“When the enemy lacks the advantages of ravines and defiles for securing their defenses, if you penetrate deeply into their territory and sever their supply lines, they will certainly be hungry.
“When the land is level and easy and the enemy cavalry approaches us from all four sides, if then our chariots and cavalry strike into them, they will certainly become disordered.
“When the enemy flees, with the officers and troops scattered and in chaos, if our cavalry outflanks them both on sides and obstructs them to the front and rear, their general can be captured.
“When the enemy is returning to his camp at dusk and his soldiers are very numerous, his lines and deployment will certainly become disordered. Our cavalry should be formed platoons of ten and regiments of 100. Our chariots should be grouped into squads of five and companies of ten. Our flags and pennants should be set out in great profusion, intermixed with strong crossbowmen. Then, units of our cavalry should attack their two flanks, others cut off the front and rear, and then the enemy’s general can be taken prisoner. These are the ten circumstances in which the cavalry can be victorious.”
King Wu asked: “What are the nine circumstances which will lead to defeat?”
Jiāng Zǐyá said: “If our the cavalry penetrates the ranks of the enemy but does not destroy their formation, and then the enemy feigns flight, only to turn their chariots and cavalry about to strike our rear - this is a situation in which our cavalry will be defeated.
“If we pursue a fleeing enemy into confined ground far into their territory without stopping, then the enemy may ambush both our flanks and sever our rear - this is a circumstance in which the cavalry will be surrounded and defeated.
“If we go forward when there is no road back, if we enter when there is no way out, this is known as ‘Heaven Trap’ or ‘Earthly Cave’. It is fatal terrain for the cavalry.
“If the way by which we enter is constricted and the way out is distant; weaker enemy forces can attack our strong ones; and their few can attack our many - this is terrain on which our cavalry can be exterminated.
“If there are great mountain torrents, deep valleys, tall luxuriant grass, forests and trees - these are conditions which will exhaust the cavalry.
“If there is water on both left and right, while ahead are large hills, and to the rear there are high mountains, and if our army is fighting between the bodies of water while the enemy occupies both the interior and exterior ground - this is terrain that presents great difficulty for the cavalry.
“If the enemy has cut off our supply lines, and if we advance, we would not have a route by which to return - this is terrain that is troublesome for the cavalry.
“If we are sinking into marshy ground, and advancing and retreating must both be through quagmires - this is terrain that will labor the cavalry.
“If on the left, there are deep water sluices, and on the right, there are gullies and hillocks, but the ground appears level - good terrain for advancing, retreating, and enticing an enemy - this is a terrain that is a pitfall for the cavalry.
“These nine circumstances comprise fatal terrain for cavalry, which an enlightened general may use to keep the enemy far off and allowing time for him to escape, and for the ignorant general, it is the means for him to be entrapped and defeated.”
