Pursuing the Enemy
In antiquity, they did not pursue a fleeing enemy too far, nor follow a retreating army too closely. By not pursuing too far, they will not be ambushed; by not pursuing too closely, they will not be ambushed. They used the forms of propriety as the foundation of the army and benevolence as the foundation of their victory. After they are victorious, their teachings could then again be employed. Thus the gentleman would value these teachings.
Uniting the Masses
Shun made the official announcement of their mission within the state, because he wanted everyone to embrace his orders. The rulers of Xia Dynasty administer their oaths in the army, for they want their people to be mentally prepared. The rulers of Shang Dynasty swore their oaths outside the gates to encampments, for they wanted the people to understand their intentions first, before going into battle. King Wu of Zhou Dynasty made the oath just before the two armies clashed, in order to stimulate the people's will to fight.
Governance and Weapons
The rulers of Xia acted in accordance with their Virtue and never employed weapons, so their weapons are not varied. The ruler of Shang relied on righteousness, so they first used weapons. The ruler of Zhou relied on force, so they invented and fully utilized all kinds of weapons.
Promoting Virtue
In Xia Dynasty, the rulers bestowed rewards in court in order to make the good people more eminent. In Shang Dynasty, they carried out executions in the marketplace to warn the evil. In Zhou Dynasty, the rulers granted rewards in court and carried out executions in the marketplace to promote virtues and terrify the debauched. Thus, although the method is slightly different, the rulers of all three dynasties aim to manifest Virtue.
When the types of weapons are not used together, it will not be advantageous. Long weapons are for protection. Short weapons are for defending. If the weapons are too long, it will be difficult to wield against others; if they are too short, they cannot reach the enemy. If they are too light, they will be adroitly used and can easily lead to chaos. If they are too heavy, they will not be sharp and will never attain objectives.
Chariots, Flags, Insignia
War Chariots: Those from Xia Dynasty are called 'Hook Chariots', and their advantage is in being smooth-riding. Those from Shang Dynasty are called 'Yin Chariots' and their advantage is speed. Those from the Zhou Dynasty are called 'Yuan Rong' and their advantage is structural strength.
Flags: The Xia Dynasty used a black one, representing the leader of men. The Shang's was white representing the righteousness of Heaven. The Zhou's was yellow, representing the Way of Earth.
Insignia: The Xia used the sun and the moon, to signify brightness. The Shang used the tiger to signify military greatness. The Zhou used the dragon, esteeming culture.
Military Superiority
If managing the troops with too much grandeur and authority, the morale of the troops will be affected. But if managing the troops without much grandeur and authority, it will be difficult to maneuver the troops to victory. When the superiors are not able to use the people well, and suitable people are not assigned to official positions, then the artisans are not able to profit from their work, oxen and horses are not able to fulfill their functions, while the officers insult the people. Such a situation is termed as “excessive grandeur” and the people will cower. When superiors do not respect Virtue, but employ the deceptive and evil; when they do not honor those who follow the Way but employ those who are tyrannical; when they do not value those who obey commands but instead esteem those who contravene them; when they do not value good actions but esteem violent behavior, then such situations are termed as “diminished grandeur”. If the conditions of diminished grandeur prevail, the people will not be victorious.
Order in Formation
A campaign army takes measures as its prime concern so that the people's strength will be adequate. Then even when the blades clash, the infantry will not run and the chariots will not gallop. When pursuing a fleeing army, the troops will not break formation, thereby avoiding chaos. The solidarity of a campaign army derives from military discipline that maintains order in formation, does not exhaust the strength of men or horses and - whether moving slowly or rapidly - does not exceed the measures of the commands.
Military & Civilian Realms
In antiquity, the form and spirit governing civilian affairs would not be found in the military realm; those appropriate to the military realm would not be found in the civilian sphere. If the form and spirit appropriate to the military realm enter the civilian sphere, the Virtue of the people will decline. When the form and spirit appropriate to the civilian sphere enter the military realm, then the military spirit of the troops will weaken.
In the civilian sphere words are cultivated and speech is languid. In court, one is respectful and courteous and cultivates himself to serve others. Not summoned, he does not step fourth; unquestioned, he does not speak. When you want to speak, the forms of propriety are plenty; when you have finished speaking, the forms of propriety are few.
In the military realm, one speaks directly and stands firm. When deployed in formation, one focuses on duty and acts decisively. Those wearing battle armor do not bow; those in war chariots need not observe the forms of propriety; those mann
ing fortifications, do not scurry. In times of danger, one does not pay attention to seniority. Thus civilian forms of behavior and military standards are like inside and outside, like left and right.
古时候,朝廷的礼仪法度不用在军队中,军队的礼仪法度,不用在朝廷内。如果把军队的礼仪法度用在朝廷内,民众的礼仪风气就会被废弛,把朝廷的礼仪法度用在军 队中,军队的尚武精神就会被削弱。因为在朝廷上说话要温文尔雅,在朝见君主时态度要恭敬谦逊,严以律己,宽以待人,国君不召不来,不问不说,朝见时礼节隆重,辞退时礼节简单。在军队中要昂首直立,在战阵中要行动果断,穿着皑甲不跪拜,在兵车上不行礼,在城上不急走〔以免惊扰士众],遇危险不惧怕[以免惑乱军心]。所以礼和法是相互为用的,文和武是不可偏废的。
Rewards and Punishment
In antiquity, the Worthy Kings made manifest the Virtue of the people and fully sought out the goodness of people. Thus they did not neglect the virtuous nor demean the people in any respect. Rewards were not granted, punishments were never even tried.
