Hot Pursuit

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Hot Pursuit Page 10

by Rhonda Laurel

  Parker and Avery burst out laughing. Bridgette hadn’t done much babysitting for the kids in the family. Harper and Little Bo were like twin cyclones zipping around an entire floor filled with family members.

  “Tell me again why I’m wearing these stilts?” Parker said. “I feel like a giant.” The silver heels were perfect for the opal-colored dress with the lace overlay. But they were killing her feet, and she hadn’t gotten out the door yet.

  “Because they showcase those awesome legs of yours, and Riley doesn’t have to bend so low to kiss you.”

  “Trust me, you will be hated by everyone at that event.” Bridgette looked down at her own legs. “I am height challenged. I don’t get it. My dad’s tall, but I got the short stick in the gene pool.”

  “All the Reed women are on the short side.” Avery laughed. “Suck it up. You don’t hear me complaining.”

  Parker looked at herself in the mirror. She had to admit she did look different tonight. She’d been putting in the extra effort these days, not knowing when someone would jump out to take a pic of Riley. The last time they were photographed by a gossip magazine, she’d been wearing a pair of jeans, a shirt, and had a baseball cap on her head. She hadn’t looked bad, but Riley, a man the camera loved, had looked like a million bucks. She’d just happened to be in a coffee shop where a couple of women were looking through the magazine that had taken the photo, and their snarky comments about her had entirely pissed her off.

  Wasn’t she allowed to be normal? According Morgan and the other women in the family who had high-profile husbands, random criticisms from strangers was something you learned to have a thick skin about. Morgan told her about the time early in their marriage when Seth’s publicist had told him to get rid of her. The publicist had claimed she was too generic-looking to be with the likes of Seth Blake.

  First off, that was ridiculous. She couldn’t imagine someone with more beauty, grace, and poise than Morgan. She complemented her husband perfectly. Seth and Morgan looked like they were made for each other. The height disparity was adorable. Their children were the perfect blend of their parents’ traits, and they weren’t raising celebrity kids. The Blakes posed for the camera when necessary, but kept all that PR crap out of their private lives. Blake matriarch Teri-Lyn said that’s why they were such a happy family.

  The allure of fame and fortune was a seductive thing. She’d met Riley mid-seduction, and she’d hated his guts. But he’d pivoted when he realized the value of being away from the camera when he was off the field for the right reasons. He was becoming a beloved football player. He no longer needed to keep his name circulating in the media so he’d stand out. So many other athletes did, like a few fellow team members, but he’d moved beyond that.

  She did a half turn and sighed. She was happy. She loved every aspect of her life, and being with Riley had only made it better. But she didn’t want to be a hindrance to his public image. She was tired of feeling like she wasn’t being captured in her best moment. Tonight though, she was making an effort for her public image. It was still superficial, but it was a part of being on the show. In a way, being with Riley had prepared her for this.

  She came back to the moment. Bridgette was talking to her. “What did you say, Bridgette?”

  “I’ll need a photo of you and Riley to post. I’ve been hashtagging him in the photos too. People are surprised you two are dating. Since they found out, your following has tripled, and it’s growing every day. You should read the comments. There’s plenty of family members posting their well wishes. And half of your old high friends, who complain that you don’t keep in touch, are OMG-ing and using shock emojis. Riley’s teammate Keenen is one of your biggest fans.”

  “I don’t keep in touch with people I knew in high school. I have no desire to relive the past.” She picked up the shell evening purse she’d be wearing. “Do me a favor? Keep the comments focused on the show. Delete the other crap.”

  “No worries, I have a filter system. You get some weird comments too, almost cryptic. I get rid of those immediately. You also get posts from the people who work for the show. They’re definitely rooting for you to be the face of the show.”

  “Wow,” Avery said. “You’re really taking an interest in this, Bridgette. Thanks.”

  The doorbell rang.

  “That’s Riley.” Parker headed out of her bedroom with Avery and Bridgette in tow.

