Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China

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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China Page 26

by Shawn Conners

  “The Chu people are not strong. Their lands stretch far and wide, and the government cannot effectively administer the expanse. Their troops are weary and although their formations are well-ordered, they do not have the resources to maintain their positions for long. To defeat them, we must strike swiftly, unexpectedly and retreat quickly before they can counter attack. This will create chaos in their formations and reduce their fighting spirit. If we strike repeatedly, it will wear them out. Thus, with persistence, their army can be defeated.

  “The Yan are a sincere and straightforward people. They are cautious, love courage and righteousness and rarely employ deception. Thus they will defend their positions, but are immobile and incapable of innovation. To defeat them, we must be unconventional, by attacking them at the rear and flanks, where and when they least expect it. When they turn to face our attacks, we should keep a distance. When they withdraw to face another threat, chase them. This will confuse them and create fear in their ranks. If we avoid conflict against their strong points and use our armored chariots to set ambushes, we can capture their generals insure victory.

  “The Han and the Zhao are gentle people. Their populations are weary from war and experienced in arms, but they have little regard for their generals. The soldiers’ salaries are meager and their officers have no strong commitment to their countries. Although their troops are experienced, they cannot be expected to fight to the death. To defeat them, we must concentrate large numbers of troops in our attacks to present them with certain peril. When they counterattack, we must be prepared to defend our positions vigorously and make them pay dearly. When they retreat, we must pursue and give them no rest. This will grind them down.

  “This, then, is the assessment of the six nations.”


  Providing Opportunities for Talent

  “Within the army, there are always soldiers who have the courage of the tiger, who have the strength that to lift tripods easily and who have the fleetness of a barbarian horse. Such men are needed to seize the enemy's flags and kill the enemy's generals. These men should be put into one select unit. These men you should honor and favor generously, for in their hands rests the fate of the whole army. Rank and prominence should be given to those who are expert in weapons, who are strong and quick and are capable and motivated to kill enemies. Their families should also be treated well, encouraged with rewards and warned with punishments. Because such warriors can defend positions resolutely, attack relentlessly and exterminate enemies, the ruler who can discern and employ such men can attack a force double his own number.”

  Lord Wu exclaimed: “Excellent!”

  “此外,一军之中,必定有勇猛之士,臂力大,脚力够,战斗时勇冠三军,能夺取敌军军旗或敌军将领。这些有能力的士兵,应当加以提拔任用,并且珍惜。因为,这些人将是左右全军胜负命运的重要分子。还有士兵中,若有善于使用兵器,身手矫捷,体格健壮,志于杀敌立功之士,应该提拔,晋升其爵位,厚待其父母妻子,再以奖赏激励和处罚警惕。这些士兵就可以构成坚强的阵势,也可以歼灭敌人。国君能做到这点, 便可以迎击两倍于我的敌人。”


  The Enemy You Can Attack

  “In general, there are eight conditions under which one may engage the enemy in battle without having to make prolonged assessments:

  When in violent winds and extreme cold, they arise early and embark upon the march while barely awake, and have to break ice to cross streams.

  When in the burning heat of the summer, they arise late and press forward with haste, through hunger and thirst, concentrating on reaching far off objectives.

  When the army has been out in the field for an extended period; their food supplies are exhausted; the people are resentful and angry; numerous baleful portents arise among the officers unable to squash them.

  When the army's resources have already been exhausted; firewood and hay are scarce; weather is frequently cloudy and rainy; and even if they wanted to plunder for supplies, there is nowhere to do it.

  When the number of troops mobilized is not large; the terrain and water not advantageous; the men and horses are sick and worn out and no assistance is available from their allies.

  When the road is far and the sun is setting; the officers and men have labored long and are fearful; they are tired and have not eaten and have just cast aside their armor.

  When the generals are weak, the official irresponsible, the officers and troops are not solid, the whole army is frequently in fear and the troops lack support.

  When their formations are not yet arranged; their encampment not yet finished or they are passing through dangerous territory, and only half of their troops are out of it.

  In any of these eight conditions, you can confidently attack.”


  第一是,在吹着烈风的寒冷冬天,一大早就开始行军,入夜还迁徒不定,并且不顾艰难,企图强行渡河。 第二是,在炎炎夏日,部队出发迟缓,中途又不休息,且不顾士兵饥渴,往远处行军。 第三是,军队长期出征在外,粮食匮乏,人民怨怒,凶吉祸福的谣言纷起,指挥官无力阻止。 第四是,军队的物资、燃料、粮秣用尽,偏逢连日阴雨,无法就地掠夺,补充军需。 第五是,士卒人数不多,水土不服,人马病倒,又孤立无援。 第六是,长途行军,;离目的地还有一段距离,但天色已晚,士兵疲劳、恐慌又饥饿,正解除武装休息。 第七是,指挥官没有权威,干部轻浮不实,而且军心涣散,精神不稳,一再虚惊骚动,全军彷徨无助。 第八是,开始部署阵营或扎营,但尚未完整;部队正行经险峻地形,但还没有完全走完,只有一半通过。


  The Enemy You Cannot Attack

  “There are six circumstances in which, without performing too much assessment, you should avoid conflict.

  When the land is broad and vast and the people are wealthy and numerous.

