The Blood Moon Luna (Luna of the Pack Series Book 1)

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The Blood Moon Luna (Luna of the Pack Series Book 1) Page 11

by SJ Hayslett

  "Evony Morris, you bear the mark of Alpha Reed Nelson, well you two move fast don't ya?" Councilman Casper laughed at the insinuation, and added a wink before continuing. "As the true mate of Reed Nelson, do you swear to uphold the laws set forth of the Council? To keep to the holy station of Luna as set forth by the moon goddess?"

  "I do." Evony said confused, not entirely sure what was going on right now. This was in no way what she thought was going to happen when she woke up this morning.

  "By the power vested in me by the Alpha Council, I now pronounce you a bonded pair. Celebrate, enjoy each other, and raise lots of pups!" Councilman Casper clapped his hands and it wasn't long before everyone that had been witness, to the union joined in.

  Reed hopped over the table and joined Evony on the floor before Casper. "That was the simplest and probably the quickest bonding ceremony ever." Reed's smile eased the frown on Evony's face, as she still had no clue what just happened.

  "But we didn't say any vows, none of this was how I ever would have planned it to go." Though Evony had never intended to find her mate, especially so soon, had no bearing on the fact that she had an idea of what she wanted for her special day. She felt pathetic as she looked around the meeting hall, tears welling up in her eyes that there was not a single decoration in sight. There wasn't even a photographer, though considering how unplanned this was, it was probably a good thing that there was no record of the ceremony.

  "I have quite the feeling young lady, that your father is going to be up to no good in the coming future. And I felt that it was necessary for the two of you to be bonded sooner, rather than later." Evony nodded at the councilman's words, because he was right. It was much harder to destroy a bonded alpha pair because they're able to share and give each other strength. And if in fact Blood Moon and Silver Fang were headed to war, Evony and Reed would be that much harder to take down.

  "I'm leaving you two a bonding present. It will arrive in a weeks time." Casper patted the back of Reed and smiled, "Now what kind of bonding ceremony is this? Kiss the bride, son!"

  Reed looked over at his mate, lost in her soul and wrapped his arm around her waist so that he could draw her closer to him. When she could get no closer, he shivered when her hand naturally rested above his heart. Reed wasted no time to bring his lips to hers, tasting the sweet mint from her toothpaste.

  All thought of kissing in front of the pack was gone for Evony, the minute she felt his arm around her. There was only the two of them when she brought her hand up from his chest to his face as she sought entrance to his mouth with her tongue to deepen the kiss.

  "Alright, alright, alright. That's enough, there are children in here." Garrett clapped the both of them on their backs, embarrassing Evony even further. Dammit she had to get herself under control, and not look into Reed's eyes. They were too hypnotizing for public.

  "When do you think you'd want to move in with me?" Reed asked while he worked on a few things at his desk that he had to set aside thanks to the Council visit. He wanted Evony to join him by his side since they were newly bonded and her mark hadn't healed completely yet. They were essentially in the honeymoon phase and he didn't want to let her out of his sight anytime soon.

  "The pack is kind of far from campus to be driving to everyday." Evony's face scrunched up in thought. She wasn't even sure why she suggested that, it was only a twenty-minute drive, twenty five with traffic. She knew some of her classmates commuted to Harvard with at least thirty minutes or more for their classes.

  "You can do better than that," Reed countered. "What if you stayed here on Tuesday nights? You don't have class on Wednesdays."

  "I go to the library on Wednesday."

  "We have a library here. And you have late classes on Thursday." Evony looked at him skeptically. She didn't doubt that there was a library on the premises, most packs had one. She just doubted that there was anything that she'd find useful for her studies at school.

  "And when I'm done with my late class, I want to be able to just crash in my bed, in my tiny but cute dorm room."

  "Bahh, that bed is uncomfortable."

  "Well it wasn't made for handsome bulky alphas to share with their mates."

  "I paid for it I should be able to sleep in it."