  “It’s my job to keep the older folks up to date on technology.” Bridgette scooted past her and answered the door. “Riley, you look good.”

  “Thanks, Bridge,” Riley said as he stepped inside the apartment. His eyes locked on Parker. “Parker. You look stunning.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled did a little twirl.

  “Riley, you handsome devil. Love your latest magazine cover,” Avery said.

  “Yes. You did look hot.” Bridgette giggled. “I want you to autograph my copy.”

  “The magazine came out?” She gave him a quizzical look.

  “Yes. They sent me a copy yesterday. It’s in circulation.”

  Bridgette took her cell phone out of her jeans pocket. “Let me a get a picture of the two of you to post with a mention about the party tonight.”

  “I don’t know about that.” Parker grimaced.

  “It will be fine.” Riley put on a smile for the photo.

  “Ultimate Champion has already posted that you’ll be at the party,” Bridgette said.

  “OK. Fine.”

  “You look amazing.” He put his arm around her waist. “I have just the perfect accessory to go with your ensemble.”

  “I thought you were my perfect accessory.”

  “Look this way,” Bridgette said.

  They stilled for the photo.

  “As much as I love to hang off your arm like delicious eye-candy, I had something else in mind tonight that may even upstage me.”

  “Really? What is it?”

  “It’s downstairs.” He flashed a mischievous grin.

  “I can’t wait to see what it is.”

  “Did you get it, Bridge?”

  “Yes. Thanks, Riley. I will post this now.”

  “OK, ladies I have my cell on if you need anything,” Parker said as Riley helped her into her short, designer trench coat.

  “Have a good time.” Avery waved.

  She was ready to leave when she looked over and saw Bridgette’s fingers flying over the keys. What Bridgette said earlier popped into Parker’s head again. “Bridgette, you said you got some cryptic comments?”

  “Yeah.” She shook her head. “It was some troll saying you were in danger and the accidents that have been happening for the past two seasons weren’t accidents at all. They use this lame username too. PhantomOfTheUCOpera. How ridic is that?”

  “Almost as ridic as you not finishing the word ridiculous,” Avery said.

  Parker frowned. “Let me know if you get any more before you erase them.”

  “OK, I can put them in hiding or modify before I delete.”

  “Thanks. Good night, ladies.” Parker waved as Riley ushered her out the door.

  “We are going to have a great time tonight.” Riley kissed her hand.

  “I know I’ll be spending the evening with you. And my surprise.” She smiled.

  Riley punched the elevator button for the garage. Parker’s surprise was either going to score him some major boyfriend points, or it was going to be the death of him. When the salesman called and said Regency had OK’d the modifications to her new car and it was now ready, he decided it would be the perfect time to give it to her to take to the party.

  “My surprise is in the garage?” She gave him a look. “We’re not having sex in your car. There are cameras everywhere.”

  “No. It’s not that, but I hope that isn’t off the table completely.” He took her hand as they stepped out of the elevator. “But it does require me covering your eyes.”

  “Not a chance. You know how long it took me to slap this war
paint on my face?”

  “I hadn’t noticed. You look this beautiful all the time.” He winked.

  “Good grief,” she huffed. “You just totally played to my ego, and I hate that I’m falling for it. Cover my eyes, but be careful with the makeup. One smudge and ‘smoky eye’ turns into ‘drunk raccoon’ real quick.”

  Riley gently put his hands over her eyes and guided her over to the parking spot.

  “Surprise.” He removed his hands. “What do you think?”

  She stood there for a moment not saying a word.

  After a few minutes, he just couldn’t take it anymore. “Say something. Anything.”

  “It’s a car with a bow on it.”

  “Yes. It’s your new car.”

  “I know.” She put her hands on her hips.

  “Blue Steel isn’t coming back. We gave her a nice memorial, remember? It’s time to move on.” He caressed her arms.

  “Did you do this because you’re tired of driving me around?”

