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NecroWitch Page 8

by Tim Miller

She smiled and took him by the hand. She walked him to an older man who was behind a desk along the wall. The man had on a suit and long gray hair pulled into a ponytail.

  “This is Dean, the manager.”

  “Hey!” Dean said. “Aren’t you…”

  “Henry J. Thomas.”

  “Right! Wow! I heard a lot about you. What can I help you with?”

  “I’d like a special room for me and Mandy here. Just the two of us. No one disturb us at all. No matter what you hear.”

  “Wow! Sounds kinky!” Mandy said.

  “You know, I usually don’t allow this sort of thing. But for you, Mr. Thomas, I’ll make an exception. Right this way.”

  Henry looked behind him and nodded to Jimmy who was standing near the dance floor. He came walking with them as Dean took them to a room in the back. It was small and dark with a twin bed in the corner and a leather loveseat.

  “Oh, this looks cozy!” Mandy said as she crawled onto the bed. Henry looked to Jimmy.

  “I’ll be awhile. Don’t let anyone in. No matter what.”

  “Got it, boss,” Jimmy said and stepped outside.

  Henry removed his jacket and began unbuttoning his shirt. Mandy got up on her knees and ran her hands up and down his chest. Henry pulled her close and buried his face in her tits and motor-boated her until she giggled. He sucked on her nipples playfully as Mandy moaned and sighed.

  “Oh, that feels really good, mister! Mmmm.”

  “You like that?”

  “God, yes.”

  “Then you’ll love this.”

  He bit down as hard as he could.

  “Fuck! Ow! That hurts! Stop it! Stop!” she screamed but he continued biting and pulling until her nipple tore away from her breast and into his mouth. He chewed the thick piece of flesh as blood filled his mouth. Earlier, this very thing had made him sick. This time, there was something kinky about it. Either way, he chewed the nipple for a few seconds before spitting it out. Mandy sat there crying with her hand over the bloody hole in her tit.

  “Why did you do that?” she asked, crying.

  “Because this is how I like to play.” He held out his hand and immediately saw all of Mandy’s pain. Her boyfriend beats the hell out of her on a regular basis. Dean, her boss has raped her more than a few times and he didn’t even want to look at her childhood, he got the idea. He twisted his hand side to side, but slowly. She fell to her knees, trying to look up at him.

  “What is happening? What are you doing to me?”

  “Just some of the games I like to play, sweetheart.”

  He walked to her, pulled her hair back, and flung her onto the bed. He pulled her panties off while removing his pants. His cock was so hard he was amazed he hadn’t totally jizzed himself. He’d heard about a girl awhile back who could make guys cum without even touching them. Just by looking at them or something. Sounded too far-fetched for him, but would be cool if such a girl existed.

  Once his pants were off, he thrust his cock into her pussy from behind. She was tight but dry. It didn’t matter to him. He pounded away while yanking her hair back as hard as he could. Her neck was cranked back at an odd angle as she stared up at the ceiling. Tears ran down her face as she loudly sobbed with each thrust. Finally, he couldn’t hold it anymore as his cock throbbed and trembled until he shot his load deep inside her. He thrust a few more times until he was done and threw her onto the bed. She lay there, whimpering, as he stood and dug through his jacket pockets and came out with a straight razor.

  He flipped the razor open and smiled at Mandy as she slid back against the wall.

  “What are you going to do to me?”

  “Oh, just having a little fun, is all.”

  He grabbed her by the foot and dragged her to him. She turned on her belly and tried to crawl away. He put his knee in the middle of her back as she let out a grunt. Henry flicked her ass cheek and watched it jiggle. He took the razor and began cutting along the edge of her left cheek. She screamed as blood gushed from the fleshy wound. Henry continued cutting around the cheek until it tore free. He held it in its hand. The underside was covered in yellow fatty tissue laced with dark red.

