaced. “All that matters is that I pass this year’s courses with straight A’s. My parents would kill me. I can’t come home and show my face unless I am valedictorian.”

  “They can’t kill you. You’re the future queen of the Red Throne.” Constance snorted, a bit too loudly and several other seniors at Wonderland University of Supernatural & Combat Studies turned around to look at her.

  “Keep your voice down,” Beth whispered.

  “I’m just saying. No one would dare give you less than an A,” Constance said, turning her blue-eyed gaze on Beth. “And, of course you’ll be valedictorian. Even if you decide to stop showing up for class, no one’s going to not give you that title, your majesty.”

  “Don’t give me that,” Beth said. “We’re all equals here.”

  “As equal as a filet mignon and a hot dog,” Constance said with a snicker.

  “Fair enough,” Beth said.

  The double doors to the lecture hall opened, and in walked their professor—the wizard they’d all heard about since they began their first year at the University. Now, as seniors, this was to be their toughest course.

  Dark Arts 101.

  For most students, this single course could determine their place in the world. Consequently, Iracebeth, Lora, and Constance were all royalty, known around campus as The Princess Pack.

  Constance was referred to by many as the Snow Princess, future queen of an icy land just north of Wonderland, and Lora preferred to keep her title as the Sea Witch, and not princess at all, despite her parents ruling much of the cluster of islands just south.

  Their paths were set. That didn’t mean they didn’t sweat a bit thinking about the stories they’d heard about Professor Hatter.

  Beth selected him for a reason. Not only was he from Wonderland, but he was the best dark wizard in the entire school.

  All chatter ceased as he walked into the room, carrying a stack of folders and a laptop satchel at his hip.

  Beth leaned forward and licked her lips. “Goodness, you weren’t kidding, Constance.”

  Despite the glasses on his face, he was astonishingly handsome. He couldn’t have been more than thirty, with dark wav
y auburn hair cut short, a tall athletic frame, and the style of a trendy librarian. With a collared shirt under an evergreen sweater and dark charcoal-colored slacks, he was just the kind of guy Beth avoided. She usually went for soldiers, or warriors-in-training.

  But, there was something alluring about Professor Hatter, especially when he cast his green-eyed gaze directly at her as she were the only person in the room.

  Her cheeks flushed red even though she tried to play it cool.

  “Seems we have our future queen in this room,” he said, lifting his wire-rimmed glasses up.

  Everyone turned to look at Beth and she gave a slight nod of acknowledgment. It wasn’t a secret on campus. Most people knew exactly who she was and gave her the respect her title afforded her. Still, she wasn’t keen on being called out.

  “Come on down,” Professor Hatter said, a mischievous smile coming to his lips. “You can be the first volunteer of the semester.”

  Constance nudged her, and Beth tried to hide her fear. What was she volunteering for?

  She came to her feet and sidestepped her way past the other students in her row to head down the narrow stairs that led to the front of the classroom. As she walked closer to him, her heart began to thump harder, louder inside her chest. From this distance, she noticed that he had freckles across his nose and cheeks, and a strong jawline. He was a warrior in geek clothing.

  She absently smoothed the front of her red dress. “What’s the lesson?”

  He held a hand out toward her, and a brief warning sparked in her belly.

  The classroom was so silent, she could hear her own heartbeat and how her breaths quickened as she took his hand and he guided her to stand right before him.

  “Right,” he began. “As you all must know by now, I am Professor Stuart Hatter, your guide through the most difficult subject you’ll ever learn. The Dark Arts.”

  Beth didn’t like the change in his tone as he said those words. They were menacing. She looked down, realizing that he hadn’t let go of her hand and she held in a breath as he pulled her even closer to his chest.

  Her mind whirled at the first whiff of his intoxicating scent. She was certain her lashes fluttered as she drew in another breath of the tangy aroma of cedar and mint. From what she knew, he was one of the greatest wizards ever to be born in Wonderland and lived in an old castle in the middle of the Dead Forest.

  “Tell me,” he said, lowering his voice. “Do you feel this?”

  Beth gasped as a rush of cold filled her veins. It was euphoric and exhilarating.

  She nodded as her eyes went to his full lips. She licked hers and flickered her gaze back up to his. “Yes, what’s happening?”

  He tilted his head and lifted her into the air. When he let go of her hand, she reached down to hold her skirt around her legs as a gust of wind blew her higher into the air.

  Eyes widened, she looked down at the classroom as she hovered a few feet above their heads. A collective gasp of awe erupted from the students as Beth began to spin.

  “Whoa,” she whispered as she spun and her hair wrapped around her face

  “What you see here,” Professor Hatter said. “Is a simple levitation spell. Maybe one day, after years of practice, you’ll be able to master this art on both a willing subject and yourself.”

  Professor Hatter flew into the air and wrapped his arms around Beth’s waist. Their eyes locked as he slowly led her back down to the floor.

  She swallowed as her feet found their footing.

  College just got exponentially more interesting.

  Chapter 2

  After her last class of the day, Constance and Lora met outside the Campus Green. Students filed onto the immaculately manicured evergreen lawn; all dressed with their Wonderland University red cloaks over their clothes.

  Young men and women came from all walks of life and from all over the world to attend, yet Beth couldn’t muster a smile. Summer was rough. Instead of spending it in on Lora’s island with her boyfriend like the year before, she was alone. Why, she still wasn’t sure. But, she had an idea, and the thought of it turned her stomach.