Shun neither granted rewards not imposed punishments, but the people could still be employed. This was the height of Virtue.
The Xia granted rewards but did not impose punishment. This was the height of instruction.
The Shang imposed punishment but did not grant rewards. This was the height of military ferocity.
The Zhou used both rewards and punishment, and Virtue declined.
Rewards should not be delayed beyond the appropriate time for you to want the people to quickly profit from doing good. When you punish someone, punish him immediately, for you want the people to quickly see the harm of doing what is not good.
Do not reward great victories, for then neither the upper nor lower ranks will boast of their achievement. If the upper ranks cannot boast, they will not seem arrogant, while if the lower ranks cannot boast, no distinctions can be established among the men. When neither of them boasts this is the pinnacle of deference.
In cases of great defeat, do not punish anyone, for then the upper and lower ranks will assume the disgrace falls on them. If the upper ranks reproach themselves, they will certainly regret their errors, while if the lower ranks feel the same, they will certainly try to avoid repeating the offense. When all ranks divide the responsibility for the detestable among themselves, this is the pinnacle of yielding.
古代贤明的君王,表彰民众的美德,鼓励民众的善行,所以没有败坏道德的事,也没有不遵守法度的人,因而无须用赏也无须用罚。 虞 舜不用赏也不用罚,民众都能听他使用,这是由于有了高尚的道:德。夏代只用赏而不用罚,这是由于有了良好的教育。商代只用罚,而不用赏,这是由于有了强大 的威势。周代赏罚并用,这是由于道德已经衰败了。奖赏不要过时,为的是使民众迅速得到做好事的利益。惩罚要就地执行,为的是使民众迅速看到做坏事的恶果。 大胜之后不颁发奖赏,上下就不会夸功,上级如果不夸功,就不会骄傲了;下级如果不夸功,就不会向上比了。上下都能这样不夸功,这是最好的谦让风气。大败之 后不执行惩罚,上下都会认为错误是在自己。上级如果认为错误在自己,必定决心改正错误,下级如果认为错误在自己,必定决心不再犯错误。上下都象这样争着分 担错误的责任,也是最好的谦让风气。
Harmony and Peace
In antiquity, those on border duty were not required to serve labor duty for three years thereafter. This is because the ruler sees the people’s labor. Upper and lower ranks look out for each other in this fashion, which was the pinnacle of harmony.
When they had attained their aim of pacifying the realm, they sang triumphal songs to show their happiness. They stored away the implements of war, erected the Spirit Terrace, and celebrate the end of labors of the people, and to show that time for rest had come.
Chapter 3 - Determining Ranks
Before the Start of War
In general, to wage war: First determine the rank and position; prominently announce what are accomplishments and offenses; retain travelers with talents; publicize instructions and edicts; make inquiries among the populace; seek out artisans; apply methodology to planning; fully exploit things, change the people’s hatreds; dispel doubts; nourish strength; search out and employ the skillful; take action in accordance with people’s hearts.
Before the Start of War II
In general, to wage war, the following needs to be done: solidify the morale; analyze the advantages and gains; impose order on chaos; regulate the advancing and halting; accept legitimate remonstrance; nourish a sense of shame; simplify the laws to follow and limit the usage of punishment, minor offenses should be constrained, otherwise major offenses will be committed.
Five Considerations and Weapons
Be in accord with Heaven; make material resources abundant; bring joy to the people; take advantage of the terrain; value the use of weapons. These are the “Five Considerations”. Accord with Heaven means to make use of the weather and seasonal changes, or the opportunities that arise. To accumulate material resources, rely on seizing them from the enemy; to bring joy to the people, wage wars that are in accord with what the people want. To take advantage of terrain, defend strategic points. To value the use of weapons means using bows and arrows for withstanding attacks, maces and spears for defense, and halberds and spear-tipped halberds for support.
Now each of these five weapons has its appropriate use: The long protect the short, the short rescue the long. When they are used in turn, the battle can be sustained. When they are employed all at once, the army will be strong. When you see the enemy using new weapons, you should try to replicate them so that you can be a match for him.
Unity and Strength
The commanding general should be good at motivating his troops, solidifying their morale. He also needs to monitor the changes in the enemy's camp and take necessary precautions. The minds of the troops and the general must be together as one. Horses and oxen are well-fed; chariots and weapons are maintained well, these are strengths for the army. Training should be done during peaceful times, and only then during war, would there be order in the army. The whole army is like a human, where the commanding general is the body, the general are the arms and limbs, and the troops are like the toes and fingers.
Wits and Courage
In general, warfare is a battle of wits and combat is a matter of courage. The deployment of formations is a matter of skill. Employ what your men want and effect what they are capable of; abolish what they do not want and are incapable of. Do the opposite to the enemy.
Heaven, Resources and Excellence
In general, for warfare, one must have Heaven, material resources and excellence.
Seize the opportunity. When divining by the tortoise shell predicts victory, start preparing for war in a secretive manner. This is termed as “having Heaven”.
When the masses are rich and plentiful and so is the state, this is termed as “having resources”.
When the men are practiced in the relative advantages of the formations, and they give their best in preparation for battle, this is termed as “having excellence”.
Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China Page 22