Seduced by Moonlight

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Seduced by Moonlight Page 6

by Kenya Wright

  “I want to lick you some more.”

  I could barely get the word out. “Please.”

  And when his tongue came close to my pussy again, I could feel my body ready to combust.

  The dream ended and knocked me back to reality.


  I woke up, alone and panting in my bed. My body drummed with hunger. Sweat covered my body. My nightgown stuck to my wet skin, and my nipples were stiff points against the fabric. I had my hands between my shaking legs. My heart boomed in my ears. I gripped the sheets on my side and wanted to scream at the unfairness of it all.

  No. No. No. It was all a dream?! Then. . .shit. . .Let me try to go back to sleep.

  I spent about fifteen minutes, trying to return to that dream. It was ridiculous to think that if I even passed out again, the same dream would come.

  Sighing, I looked at the window.

  Sunrays peeked through the thin curtains.

  Oh, give it up. It’s morning time.

  I touched my wet panties and groaned, wanting to pleasure myself. I’d never felt so unsatisfied and cheated in my whole life.

  Why did it have to be a dream?

  I groaned out loud, covering my head with my pillow. For one moment, I considered stuffing that same pillow between my thighs and humping the horniness away, but I knew it wouldn’t be enough. I needed that skillful tongue on me. Nothing else would do. Even my hands wouldn’t be enough. Only Aiden—the real, hard, tall, muscular Aiden could satisfy me.

  Why couldn’t that be real?

  My whole body shivered with desire. It was an unending ache deep in my core. Never had I experienced anything so intense. There was no prior dream that had triggered such an effect.

  I had to take my anger out on something, so I slung the pillow off the bed. It hit the floor.

  Better? Nope. If the universe has any mercy, I’ll forget about this freaking dream by the middle of the day.

  I doubted that would happen. Even as I slowly rose from the bed, molten hot visions swirled through my head. And even crazier, there was something about that dream that kept nagging at my mind. It felt too real. And those gold glowing eyes were in the dream too. They reminded me of what I believed I saw last night.

  Whatever. It was a dream. Forget about it.

  I rose from the bed.

  Need unfurled within me. And the cold shower gave my body no reprieve. Slipping my thin sundress on my body made my nipples stiffen and my sex clench as I thought of him some more. The little bit of yoga I did in my bedroom couldn’t calm my hormones. And even the big breakfast I made for Harper and me never squashed the growing hunger rising in my core.

  What the hell is going on with me

  Nothing stopped the desire blazing inside of my body.

  I have to get him and that dream out of my head.

  However, the whole time I tried to eat, Aiden remained in my thoughts.

  When he touched me, it felt like magic. I didn’t imagine that. It was real. His touch. His caress. It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced in my life. And those eyes. Gold, glowing eyes.

  Harper disrupted my thoughts. “Are you okay?”

  “Huh?” I nibbled at a strip of bacon.

  “What’s going on in your head?” Harper frowned. “You’ve been mumbling to yourself all morning.”

  “What? No, I haven’t.”

  “Trust me. You’ve been over there looking like a crazy person all morning.”

  I gave her a weak grin. “Just thinking about stuff.”



  “How are you going to think about nothing?” Harper grabbed a biscuit off my plate. “I’m taking this since you’re clearly not going to eat the breakfast you made for us.”

  “I’m eating.”

  “You’ve been nibbling on that same strip of bacon for twenty minutes.”

  Sighing, I dropped it on the plate. “I was thinking about that new gang of guys in town.”

  “And Mr. Alien Guy.”

  “I didn’t say he was an alien. I said his eyes transformed into gold.”

  “Which makes him an alien, Imani.”

  “Whatever. This is why I would rather mumble to myself than talk to you about it.”

  Harper laughed. “Sorry. Go ahead.”

  “I had a dream about him last night.”

  “Did he kidnap and put you in his spaceship, then use some space probes in your butt?”