  “No.” He sighed. “I bought you this car because it gave me great pleasure to buy something for you that I knew you needed and that you’d love.”

  “It’s luxurious and fancy. I’m not fancy.”

  “I know you like to describe yourself as down-to-earth and practical. But in a lot of ways, you’re just like this car. Sleek, sexy, high-charged, and have a commanding presence. People can’t look away from you, even if you don’t realize it.”

  “I can’t believe you, Riley Sloane. But I know your heart was in the right place.”

  “I know how much Blue Steel meant to you. It’s your last big connection to your father. I completely understand that. But I also know you need a high-performance car, and I want you to be safe. Just try it out.” He opened the driver’s door. “If you don’t like it, I’ll take it back.”

  “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to test drive it.” Parker reluctantly slid into the driver’s seat and put her hands on the wheel.

  Riley removed the big red ribbon. “It has a performance data recorder and heated seats. There’s a cool app you can download, and it—”

  “Has a 6.2-liter V8 engine, 460 horsepower and can go from zero to sixty in 3.7 seconds.” Parker stroked the steering wheel.

  He raised an eyebrow. “The lady knows her cars.”

  “Like you said, I like good-looking things with high energy that perform well.” She winked at him.

  “Are you talking about me or the car?”

  “Get in, handsome.” Parker motioned her head in the direction of the passenger seat.

  Riley hopped into the passenger seat and put on his seatbelt. Parker pushed the button to turn on the car and adjusted the mirrors. The engine purred softly. He’d almost forgotten. He reached into his suit pocket and retrieved her cell phone. “I took the liberty of syncing your phone and put in the GPS for the location of the hotel.”

  “You just sit back and let Momma drive.” She flashed a wicked grin.

  Riley gripped the dash as Parker sped out of the parking spot. The hotel was twenty minutes away, but they had to get on the freeway. She expertly navigated the city streets and was like a kid with a new toy. She found her favorite radio station and hit the button so her speed could display on the windshield. As she as she got on freeway thirty, she pressed the accelerator, and in a flash, they were traveling at what seemed like light speed.

  “Parker, sweetheart.” He tugged at the knot in his tie. “It’s probably better to stick to the speed limit.”

  She checked her mirror, then veered into the next lane. “You sound worried.”

  “No. Just concerned. I always thought I’d go out with a bang but not by bottoming out on the freeway.” He grinned.

  She shook her head. “You used to be so daring. What’s happening with you?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe it’s growing pains, but I’ve had a lot of time lately to think about the future.”

  “Such as?”

  “I’d like to have one. With you. It’s not going to happen if you’re going Mach five on the freeway and we wreck.”

  Parker slowed down a bit. “Sorry, the new toy is a distraction from something Bridgette said before we left.”

  “What was that?”

  “She said someone with the username PhantomOfTheUCOpera has been leaving cryptic comments on social media feeds.”

  “It sounds like troll comments.” The hair on the back of his neck stood up. The last thing he wanted was for Parker to have a stalker.

  “She said they mentioned I was in danger. They claimed the accidents that plagued the show the last two seasons were really sabotage.”

  “Some people are just sick and don’t care what they say because they can hide behind a computer screen.”

  She’d whipped the curve coming into the hotel and did a hard brake and stopped on a dime in front of the entrance. Well, it was more like a cool trick that Tyler would do on his race track at the ranch to impress the kids. Riley was pretty sure his life flashed before his eyes twice.

  “Nice moves, babe,” Riley mumbled then made the sign of the cross. “Amen.”

  She squinted at him. “Are you saying you don’t like my driving?”

  “No. I just thought it was a good time to talk to the big man in the sky.” He turned to her with a smile. “Does this mean you like the car?”

  “Damn you, it’s awesome.” She sighed. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t miss Blue Steel.”

  “I know.” He squeezed her hand.

  The valet approached the car.

  “OK, let’s have fun tonight. But I intend to do some discreet digging. You know, ask a few questions about the accidents. Will you help?”

