The Blood Moon Luna (Luna of the Pack Series Book 1)

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The Blood Moon Luna (Luna of the Pack Series Book 1) Page 18

by SJ Hayslett

Defeated and subdued, Alex couldn't even look at Evony nor Reed when he stated that he would go home. When he tried to pull Blair with him, what little patience Evony possessed immediately flew off the handle.

  "Alpha Alex, I distinctly remember saying you may take anyone from Grey Sky. Blair is still Blood Moon." The dawning on Alex's and Blair's face would have been comical had Evony been in the mood, but she was already fading fast.

  "But she's my mate!" The fight was back in Alex but it wasn't enough.

  "She may be your mate, but you rejected her, and she you. And, she never left the pack. She is still right there in my mind link." Evony tapped her head as if she could actually pinpoint where the thread that connected her to Blair was.

  "You're more than welcome to stay and fight for her Alex, but we both know, you'll lose that fight as well." Reed's grip on Evony tightened slightly as he looked down at Alex. "Or if you like you can share the accommodations and punishment as Blair. I don't see why that couldn't be arranged as well." He added flippantly.

  Alex gave Blair a longing but however lasting look at Blair, before walking away and only silence hung between them.

  "A mate that wouldn't even fight for you. It works out in the end that you rejected each other, the pain that you feel will probably be dull for him." Evony said to Blair once Alex had gathered his pack and disappeared in the woods.

  "What are you planning on doing to me?" Blair asked as if she was a shy little girl, and not the overly confident she-wolf she had always tried to portray.

  "For now," Evony sighed heavily, "the dungeon. Tomorrow we'll hold a trial. You'll be charged with treason, espionage, assault and battery against an alpha." There were probably other charges that would be added later, but she really needed a nap.

  Blair was dragged away towards the dungeon, and she closed her eyes as she listened to Reed bark out orders. She lifted her hands so that they rested on Reed's and began tapping every second, just to stay grounded and present. Of course that all changed when she felt little arms grabbing her.

  "You're okay!" Arielle exclaimed. "When you didn't come get me I thought something happened to you. I only came out because my daddy was with Garrett."

  "Oh sweetie, I'm okay. See? I had to make sure everyone was safe. I'm just tired." Evony assured the girl that looked up to her as a hero and prayed that she would continue to live up to the reverence that Arielle obviously held for her.

  "You can come find me later okay? I promise." Evony said before standing straight. Arielle nodded and ran off to her father.

  "Let's get you to bed," Reed said. He picked her up bridal style and began carrying her back to the pack house.

  "No, take me to the infirmary," Evony managed to get out before succumbing to the sleep that was calling her.

  Chapter 25

  "She will be waking soon, like I said," a small feminine voice said through the fog. Evony could tell there was power behind her words but the person didn't feel like an alpha.

  "Well soon isn't soon enough!" There's my Reed, Evony thought even though she was not amused that he was yelling at someone for something that was beyond their control.

  Evony groaned as consciousness began forcing her to the surface. "Stop yelling at the poor girl." Her voice was hoarse from disuse and Evony wondered how long she was out.

  Evony was able to focus her eyes to her surroundings and realized she was in the master bedroom that she shared with Reed.

  "Why aren't I in the infirmary? Is the baby okay? Did anything happen to our baby? Wait, I know you." Evony's eyes narrowed on the small but imposing girl who sat in a chair in the corner of their room.

  "It's a pleasure to be here again. Thankfully, under better circumstances." Xerxa stood up from the chair and reached the foot of the bed. "You're baby is fine. I know you have much to discuss with your mate. I will be in my room should anyone need me." The witch walked out of the room but not before offering both of the alphas a smile.

  "The council's back? Why?" Confusion marred every feature on Evony's face. They way her nose scrunched up made Reed laugh.

  "No. Xerxa requested a transfer to the pack and it was granted." Evony leaned into his touch as he climbed on the bed beside her. She squirmed under the tingling trail that he left on her arms when he drew her closer to him.

  "Remember when Councilman Casper said 'our wedding gift would be arriving in a few weeks?'" Evony nodded though she wasn't sure where he was going with this. "Well, apparently, she's our gift. She shared a vision she had with me the last time she was here. She said that in due time, we'd be the ones who united all of the North American packs together."

  "What? Like a King of the werewolves?" She asked skeptically.

  "King and Queen, she saw you by my side." Evony tried to read his facial expressions on whether he really thought this was a good idea.

  "You're actually considering this? Becoming The Werewolf King is really something you want to undertake?" Evony sat up and leaned back against the headboard and stared into his eyes. "All who've tried have also failed, it's never been done before."

  "Doesn't mean it can't ever happen." Reed got out of bed and strolled over to stare out the window. "She, Xerxa, was in my head and showed it to me, everyone prospered under my rule even that sniveling Alex Daniels. The fire showed her of what's to come, and we'll need to be united if the werewolves are to prevail."