  I stared at her. “What?”

  “That’s what aliens do.”

  “He’s not an alien. Could you at least switch to psychologist mode?”

  “It’s Saturday. I would rather be silly and talk about the alien.”

  I glared at her.

  “Oh, my bad. He’s not an alien. He’s just a guy that has glowing eyes. Thanks for hipping me to that fact.”

  “You’ve got tons of jokes.”

  “It’s hard not to. The whole story is funny.” Harper rose and picked up both of our plates. “I’m just glad that you’re not moping about Eric anymore.”

  “Oh, God. Don’t remind me about him.”

  Eric was the last guy that swooped into Crystal Lake on business, had sex with me, and then left. We spent two weeks fucking each other’s brains out. He took me on amazing dates—champagne and lobster picnics, candlelit dinners at his rented cabin, a helicopter ride along the mountains, and even a romantic spa weekend. Once he left, he never called, sent an email, or dropped a text. I feared he had been married the whole time.

  A bad taste filled my mouth. “I haven’t seen Eric since last summer. And I haven’t been moping about him.”

  “True, but after Eric you haven’t let any guy close to you. I mean Jesus, it’s been a hundred years.”

  “It’s barely been a year.”

  “It’s been long enough, and all you do is work. You don’t like to have fun anymore.” Harper scraped her remaining food into Prince’s bowl.

  Prince was her miniature poodle. She’d named him after her favorite singer. Wagging his white tail, Prince rushed over to his bowl.

  Harper patted his little head. “Truthfully, I thought you were considering being a nun. I’m glad that’s not happening. Therefore, glowing eyes or not, I’m happy you’re into somebody.”

  Prince scoffed up the eggs and bacon.

  I leaned back in her chair. “I’m not into him.”

  “You’re just dreaming about him.” Harper took the dishes to the sink and glanced over her shoulder. “Right?”

  I blushed. “Yes.”

  “What happened in the dream?”

  “It was sexy.”

  “Okay now.” Harper snapped her fingers. “Tell me more.”

  “Just like when I saw him last night. The moment was different. It was like. . .”




  “Yes, really intense. Like he was actually touching me.”

  “Sounds like a good dream to me.”

  “Yes, but I swear this dream wasn’t a dream.”

  Harper raised one eyebrow. “Then, what was it?”

  “It was real.”

  “Alrighty.” She raised her hand in the air. “And you say I smoke too much weed, but here you are—”

  “Never mind.” I shook my head.

  She lowered her hand and frowned. “Imani, I’m just playing.”

  “But I’m not. Right now, I don’t want to talk to my little sister. I need you in counselor mode.”

  “Fine.” Harper smiled. “Okay. What else happened in the dream that makes you so uneasy?”

  “His eyes went gold again.”

  “Of course they did. That was your last interaction with him.”

  “What does that mean? You told me that dreams have significance?”

  “Yes. Sigmund Freud believed dreams were the royal road to the unconscious.” Harper left the sink and sat back down. “There are several different theories on drea
ms and their interpretations—”

  “But what do you think?”

  “When we are awake, we push our feelings and ideas in the back of our minds. That can be worry or things that we don’t want to admit to ourselves. When we go to sleep, our unconscious mind wants to take them all out and… play with them.”

  “Play with them?”

  “Study. Evaluate. Discuss.”

  “So, I was disturbed by the whole gold eyes thing, and my unconscious mind brought that up to further assess it?”


  I stirred in my chair. “What about. . . when he performed oral sex on me?”

  Harper grinned. “Say what now?”


  She laughed. “A super-hot dream. No wonder you are all disheveled over there.”

  “What was the oral sex about?”

  “You clearly have an attraction for him.”

  “It’s that simple?”

  She shrugged. “Sometimes it is. Would you like me to write you a prescription to get some dick?”

  “Yes. Is there a Dick Pharmacy in the area?”

  Harper laughed. “Not yet, but I will surely start petitioning for one.”