  He knew that tone in her voice. “Tonight is about having fun. Promise me you will have fun. And of course I’ll help you.”

  She smiled and looked around. “Well, this isn’t the Blake Hotel, but it’s nice.”

  “Watch it. You sound like those snobby people you complain about.” He held out his arm for her to take.

  “Maybe I’m a little fancier than I thought.” She wrinkled her nose.

  They stopped when a photographer asked for a photo. Parker really did look stunning tonight. Those long, mocha, toned legs peeking out from beneath that dress were driving him crazy. Not to mention her perfect ass and full breasts that gave her athletic figure a soft look. The fancy French braid framed her face perfectly. She looked stunning and elegant, and he wanted her, as the bulge in his crotch could attest.

  * * *

  Parker sipped on her champagne as she scoped out the crowd. All the major players were present and had their phony smiles plastered on their faces. Among the strange faces, she saw a familiar one. It was Melissa. She had someone with her.

  “Melissa.” She waved her over.

  “Parker, it’s great to see you.”

  “You too. You met my boyfriend Riley,” Parker said. “And is this your husband, Todd?”

  “Yes.” Melissa smiled. “Good memory.”

  Riley shook both their hands. “Nice to see you again, Melissa. Nice to meet you, Todd. Melissa, you are a great competitor.”

  “Thanks. What a compliment coming from you.” Melissa’s cheeks turned red. “I’m not as good as Parker, but I can hold my own.”

  “It’s damn nice to meet you, Riley.” Todd grinned from ear to ear as he shook Riley’s hand. “When I watched the taping, I was in shock when I saw Melissa’s new friend was dating the Riley Sloane. You are one hell of a quarterback.”

  Melissa grimaced. “I’m so sorry I didn’t know who you were. Todd made me feel like I’d done something sacrilegious for not getting your autograph.”

  “No problem. I’m not obsessed with being recognized, like some people. When I’m not playing football, I’m just Riley, Parker’s boyfriend.” Riley put his arm around Parker’s waist.

  Parker looked up at Riley and smiled.

  Melisa continued. “I was disappointed we didn’t get to see each other during th
e last show taping. I didn’t think they’d pick me to perform so early, and then I had to leave to get Todd ready for a business trip.”

  “Oh. I completely understand.” Parker replied.

  “How’s the team looking? You looking forward to the new season?”

  “I’ll be ready for action.” Riley nodded. “Todd, why don’t we go over to the bar and get the ladies another drink?”


  Riley winked at Parker and took her glass. “Be right back.”

  “It’s sure quite a turnout.” Melissa looked around the room.

  “Yes. I can’t believe they went all out.”

  “I heard someone say the ratings are really high this season. The network wanted to show its appreciation to the show. I also heard they’re rolling out some new incentives that will be announced tonight.”

  “I can’t wait to see what they’ve cooked up now.” Parker looked at her. “I thought we were supposed to get together and work out. What happened?”

  “Can I be honest with you?”


  “I was a little intimidated when I found out who you were. Todd pointed out who Riley was, and I felt like an absolute fool. I watch football with him and his friends. I should have known he was the quarterback for Texas’s beloved football team.”

  “It’s not like you pissed off the football gods or something. Riley doesn’t care about being recognized. He keeps a low profile in the offseason.”

  “OK. What I am about to say next is going to sound childish and foolish.” Melissa gulped. “Todd did an Internet search on Riley so I could read his bio. Then he did a search on you, and we found out you live an interesting life. Your dad was a Texas Ranger. You’re related to the Blake family. You’re a private investigator. Why would you want to hang out with me? You’re a badass that hangs around famous people all the time.”

  “Because you’re a nice person, and I thought we had fun. And my family and friends are down to earth too. I don’t lead a high-profile life, and I don’t want someone to be nice to me because I’m dating someone famous.”

  “And hot,” Melissa blurted out. “We won’t tell my husband I said that. The showrunners were right to hone in on you.”


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