Dirty Old Men [And Other Stories] (Zane Presents)

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Dirty Old Men [And Other Stories] (Zane Presents) Page 8

by Omar Tyree

  She figured if everyone else would become a risk to him, he could still count on her to be in his corner to lean on, or to lean in, if he wanted.

  David looked down into her eyes, as she faced him with all of her sincerity, and he nodded.

  “I appreciate that,” he told her. “That’s what I liked about you from day one. You have some people who work for you to benefit themselves, but then you have others who work to benefit the team.”

  “So, you have to pick the right people then,” she advised him.

  Then his cell phone lit up from the nightstand on the right, where he had placed it earlier. David had set the phone on mute, but the screen continued to light up whenever new calls or texts came in.

  “Are you gonna get that?” Beverly asked him curiously. She was interested to see how he would treat her now that their first round of fucking had been accomplished. Would she be marched straight to the back of the bus, or would he let her sit comfortably up front as a new priority, or at least while she was still a game rookie?

  David picked up his phone to read the screen and paused. Without looking at her, he said, “You can enjoy this room for the night and order breakfast in the morning, if you want, but I’ll have to get up and leave in a few. Now imagine how much worse it would be if I was the mayor.”

  Beverly figured that making any complaint about his announcement of desertion would be in vain. She had made her bed, and she was now forced to accept the only option of sleeping in it…alone.

  “What if I get cold again?” she cracked.

  David looked down at her and chuckled a second time. The girl had a clever sense of humor. “You have the thermostat on the wall for the room temperature, plenty of covers and quilts, and plenty of pillows to block out any breeze.”

  “But the bed is all wet now,” she whined.

  David shook his head and climbed out of bed with his cell phone in hand, and he headed for the master bath. “You got enough sheets to cover it with.”

  Once he stepped inside the bathroom, he set his cell phone down on the marble sink, discarded his condom into the toilet, flushed it, washed himself up at the sink, and made a return phone call to his wife.

  “Yeah, I’m heading back home now,” he told her.

  His wife paused over the line and considered his answer. What was the sense in causing a stir over the phone if he was already on his way back where she could express herself in person. “I’ll see you then.”

  David then called his secretary, C.J., who had made several missed calls to him during the past hour. “I’m heading on in for home,” he told her.

  “Well, how come you didn’t answer my calls?”

  “I wasn’t in a position to. And I didn’t look at it.”

  She pouted, “Damn, you just…fucked up my night. I thought you said you were gonna call me.”

  “You know I’ll make it up to you eventually. But it’s another early rise and shine tomorrow, so get your rest.”

  “Yeah, that’s easy for you to say. But I’m the one who’s all pent up over here.”

  David was not in the place, nor did he have the time to continue a long-winded conversation with her, so he decided to cut things short.

  “Get your rest, I’m gone,” he told her with finality.

  Beverly had not heard all of his conversations on the phone, but she already knew enough about the man to know that he would never be hers alone. There was no sense even being upset about it or having a tantrum, although she wanted to respond in some way. But small jeers of sarcasm were all that she could muster against him, knowing full well that she wanted to lie down and experience his stroke again in the very near future. She wanted to cum hard again, three more times, to see if it had only been a fluke, a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence. So she forced herself to relax and enjoy the spoils of the evening inside the comfortable bed. And it was big enough to roll away to one side and cover up their wet spots of passion.

  By the time David had returned to the room, refreshed, and began to gather his clothes, the young college intern had accepted her fate. She would continue to ride out a relationship with him for as long as she could sanely endure it, and then she would move on.

  “You all right over there?” he asked her as he redressed.

  Beverly nodded and mumbled, “Yeah.” She had not budged from the comfortable bed and did not intend to until morning.

  “So…I’ll see you back at the office then. Will you be able to get up in the morning and make it?” he teased.

  She smiled. “Will you?”

  “Oh yeah, business is business. The show doesn’t stop for me.”

  “Well…it doesn’t stop for me either,” she boasted back.

  When David left her there at the Marriott, Beverly took a deep breath, curled up with the pillows on the bed, closed her eyes, and swallowed the full reality of her decisions like a big girl.

  Then she smiled in her lingering thoughts, with her eyes still closed. So I actually fucked Mr. David Butler Sr., she mused. And if he decides to run for mayor and wins, then I can say I fucked the mayor of Birmingham.

  Those were her divergent thoughts as she fell asleep that night. And if no one had ever found out or could prove that she and Mr. David Butler Sr. had engaged in a sexual relationship, then she would never tell anyone voluntarily or otherwise. Because she considered it her private business. And it would remain that way.



  The apartment doorbell rang while Samuel Douglass was taking a serious dunp inside the bathroom.

  “Shit. When that girl says she’ll be right over, she damn sure means it,” he mumbled.


  “Damn, the girl is impatient, too.” He thought of calling her on his cell phone and telling her to wait a minute, but he didn’t have his phone inside the bathroom.

  If she leaves, I’ll have to call her back once I get out of here, he told himself.

  When he was done with his business, he sprayed the place, clicked on the bathroom fan, and shut the door. Then he gathered his cell phone to ring back his mid-afternoon visitor.