  When the government loves the people and the ruler’s kindness extends and flows to all.

  When the rewards and punishment system is fair and transparent and is implemented in a timely fashion.

  When people are rewar
ded according to their accomplishment, and the talented and able are employed.

  When the forces are massive and well-equipped.

  When they have the assistance of all their neighbors or the support of a powerful state.

  In general, if you are no match for the enemy in these areas; without a doubt avoid them. This is what I meant by: see the possibilities and advance, know the difficulties and withdraw.”




  Detecting the Enemy's Situation

  Lord Wu said: “From the external appearances, I should be able to know their internal situation. From their advance, I should be able to know their objective. Then, I should be able to predict victory or defeat. What do you think of this?”

  Wu Qi replied: “When the enemy approaches in large numbers with their ranks in disarray, when their flags and formations are in disorder and when the troops frequently look around; by using one tenth of their strength, we can invariably immobilize them. When their reinforcements have not arrived, when there is disunity within the troops, when their preparations for defense have not been completed, when orders and rules have not been announced and when the morale of the army is shaken; then they can neither advance nor retreat. This enemy you can with half of its strength and never risk failure.”



  Weaknesses You Can Attack

  Lord Wu asked “Under what circumstances can one invariably attack the enemy?”

  Wu Qi replied: “When you know the enemy's strengths and weaknesses, these are the situations give you the opportunity to attack:

  When the enemy has just arrived on the field and their battle formations are not yet properly formed and deployed, they can be attacked.

  When they have just eaten and have not yet established their encampment, they can be attacked.

  When they are on the move and their formation is in disarray, they can be attacked.

  When they have labored hard and are exhausted, they can be attacked.

  When they have failed to seize the advantages of the terrain, they can be attacked.

  When they have not seized upon the critical timing, they can be attacked.

  When their flags and banners move about chaotically, they can be attacked.

  When they have just traveled a great distance, with their supplies and reinforcements having just arrived, and the troops have not rested, they can be attacked.

  When they are crossing the river and only half of them have crossed, they can be attacked.

  When they are on treacherous terrain or narrow roads, they can be attacked.

  When their formations change frequently, they can be attacked.

  When the general is distant from his troops, they can be attacked.

  When they are frightened or afraid, they can be attacked.

  It is wise to select the best troops to make a swift attack upon them; while dividing the remaining troops so as to attack in waves in order to deliver a continuous assault.”



  第一是: 敌人由远方来,刚刚抵达,一切作战安排尚未就绪,可以攻击。

  第二是: 刚用完餐,尚未整顿进入备战状态,可以攻击。













  Chapter 3 - Managing Troops

  Factors in Using Troops

  Lord Wu asked: “In using troops, what is most important?”

  Wu Qi replied: “First you need understand the four principles of 'lightness', the two principles of 'heaviness' and the one principle of ‘integrity’.”

  Lord Wu asked: “And what are they?”

  Wu Qi said: “The four principles of 'lightness' mean the terrain will feel that the horses are light, the horses will feel that the chariot is light, the chariots will feel that the soldiers on it are light and the soldiers will feel that the burden of war is light. The terrain feels the horses are light means that one should choose a suitable terrain that would not hamper the movement of the horses. If the horses are properly fed and rested, they will be strong and thus when they are pulling chariots, they will feel that the chariots are light. If the axles of the chariots are well-oiled, sturdy and properly maintained, they can move soldiers easily, and thus the chariots will feel that the soldiers are light. If the soldiers’ weapons are sharp and their armor is sturdy, they will feel confident. Thus, the burden of war will feel lighter.

  “Those courageous who advance should be rewarded 'heavily'. Those who retreat should be punished ‘heavily’. These are the two principles of 'heaviness'. ‘Integrity’ refers to the consistency of the rewards and punishment system. When the enlightened ruler employs these principles, his troops will achieve victory.”







  Gain Control of the Army

  Lord Wu asked: “What is most important in ensuing victory?”

  Wu Qi replied: “'Control is of for
emost importance.”

  Lord Wu asked: “It is not simply a matter of numbers?”

  “When the laws and orders are not clear, when rewards and punishment not meted out, when sounding the gongs will not cause them to halt or when the beating the drum will not make them advance; even if you have a million men, of what use would they be? 'Control' is achieved by thorough training and good management. During war, when discipline is strict, the soldiers will move and attack with precision. In advance and withdraw their stride will be measured; the left and right will look out for each other. Even when a contingent is broken off from the main body, they will preserve the formations; even when scattered they will reform lines. When the whole army is united by having shared weal and woe together, if when deployed, they do not feel tired then, no matter where you dispatch them, no one can withstand them. Such armies are called ‘The Father and Son Army’.”






  Things to Note on Marching Armies

  Wu Qi said: “Command an army on the march requires observing the proper timing of advancing and stopping; not missing the appropriate times for eating and drinking; and never completely exhausting the strength of the men and horses. These three are necessary for the troops to be able to execute the orders of their superiors. Only when the orders of the superiors are followed, is control achieved. If advancing and resting are not timely; if drinking and eating are not timely; if the horses are tired and the men are weary, then they will be unable to carry out the commander's order. If the orders are not carried out, the troops will be in turmoil while encamped, and defeated in battle.”


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