  "Sounds a little too Game of Thrones to me and the last I checked that didn't work out too well for Stannis Baratheon. And if Xerxa even hints that you'll win this war by sacrificing our child to the fire, I will kill you and her and unite the wolves instead."

  Reed turned around from the window to stare at Evony, completely astonished by what she just said. "Who is Stannis? What is Game of Thrones?" Reed was confused at Evony's face that obviously was giving off the 'are you kidding me' vibe.

  "Ugh, how are you my mate?" Exasperated and tired, Evony scurried back underneath the blankets on the bed and turned over to her side. Despite just waking up, slumber was nagging her again. Evony couldn't even feel the kiss that on her forehead that Reed planted five seconds later.


  Evony woke up alone several hours later. There was sunlight streaming through the windows, but whether it was coming or going with the day, Evony couldn't tell through the drawn curtains. However, Evony had one more pressing issue than what time it was, so she gentlemen eased her way out of bed and made her way to the ensuite bathroom to take care of business.

  A sandwich and homemade french fries was placed at the table for Evony as soon as she made her way downstairs. The women who cooked in the pack house were pleased to see her awake and walking around. Evony wished Reed was next to her.

  "Can you hold onto that please? I'll be right back." A round of "of course's" resonated from the kitchen. Judging by the clock it was just after lunch so there wasn't a rush for them to do anything in particular just yet. She just really wanted to see Reed.

  However, just as she was about to step away from the table, Xerxa walked into the dining room. "Alpha Evony, may I speak with you privately?" Evony didn't feel uneasy around Xerxa, just unsure. She did after all, help clear her name with the council, but that doesn't mean that she had any true alliance with Reed or Blood Moon for that matter. Why was she so paranoid?

  Evony followed Xerxa outside to the backyard, and they continued walking until they reached the shore of the lake that could be seen from the bedroom window.

  "I know you have concerns about my presence," Xerxa started. "But I can assure you that I will do you, your mate and family, nor your pack any harm. With what I've seen coming, the things that you and Alpha Reed will achieve will seem impossible to others, but will be necessary in order for all of us to survive. Even the twin pups that you carry will be great and powerful together. You two were truly blessed by the goddess."

  Evony took a moment to consider Xerxa's words. She had so many questions but was unsure which one she should lead with.

? We're having twins?"

  "A boy and a girl. One will be the other's Beta once Alpha Reed is ready to pass on the alpha title. But that won't happen until after the battle that's coming."

  "And this 'battle that's coming,' what is it? What's coming?"

  "Something that we'll all wish stayed in the dregs of the earth." Xerxa was noncommittal and mysterious with her answer, and though Evony was slowly starting to feel comfortable with the witch around, the non-answer did nothing for her nerves. "In the meantime, I will be needed here. For instance, your wolf came back at an awfully convenient time, don't you think?"

  Evony looked at the witch skeptically, "That was you?" She whispered.

  "The poison is still in your system, so she'll be weak for a few more days, maybe a week. I gave her a boost that held just long enough for you to take care your father. She'll be back; she's just recuperating right now. I'm here to help."

  "That's what Melisandre said to Stannis," Evony grumbled under her breath.

  "I'm not the Red Witch and your fate won't be like Stannis'," Xerxa snorted. Figures the one person who Evony had yet to feel completely comfortable with was someone who would probably watch Game of Thrones with her.

  "Go, go find your mate. He's looking for you." Xerxa dismissed Evony with a smile, though she was the one who walked away first. Evony stayed at the lake and skipped a stone eight times before heading back to the pack house. A figure in the distance was walking towards her and she couldn't help but break out into a run when she recognized it to be Reed.

  "I was just coming to find you. The Council will be calling in about an hour. They want to discuss what we'll do with your father, Blair and Silver Fang. I want your input before we address them." Reed wrapped his arm around Evony's shoulder and started ushering her back to the house. He loved the feel of her underneath his arms and by his side. Evony was the epitome of style, strength, and grace and was the perfect example of what a Luna should be.

  "You want my input?"

  "Of course. You're the reason we still have a pack. Not that we couldn't handle things ourselves. But you did it with minimal bloodshed. All of our wolves are alive and we even gained another pack. Thanks in whole, to you."

  Suddenly, Reed stopped and turned Evony to look at him. "I know we're not perfect yet, and I'm to blame for that. I don't think I've completely apologized for my mood swings as of late, and especially for doubting you. For doubting us. I want to do this the right way for us, and I'm going to mess up. You might too, but not as much as me." He paused to smile and Evony couldn't help but smile with him. "I know when I do mess something up, you'll be there to help me clean it up. The goddess gave you to me, and I haven't always treated you like the gift you are. But I promise from here on out, whether I'm the werewolf king or not, you'll always be my queen."

  Evony pulled him down by his shirt so that her lips could crash into his. "I love you," she whispered when they came apart for air. Reed however, kept planting kisses along her jawline and collarbone so her whispered declaration went to his ear.

