Seduced by Moonlight

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Seduced by Moonlight Page 13

by Kenya Wright

  Blaze’s voice went low. “When?”

  “After we deal with this coven this week, we’ll talk mating rules.”

  Blaze moved his face away and looked him in the eye. “And no ban on fatals?”

  Aiden shrugged. “Clearly not.”

  Blaze still didn’t look pleased. “And what if your Imani was supposed to be mine?”

  “She’s not. Do you know how I know?”


  “You wouldn’t have given up so easily.” Aiden rose from the ground. “When another person comes for your mate, all you want to do is kill him or die trying. I was willing to die today just for the honor of touching Imani’s hand again. Were you willing to die?”

  Blaze thought about it for several seconds and then shook his head. “No.”

  “Then it’s settled.”

  Aiden turned to me, took my hand, and guided us back into his cabin.

  Chapter 14


  After I heated everything again, we ate breakfast.

  Blaze had ruined our kiss. Instead of fighting with him, I should have been licking Imani’s pussy. During all of the breakfast, I could smell how wet she was. I considered lapping at her center while she ate her eggs, but she seemed too shaken from our fight.


  I know. We’ll taste her pussy soon. Very soon, Conri.

  If Imani knew the things my wolf yearned to do to her, she might’ve run out of the cabin screaming. He’d planned to jump on Imani and rip away her nightgown with his jaw. And he craved to lick more than her face. That big tongue would have swiped at her pussy several times before flipping her body over with his paw, spreading her ass open with his claws, and shoving his huge furry cock into her.

  Even now, he delivered those images back into my mind.

  That’s enough.


  Yes. Yes. I got that.


  I should have never taught you that damn word.

  Imani sipped her juice and licked her lips.

  My cock grew in my pants.


  My wolf pushed more visions.

  In my head, Conri had Imani naked and over the table. Precum spilled from the tip of his massive cock.

  Across from the table, Imani smiled at me. “This is delicious.”

  I cleared my throat. “Thank you.”

  “You’re an amazing cook.”

  Conri shoved another image into my mind. He rammed his cock into her anus. It was too big for her body. She screamed in pain. That made Conri fuck her even harder. The more she cried out, the more he shoved.

  Stop it.

  The image continued. Apparently, Conri imagined that she just needed more cock to be okay. Her cries shifted to moans. He pressed his big body onto her and pumped. His heavy balls slapped against her ass.

  “Enough!” I gripped the edge of the table.

  Imani paused from eating and raised her eyebrows.

  “I’m sorry. I’m not talking to you.”

  She lowered her fork. “Who. . .I mean—”

  “It was my wolf.”

  “You two can communicate in your head?”

  “Yes. His vocabulary is small. What he can’t say, he’ll show me.”

  “What did he show you?”


  I let go of the table and ran my fingers through my hair. “He wanted to finish what we started before Blaze entered.”

  She blushed. “Oh.”

  My wolf and I waited for her to say go ahead, but she returned to eating. An uncomfortable silence filled the space.

  I wanted Imani so badly. I wanted to return to when she was in my arms, but I had to take it slow. She’d just learned about the existence of werewolves and witches. Plus, I’d declared that she was my mate and that she would be with me forever. She needed time to swallow it all before I could satisfy my cravings.

  But she looked so good, radiating beauty and perfection. Those soft lips tasted sweet. Her scent caused my cock to harden.

  When we finished breakfast, she had more questions about my world.

  “Your Delta came to you today.” She wiped her mouth with a napkin. “What was it about?”

  “It was about Raven. The witch you met in the diner.”

  She raised her eyebrows.

  “She’s here. We found her injured out in the mountains. It looked like she killed some of the same types of witches we encountered.”

  “Hmmm. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

  I smiled. “Yes. If she’s an enemy of those witches, then we could be allies.”

  “And if not?”

  “Then I’ll deal with it.” I pulled out the stained thick pages with words written in blood and placed it on the table. “Damian gave me these papers. He found them in her pocket.”

  She didn’t touch it. Instead, she leaned over and read the title, “A Song of Love and Death Magic.”

  I nodded.

  She read the beginning lines, “From first sight, the moon-touched loved the Goddess so much that they never feared the night.”

  She looked up at me. “Moon-touched?”

  “It’s what we call ourselves. All shapeshifters and witches.”

  “And what are humans?”


  She quirked her brows.

  “Because you can die so easily.”

  “This sounds so familiar. Like. . .I’ve read this before.”

  “Read it where?”

  “I don’t know.” She swallowed. “How long can you live?”

  “My father lived to 150.”

  “Then. . .I would die before you.”

  I shook my head. “In the legends, fatals that mated with the moon-touched lived as long as they did.”

  “But what about reality?”

  “There is no reality in my world. The legends are like. . .what fatals think of as religion.”

  “You truly believe that I will live as long as you if we mate.”

  I didn’t like the if in that question. “Our bond would link us to each other. Our hearts would beat together. If you tested our blood, it would be the same type. That’s how much we both would change. Our souls would forever be woven together.”

