Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China

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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China Page 53

by Shawn Conners


  李 靖答:在大规模检阅军队的地方画周长一千二百步的正方形,其方法是:区分为六阵,每阵各占地周长为四百步的正方,并将六阵分为东西两厢,中间空地一千二百 步作为教战的场所。我曾用士卒三万人进行教练,每阵五千人,其中以一阵演练驻营的方法,其余五阵演练方、圆、曲、直、锐各种阵形的变化,每阵变化五次,五 阵共变化二十五次。



  Question 2.12

  Tang Taizong asked: “Did the strategy of ambush known as the ‘Pin Mu’ strategy exist in the ancient times?”

  Li Jing answered: “The Pin Mu strategy originated from tradition; it is basically the same idea as Yin Yang. Fan Li once mentioned that ‘To revolt after the enemy’s attack, we need potential; for a preemptive attack against the enemy, we need edge and courage.[30] Take the edge of the enemy’s spirit and exert our fullest potential to conquer our enemy.’ This is the wonder of military strategy, about potential and edges. There is another saying of Fan Li: ‘Arranging the right formation as Pin and the left formation as Mu, the time to launch our operation depends on the situation.’ Therefore, the left and right side of the formation in battle, and the timing to launch a military operation varies according to the situation. Underneath are the changes of the indirect and direct methods. The left and right refer to human Yin and Yang (right refers to Yin while left refers to Yang); day and night refers to the sky’s Yin and Yang (night refers to Yin while day is Yang). Qi Fan refers to the varying of left and right or day and night Yin and Yang. If we are reluctant to make changes, then Yin Yang would be meaningless; how could we maintain the form of Pin Mu? Therefore the direct army is used to deceive our enemy, but not our indirect army. The army that wins victories is the indirect army, but not our direct army. This is the varying of indirect and direct armies.

  “Ambushing does not solely refer to ambushing using the valleys and the surroundings. The real art of ambushing refers to the use of the indirect army as steady-going as the mountains; use the direct army as swift as the lightning. Although the enemy is in front of us, they are unable to determine the location of our indirect and direct armies. If we can apply these two methods to this level, what signs could then be determined?”


  李靖答:牝牡之法,出于世俗所传,其实就是阴阳的意思。我范蠡说:”后 发制人要用潜力,先发制人要用锐气;把敌人的锐气折到最低限度,把我们的潜力发挥到最大程度去消灭敌人。”这是亨家运用潜力和锐气的奥妙之处。范蠢又说: “布设右阵为牝,再左阵为牡,行动的早晚要顺乎天时。”就是说布阵的左右、行动的早晚是因情况而不同,这就在于奇正的变化了。左右是指人的阴阳,(右为 阴,左为阳)早晚是指天的阴阳,(晚为阴,早为阳)奇反是指左右、早晚相互变化的阴阳,如果固执不变,明阳就没有意义了,怎能守牝牡的形式呢。所以欺骗敌 人的,是用奇兵迷惑它,而不是我的正兵,战胜敌人的,是用正兵打击它,而不是我的奇兵,这就是奇正的相互变化。


  Question 2.13

  Tang Taizong asked: “The battle formations of the ‘Four Beasts’ (dragon, tiger, bird and snake) also use the four sounds: Shang, Yu, Wei and Jiao to represent it. What is the theory behind this?”

  Li Jing answered: “This is an example of the deceit of military strategies.”

  Tang Taizong asked: “Could it be abolished?”

  Li Jing answered: “The reason to retain the names of the four beasts, and the design of the four sounds to represents the four beasts, is that if we abolish it, then there will be other, more deceitful ways.”

  Tang Taizong asked: “What is the principle behind this?”

  Li Jing answered: “Under the guise of the name of the formations of four beasts, are the sky, the land and the wind; then add Shang Jin, Yu Shui, Zhen Huo, Jiao Mu’s cooperation. All these exist in the ancient military strategies which mention deceit. Retaining its name would prevent the addition of other deceitful ways; abolishing it could lead to foolish people eager to battle, but who have no accurate ways to study anymore.”

