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NecroWitch Page 4

by Tim Miller

  As he spoke, another of his men picked up a set of chains and wrapped them around Anthony’s father. He wrapped the chains around his waist, under his arms, and over his shoulders. Using a set of padlocks, he ran the chain through two cement blocks and locked them into place with the padlocks.

  “What are you going to do? Please, I’m sorry! I just thought it was so much money. No one would miss it. I didn’t even spend it! Just let them go! Please? Or just kill me. I’ll tell you where the money is. You can have all of it. And still kill me. Please don’t hurt my parents.”

  “Well, see, I’m not the one hurting your parents. You see, you did that. You are the one who betrayed me; you stole from me; you decided to put yourself ahead of everyone else. Including them.” Beltran nodded at one of his men who gave Anthony’s father a shove. The old man let out a single yelp as he toppled over the edge and disappeared into the water with a single plop! Anthony’s mother screamed through her gag as Anthony himself tried to lunge for Beltran. Two men held him back and wrestled him to the ground as he shouted.

  “You motherfucker! I’m going to kill you!”

  “No, Mr. Werley, I don’t think you are. So you saw the first lesson. Don’t steal from me. Actually, that’s pretty much the only lesson.” He turned and nodded as the other man shoved the old woman overboard. She splashed into the water as Anthony lay there crying.

  “Why? I only took a few thousand dollars. Why not just kill me? Why all this?”

  “Because I run a large organization. What do you suppose happens when word gets out you can just steal from me? Now the word is out that if you steal from me, I will kill your entire fucking family and then yourself. Except when I kill you, it’s really going to hurt.”

  One of the men took a sledgehammer and smashed it into Anthony’s foot. He hit the left one and right one. Anthony screamed and howled in pain as the bones in his feet and ankles crunched until they were nothing but drooping sacks of reddish pulp. One of the men tied a rope around his waist as they lifted him off the ground. Anthony’s screams turned to moans as he struggled to maintain consciousness.

  Beltran took a knife and slit his broken, swelling legs open as blood oozed from the bruised sacks of flesh. They threw him overboard but pulled the rope tight until he was waist deep in the water, being dragged alongside the boat. From the trail of blood seeping from his legs, it wasn’t long before the sharks came. Anthony didn’t know what kind they were and didn’t care. He felt the first nip and it didn’t seem so bad, just stung a little. The second time, the shark bit down on his leg, pulling him under as he tried to scream.

  Back on the deck of the ship, the party had resumed with Beltran snorting coke off a girl’s tits while several of his men took turns fucking each girl on the various patio furniture around the deck. As they plowed along in their coke-fueled orgy, they ignored Anthony’s screams as he was slowly eaten alive.

  “Boss?” Kellen asked. “So what do you want us to do?”

  “Yeah, right,” Beltran said, snapping out of his memory.

  “So how you want us to handle this. For real? You really want us to put his head on a spike?”

  “No. No. You’re right. Go to that club tomorrow night, take as many guys as you need. Barricade the place shut and burn it the fuck down.”

  “What about our guys inside?”

  “They’re not our guys anymore. They’re his guys. They turned.”

  “But all the innocents. Cops will really go apeshit. They might even call the Feds.”

  “I don’t give a fuck. Everyone this Henry asshole has run into he’s either killed or turned. I don’t know how in the fuck he is doing it, but I’m not giving him the chance to do it again. Burn it all the fuck down! You got it?”

  “I got it,” Kellen said as he turned. “I’ll tell the guys. We’ll burn all those fuckers.”

  Chapter 9

  Maria sat on the couch watching TV while Sable worked at the table stitching part of a new suit together. She was attaching a hood and cape to a latex suit with a corset. Some of her clients had been getting these weird witch fantasies and since she had recently spent an evening with a group of witches, she thought this would be appropriate. Several girls in the coven had outfits with black hoods. None had their tits hanging out like Sable’s usually were.