  "Excuse me?" Evony wasn't entirely too sure she heard him right, so while he was looking sheepishly at her, she decided it was time for payback and snuck into his mind. "Reed Everton Nelson, you paid extra for me to have a single?!" Evony practically screeched. She was glad his office was soundproof from anyone who happened to be in the hallway. Evony wouldn't have liked anyone to know that her voice could reach such high octaves.

  "You're a werewolf Evie, and you should have your space. What if you were in a fight and needed to change out of really bloody clothes?" Evony raised an eyebrow at the silly situation Reed just conjured up. "Or what if your really hot mate wanted to spend the night and enjoy some time with you? You were glad you had a single when I came over weren't you babe?"

  Evony wasn't really mad, she found it kind of sweet that even while she thought he was planning on rejecting her, he was bribing the housing department to get her a single. It was kind of sweet.

  She rose up from her perch on the couch and walked over to Reed. Sitting sideways so her legs draped over the armrests, she wound her hands behind his neck. "Thank you Reed, that was considerate of you." Evony pecked him on his lips, but Reed was greedy for just a few more kisses.

  "How about we move most of my things here, but I keep some stuff at the dorm? That way I don't need to give up my room in case there's ever a time that I'm too tired to drive back here."

  "I guess I can live with that." Reed added before they heard a knock at the door. Evony watched Reed as he took a quick glance at the security feed and saw that it was Garrett at his door. He pressed a button at the corner of his desk and heard the lock disengage so he would be able to come through. "Garrett you never knock, you usually just come on in."

  "Yeah well, never know what you may walk in on with a bonded pair," Garrett teased and Evony's face flushed at the implication. "Anyways, I only came by to say that everything is ready." Garrett strolled out of the office whistling a tune that Evony wasn't familiar with.

  "Ready for what?" Evony asked Reed who only smiled.

  "Come on, you'll see."

  Chapter 15

  "Oh my gosh!" Evony's hands flew to her face and she just knew she looked like Macaulay Culkin from Home Alone. "Why did you do this? You didn't need to!"

  Reed stood behind his little mate with both hands on her waist. He was proud of what his pack was able to accomplish in such a short amount of time. The entire backyard of the pack house was decorated with the fairy lights they had for special occasions, and there were red paper lanterns decorated throughout. There were about twenty round tables, each with about ten chairs each, setup around a makeshift dance floor. Vases of fresh flowers, wild flowers picked from the neighboring meadows and forests, were on the tables along with small tea light candles.

  "It wasn't the bonding ceremony you deserved, but I felt I could at least give you a party that was fit for a rightful celebration." Reed whispered in her ear just before someone started the music. He held his little mate, her back to his front as they watched together members of his – their pack coming together on the dance floor. Trays and trays of food were brought out by some of the she-wolves and set up on tables so that everyone could just grab what they wanted buffet style.

  "Thank you," Reed heard Evony whisper as she grabbed his hand and started leading him forward towards the pack.

  There was so much food and alcohol flowing that the party was quick to get underway. Evony watched for a time as some of the children in the pack started a quick game of soccer, since none of them seemed too interested in dancing. Briefly she flirted with the idea of joining them in passing the ball around, but the food was just too good to leave the table.

  "Haven't you had enough?" Garrett pressed after she fille
d her fourth plate.

  "Nope. Are you food-shaming?" Evony asked after spearing a cheese and mushroom ravioli and stuffing it in her mouth. 'I could live off of pasta,' she thought to herself. Her wolf seemed to be somewhere in the corner of her mind resting.

  'No, not resting, just watching,' Evony's wolf replied to her thoughts.

  "Food shaming isn't a thing."

  "It definitely is. You're attempting to make me feel bad because I'm eating a lot. Thus food-shaming."