  “What a day,” Constance said, shaking her head. “The professors aren’t cutting us any slack. I already have four papers due by the end of the week.”

  Beth chuckled and shrugged. “Did you think it would be easy? I already knew they were going to try to kill us with assignments this year.”

  “Not a word out of you, missy. It’s clear that Professor Hatter fancies you,” Lora said. “Did you see the way he looked at her this morning?”

  “I did,” Constance said. “I saw it all. No wonder they call him the Mad Hatter. Why else would he choose Beth over me?”

  Lora laughed and Beth hid a secret grin. She could still smell him, and feel his hands on her back. For once she felt lucky. To have him as both an instructor and an advisor, she might just enjoy this semester.

  “I think our Beth might fancy him right back,” Constance said, with a grin that lit up her face which shimmered with flecks of silver.

  “I think you’re right,” Beth said under her breath. Perhaps what she needed was a fling with the sexy professor. After months of loneliness, she deserved some attention. Chess wasn’t lacking any from dear old Alice.

  “I can see it on her face,” Constance said, locking arms with Beth. “She likes him. And, I approve.”

  A bit overwhelmed by just how exhilarated Professor Hatter had made her feel earlier, Beth breathed in the cool air and took a glance around the Campus Green. It was a parade of students and staff, all assembled on the Green, the large front lawn that faced the ancient castle that served as the university. The strong smell of fresh-cut grass lingered in the air, as did the sweet cinnamon scent of fairy dust. The entire cheerleading squad were out behind their welcome stand, in their skimpy red and black uniforms and clad with stacks of paper pressed to their chests.

  Her eyes widened as one fairy buzzed over on translucent white wings and shoved a flyer into her hands.

  “Cheerleading tryouts start tomorrow on the football field. See you there!”

  “Bloody hell, Farah,” Beth said. “When are you going to get it through your head that I’m not joining your squad?”

  Farah shrugged, smiling. “Come on, Iracebeth, you—”

  “Beth,” she corrected, rolling her eyes. She hated being called by her full name. “Just Beth.”

  The fairy’s cheeks flushed. “Oh, sorry, Irace—”

  Lilith, the captain of the squad flew from their stand. It was odd seeing her on campus when back at the Wonderland Palace, Lilith’s family stayed in the Mage’s quarters and was responsible for using their magic to keep the enchanted gardens in order.

  “Good day, your highness,” Lilith said, bowing her head to Beth.

  “You don’t have to be so formal, here.” Beth hated being addressed by her title while away from the Red City.

  Lilith twirled one of her red pigtails and gave Beth a sheepish look. “Of course. My apologies. You see, though...we have spots for the three of you. Imagine if we had the entire Princess Pack. All of the girls would be ever so pleased.”

  “Yeah,” Constance said, feigning excitement. “Keep imagining. Let me know how that works out for you.” She grimaced at the flyer.

  Snatching it out of Beth’s hand, she froze it into a sheet of ice. A wicked grin came to her shimmering pink lips that always looked as though they’d been dusted with snow.

  “Oops,” she said as she dropped it onto the white stone walkway and watched it crumble into tiny shards of ice. “Now, about that drink. Let’s go, ladies.”

  Beth blew her bangs out of her eyes as she followed Constance and Lora away from the welcoming squad. “Well, you could have been a little bit nicer to those girls. They look up to us.”

  “As they should. We’re going to rule each and every one of them one day. But, please kill me if I ever become that desperate,” Constance said, marching Beth away from the student quad.
/>   “Just saying, you don’t want to see any of the fae girls get angry,” Beth said, shaking her head. “Not pretty.”

  “Sure. But, I bet they don’t want to see me get angry,” Constance said with a laugh. “I’ll freeze their tiny noses off their faces. Cheerleaders, sororities, sports teams. Like, who has time for any of that nonsense?”

  “Um,” Lora said. “I kinda wanted to join the swim team.”

  “Attention whore,” Constance said. “You’re a sea witch. Do you really have to show off amongst the humans?”

  All sounds seemed to fade into the background as a very familiar laugh cut through the chaos. It was light and cutesy. Fake.

  Here we go, Beth thought as she inhaled the crisp autumn air and turned around.

  It was as she’d expected. As she’d feared.

  Her heart sank into the pit of her stomach as Alice and Chess walked hand-in-hand across the lawn and toward the dining hall.

  As she glanced to her left, her heart broke.

  She braced herself, grabbing Lora’s arm.


  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Constance said as they watched Beth’s ex-boyfriend, Arthur get out of the passenger’s side. “What a moron.”

  Beth looked away. She inhaled and clasped her hands before her. After squeezing her eyes shut and wiling herself to remain calm, she looked to the setting sun and shook her head. “It’s fine.”

  Heartbroken and sick to her stomach, she refused to show weakness. So, she shrugged her shoulders and flipped her long, black hair over her shoulder.

  “Like hell it is,” Constance said, lifting both brows in surprise. “I’m going over there to set that little Barbie doll straight. I might even slap some sense into Chess while I’m at it.”

  Beth caught her by the arm. Calmly, she shook her head. “No. I mean it. I’m letting it go. So should you. They deserve each other.” Her arch-nemesis and the only man she ever loved. No one believed her hollow words.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Lora asked.

  “Yes,” she said, forcing a smile. “Let’s skip the dining hall and go out to eat.”


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