  He tossed it aside, and she continued screaming as he began cutting away on the other cheek. Once he cut it free, there were two large craters where her ass used to be. He tossed the loose flesh onto the ground and flipped Mandy over. She was screaming and crying, trying to kick at him but was too weak to get any power behind her kicks. She kept screaming as he grabbed her lower jaw with his fingers, pulling it down as he used the razor to slice off her tongue. The lump of meat flopped onto the bed as blood oozed from her mouth, pouring down her chin. She continued screaming and trying to speak.

  “Why? Why you do thith? Oh my goth. Why?”

  “What? You aren’t having fun?”

  He flicked the razor back and forth across her face, slashing red ribbons into her face. Mandy’s face looked like a dark red candy cane as crimson drops trickled down her face. He swung the blade across her stomach, cutting her open as she writhed on the bed. He reached in and grabbed her intestines and strung them out onto the bed. His hands slid along the greasy organs. Henry was impressed at how she remained alive and conscious through all this. He held his hand up and sensed the overwhelming pain she was feeling. It made his cock hard again. He stroked his cock with his gooey, sticky hand. It felt so good. He used the blade to severe her intestine. Brown and red sludge oozed from the opening as Mandy screamed. Once it finished draining, he slid his cock into the open end of the intestine and began stroking his cock with it.

  He worked it faster and faster, feeling himself grow so hard with each stroke. He’d used a Fleshlight before, but this was ten times better. His cock twitched inside the organ until it erupted again, squirting his jizz all over the inside of her intestine. Mandy continued screaming as he squeezed, milking the last drop from his cock before pulling out. He stood and looked over Mandy’s blood and mutilated body. She was gasping in short breaths. Trying to scream but blood loss and shock were setting in.

  “This was fun, sweetheart, but time’s up.” He leaned in and in one smooth motion slit her throat. There was a wheezing sound as air escaped. Mandy put her hands over her throat as thick red bubbles squirted through her fingers. She had no fight left in her, however. She gasped and wheezed for a few seconds as her body twitched and then she went still. Henry tossed the razor onto the bed and began getting dressed. He used the extra sheets from a cabinet on the wall to clean himself off as much as he could. Once he finished dressing he stepped out of the room where Jimmy was waiting.

  “You got done just in time,” he said.

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah. Sable is here.”

  “Good. And her little girlfriend?”

  “Reggie called. They got her just fine.”

  “Still alive?”

  “Yeah. She put up a bit of a fight, but not much.”


  Chapter 20

  Sable stood by the main entrance as Henry appeared from a hallway toward the back of the club. He approached her and shook her hand.

  “Sable! So glad you could make it. Why don’t you come join me? Let’s chat a bit.”

  Sable didn’t say anything as she followed him to a booth in the corner. His goon Jimmy was seated next to him. Sable was tense, trying to think of anything she could do to get out of this nightmare and get her mom back safely.

  “Ok. So I’m here. Can you let my mom go?”

  “Now, I’m afraid it’s not quite that simple. I mean I know you’re saying now you’ll work for me. But what about a week from now? A month from now?”

  “What the fuck? So you’re going to keep her indefinitely?”

  “Oh of course not. I doubt she’ll even live that long. So I took out some additional insurance.”

  “Like what?”

  He took out his phone and held it up to her. This one showed a picture of Maria bound and gagged but dangling up
side down with a man in a black mask standing next to her. This was more than Sable could take. She launched herself across the table, but Jimmy caught her before he could get to Henry.

  “Not so fast,” Henry said as Jimmy held her arms tight and shoved her back into her seat.

  “Next time you do that, bitch, I’ll break your arm,” Jimmy warned. She sat and glared at Henry, who shrugged.

  “What can I say? He’s good. First things first. I want to actually see what you can do. I’ve heard all about it. But I need to see it in action.”

  “What about my mom and Maria? How long will you keep them?”

  “Until I’m confident you won’t try anything stupid again.”

  He slid out of the booth.

  “Come with me. This way. I got your first customer ready to go.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Sable got a sick feeling in her stomach as he walked her down a dark hallway toward a room in the back. At first she feared it would be her mother and that he’d killed her. When he opened the door, she was almost relieved. Until she got a good look at the girl’s mutilated body.