  “So which of your jobs pays better, honestly?” Maria asked. One thing she’d always loved about her friend was how she’d never tried to change her. Never told her to get a new job, never told her she was degrading herself. She knew who and what Sable was and just accepted her. Having seen her do her work with the dead first hand, she knew that was just a part of Sable that would never change. Maria had never seen her doing her sex work, which was fine with Sable. They were good friends, but not that close.

  “Honestly, the dead body thing pays more per job. But it’s not as steady. Lately, it has been. With whoever this guy is that killed those last few guys, I have a feeling there will be more. Usually, I spend most of my days naked or in latex.”

  “And that doesn’t bother you?”

  “Why should it? It’s fun, pays well, and I’ve got the body for it. May as well put it to use.”

  “Can’t blame you there. I’m just not as hot as you are.”

  “You fucking kidding me?” Sable said. “You are hot as fuck. You just wear baggy shit and are convinced you’re a fat cow, but you’re not.”

  “Shut up, bitch.”

  “Just sayin.”

  There was a knock on the door, and they looked at each other. Maria walked over and answered to see Eugene standing in the doorway. This time, he wasn’t wearing his black witchy garb. He had on a pair of jeans and a Hawaiian shirt.

  “Hi, ladies. Hope I’m not disturbing you. I thought I could speak to you without the pressure of the group. Sable, I have to say I’m quite intrigued and enamored by you. So, I was hoping to get to know you a bit.”

  “Well, I usually charge for that, and you’ll need an appointment,” she said.

  Eugene looked at Maria confused.


  “Nothing,” Maria said while glaring at Sable. “Behave!” She pointed a finger at Sable, who shrugged as Eugene stepped inside. He fidgeted with his hands for a bit before walking to the couch. In one of his hands, he had some old book. Sable at first thought it was a bible, but that would be an odd thing for a witch to be carrying. Upon closer look, she saw it had a bunch of weird symbols on it.

  “So what brings you here, Eugene?” Maria asked.

  “Yeah, you guys have trouble with your friendship bead spells after I left? I’ve been told I carry a lot of dark energy. I don’t try to. I’m just kind of a walking black cloud,” Sable said.

  Eugene ignored her as he opened his book.

  “Well, your special ability fascinated me. It’s not something I’ve ever heard of. I mean I’ve heard of necromancy. Usually, that just involved handling the dead body’s organs and being able to get a reading or predicting the future. Sometimes even raising the dead, but this, what you do, is something entirely different. It is a form of witchcraft for sure. And in the past, there’s only ever been a few women who could do it. They called them NecroWitches.”

  “Necro what? Like I fuck dead people?” Sable asked.

  “No no. That’s necrophilia. Totally different. I hope you don’t do that. This is called a NecroWitch. You’re a natural born witch. You have other powers likely you don’t even know about. But this necro thing is quite powerful. You can basically raise the dead, torture the dead. If you tried, you could actually resurrect them in some fashion.”

  “Like zombies?”

  He flipped through the book.

  “Well, not quite. They’d be alert and coherent. Not sure how intact they’d be. But they’d basically be your slaves.”

  “Slaves? Sweet!”

  “Not sweet. Sable, listen. This is all considered very dark magic. I mean in my time as a witch, I’ve come across things like go-away spells and
bad luck spells. Things that can cause some problems for folks. I never do these things because we believe whatever you put out comes back to you tenfold.”

  “Well, I’m fucked.”

  “Yes, but with you it gets murky. Like you’re not a bad person. I don’t get the dark magic aura from you. Yet you can do the darkest thing I’ve ever heard of.”

  “So there’ve been others like me?”

  “There was one in England in the 1700’s. She would bring back dead children of families to ease their sorrow.”

  “Oh, that’s nice. See? We’re not evil.”

  “Yes but they burned her alive and scattered her remains into the ocean.”

  “Well, shit.”

  “Yes. So I would keep a low profile on your ability, for sure.”

  “Well, I had been doing so until someone decided I should join a coven.” She looked at Maria, who shrugged.