太公说:敌人初到,行阵未定,前后不相联系,我骑兵应立即击破其先头骑兵部队,夹击其两翼,敌必溃逃;敌人阵势,整齐坚固,士卒战斗情绪很高,我骑兵部队 应缠住敌人两翼不放,有时奔驰过去,有时奔驰回来,快速如风,猛烈如雷,使尘土飞扬迷漫,白昼如同黄昏,不断更换旗帜,改变服装,[使敌人疑虑重重,]敌 军就可以被打败;敌人行阵不稳固,士卒没有斗志,就迫近敌人前方和后方,袭击其左右从两翼夹击它,敌人必会震恐;敌人日暮回营三军震骇.我骑兵应夹击其两 翼,急速袭击其后尾,迫近其营垒入口,阻止其进入营垒,敌人在慌从中必会溃败;敌人没有险阻地形可以固守,我骑兵应长驱立入,切断其粮道,敌人必会陷于饥 饿;敌处于平坦地形,四面受到威胁,我骑兵协同战车四面围攻它,敌人必会溃乱;敌人败逃,士卒散乱,我骑兵或由其两翼夹击,或袭击其前后,敌将帅也就可以 被擒;敌人日暮退回营垒,部队很多,队形一定混乱,就令我骑兵十人为一队,百人为一屯,战车五辆为一聚,十辆为一群,多插旗帜,配以强弩或者打击其两翼, 或者断绝其前后,敌将帅也可以被俘获。这就是骑兵作战的十种取胜的战机。
太公说:用骑兵攻击敌人,如果不能突破敌阵,敌人假装跑,而以战车和骑兵攻我后方,这就使我骑兵处于失败的境地了;击败退之敌,越过险阻,长驱深入而不好 止,敌人埋伏在我两旁,绝我后路,这就使我骑兵处于被围的境地了;”前进后,无法退回,进后,无法出来,这叫陷入”天井”之内,困于”地穴”之中,这就使 骑兵处于灭亡的境地了;进路狭窄,出路迂远,敌可以弱击强,以少击众,这就使我骑兵处于覆灭的境地了;大涧深谷,林木茂盛,活动困难,这会使我骑兵处于精 疲力竭的境地;左右有水,前有大山,后有高岭,我三、军在两水之间作战,敌人内守山险,外据水要,这就使我骑兵处于艰难的境地;敌人断我粮道,我只有进路 而没有退路,这就使我骑兵陷于困难的境地;沼泽地、低湿泥泞地,这是使骑兵疲劳的患地;左有深沟,右有坑凹,一高一低,看起来就象平地,无论进退都会招致 敌人来攻,这就是骑兵作战的陷地。这九种都是骑兵的”死地”。这是明智的将帅所竭力避开的地方,昏庸的将冲所以陷于失败的原因。
Infantry in Battle
King Wu asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “How should the infantry engage in battle with chariots and cavalry?”
Jiāng Zǐyá replied: “When the infantry engages in battle with chariots and cavalry, they must use the terrain to their advantage, using hills and mounds, ravines and defiles. The long weapons and strong crossbow should occupy the forward positions; the short weapons and weak crossbow should occupy the rear, firing en salvo. Even if large numbers of the enemy’s chariots and cavalry should arrive, they must maintain a solid formation and fight intensely, while our most skilled soldiers and strongest crossbowmen prepare against attacks from the rear.”
King Wu said: “If there are no hills or mounds, ravines or defiles and the enemy arrives in strength. If their chariots and cavalry outflank us on both sides, and if they are making repeated attacks against our front and rear positions. And finally, if our army is terrified and trying to flee in chaotic defeat, what can be done?”
Jiāng Zǐyá replied: “The army should be ordered to establish a four sided formation with the oxen and horses placed in the center. Defensive barricades and anti-personnel devices should be readied. When the enemy is seen to begin to advance, the men should deploy the spiked barricades, the chevaux-de-frise and caltrops at the periphery. At the back of these barricades, they should dig ditches five feet deep and five feet wide, creating what is called the ‘Cage of Fate’.
“The chariots should be deployed as ramparts and pushed forward and back. Then, whenever they stop, they will be useful as battlements. Our skilled soldiers and strong crossbowmen should defend the left and right flanks. The army should be under orders to fight tirelessly to exhaust the enemy and crush him.”
“Excellent!” said King Wu.
太公说:令我士卒制作行马和木蒺藜,把牛车、马车都集中起来编为一队,步兵列成”四五冲阵”。观察到敌军即将到来,就在他来的方向,广泛布设蒺藜,并挖掘 环形的壕沟,深宽各五尺,这叫做”命笼”。步兵带着行马进退,用车辆组成营垒推着它前后移动,停止下来就成为营寨,用材士强弩戒备左右,然后号令全军急剧 地战斗,不得懈怠。
The Art of War
Sun Tzu
The Art of War (孙子兵法) Sun Wu (also known as Sun Tzu) expounds on the importance of military strategy and tactics, in particular the topics of assessing the opponent, positioning forces, and careful analysis of the enemy, in each of nine situations and terrains. Each of the 13 chapters is transcribed as a lesson by Sun Tzu, traditionally starting with the phrase “Master Sun said.” The Art of War is still considered one of the most important military texts ever compiled. It is believed to have been written during the late Spring and Autumn period or the early Warring States period (c. 470 BCE).
Chapter 1
Assessment and Planning
War is of immense importance, because the outcome will determine the survival of the nation and its people. Thus, the initial assessment of war is of the utmost importance.