  She stared at me as if I had lost my mind.


  Would you relax? She needs time to understand.

  Imani returned to the ancient paper. “What is this talking about?”

  “From what I browsed, it’s telling the story of how vampires were made.”

  She leaned her head to the side and read, “But then a love between two witches changed the world. One had skin of bronze. The other had skin of gold.”

  “Those are the two witches who fell in love. They were dark and evil.”

  “One was bronze and the other gold?” She asked.

  “It’s a figure of speech. For a fatal, one was white and the other black.”

  “Oh.” She grinned. “This is an interracial romance.”

  I chuckled. “That’s one way to look at it.”

  She read some more. “Together they spun magic that no other witches could make. And when they made love, they did so above a lotus-covered lake, floating, suspended in the air. A mist crept about. Those two clung to their love—with the world shut out.”

  I leaned back in the chair, completely captivated with her reading.

  She continued, “They feared their deaths would end their passion. That terror grew. And they came up with a spell that no one could ever imagine.”

  I snorted.

  She went to the next line. “To make them immortal, the two lovers went to the land of shadows.”

  She pulled the paper closer to her. “This is beautiful.”

  “I’m glad you like reading it. It’s pretty damn long. I have enough to do. I didn’t feel like going over all the pages, especially when it’s just talking about vampires.”

  “Vampires started with two wit
ches—ones that were in love.”

  “That’s one story. The other is a greedy coven sought more power.”

  “What do you believe?”

  “I don’t care. I just wonder why this witch was holding on to these papers and what it means to her.”

  “I swear I feel like I’ve read this before. Perhaps I’m just mixing this all up with my paranormal romance books.”

  “What books?”

  “In my twenties, I was obsessed with a vampire romance series.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  She laughed. “Don’t judge.”

  “It’s hard not to. Vampires? Really, Imani?”

  “Stop it. I’m big into biker romances now.”

  I crossed my arms. “Bikers?”

  “That’s you too.”

  “Only because shapeshifters hate to be enclosed in hard metal.”

  “So, that’s a no on cars and trucks?”

  “Or buses.”

  “What about planes?”

  “It’s not my favorite thing in the world, but if I have to get somewhere like Europe or Africa, I’ll suffer the ordeal.”

  “Interesting.” Excitement danced in her eyes. She looked back at the paper. “Either way, I could read this all day and give you a summary. I don’t know if that would help or not.”

  “It would save me some time.” I sighed, knowing I had to start my day. I checked my watch. “You’ll have to stay here while some of us go back and see if we can sniff out the witches. I have all my strength back. When these witches and I meet, it won’t be a long conversation.”

  She smiled. “I believe you.”

  “I promise you that this threat will be gone soon.”

  “I believe that too.”

  “Until then, you’ll stay with me.”

  She bit her lip.

  “After, we’ll talk more about our bond.”

  And you’ll continue to stay with me.

  It wasn’t time for her to know that yet. She needed to think that she held some control.

  I rose from the table. “I’ll be back later today.”

  “Okay.” She gathered the papers. “Since you cooked, I will clean.”

  “You don’t clean. That’s what the Omega is for.”

  She twisted her lips. “Who is the Omega again?”


  “The one with glasses?”

  “Yes. He cleans all of our cabins.”

  She opened her mouth in shock. “That’s not fair.”

  “We all start off as Omegas in a pack. He’ll be fine.”

  “Well, I’m going to help him a little.”

  I studied her. “You won’t. You have those papers to decipher.”

  She grinned. “I’m not one of your pack members. I’m helping.”

  I wanted to dispute her flippant comment and roar, but my body instantly calmed. Only my mate could talk to me this way. I nodded. “Fine.”

  “I’ll just put this up.” She took the papers back to her bedroom. I loved watching that fat ass move under her clothes.

  I can’t wait to fuck you, Imani.

  I headed off to grab Blaze and Damian. We had to get rid of this coven. The sooner, the better. Once they were gone, I could focus on what mattered—sinking my cock deep inside of Imani and possessing her entire being.

  Chapter 15


  We wasted hours driving through the city limits of Crystal Lake. None of us caught the scent of any witches. Later, we parked our bikes near the woods by Imani’s house and shifted deeper into the forest. It was a risk to do this during the day, but we encountered no one—not fatals or witches.

  Later that day, I returned to pack grounds, frustrated. The only thing that lightened my mood was the aroma drifting from my cabin.


  Is that lamb chops?

  I quickened my pace. When I arrived at my doorless cabin, I bumped into Oliver leaving. Surely he knew I’d been heading that way. He had to have heard me.

  A silly smirk covered his face. “She is awesome.”

  I sniffed Imani all over him and sneered.

  He raised his hands. “We were dancing. Nothing else.”

  “Dancing?” My fangs sprouted from my gums.

  “I gave her some dragon punch.”

  “Why the hell would you do that? We don’t know what it does to fatals.”