  After a long consideration, Tang Taizong said: “You must not leak this secret; keep it tight.”








  Question 2.14

  Tang Taizong asked: “I doubt the way about using draconian laws in military orders, so that the army fears us more that the enemy. In the past, Emperor Guang Wu resisted Wang Mang’s large troop with a small one. The emperor didn’t use severe penalties. What is the cause of this?”[31]

  Li Jing answered: “Military victories could be caused under totally different conditions; we could not use a single condition to deduce the outcome. For example, the victory of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang against the Qin Empire; can you say that the laws that were set by Chen Sheng and Wu Guang are even more stringent than Qin Empire’s? When Han Guang Wu launched military operations to unify China, it conformed to the hopes of the people who hated Wang Mang. Not to mention that both Wang Xun and Wang Yi did not understand military strategies; they could only boast about the size of their troops, therefore causing their own defeat. I follow what was told in Sun Tzu’s ‘Art of War’: ‘If you give punishment when the soldiers have not yet supported you, how could you make people support your cause? But when the soldiers have supported you, and the army is unable to execute punishment accordingly, they would rarely achieve success.”

  Tang Taizong said: “The theory of Sun Tzu’s ‘Art of War’ is unlike Shang Shu.[32] Shang Shu mentioned: ‘If the dignity is more that the benevolence, the army could achieve victory; however when the benevolence exceeds dignity, the army could not succeed. What is the meaning of the statement?”

  Li Jing answered: “We must place benevolence in front of dignity, use benevolence first and punishment next. The sequence should not be mistaken. If you give punishment first, making things up with benevolence will not help. Shang Shu’s saying of ‘weigh dignity more than benevolence’ means that, he who governs people should consider the importance of dignity, but it does not mean that it is an educating method. Therefore, the sayings of Sun Tzu should not ever change.”





  Question 2.15

  Tang Taizong said: “After you conquered Xiao Xian, all generals and commanders would have liked to confiscate the properties of Xiao Xian’s civil and military officials to reward the soldiers, and only you thought that it was inappropriate. You persuaded them by citing the allusion of Han Gao Zhu not killing Kuai Tong. After that, the people of Jiang Han were submissive. This incident really makes me think of what the ancients said about ‘Scholarly talent could earn the support of the army, while the martial talents could make the enemy submissive.’ I think you are the person being described.”

  Li Jing said: “When Han Guang Wu conquered the Che Ju army, he rode into the Che Mei camp to examine the situation. He rode slowly, representing that he was not suspicious or fearful; therefore the Che Mei army said ‘King Siao has come to confide in us.’ His daring was due to his analysis of the character of the Che Mei people. He was, of course not going to go in there blindly, without analysis beforehand! Not long ago, when I conquered Tu Jue, I was commanding two types of armies: foreign and Han. I didn’t kill Yang Gan, but decapitated Zhuang Jia. I was just treating people honestly and fairly. Your Majesty is over confident of my abilities, and has promoted me to such a high position. I really dare not accept the compliment that I possess both scholarly and martial talents; it is too much of an honor.”


  李靖说:汉光武平定赤局军以后,乘马进入赤眉营中巡视检阅,按辔缓缓而行,[以 示对赤眉并无疑惧之心],因而赤眉军说:萧王此来是推心置腹,开诚相见。这是由于事先判断赤眉的人情本不是坏的,岂是没有分析而轻率进入赤眉军营的呢!我 不久以前征讨突厥时,统率番汉两部人马,出塞千里,并末杀一”扬干”,斩一”庄贾”,也不过是推诚待人,大公无私罢了。陛下过分信任,把我提拔到这样高的 地位,如果说我是文武兼备实不敢当。

  Question 2.16

  Tang Taizong asked: “In the past, I sent Tang Jian as an envoy to Tu Jue, but you took the advantage at this time to conquer Tu Jue. There are people who said that you have made Tang Jian a ‘dead envoy’. I still have doubts on this; why did you did you pick that particular time?”