  “Hello,” she answered her cell phone.

  “Yeah, you caught me inside the john,” he told her. “Where are you now?”

  She giggled, imagining the older man on the toilet. “I’m back in my car.”

  Samuel paused. “You leaving or you coming back?” He didn’t want to seem too pressed about her visiting his new Charlotte apartment to help him unpack his things.

  “Umm, I’ll come back. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Samuel went and opened his apartment door for her before she arrived. A minute really meant a minute in her book. So he opened his front door wide and listened to her ascend the two flights of stairs before she reached him on the third.

  “It’s good exercise, ain’t it?” he asked her, grinning. “That’s how I plan to keep my legs and body young. Every little bit counts.”

  Candice Burton grinned with double dimples, straight white teeth, wild wavy hair, and smooth, caramel skin, wearing a peach summer dress and gold, wire-rimmed glasses. She was a bit on the healthy side body-wise, with plenty of firm handles to hold on to.

  “You don’t look that old,” she gushed. And he didn’t. Samuel had the gift of youth. Well within his fifties, the man could still pass for late thirty-something. Originally from Cincinnati, Ohio, he was a bank loan officer, who liked to dress young, with oversized blue jeans, sports jerseys and a various array of hats.

  “So, how long can you help me to organize this apartment today?” he asked his young helper. He still had plenty of unpacked boxes to map out, after positioning his furniture.

  Candice shrugged. “I don’t have anywhere to go today. So I can stay a lot longer than yesterday.”

  Samuel looked her over in her nice, peach dress and commented, “And that’s what you wore over here to help me in today? You don’t have any regular jeans and a cheap T-shirt? You wor
e a dress yesterday, too.”

  Candice smiled and laughed it off. “Dresses are my thing,” she told him. “I don’t really wear too many jeans. And a summer dress is easy to wash.”

  Samuel nodded. “I like your attitude. I guess it is no big deal then.”

  He didn’t know a lot about the girl yet. All he knew was that she was turning twenty-five in less than a month. She was born and raised there in Charlotte, North Carolina, and had recently graduated from Queens College with a degree in early education. Presently, she was a substitute school-teacher who had not yet applied for a full-time teaching job. She explained that she wanted to see what she was getting into before she made the leap.

  Samuel had met her at a grocery store a few weeks ago, while making his transition from Ohio. Once he told her he was moving into a new apartment, and that he would love to know the hot spots around the city to eat, drink, and unwind, she kindly offered him her cell phone number and began to explain what the city of Charlotte was all about. Those conversations led to her helping him to organize his new apartment. And it was her second time over.

  “So, what room do you want to start with today?” she looked around and asked him.

  On the first day, they had taken care of most of the kitchen before she had to run off.

  Samuel shrugged and thought about it. “What about ah, the bathrooms and the bedroom?” Then he caught himself with a hearty chuckle. “But let’s do the bedroom first, because the bathroom needs a good twenty minutes to air out.”

  They shared a laugh as Candice agreed. “Okay, the bedroom it is.” She walked into his bedroom and was ready to start.

  This girl is so damn pleasant, it’s unbelievable, Samuel told himself. Her good nature was also keeping his playboy instincts in check. He had had the full intention of tempting the young woman from the first moment he saw her inside the grocery store. But as he began to get to know her more, he backed down from his hunt.

  “Nice bed,” she told him admiringly.

  “Yeah, that came right after you left yesterday.”

  It was a high-positioned sleigh bed of dark, pine wood.

  Candice walked over and rubbed her hand over the smooth surface of the naked mattress. “You don’t have any sheets or anything to put on it yet?”

  “I do, but I could use some more. What would you suggest?”

  “Silk or satin,” she answered immediately. “I could buy some for you from the Bath & Linen store in Concord if you want. They’re going out of business soon.”

  Samuel stopped her. “Silk or satin? Girl, what you know about slippin’ and slidin’ around inside the bed sheets?”

  Candice grinned. “I know they feel good on your body.”

  That got Samuel thinking with his lady killer instincts again. Well, maybe she ain’t so innocent, just extra nice, he mused. “Well, we’ll talk about those bed sheets a little later. First I have to unpack all of these clothes.”

  He had left many of his boxes untouched on purpose to give them more to unpack together. And Candice didn’t seem to mind. She walked over to his group of brown boxes on the floor and pulled out two arms full of colorful briefs.

  “You sure have a lot of different drawers,” she told him with a giggle.

  Samuel laughed it off. “Yeah, I figure, why should women have all the fun with colorful panties while we wear one style of plain drawers? So I decided to mix it up a bit.”

  “I see,” she responded to him. “So, where do you want me to put these?”

  “In that top dresser drawer next to the bed.”

  She did as he told her and walked over to unpack the next box. By that time, the older man couldn’t help himself.

  “So, ah, since you know about my colorful selection of drawers now, what color of Victoria’s Secrets do you like to wear?”

  “All of them,” Candice commented. “That’s one of my favorite places to shop, actually.”

  Samuel looked at her intrigued. “Is that right?”