  “What in the fuck?” Sable asked. The poor girl’s eyes were frozen open staring at the ceiling. Blood was caked around her mouth and neck. Her stomach had been ripped open with her entrails strewn about. Even with Sable’s experience, she felt like she needed to throw up. She took a few deep breaths as Henry stepped in behind her.

  “Yeah. I was just having a little fun and got carried away. You know how it goes. So do that thing you can do.”

  “Why? What do you need to know from her? You fucking mutilated her.”

  “I don’t give a shit. Wake her up and talk about the weather.”

  Sable shook her head and approached the body. At least with Esteban, yeah he was a drug lord and crime boss but he killed out of his own twisted moral code. If it was a matter of survival or gang war or something he saw as a threat. Not that it made any of it ok, but at least he had some reason behind what he was doing. This guy, he just destroyed people for fun. She never saw someone torn up like this with Esteban. The mere thought of helping him made her sick to her stomach, but she thought of her mom and Maria.

  She took a deep breath and picked up the girl’s intestines, the ones that were still attached and rubbed her hands around them. In a few seconds the girl’s eyes fluttered open.

  “What’s going on? What happened? Who are you? Holy shit! Is that my intestines! What have you done to me? Help! Help!” the girl screamed.

  “Shut the fuck up. Please. Calm down. I’m Sable. I’m a NecroWitch.”

  “A what?”

  “I’m sorry. You were killed earlier. I’m able to bring people back. At least temporarily.”

  “I don’t understand. You’re saying I’m dead?”


  “Then why am I talking to you? Are you dead too?”

  “No. Like I just told you. I brought you back for a minute. So I could talk to you.”

  “About what?”

  “What is your name?”


  “Ok Mandy. Do you remember what happened to you?”

  “Holy shit,” Henry said from behind her. “This chick is for real. She can really do it.”

  “That guy over there. Oh my God! Don’t let him hurt me again!” Mandy began crying and grew frantic. This happened sometimes, depending on the person. Some woke up, realized they were dead, and totally lost their shit. When that happened, she just had to let them go. No point putting them through that much more pain. Especially this poor girl. She definitely wouldn’t be sending her to hell.

  “Mandy, please calm down. I need you to focus. That man’s name is Henry. He can’t hurt you anymore.”

  “Oh God! He cut me open. He raped me. He raped my insides,” she was sobbing wildly now. “Why would he do that? Why would anyone do that? I was nice to him. I’m a good…” Sable let go of the intestines as Mandy’s head dropped back onto the bed as she returned to her deceased state.

  “What’s wrong?” Henry asked. “Why did you stop?”

  “That girl has been through enough. I’m not going to torture her anymore. Can I see my mom now? Or Maria?”

  “In time. Why don’t you go home and get some rest? It’s getting late and I got some plans for us tomorrow. Who knows? You may enjoy it.”

  “I doubt that,” Sable said as she walked out of the club and back to her car. As she pulled out of the driveway she decided she wasn’t going home. She needed to pay someone a visit.

  Chapter 21

  Sable pounded on the door repeatedly until Eugene answered. He his hair was sticking up in wild directions and he was dressed in a wife beater and a pair of boxers.

  “Sable? What’s going on? It’s almost 2 a.m.” he said.

  She kicked the door open, shoving him back. He almost fell onto his coffee table as she stepped inside.

  “You. Tell me every fucking thing you know about Henry and about NecroWitches.”

  “What’s wrong? I told you what I know.”

  She stepped forward and planted her foot squarely onto his nuts. He doubled over onto his knees as the air left his lungs.

  “Why did you do that?”

  “Henry has Maria, and my mom. He’s holding them hostage because of me. He just used them to make me do a reading on a dead stripper he’d mutilated. This is the fucking guy you want to work for? Your whole happy head-witch routine? That’s all bullshit?”

  “He has Maria?” he said as he straightened up. “He never said he’d hurt her.”

  “Yeah. He’s a fucking monster. He’s not going to ask your permission.”

  “I care about her. I’m really not a bad person. I was just in a bad situation; you have to understand.”

  “I don’t give a shit. Tell me what I need to know. Or I’ll just kill you and read it out of you.”

