Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China

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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China Page 42

by Shawn Conners

  Chapter 2 – Stratagems of Opportunity

  7. Create Something from Nothing

  Using a small deception to deceive the enemy; this deception would then grow bigger and eventually becomes a fact.


  In 755 AD, during the Tang Dynasty, military governor An Lu Shan revolted against the Emperor: this was the infamous An Shi rebellion. Under An Lu Shan's command was General Ling Hu Chao, who led an army and besieged the city of Yong Qiu. Defending the city against the rebels was General Zhang Xun, who had only a small troop and limited weapons. Zhang Xun ordered his soldiers to make many dummies of straw, each the size of a man and dress them in black. They then fastened them with ropes and lowered them down the outside of the city walls in the night. When Ling Hu Chao's army saw the straw dummies, they thought the enemies were scaling down the wall and immediately unleashed a volley of arrows upon them.

  By the time Ling Hu Chao's army realized that it was a ruse, they had already “given” thousands of arrows away. Subsequently, General Zhang Xun commanded 500 real soldiers to scale down the city walls during the night. Ling Hu Chao's army ignored the move, thinking that Zhang Xun was up to his old tricks. The 500 soldiers stormed into Ling's camp, setting the tents on fire, creating chaos and panic. Ling Hu Chao's army was then bitterly defeated.


  8. Use the Secret Chen Chang Passage

  Intentionally expose movements, so as to lure the enemy to defend certain positions. Then make a detour to the rear of the enemy and attack, taking him by surprise.


  In 200 BC, before Liu Bang became the Emperor of China and founded the Han Dynasty, he was once under the control of Xiang Yu and had to retreat to Han Zhong. Later, Liu Bang managed to break free from Xiang Yu's control and led troops into Si Chuan. To strengthen his defenses against Liu Bang, Xiang Yu deployed General Zhang Han, a former Qin General, and his troops to monitor Liu Bang's movement. Liu Bang's army was stationed at a place call Shu, surrounded by steep mountains. The main route out of Shu was through wooden bridges. Under the advice of General Zhang Liang, Liu Bang ordered that all the wooden bridges be burnt. They did this to prevent an attack from Xiang Yu and also to assuage Xiang Yu's fear that he would ever return to take his place.

  In the days that followed, Liu Bang appointed Han Xin as his general and began preparing his army for retaliation against Xiang Yu. Just before they were ready to retaliate, Liu Bang ordered soldiers to prepare the burnt bridges. Xiang Yu's general, Zhang Han who had stationed his troops on the other side was aware of the movements. So, while the wooden bridges were gradually restored, Zhang Han got ready for the attack from Liu Bang's troops. However, there was no sign that Liu Bang's army was charging forward through the almost completed bridges.

  General Zhang Han became suspicious and ordered some men to spy on Liu Bang's camp. The men brought back bad news for Zhang Han. Liu Bang had left with all his men, leaving behind empty tents. The truth was finally out. Liu Bang had used the restoring work as a decoy, so that General Zhang Han would not suspect his main intention. Liu Bang had led his main force secretly out of Shu via a small road to Chen Cang, opposite where General Zhang Han was stationed. Liu Bang's army then launched a surprise attack and defeated Zhang Han's army.




  9. Observe the Fire from the Other Side of the River

  When the enemy has internal disputes, and is agitated, we should monitor their movements. When the dispute has aggravated to the point where they are infighting, we should use the opportunity to deal a heavy blow.


  During the period of the Three Kingdoms, around 200 AD, the major forces in the region were divided between Yuan Shao and Cao Cao. When Yuan Shao died, his wife, Liu, divided his kingdom among his three sons, Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang. As Yuan Shang was borne by Liu, she gave him the power to control the important cities. The eldest son, Yuan Tan, was unhappy and contemplated staging a war against his brother. He decided against this idea, only for fear that Cao Cao might take advantage of the situation to conquer them. Nevertheless, the animosity amongst the brothers persisted.

  Three years later, a fierce battle broke out between Cao Cao and the Yuan brothers, and the Yuan brothers were badly defeated and managed to escape to Liao Dong, under Gongsun Kang. Cao Cao's general asked Cao Cao to ride the winning momentum to annexed Liao Dong, and capture the Yuan brothers, which at this moment left only Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi. Cao Cao laughed and said, “There is no need to pursue them. Gongsun Kang will bring their heads to me.” With that he ordered the troops to head back home.

  Now Gongsun Kang had always been suspicious of the Yuan family because of their ambition to capture Liao Dong. Now the two Yuan brothers sought refuge under him because they had no choice. Gongsun Kang thought that if he took the two Yuan brothers under him, there would be no guarantee they will not rebel against him. Moreover, taking the two Yuan brothers under him, he would definitely incur the wrath of Cao Cao, who was more powerful than him. The only use of these two Yuan brothers to Gongsun Kang would be when Cao Cao came to attack him. But on hearing that Cao Cao had returned with his troops to Xu Chang and had no intention to attack him, he realized that keeping the two brothers was meaningless, and would bring more harm than benefit. In the end, Gongsun Kang ambushed the two brothers, beheaded
them and presented their heads to Cao Cao.