  I leaned back in my chair. “It just felt so real.”

  Harper had a wicked grin. “I bet it did.”

  “I’m serious.”

  She shrugged again. “Dreams can give us clues to areas of our lives that require attention.”

  “So, my unconscious mind is telling me that I need to get laid?”

  “Pretty much.”

  Someone knocked at the front door. Usually, Prince charged for it, barking and threatening to shred the person knocking into pieces. But this time, Prince sniffed the air, whined, and raced upstairs, squeaking the whole time as if someone had kicked him.

  What the hell?

  “Prince?” Harper laughed. “What is up with you, boy?”

  Another knock came.

  “Are you expecting someone?” Harper asked.

  “No.” Grabbing my mace on the counter, I rose, left the kitchen, and went to the front door. “I’ve got it. You finish cleaning up.”

  Okay. The dream was about needing to get laid. Fine. And as far as Aiden is concerned, I’m going to get him out of my head. He’s just passing through anyway.

  I walked up to the door, put the mace in my hand, and opened it.


  Aiden stood on the other side.

  Chapter 7


  Why is he at my house? And how does he know where I live?

  Another man stood next to Aiden. I recognized him from the diner but didn’t know his name. Tall and baldheaded, he had brown skin like mine. Both towered over me. Those muscular frames pulsed with strength and electric energy.

  Aiden held a bag in his hand. The other guy carried two coffees.

  I kept the mace behind me and stepped back. “What are you doing here?”

  “Good morning, Imani. I hope I’m not waking you up or bothering you. I just wanted to say sorry about last night.” Aiden directed his gaze down to my sandals and then slipped it up to my sundress. “I went by the diner. The little blonde waitress said you called in sick and that she was taking over your shift.”

  His sexy gaze and seductive voice set me on fire. My flesh warmed. My nipples stiffened. My palms throbbed, hoping for another touch.

  Focus. You have to find out what happened. Stop thinking about sex and his body and his touch. What about those eyes? Did they really glow?

  Clearing my throat, I forced myself to keep a neutral expression. “How do you know where I live?”

  “The waitress told me.”

  Why the hell would she do that?

  I would check with Cammy to make sure, and also tell her to never give customers my address. He could have been a psycho. In fact, I still don’t know that he isn’t.

  “I won’t be long. Once again, I’m sorry to bother you.” He raised the bag in his hands. “We brought breakfast.”

  “No, thank you. My sister and I already ate.”

  Harper appeared behind her. “Hold up. We are okay with coffee though.”

  The black man grinned and handed it over. “There is sugar and cream in the bag.”

  “Perfect.” Harper took both coffees and gestured for me to grab the bag. “So. . .who is this?”

  Sighing, I put the mace in my back pocket and opened the door a little more. “This is Aiden and. . .”

  The black guy raised his hand. “My name is Zerab.”

  Harper stepped around Imani and shook his hand. “Cool. My name is Harper. I’m Imani’s young and breathtakingly beautiful sister.”

  Zerab grinned. “I see that.”

  Aiden cleared his throat. “So, that was all. I didn’t expect to come inside or anything. I just wanted to check on you. Are you sick?”

  “No, I just needed to take a day off.” I stepped outside. “Before you leave, can I talk to you…privately?”

  “Yes,” he said quicker than I thought he would.

  I walked onto the porch and glanced over my shoulder. “I’ll be right back, Harper.”


  “Zerab,” Aiden said. “Why don’t you go hang by the bikes. We don’t want to further bother the girls today.”

  “Yeah.” Zerab looked at my sister and tipped an imaginary hat on his head. “Nice meeting you, Harper. I hope I’ll see you again.”

  “Me too.” Smiling, Harper shut the door.

  Knowing my sister, she would be by the front door, trying to listen to our conversation.

  “Let’s go over here.” I guided Aiden off the porch and walked down the steps.

  Zerab walked toward the bikes in the other direction.