  Candice chuckled and looked away. “Don’t tell anybody though,” she warned.

  “Who would I tell?” he asked her. “And for what reason? We all have our private places to go to, right?”

  Candice looked him dead in his eyes and nodded, sending a wave of shivers up his spine.

  “You’re right. But everyone can’t understand it,” she commented.

  “They’re not supposed to understand it. That’s why it’s called a secret.”

  The young woman agreed with his logic and smiled. “That’s true.”

  Samuel smiled back. “So, what are you really telling me? You got a little freak in you that nobody understands? A lot of girls feel that way. It’s only nature. But everybody wants you to cover it up all the time.”

  “I know, right,” she agreed again. “I hate that. Where do you want me to put these?” she asked, holding up two arms full of dress pants.

  “Oh, I got a bunch of hangers for those inside the closet.”

  Candice walked into the master bedroom closet and found a rack of hangers for his dress pants. As she hung them, she sniffed the pleasant smell of his men’s cologne that lingered from a few of his slacks.

  “I see you wear a lot of nice colognes,” she commented after she had finished. Samuel was busy trying to decide what dressers to place most of his other things in. Brand-new furniture often created many new options.

  He bragged, “Yeah, I’m pretty much a well put-together man. And with four older sisters, aunts, and nieces all around me, I figured out what women like to smell on a man.”

  “I’d think so,” Candice teased. She was hinting ever so tactfully at flirtation.

  Samuel caught on to it. It was obvious in her candid observations that she may be game to his advances. But he decided to take his time with her and keep his poise.

  “What scents do you like to wear?” he asked her.

  Candice shrugged. “Anything that smells good, I guess. I’m not too picky.”

  He looked her over again and was amused by her. Either she was too easy to read or a big tease. Nevertheless, she had him ready to speed things up to see what she was willing to accept from him.

  “Sounds like you an easy girl to please.”

  She nodded. “Yeah, I am.”

  “And how well do you please?”

  “I mean…I’m pretty much open.”

  Shit! Samuel thought. Now she’s making my dick hard, and we still have a lot of unpacking left to do in here. Could she be this damn obvious?

  To test out his hunch, he asked her, “You’re pretty much open to what, a well-kept old man with a private young woman?”

  She smiled and didn’t answer him immediately. “That could be good.”

  “Good for who, the old man, or the young woman?” he questioned.

  “Good for both.”

  Samuel felt like he had been sent an angel from heaven. It had never been that easy for him. Was that how the young women were in Charlotte, or did he luck up with the right one? So he became a little skeptical.

  “Now how I know you’re not pulling my leg in here?”

  She stared at him with opened hands. “What else do you want me to do?”

  Samuel was startled by her innocent forwardness. He became hesitant to speak up on his next move. But he had to. He was a playboy veteran.

  “Well, unpacking boxes is one thing, but knowing how to please an experienced man is totally different.”

  He figured he’d try the stately approach as an obvious challenge to her.

  She said, “But I can learn anything that someone is willing to teach me, right?”

  “Yeah, you can. But it won’t be teaching you how to unpack,” he joked. “I know that. I know what men want, even when they won’t say it,” she told him.

  Samuel backed up on his toes. “So, what are you trying to say?” he asked.

  “I said it already. All you have to do is ask. And it’s either yes or no.”

  “So, you mean to tell me th
at I can ask you for whatever I want, right here, right now?”

  “You’re going to eventually anyway. Right?”

  Samuel broke out laughing. “Shit, you a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

  “Sheep’s clothing is easier to pull off,” she teased him. “It’s only one button.”

  “Let me see it.”

  Candice turned around in her peach dress and showed him the button hook at the top of the neck.

  “So, if I undo this one button, the whole dress falls off?”

  “Just like a bra,” she told him. “All I have to do is take my arms out.”

  “And what about the rest of these boxes?” He was reminding her that they still had work to do.

  Candice didn’t budge. “I told you, I have nothing else to do today.”

  Well, what the hell are you waiting for then? Samuel questioned himself. Candice was a gift ready for unwrapping.

  He nodded. “All right, then. I mean, it’s a little unexpected but…So, you want me to undo that dress to see what I’m working with, or do you want to do it?”

  Candice simply reached her right hand to the back of her dress and unbuttoned it. She pulled her arms out and allowed the dress to drop to the floor. Then she unclipped her yellow bra to free her twins, and pulled off her matching yellow panties to reveal her smooth, trimmed vagina.

  Samuel stood there and said, “Wow. So I guess I do need some silk or satin bed sheets.” He wasn’t that impressed with her body. He had seen much better. But he was impressed in her willingness to deliver herself to him.

  “Am I just gonna stand here?” she asked him.

  “Well, as you can see, I don’t have any sheets on the bed yet, but…” He stopped and thought about the bathroom sink. “You said you would do anything your man asked you to, right?” He figured he would put her to the test.

  “That’s what I said,” she teased.

  “Well, let’s go inside the bathroom then.”

  He figured the master bathroom had aired out enough by then.

  Candice walked in ahead of him, and Samuel closed the door behind them.

  “Do you have any protection?” she asked.


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