Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China

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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China Page 10

by Shawn Conners









  Chapter 4 - The Tiger Teaching

  Three Formations

  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “In employing the army, there are the Heavenly Formation, the Earthly Formation and the Human Formation. What are these?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá replied: “When you accord your formation to celestial objects like the sun and moon, the stars, the planets and the handle of the Big Dipper - one on the left, one on the right, one in front and one to the rear - this is referred to as the Heavenly Formation.

  “When you accord your formations to the hills and mounds, rivers and streams, giving you advantage at the front, rear, left and right, this is referred to as the Earthly Formation.

  “When you create your formation according to the type of chariots and horses and the strategies you are using, this is referred to as the Human Formation.”

  “Excellent!” said King Wu.




  Fast Battles

  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “If the enemy surrounds us, severing both our advance and retreat, breaking off our supply lines, what should we do?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá replied: “These are the most distressed troops in the world! If you employ them explosively, you will be victorious; if you are slow to employ them, you will be defeated. In this situation, deploy your troops into ‘Four Martial Assault Formation’. Use your military chariots and valiant cavalry to assault and startle their army, and attack them with haste. Then you can thrust across them.”

  King Wu asked: “After we have broken out of the encirclement, if we want to take advantage of it to gain victory, what should we do?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “The Left Army should assault to the left and the Right Army should assault to the right. But do not get entangled in protracted fighting with the enemy over any one road. The Central Army should alternately attack from the front and attack the rear. Even though the enemy is more numerous, their general can be driven off.”





  Certain Escape

  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “Suppose we have led our troops deep into the territory of the feudal lords where the enemy unites from all quarters and surrounds us, cutting off our road back home and severing our supply lines. The enemy is numerous and extremely well-provisioned, and gained the terrain advantage. We want to get out - how can we?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “In the matter of staging a certain escape, your equipment is the key, while courageous fighting is of foremost importance. If you investigate and learn what parts of the enemy’s fortifications are weakly defended, and the places where there are no men, you can then stage a certain escape.

  “Order your generals and officers to carry the black pennants and take up the implements of war. Require the soldiers to put wooden gags into their mouths. Then move out at night. Men of courage, strength and swiftness, who will risk extreme danger, should occupy the front, to level the enemy’s fortifications and open a passage for the army. Skilled soldiers and strong crossbowmen should compose an ambushing force which will remain in the rear. Your weak soldiers, chariots and cavalry should occupy the middle. When deployment is complete, slowly advance, being very cautious not to startle or frighten the enemy. Have the Large Charging Chariots group defend the front and rear, and the Large Flank Great Chariots protect the left
and right flanks.

  “If the enemy should be startled, have your courageous, strong risk-takers fervently attack and advance. The weaker troops, chariots and cavalry should bring up the rear. Your skilled soldiers and strong crossbowmen should conceal themselves in ambush. If you determine that the enemy is in pursuit, the men lying in ambush should swiftly attack their rear. Make your fires and drums numerous to confuse the enemy, and attack as if coming out of the very ground or dropping from Heaven above. If the army fights courageously, no one will be able to withstand us!”

  King Wu said: “In front of us lies a large body of water, or broad moat, or deep water hole which we want to cross. However, we do not have equipment, such as boats and oars. The enemy has fortifications and ramparts which limit our army’s advance and block off our retreat. Patrols are constantly watchful; passes are fully defended. Their chariots and cavalry press us in front; their fighters attack us from the rear. What should we do?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “Large bodies of water, broad moats and deep water holes are usually not defended by the enemy. If they are able to defend them, their troops will certainly be few. In such situations, you should use the Flying River with winches and also Heaven’s Huang to cross the army over. Our courageous, strong and skilled soldiers should move where we indicate, rushing into the enemy, breaking up his formations, all fighting to the death.

  “First of all, burn the supply wagons and provision, and clearly inform the men that those who fight courageously will live, while cowards will die. After they have broken out and crossed the bridges, order the rear elements to set a great conflagration visible from afar. The troops moving forth must take advantage of the cover afforded by grass, trees, hillocks and ravines, ready to spring an ambush.