  “Ok, that’s not necessary. Can I put some pants on?”

  “Please do.”

  He stood and walked into the bedroom. She looked around the living room and walked over to the bookshelf. There were various books on witchcraft and magic. She opened one up and flipped through it. The book he’d showed her about NecroWitches wasn’t on the shelf. She stepped away. It was taking him an awfully long time to put pants on. She walked toward the bedroom where the door was slightly ajar. She pushed it open gently.

  “Hey Eugene! You get lost in here?”

  As the door opened, Eugene was standing on the other side of the bed holding a gun. He was pointing it right at her.

  “I’m sorry, Sable,” he said as he pulled the trigger twice. She dove out of the way as he fired another shot through the wall.

  “What the fuck?”

  “I know. I can’t help you. I’m sorry. I’m also sorry about Maria, I really am. You have to believe that. I’ve seen what Henry can do. If I help you, he’ll hurt me. If I don’t help you, you’ll kill me and hurt me. So I have to kill you and then kill myself. It’s the only way.”

  She crawled into the kitchen behind the counter. He fired a shot that struck the front of the counter. Sable grabbed a butcher knife and hurled it at him before he got another shot off. Since knife throwing wasn’t an actual skill of hers, it flew through the air with no real velocity before he deflected it with his forearm. She scooted back in the kitchen as he took a few steps forward and fired more shots. They all ricocheted off the door jamb. Chunks of wood and drywall showered onto her as she put her head down.

  “Don’t fight me, Sable! I have a few more shots left.”

  As she tried to find something to fight with or somewhere to hide, she couldn’t help but wonder what kind of witch Eugene even was. She’d never seen him do anything remotely magical. Couldn’t he hurl fireballs at her or something? Another shot interrupted her thoughts, causing her to duck. Eugene circled the counter and moved toward her. She backed up against the wall as he pointed the gun just a foot from her forehead.

  “I’m so
rry. I didn’t want Maria to get hurt. I wish I could help now, but I can’t.” She closed her eyes as he squeezed the trigger, but the gun had jammed. He pulled the slide back, trying to clear it. Sable lunged at his legs, knocking him backward. As he toppled back, he struck his head on the corner of the counter. He yelped as the gun fell from his hand when he landed on his side. Sable reached over him and grabbed the gun.

  Without hesitating, she pulled the slide back and ejected the jammed shell casing. As it snapped forward, a new round slid into the chamber. Eugene tried to slap it out of her hand but she moved just in time and pointed the gun at his chest.

  “Sable! Wait…” he yelled but she fired the weapon’s last round into his chest. His body jerked as a small red fountain appeared in his chest before he went still. She tossed the gun aside and looked around the countertop and realized she’d thrown the butcher knife. She walked across the other room and found the knife on the floor. She went back to Eugene’s body and cut his shirt off and thrust the butcher knife into his stomach. She sliced along his abdomen and pulled the incision open.

  Reaching in, she yanked his intestines out, placed both her hands on them and began rubbing until Eugene’s eyes opened.

  “What’s going…oh no. Oh God. Oh God no,” he said.

  “Oh yes, asshole.”

  “Please just let me rest. I was afraid you’d do this. Please. I can’t help you.”

  “Henry can’t hurt you now, but I sure as fuck can. Tell me what I need to know. What do you know about me? About what I can do? Is this it?”

  “Well. No. I didn’t tell you everything.”

  “Now would be a good time.”

  “It’s not that simple. Ow!”

  She manipulated his guts, causing him to cry out.

  “Ok! Ok! Jesus! What do you want to know?”

  “What is Henry? What else can he do and how do I stop him?”

  “I don’t know what he’s called. I’ve honestly never heard of what he can do before. It’s completely terrifying. Hasn’t he done it on you?”

  Sable stopped and thought back to that moment in her apartment after her massage, when he waved his hand around weirdly and ran out. That’s why he’d kidnapped her mom and Maria. His power wouldn’t work on her. No wonder he’d freaked out. Sable had no idea why it wouldn’t work on her.


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