  10. Sheath a Dagger in a Smile

  Show a friendly stance to the enemy, so that they will let down their guard against you. Meanwhile, prepare yourself for battle and take extreme care not to let your enemy know your true intention.


  During the Warring States Period, the State of Qin wanted to expand their territories, so they sent out an army to attack the State of Wei, being led by General Gongsun Yang. They came to the Wu City which was very difficult to attack because of the terrain and strong fortresses. Gongsun Yang was thinking very hard about how to capture the city given all the difficulties until he got the information that the person leading the defense of the city was Gongzi Xing, a friend of his. Delighted, he sent a letter to Gongzi Xing, indicating that he actually wished for a truce on account of their friendship. In the letter, Gongsun Yang also indicated a time and venue to discuss the truce. After the letter was sent out, Gongsun Yang asked his troops to pose a retreating stance. On seeing that the Qin troops were retreating, Gongzi Xing agreed to the meeting to discuss the truce.

  On the day of discussion, Gongzi Xing brought with him 300 men to the venue. On seeing that Gongsun Yang brought fewer men and were also unarmed, Gongzi Xing strongly believed that Gongsun Yang sincerely wanted a truce. The discussion was carried out in an amiable atmosphere. After the discussion, Gongsun Yang threw a feast for Gongzi Xing. But before Gongzi Xing could sit down, Qin troops came out from everywhere and had Gongzi Xing and his men surrounded and captured. Gongsun Yang later used the captured soldiers to trick those who were defending Wu city to open the city gates. In the end, Gongsun Yang managed to capture the Wu city.


  11. Let the Plum Die in Place of the Peach

  When the situation has come to a point where sacrifices have to be made, sacrifice a battle to achieve victory in war.


  During the Warring States period, General Tian Ji of the state of Qi had a very good advisor, Sun Bin. Often Tian Ji would race and bet his horses against those of Lord of Qi, and most of the time his horse would fail to win. Sun Bin had knowledge that the horses are split into three categories, Upper, Middle and Lower with the Upper horse being the fastest. Sun Bin told Tian Ji he had a plan and asked Tian Ji to put in high stakes for the next race. Tian Ji followed Sun Bin's plan to pit Tian Ji's Lower Class horse against Lord's Upper Class horse, pit Tian Ji's Upper Class horse against Lord's Middle Class horse and pit Tian Ji's Middle Class horse against Lord's Lower Class horse.

  In the end, Tian Ji won the two out of the three races and emerged the winner of the races and won thousands of pieces of gold from the Lord; and Sun Bin also gained favor from the Lord as well.


  12. Steal a Goat along the Way

  Try to take advantage of the enemy's weaknesses where possible, no matter how small they are. Use their weaknesses to achieve minor victories.


  In 383 AD, during the Sixteen Kingdoms period, the ruler of Former Qin, Emperor Fu Jian had plans to destroy the Eastern Jin. He sent his younger brother Fu Rong to lead as vanguard, and Fu Rong won the first battle. Judging that the Jin did not have adequate forces and their supplies were low, Fu Rong suggested to Fu Jian to hasten his attack on Eastern Jin. Fu Jian, on hearing it, did not wait for the rest of the army to arrive to launch an attack on the Shou Yang City. The general guarding Shou Yang was Xie Shi. Xie Shi, on knowing that the Qin vanguard did deal a blow to the Qin, sent General Liu Lao with 50,000 troops to deal with the Qin vanguard, and Liu Lao won, killing Qin General Liang Cheng. Xie Shi, on seeing their victory, rode out with his troops and reached the banks of the Fei Shui River. Camping on the opposite bank of the river were the Qin main forces. Fu Jian, on seeing how well-organized and well- defended Xie Shi's troops were, decided to wait for more reinforcements to arrive.

  Xie Shi saw that he was outnumbered and knew that he needed to win this battle, by wits. He sent a letter to Fu Jian, trying to provoke him. In the letter he wrote, “I want to battle with you, winner takes all. If you do not dare to take up the challenge, my advice is that you surrender early. If you dare to take up my challenge, move your troops back, let my army cross the river and we can battle each other.” Fu Jian was furious when he read the letter, so he ordered his troops to retreat, so as to allow Xie Shi's troops to cross the river. He wanted to attack Xie Shi's troops when they were busy crossing the river. Little did Fu Jian realize that, because they had lost their vanguards, the morale of the Qin troops was very low.
Upon hearing the retreat order, the Qin troops panicked and there was chaos everywhere in the Qin's camp. Xie Shi, on seeing the situation, led his troops across the river and attacked the retreating Qin troops. Fu Jian, on seeing the battle was lost, retreated back to Luo Yang. The reason why Qin lost was because the Jin forces were able to take advantage of the situation.




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