  Li Jing bowed again and continued with answering: “Tang Jian and I assist Your Majesty together. I had already predicted that Tang Jian would be unable to persuade Tu Jue; therefore, I took the advantage for which Tu Jue had been slack. This was for the good of the country and all commoners; therefore, I couldn’t care about the private affairs between Tang Jian and myself. There were people who said I used Tang Jian as a sacrifice, but that was not my intention. According to Sun Tzu, the use of spies is not always the best strategy. I have given my comments on the last pages of the chapter about using spies: ‘The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it.’ Or, if something is used correctly, it will be of benefit, and if used incorrectly, will do harm. Therefore there are people who use spies successfully, and there are people who don’t. If the ministers could assist the monarch early, be fair in solving the affairs of the state, be loyal and do their best as ministers - honest in giving opinions - with this, even the best spies would be of no use. The matter involving Tang Jian is just a private affair. Your Majesty has no need to be suspicious of this action.”

  Tang Taizong said: “This is indeed true; the people who are not good cannot use spies. Is this something that can be done by a mediocre enemy? Even the Duke of Zhou could kill his relatives for a virtuous cause, not to mention an envoy; now I understand truly.”




  Question 2.17

  Tang Taizong asked: “In war, it is better to be the host and not the visitor in the land. It is better to win quickly, but not to engage in protracted battles. Why is this?”

  Li Jing answered: “War is launched because we have no other option; therefore it is not beneficial to be the visitor to the land, and launch protracted wars. Sun Tzu’s ‘Art of War’ stated, ‘If we are transporting food on the journey, it signifies that the commoners are poor.’ This tries to explain the disadvantages of being the visitor in a war. Another saying is ‘The skillful soldier does not raise a second levy, neither are his supply-wagons loaded more than twice.’ His statement concluded that war should not be protracted. Analyzing the concept of the host and visitor force in war, it follows that it is possible that there could be a war that could turn the host force into the invaders, and vice versa.”

  Tang Taizong said: “What is this based on?”

  Li Jing answered: “The army must depend on the food supplies of its enemy. This is the way to change from being the invading force into the main force. ‘Make the full enemy hungry, make the strong enemy fatigued.’ Therefore, military operations should not rigidly stick to the concept of ‘main and invading forces’, and the speed of the operations. If we command the whole military operation correctly, we can always still achieve victory.”

  Tang Taizong asked: “Are there cases of this which existed in the ancient times?”

  Li Jing answered: “In the past, when the King of Yue was conquering Wu, he used the left and right army (hitting the drums at midnight) to attack. The army of Wu separated their troops for defense, but the King of Yue stopped hitting the drums and sneaked to attack the army of Wu with Yue’s middle army. This is also an example of changing from the invading force to the main force.

  “When Shi Le was warring with Ji Dan, Ji Dan was bringing his army from the far side. Shi Le assigned Kong Chang as the striker to attack Ji Dan’s army, but Kong Chang retreat
ed purposefully, to lure Ji Dan’s army to chase them. Meanwhile, Shi Le arranged an ambush attack. They defeated Ji Dan’s army; this is a case of changing the strong enemy into a fatigued one. Such cases happened all the time in history.”







  Question 2.18

  Tang Taizong asked: “I have heard that caltrop and wooden fences were designed by Jiang Ziya himself. Is that true?”

  Li Jing answered: “Yes, but that is just for the purpose of defending against the enemy’s attack. In battle, the main purpose is to defeat our enemy, but not only for the sole purpose of defending. The caltrop and wooden fence mentioned in Jiang Ziya’s ‘Liu Tao’ were just defending tools; they aren’t for use in attacks.”


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