  “When we finished cleaning up, she decided to cook your dinner. She spotted the bottles of dragon punch in the freezer. She poured some for herself, thinking it was wine. It wasn’t until glass number two when I realized what she was drinking.”

  Imani’s singing sounded from my cabin.

  I growled at Oliver and marched into the cabin.

  There, Imani wore tight jeans and a candy red sweater that framed around every delicious curve of her body. The sight took my breath away.

  Spinning around, she spotted me and giggled. “You’re back!”

  “I am.”

  She did some sort of twirling dance to me. “How was it? How many witches did you kill?”

  She slipped.

  I caught her. “How much Dragon Punch did you drink?”

  “Two glasses. Then Oliver freaked out and took it away from me. He hid the bottles after that. It’s so good. Like. . .” She looked up at the ceiling. “Like. . .”

  I studied her. “Like what?”

  “It tastes like lemonade and. . .strawberry cheesecake.”

  “Is that an interesting combination?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve never had either.”

  “Oh.” She blinked. “Because you only like meat?”

  “Cheese and milk aren’t bad either.”

  “And the dragon punch.” She raised her arms and wrapped them around my neck. “Oliver said it’s your version of wine. But it’s not made from dragons. That was disappointing.”

  I inhaled her scent and brushed my lips against her mouth. “Why is it disappointing?”

  “If shapeshifters and witches are real, I hoped dragons and unicorns were too.”

  Her soft breasts pressed against my chest. “What is in dragon punch? Oliver wouldn’t tell me. He ran to get Sherwin, who checked me out and said I was fine.”

  “Dragon punch is made from vampire piss.”

  Horror covered her face. “What? I drank somebody’s urine?”

  “A vampire’s to be exact. It’s mixed with dried grapes and set to age for several years.”

  “Urine. Why the hell is it called dragon punch?”

  “The person that came up with it thousands of years ago was named Dragon. He was a witch.” I shrugged. “Dragon punch sounded better than vampire piss.”

  She stared at me in shock. “I. . .I have so many questions. Why is it every time you answer me, more questions come to mind?”

  “Because new worlds are intriguing.” I kissed her lips. She took it with a hunger that I had not experienced from her before. I wasn’t sure if our bond was growing on her or if she was drunk off the punch.

  When I pulled back, she blinked a few times. “I feel. . .a little dizzy.”

  “It takes time to wear off.”

  She left my arms and held her stomach.

  “Body aches?”

  “A little.” She stumbled back. “I think I need to lay down for a minute.”

  I walked over and picked her up. “Only one glass a night, Miss Imani. Two glasses are for the pros.”

  She leaned into my hold. “This stuff makes you drunk?”

  “Drunk and horny. That’s why there are so many full bottles of it. No use drinking it when it’s just a bunch of guys around. Zerab and Sherwin are the only ones that still do.” I carried her to her room.


  “Because they have no problem enjoying each other.”

  She arched her brows. “They’re lovers?”

  “They think we don’t know and have done their best to hide it, but we can all smell them on
each other.”


  “That’s why I had Zerab watch over your sister. I didn’t need any of my wolves falling in love with her.”

  Yawning, she leaned her head against my chest. “Good decision.”

  “I try.”

  She closed her eyes. “Are we going to dream of each other again?”

  “I imagine so. I’m surely going to try.”

  “What will we do then?”

  “Hmmm.” I licked my lips. “I plan to comply with your earlier request.”

  A wicked smile touched her face.

  I laid her down on the bed. Before I rose, she grabbed my shoulders. I stayed right there.

  “Thank you for keeping me safe, Aiden.” And then she kissed me. Those sweet lips trapped me. Still kissing her, I lowered to her bed and lay with her.

  When we pulled away, a long sigh left her. A smile remained on her face. And she fell asleep. Conri roared in my chest.


  Relax. This is the last night she won’t sleep by our side.

  I wanted to go get Oliver and kick his ass, but none of it was his fault. It took everything in me to get up from that bed and walk away. Those breasts had felt so good when they were pressed against my chest. I yearned to tear off her shirt and suckle those nipples into my mouth.

  My cock remained hard and ready for the rest of the night. And even worse, I could smell her arousal rising all over the cabin. Those panties of hers were soaked. I craved to touch them, rip them apart thread by thread. I yearned for her to be on her back, legs open, and sweet pussy in front of my face.

  I almost groaned at the thought.

  Fuck a dream. I want to be inside of her in real life. This has to end. How slick would her pussy be under my tongue? How much could I make her moan?

  I was so fucking horny; my cock threatened to tear through my jeans.


  I ate the lamb chops up, put the rest of the food in the fridge, and went into my bedroom.

  Our mate can cook, too. There’s no way I’m letting her escape from us. She’ll have to accept the bond.

  An hour later, I lay in bed, trying to get sex with Imani off my mind. I had to fall asleep, enter her dream, and fuck the shit out of her.

  Yet, no rest came.

  Perhaps, I was too eager.

  I even struggled with not taking my hungry length out of my jeans and stroking it right there in the room next to her.


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