  “Just trying to help,” Maria said.

  “Well. No one from our group will say anything. I don’t think anyone else there even knew what to think. I just thought I’d offer you some insight since you weren’t even sure of your own past.”

  “Thank you, then,” Sable said.

  “Sure. I guess I’ll be going. Thank you, ladies, for having me. I don’t want to keep you anymore. You ladies have a great evening.”

  Eugene closed the book and saw himself out. As the girls talked about Eugene’s new information before resuming their previous activities; they didn’t realize Eugene climbed into a car with Jimmy.

  “So that’s her? The one who Santiago always uses?” he asked.

  “Yes, sir. I’m positive. She handled the info pretty well.”

  “Why did you tell her all that? Won’t that make her stronger?”

  “Perhaps. I wanted to see how much she knew. She has no idea what she is capable of. Is Mr. Thomas going to kill her?”

  “Not if he can help it. With what he can do, imagine if he had her working for him. He just wants to be sure she’s the real deal first.”

  “I haven’t seen her in action, but she definitely believes in what she does. So does her friend.”

  “This doesn’t go against some witch code of yours coming to me with all this? Selling another witch out?”

  “The universe is all about balance. There’s not a lot of us in the light. But a dark one like her counteracts probably hundreds of us. No telling what she’ll do once she realizes what she is capable of. I just see it like I’m saving some lives.”

  “Plus, you can keep your mouth shut.” Jimmy handed Eugene an envelope full of cash. “There, go buy some goats to sacrifice or something. Get out of here.”

  Chapter 10

  Henry walked around the house he’d recently acquired. He hadn’t purchased it. There was no need for that. More of what he would call a “hostile takeover.” It was much larger than he’d needed. The thing had eight bedrooms, four bathrooms and both an indoor and outdoor pool. It would be fun for parties, for sure. His empire had grown quickly in just a few days. No doubt both Beltran and Esteban would be losing their shit if they hadn’t already. Any time now, he expected armies of thugs to come at him, trying to take him out. Fortunately, he’d acquired enough men to insulate him from such an attack. It would be difficult for any of them to reach him. He also made it a point to remain one step ahead of the drug lords.

  Those clowns only know how to deal with things through brute force. While in most cases that would work, it wouldn’t work on him.

  “Jimmy! Come in here, please!” he called out into the other room. Moments later, Jimmy returned.

  “So you find out about this girl Esteban has been using?”

  “Yes, sir. That wizard guy, or whatever, gave me all the info. This is some seriously fucked up shit. I mean what you can do is crazy enough. But this lady is like some kind of devil bitch or something. He calls her a NecroWitch.”

  “NecroWitch? Sounds kinky? What all did he tell you?”

  “Funny you say that. Her normal job is as a dominatrix.”

  “Really? You don’t say?”

  “Yeah, no shit. Real kinky shit too, I guess.”

  Jimmy went on to explain everything Eugene had told him. He took it all in as he explained everything from cutting open the bodies, feeling their organs and the rest of the gory details. Henry couldn’t help but wonder what kind of things he could accomplish with her at his side. He could use his power to kill his enemies and her power to learn everything about them. Granted, he could learn a lot about them himself, but only their pain and suffering.

  Looking at his phone, he realized it was getting late. He usually headed to the club at around this time. There was no real reason for him to be at the club other than he enjoyed hanging out there and running things from there. Getting laid four times a night wasn’t a bad part of it either. Tonight would be different. He sent a text message ordering another man to his office. An hour later, Kellen List was standing before him. Henry was really starting to like this crime boss thing. It was hard for him to imagine just weeks ago he’d been peddling heroin out of a shitty pawn shop.

  “So they want to burn down my club, do they?” Henry asked Kellen.

  “Yes. That’s what he said. I did what you asked. I got everything in place.”


  “So you want us to burn your club down?”

  “Sure! I mean I won’t be there. That’s the idea, right? He wants to kill me without getting close to me. That’s the plan, right?”