  Exasperated, Garrett sighed, and was tempted to continue, but he just let it go, sort of. "Forgive me Luna, I had no idea that you suffered from delusions of perceived wrong-doings, on my behalf." He laughed as Evony's eyes narrowed him in her sight. Before she could insult or reply, he quickly changed course and became serious. "You've changed him already. When the council came through and said that we weren't allowed to take any more land from other packs, he didn't even blink an eye at the order. He was always forcing himself to go at this breakneck speed, never allowing himself or the pack, a moment of respite.

  "Don't get me wrong, I love what we've managed to accomplish in a short amount of time for Blood Moon, but he was dangerously bringing us closer and closer to war needlessly. But since you decided to defy the odds and come here, he can step back and see all the work that needs to be done at home instead of just trying to conquer more."

  Evony didn't know what to say to Garrett's sudden speech, choosing to nod her acknowledgement and thanks. She saw him as the goofy best friend who didn't take too many things seriously. However, his words of admiration clued her in as to why Garrett was an awesome Beta. He was just the right compliment to Reed's always-serious mood.

  "You're our Luna, and for that alone the pack will always protect you. However, you remind me of someone, and because I couldn't protect her at the time, I'm making it my personal duty to protect you." Garrett tried his hardest not to get lost in his thoughts over his sister. There wasn't a day that went by that he didn't think of her.

  Evony smiled sadly at the Beta, thankful for his service and the protection that he offered. "She was lucky to have you, as her protector. I've known you for only a week, and I know you did your very best. And thank you for offering safety for me, but I don't want you or anyone putting his or her lives on the line for me when I can fight alongside of anyone. I'd rather pack resources went to protecting the children or the elderly or anyone who can't fight, before me."

  "See you'll be an alright Luna," Garrett said with a smile.

  "Ugh! And don't call me Luna. I'm an alpha female not some weak she-wolf that all of a sudden has power because of whom I'm mated with. I hate that title; it's not even a real title. Luna is a name, and it's definitely not my name. That is gonna be my first order of business once I'm bound to the pack."

  "Okay, Alpha Evony," Evony couldn't detect a hint of sarcasm from Garrett when he called her Alpha after her mini rant. "I think there is someone here to meet you." He pointed off behind her and she turned in her seat only to be greeted by David Wesley and a very shy little girl in a batman costume.

  "Mr. Wesley, David, it's nice to see you again!" Evony stood up and greeted the man before her.

  "Thank you Ms. Morris, umm excuse me, Evony." Evony was pleased that David remembered that she told him that she wanted to be called Evony, but a bit chagrined that he must have overheard her rant against the name Luna.

  "You know my daddy?" His daughter asked in complete awe of her hero that was smiling down at her.

  "I do and you must be Arielle," Arielle's eyes got as big as saucers on her tiny face when Evony said her name. It truly was a meeting of the heroes for Arielle. Nothing else mattered to her except the fact that she was talking to girl who saved her life. Evony bopped Arielle's nose with her finger and continued smiling at the young girl when she squatted down to get at the same height as the young girl.

  "I heard you wanted to tell me thank you for defending you last week. But I want you to know that you don't need to. I'll always fight for you, got it?" Arielle smiled brightly as she dove into Evony's arms, nearly knocking Evony off balanced. "Listen anytime you need me and I'm on the territory, come find me. Okay?" Arielle nodded into Evony's chest and she couldn't help but inhale her scent of roses.

  Reed watched his strong little mate from afar long enough and made his way to her just as David began to pry his daughter from Evony's arms.

  "Batman, is it alright with you if I have this dance with Evony?" Arielle looked up at Alpha Reed and back at Evony, before nodding her consent to leave her new friend. She grabbed her father's hand and he led her away from the new couple. Reed helped Evony from her squatting position, and since her never let go of her hand he brought her out to the dance floor. The lively music transitioned to play Halo by Beyoncé, and before she knew it, Evony and Reed were swaying to the music.