  The enemy’s chariots and cavalry will certainly not dare to pursue them too far. Using the flames as a marker, the first to go out should be ordered to proceed as far as the flame and then stop to re-form into ‘Four Martial Assault Formation’. In this way, the army will be fervent and sharp and fight courageously, and no one will be able to withstand us.”

  “Excellent!” said King Wu.


  太公说:突出敌人包围的方法,兵器器材最为重要,而首先必须奋勇战斗。查明敌人兵力薄弱的地方,以及无人防守的处所,乘虚而击,就可以突出包围。突围的部署,将士们都拿着黑旗,持着器械,口中衔枚,乘夜行动。使勇敢有力、行动轻捷、敢于冒险犯难的将士在前面,攻占某些敌人营垒,为我军打开通路,让有技能而勇敢的武士使用强努,隐伏在后面掩护,老弱士卒和车骑在中间行进。部署完毕后,沉着行动,谨慎从事,不可惊慌,使用武冲大战车在前后护卫,用武翼大橹矛戟 战车在左右掩护。





  Planning for the Army

  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “Suppose we have led the army deep into the territory of the feudal lords, where we encounter deep streams or water in large valleys, ravines and defiles. Our army has not yet fully forded them when Heaven lets loose a torrent, resulting in a sudden flood surge. The rear cannot maintain contact with the front portion. We don’t have equipment to cross the river and the supply has been cut off. I want to finish crossing, to keep the army from becoming bogged down. What should I do?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “If the leader of the army and commander of the masses does not first establish his plans, the proper equipment will not be prepared. If his instructions are not precise and trusted, the officers and men will not be trained. Under such conditions, they cannot comprise a conqueror’s army.

  “In general, when the army is involved in a major campaign, everyone should be trained to use the equipment. For attacking a city wall or surrounding a town, there are armored assault chariots, overlook carts, and battering rams, while for seeing inside the walls, there are the ‘cloud ladders’ and ‘flying towers’. If the advance of the army is stopped, then there are Large Charging Chariots, for defending both front and rear. For severing roads and blocking streets, there are the skilled soldiers and strong crossbowmen controlling the two flanks. If you are encamping or building fortifications, there are the Heaven’s Net, the Martial Drop, the chevaux-de-frise, and the caltrops.

  “In the daytime, climb the cloud ladder and look off into the distance. Set up five colored pennants and flags. At night, set out 10,000 fire-cloud torches, beat the thunder drums, strike the war drums and bells, and blow the sharp sounding whistles.

  “For crossing over moats and ditches, there are the Flying Bridges with mounted winches and cogs. For crossing large bodies of water, there are boats called Heaven’s Huang and Flying River. For going against the waves and up current, there are the rafts and the rope pulled River Severance. When the equipment to be used by the army is fully prepared, what worries will the commander-in-chief have?”



  Approaching the Border

  King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “Both the enemy and our army have reached the border where we are in a standoff. They can approach, and we can also advance. Both deployments are solid and stable; neither side dares to move first. We want to go forth and attack them, but they can also come forward as well. What should we do?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said
: “Divide the army into sections. Have our advance troops deepen the moats and increase the height of the ramparts, but none of the soldiers should go forth. Array the flags and pennants, beat the leather war drums, and complete all the defensive measures. Order our rear army to stockpile supplies and foodstuffs without causing the enemy to know our intentions. Then send forth our elite troops to secretly launch a sudden attack at their rear, striking where they do not expect it, attacking where they are not prepared. Since the enemy does not know our real situation, they will not advance.”

  King Wu asked: “Suppose the enemy knows our real situation and has fathomed our plans. If we move, they will be able to know what we are up to. Thus they send forth their elite troops, concealed in the deep grass, to ambush us on the narrow roads. What should we do?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá replied: “Each day, the vanguard should go forth and instigate skirmishes with them, in order to psychologically wear them out. Have our older and weaker soldiers to drag brushwood to stir up the dust, beat the drums and shout, and move back and forth - some going to the left, some to the right, never getting closer than 100 paces from the enemy, to create an illusion that we have a large army. Their general will certainly become mentally fatigued, and their troops will become fearful. In this situation, the enemy will not dare come forward. Then our advancing troops will sometime continue forward to attack their interior, other times their exterior. With our army all fervently engaging in battle, the enemy shall certainly be defeated.”


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