  “Yes. You’re right.”

  “Well, good.”

  “You don’t care about killing your own customers or your own men?”

  “Why should I? I got Beltran’s men!” Henry laughed.

  “I did everything you asked. Can I have my wife and son back?” Kellen asked.

  “I suppose you can see them. I’m not quite done with you yet.”

  “Why? You turned all these other guys. I’ll work for you. I won’t go back to Beltran.”

  “Yes, but I don’t know. There’s something kind of pathetic about you. Like right now you look like someone just shot your puppy. Here, lighten up.” Henry took out his phone and pulled up a video. “There, I got them on Facetime. You can say hello.”

  He held up the phone to Kellen. Kellen’s face immediately turned ghost white. His wife and nine-year-old son were both hanging from meat hooks. Both were blindfolded with their hands tied as they hung from the hooks. His wife’s face was bloody and beaten but his son looked unharmed.

  “You’ll have to excuse your lovely wife’s appearance. I allowed my boys to have a little fun with her, you know, to keep her company. I’m sure she enjoyed it.”

  “You motherfucker…” Kellen started toward Henry who raised his hand, stopping Kellen in his tracks. “Fuck! Ow!” Kellen screamed as he put his hands over his face.

  “Wow, a lot of pain there,” Henry taunted. “You know I could have them cut your son’s heart out right now on video and let you watch, all while I use that very pain to slowly melt your brain. How does that sound?”

  “Please? I’ll do whatever you want!”

  “I know you will, Kellen. Now get up.” He lowered his hand as Kellen stood. “Now, you get a freebie. Next time, I won’t be so nice.”

  “I’m sorry. What do you want me to do?”

  “Follow through with Beltran’s plan. I’m going to send my car to the club. He’ll think I was there. We’ll go from there. Keep at his side and come to me with anything he tells you.”

  “Why not just kill him?”

  “Where is the fun in that? In time, kid. In time. Now get out of here.”

  Kellen turned and left as Henry lifted his phone. Jimmy had sent him some pictures of this girl, the NecroWitch. She was a looker, that was for sure. Long, dark hair, and the biggest set of tits he’d ever seen. Maybe he’d hire her services. See what she was about. He didn’t want her to feel his guts, but he wouldn’t mind feeling up some other things. He called up Jimm

  “Hey, this Sable chick. Get me her website, her dominatrix one. Yeah, don’t worry about why. Just find it for me and text me the link.” Henry said and hung up. He was going to be having some fun tonight while his club burned.

  Chapter 11

  Sable was actually glad to have a “normal” client for a change after the past few nights of digging through dead bodies and their entrails, a night of humiliating some poor rich guy seemed like a nice break. He told her on the phone his name was John, but that probably wasn’t his real name. They almost never used their real names which was fine with her. They almost always used “John” which she found funny, but whatever.

  When John came in, he looked like her usual client; middle age, overweight and trying too hard to dress stylishly, but looking more like a Miami Vice reject, wearing a light blue sports coat over a red t-shirt. The guy seemed friendly enough, but there was something that felt off about him. She couldn’t put a finger on it, but there was something dark behind those eyes. She had something dark too, that’s how she could see it. But his was consuming him.

  “Wow!” he said as he stood in the doorway. “You must be Sable.”

  She was still wearing her robe with her corset and leather body suit underneath so she didn’t quite get the excitement.

  “Yep. That’s me. You have the money?”

  “Yes, ma’am!” he reached into his pocket and handed her a wad of bills. She counted it and put it in her robe pocket and looked up at him.

  “Ok, you were kind of vague on the phone. So what is it you would like exactly?”

  “Oh, just a massage. With a happy ending if you get what I mean?” he said with a wink.

  “Ok. That’s real vanilla. I’m a dominatrix. I get paid for the rough stuff, to be mean or whatever weird kink. There’s a nice Asian massage place a few blocks from here. I could give you their number if you just want a hand-job.”


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