There are five major areas one should look at, and compare them with those of the enemy, to understand the situation. Then assess the chances of victory. They are: political intelligence, weather, terrain, generalship, and legal doctrine.
Political intelligence refers to the ruler's capability to unite the whole nation. In this way, the people are prepared to co-exist and brave danger together with the ruler.
Weather represents day or night, light level, temperature, and seasonal changes. Terrain refers to the route or battlefield conditions; high or low, distant or near, easily accessible or treacherous, width, and ease of defense or attack.
Generals should be assessed by their wisdom, trustworthiness, benevolence, courage and discipline.
Army organization structure refers to the army organization and control, systems and procedures, and command and control of deployment of resources.
Generals who are able to assess these five factors well would be able to win, and those who cannot would fail. Thus in planning, the general must be able to examine, assess and compare the following dimensions with those of his enemies to determine the chances of victory.
Which ruler has a higher political intelligence? Which general is more capable? Which side has advantages created by the weather and terrain? Which side is capable of executing orders effectively and efficiently? Which army is better equipped, stronger and larger in numbers? Which side has better training? Which side is more enlightened in the administration of rewards and punishment? Based on the comparison, I would be able to see which side will emerge the winner and which would emerge the loser.
A general who adopts my strategies would be able to win the battle; he must be retained. Generals who do not adopt my strategies would not be able to win the battle, they must be removed. Besides adopting the proposed plans and strategies, the general must create or take advantage of situations to push for victories.
All warfare is based on deception. When you are capable, feign that you are incapable. When you are near, feign that you are far. When you are far away, feign that you are near.
If the enemy is greedy, use baits to lure him. If the enemy is in disarray, attack him. If the enemy is strong and has no weaknesses yet, be well-prepared to seize the opportunity to attack. If the enemy is superior in numbers and high in morale, avoid engaging. If the enemy is easily angered, arouse anger. If the enemy looks down on you, increase the arrogance further. If the enemy is resting, harass him so that the troops are not well-rested. If the enemy’s organization is strong, insinuate discord among them. Attack places where the enemy troops are not well-prepared or where they will least expect an attack. This is how a war should be fought, in order to win. These strategies should not be disclosed before execution.
In conclusion, those who have considered careful details during planning and assessment will win, while those who have considered fewer details will lose. The more details considered, the higher the chances of winning, and vice versa. By observing the planning and assessment process, I am able to see whether victory or defeat is expected.
Chapter 2
Waging War
In general, before the start of the military campaign, one would need 1,000 speedy chariots, 1,000 heavy wagons and 10,000 armored and equipped soldiers. Supplies have to be transported for thousands of li[6], and there is a need to provide for expenses both at home and at the battlefront. Examples of such expenses are entertainment of visitors and emissaries, procurement of materials like glue and paint, and maintenances fees for armor and other equipment. These expenses would amount to 1,000 pieces of gold daily. An army of 10,000 could only be raised when a sufficient amount of supplies is raised.
The purpose of raising an army is to achieve swift and decisive victory. If victory cannot be achieved quickly, the army will become l
azy, and lose their fighting spirit. When they attack city walls, they would be greatly exhausted. If the army is out on a military campaign for too long, the nation’s resources would be greatly depleted. When the army is in bad shape and the resources of the nation are exhausted, other neighboring warlords would capitalize on these weaknesses by launching an attack. Even if there are clever and capable strategists or advisors, they would not be able to reverse the situation.
While blunders are known to occur during military operations, one has yet to witness a successful military operation where there are long delays. No one has seen a military campaign where the longer the campaign, the more beneficial it is to the nation.
Someone who does not fully understand the inherent danger of deploying troops would also not understand the advantages of using them.
The general who is well-versed with warfare does not require additional conscription of soldiers, or require supplies to be delivered more than three times. Military weapons and equipment should be prepared and obtained from the nation, and food and other supplies should be obtained from the enemies instead so that the army will always be well-fed and have ample supplies.
A nation could become poor due to multiple transportations of supplies over long distances, impoverishing the people. The prices of food and supplies in the area which the army is located would inflate. This rise in prices would erode the wealth of the people. The nation would impose greater tolls and taxes on the people to cover costs. When the strength of the army is exhausted, and wealth of the nation depleted, every household would be emptied of provisions.
Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China Page 15