  "Reed," she tried to get his attention but he wanted to keep his lips on her body. "Reed come on. You're the one that said you wanted to discuss my father." Reed stopped kissing her neck immediately and let go of Evony.

  "Babe, please. If I'm kissing you, don't ever, ever mention your father." He laughed and his arm went around her waist so they could finally head inside to meet with Garrett and Angela in regards to their prisoners and the new pack addition.

  "I promise, after today, I'll never speak about my father again," Evony promised.


  "You should get some rest. The hard work is done." Reed assured Evony as she lay in bed. He watched Xerxa and the other midwives cleaning up their miracles. Jaymeson Amelia was born first, by mere seconds as Cole Dominic came out right behind his sister.

  "Bully, you just want them all to yourself. I need to feed them first." Reed could hear the exhaustion in Evony's voice. At one point he thought she was going to lose her voice with all of the screaming that she did.

  Xerxa first handed Evony, her daughter, Jaymeson. She had a little trouble latching on, but once she got it, Reed was amazed at how the miracle of life worked. After a few minutes, Jaymeson was passed from mother to father, so that Evony could feed Cole, and Reed could burp his daughter.

  Once the process was repeated with Cole, Evony had fallen asleep, while Reed continued to watch his sleeping children. He was amazed that four short months ago is was such a hectic time period for his pack, that the arrival of their children was a welcome slowing down for everyone.

  Once everything settled after Evony defeated her father, the Council showed up, soon after Xerxa appeared, and took possession of Alpha Morris, since only the Council could prosecute another alpha. A few weeks later, Reed had received word that Alpha Morris was found guilty of his crimes and was executed the day after his trial. Reed had asked Evony if she wanted to know what happened to him, but keeping true to her promise, she insisted that she didn't have a father and therefore did not care what had happened to some random guy.

  Blair on the other hand was not so lucky to have received a quick death. Reed had been worried that Evony had crossed the line with Blair's torture in the cells. She had injected Blair with the same concoction of jimson weed, silver, and wolfsbane, in low doses everyday until Blair's wolf was permanently gone. The slow death was agonizing to both Blair and her wolf since the low doses didn't allow Blair to pass out while she died off. Once the wolf was gone, Blair was so dependent on the jimson weed, that she was slowly driven insane. Eventually, Evony put her out of her misery.

  Garrett was now the Alpha of Silver Fang, with him and Angela moving out to Evony's former home. Most of Silver Fang had welcomed the new regime, having felt oppressed by Alpha Morris' rules as of late. Though adopting many of the policies that Reed used to run Blood Moon and the smaller packs that reported to him, was relatively easy, there were still a few that tried to challenge Garrett for alpha. Which was to be expected, though they all lost. Since technically, Evony was the Alpha of Silver Fang, by blood and by challenge, Garrett checked in with her often with news or ranting of what was going on in the pack he now oversaw. The best news however, came just before Evony went into labor. Angela was pregnant with their first child! Evony had gushed that their children would be the best of friends despite the distance between them.

  Evony was able to finish her first semester at Harvard with flying colors, though she was a little disappointed that she missed Dean's List by three tenths of a point. The twins came just before the start of the spring semester but Evony was able to convince her professors to let her follow online, as long as she came in for exams. She was totally amendable to that arrangement because it would allow her more time with the kids and her pack. Her family.

  "This calm won't last forever," Xerxa came out of the shadows and disturbed him from his thoughts. "Don't get complacent."

  Having a witch in his employ was taking some getting used to on his part, though the Council had decided that for everything that she had seen, she would be needed by his side. Xerxa still wouldn't layout all of the details, like who the enemy actually was, but worked around with generalities. 'Too much information before the mind was ready would do just as much damage as not knowing anything at all,' was what she would say, even if it was demanded of her. Reed wasn't ready to trust anyone who he couldn't give an alpha command to.

  "No one is getting complacent." Reed brooded while wishing she wouldn't talk shop while he was basking in the birth of his children. However, he wasn't lying. Even while the witch hadn't given any details on their enemy, he didn't relent on the training for all of the packs under his command. Reports from all of the pack leaders were coming in constantly on the progress of building and adding to their numbers. Reed had worked out several new alliances and partnerships with other packs, including Alex's Gray Sky pack that gave managerial capabilities to Reed in order to lead the process of unifying
everyone under a monarch. Most had been receptive to the idea though there were a few holdouts.

  "Good. See that never changes. These creatures that will be coming, won't relent." Xerxa cryptically said before leaving the suite.

  "Reed?" Evony's sweet voice called to him from the bed. "Are the babies okay?" He could tell she was still sleepy, obviously since she'd only been asleep for about twenty minutes.

  Reed took a look at the pups that were sleeping in the double bassinet and smiled when he saw they were holding hands in their sleep.

  He pressed a kiss to his sleeping mate's forehead, "the babies are fine my love." He prayed to the goddess for the blessings she bestowed to him. "We're all fine."




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