  Even though I had all these thoughts about him being. . .different, I felt no terror around him. I had been off-balance this morning. Crazy thoughts scattered my head all during breakfast. However, as soon as Aiden appeared, calm washed over me.

  He won’t hurt me.

  For some reason, I knew that deep in my bones.

  But why do I think that? Should I trust my gut?

  Aiden got to my side as we walked to the back of my house. It was the same place where I had been standing last night and watching the fireflies. This morning, the fireflies had disappeared. Hundreds of rays of sunlight decorated the space, glittering along the surface of the meadow.

  Aiden’s deep voice captured my attention. “You have a beautiful property.”

  “Thank you. There’s a lake farther ahead.”

  “Really? Where?”

  “Over there.” I pointed toward the east. “There’s a little cabin too. My grandfather made it his fishing shack and stayed in it every weekend.”

  “Hmmm.” Aiden looked in that direction. “Do you mind showing me the shack? I’m looking at moving in the area and would love to see what Crystal Lake has to offer.”

  Shocked, I turned his way. “You’re thinking about moving here?”


  “Why? Your friends and you seem too fast for a little town like mine.”

  “We’re tired of the fast life and looking to settle down.”

  I checked his nose. It didn’t wiggle.

  He peered at me. “What are you doing?”

  “Seeing if you’re lying.”

  He grinned. “You remember.”

  “I do.” I crossed my arms around my chest. “I remember a lot of things.”

  His grin shifted to a frown. “What else do you remember?”

  Should I say something? Am I willing to sound crazy as fuck?

  He lowered his voice. “Imani, tell me.”

  I swallowed. “Your eyes glowed.”

  Sighing, he walked off. “Glowed?”

  “Yes.” I followed him. “They turned gold and lit up.”

  He glanced over his shoulder. A neutral expression covered his face. “Lit up?”

  “Yes, they lit up.” I touched his arm to stop him. He
ceased with moving forward but didn’t face me. Unfortunately, as soon as my hand touched him, that similar reaction hit me. I had just put my fingers on his arm, but it felt like his tongue was slipping between my legs. A volcano hot sensation throbbed down to my pussy.

  Good God! He causes some reaction.

  I snapped my hand away. “What is that?

  He kept his back to me and remained quiet.

  “Am I…going crazy?” I stared at my hand.

  He turned around.

  “Did you feel that? The…sensation? When we touch?”

  So tall and muscular, I should have felt nervous about him so near. But he stood there with desire blazing through his eyes. He didn’t look like he would harm me at all. In fact, he reminded me of the dream. He looked like he wanted to rip off my sundress and lick me.

  A dark groan left his lips. “I should leave.”

  “Aiden, when we touch, do you feel it? And don’t lie to me. What’s going on when I touch you?”

  No words left him.


  “I have some guesses, but this is all new to me.”

  “Why did your eyes glow?”

  He frowned. “You’re not ready for the truth, Imani. Forget about it. I should leave.”

  “What truth?”

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

  “Try me.”

  “Fine.” He crossed those muscular arms over his chest. “You caused my eyes to glow. You triggered the reaction in me.”

  His nose didn’t wiggle.

  My mind spun with all types of crazy thoughts. I shook my head. “O-kay. What the hell does that mean? So, your eyes have never glowed like that before?”

  “No. No other woman has ever triggered them to do it.”

  His nose didn’t move, but I wasn’t sure if he’d truly answered the question.

  “W-what are you?” she asked.

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. And in the end, I’m not supposed to tell you.”

  She backed up. “That doesn’t make any sense. Are you human?”

  “Parts of me are.” His nose didn’t wiggle.

  Terror hit me. My voice shrieked as I spoke, “And what is the other part?”

  “Something else.”


  He ran his fingers through his dark hair. “I can’t tell you. All I can promise is that I would never hurt you. I would never do anything to endanger your sister and you. Do you believe me?”


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