  Eyes closed, and her head on his strong chest, Evony moved with her mate around the empty dance floor. Though there was silence between them, there was nothing uncomfortable with the way their growing love for each other seemed to emanate from them like they were a nuclear core.

  By the time Evony even dared to open her eyes, the song was over, and their pack had shifted into their wolves.

  "Are you ready?" Reed asked looking down to her. Evony simply nodded her head and began stripping out of her clothes to prepare for her shift. She welcomed the familiar tingles of bones snapping into place and shook out her fur once it was completed. She was anticipating the pack bonding ceremony all day, though there wasn't much ceremony involved. Every wolf that wished to join the pack of their choice simply needed to bow their head in submission to the. Alpha while surrounded by the majority of the pack. There were no words to exchange just one more bite for Evony to endure.

  Reed's jaw clamped on the back of her neck and instantly she could feel the presence of other wolves in her head besides Reed. All of those that were surrounding them, were offering their congratulatory praises to the alpha pair for finding each other, and to Evony individually for joining the pack. Reed quickly slipped his fangs from Evony's neck and the entire pack began shifting and changing back into their clothes. No one had a reason to be shy in front of one another since everyone grew up around shifters. It was just a natural way of life for them.

  The pleasant murmuring amongst the pack quickly came to a halt just as Reed slipped his shirt back on. Leaving it unbuttoned, he found the cause to the sudden quiet that fell upon his pack.

  "What the hell is this?" Blair screamed, her eyes never leaving Evony who had just finished tying the halter-top of her dress. The entire pack knew that Blair had designs on Reed and the Luna position and most had just accepted that she was to be their future Luna. However, it became clear at the council meeting when everyone got to glance at how Evony did all that she could to protect the pack from Silver Fang and the council, she was definitely the better choice of the two she-wolves. Even if she wasn't Alpha Reed's true mate. A few members of the pack even groaned towards Blair in defense of their new Luna.

  "Blair, Evony has officially joined the pack and is the new Alpha Female of Blood Moon." Garrett spoke up before anyone else could call Evony the Luna.

  "What?!" Blair cried out while her eyes narrowed to slits. Evony only raised her eyebrow and smirked as she watched the meltdown antics of Blair not getting her way. Blair stomped through the crowd, pushing people out of the way. Evony started to make her way to Blair when she pushed small Arielle, causing her to fall at her father's feet. Reed grabbed a hold of her arm, and held her in place by his side as Blair made her way to the couple. "Reed, how could you do this to us?"

  "Us? What us?" Reed yelled, not caring to feed into her delusions that they were something more. "You invented these dreams of being together when I told you exactly that there was nothing between us but a few times of being physical." Reed screamed, mindful of the children present.

  "There were no titles, labels, and definitely no promises. There was no us. Evony is my mate y
our Luna, and if you have anything left to say, make it fast before I kick you out." Reed growled out the last bit, and Evony looked at Blair who for a second, looked repentant. Only for a second though.

  "I challenge Evony Morris for Luna of Blood Moon." Blair foolishly called out as a last ditch effort.

  Chapter 16

  "What?" Of all of the reactions she could have conjured up in her imagination, Evony never once considered that Blair would issue a challenge. She expected a bitch fit and a lot of yelling and crying, but never to go as far as to issue a challenge.

  Blair sneered at Evony like she was an incompetent fool that was deaf. With the element of surprise, she figured she'd be able to take Evony down. She, along with everyone else, saw how Evony fought, but there was no way for Evony to even know what Blair was capable of. And from the looks of things, Blair assumed that Evony took advantage of the alcohol that was flowing for the feeble celebration.

  Once Reed was hers, they'd be able to have a real bonding ceremony. Sure she spent all day with her mother at the farmer's market, and unfortunately wasn't able to take part in dismantling the laughable bonding ceremony that an elder presided. There was no way, Blair rationalized, that Reed was satisfied with how the ceremony was rushed through. Even the pack bonding ceremony was quickly thrown together, there were no personal touches that she could see.


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