Sanctimalus Serial: Parts One-Three

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Sanctimalus Serial: Parts One-Three Page 3

by Skye, Aurelia

  Brax looked down at her bare feet and nodded. “She sure does, as soon as we find a suitable place.”

  He nodded his agreement, and they were off. They left the town where they had stayed behind them, riding for a good twenty miles before they came upon a city large enough to house a clothing store where she could find some suitable gear. Brax and Mal stayed behind, but he walked in with her, grinning at the way she observed everything with wide-eyed wonder. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” she said as she admired a display of candy. “What is it?”

  “Delicious,” he said as he scooped up a box of cherry chocolates. “These are my favorite.”

  She eyed the display before carefully selecting an assortment of nut and fruit chocolates. She started to open the box, and he saw the nearby clerk giving her the stink-eye. “Easy there, darlin’. You have to pay for it first.”

  She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “They use a currency system here on Earth. You pay in what’s called money, which comes in various denominations, and in return, you can take things. If you don’t pay, that’s theft, and you’ll end up in jail.”

  She frowned, but she didn’t try to open the box again. Instead, she set it in the cart Dante retrieved from a departing customer after he had put his candy in as well.

  “What is jail?” As she asked, she walked beside him while he pushed the cart.

  His breath stuttered in his chest for a moment when she put her arm through his and leaned against him, as though she needed the physical contact to keep walking. Having her touch him was actually making it harder to walk, at least in certain areas, but he wasn’t about to push her away. “It’s a place where they keep people who do bad things.”

  She still seemed to be having trouble grasping it. “Why is it bad to take something I need?”

  “It’s just the way they’ve set up things here. If you take something you need but don’t pay for it, the person who made it goes without when they don’t get paid. Does that make sense?” He couldn’t believe he was having a very basic economics discussion with an angel. If that’s what she was.

  After a moment, she nodded. “So, if I take something I need but don’t pay for it, I’m hurting someone else, so they put me in jail for hurting someone else, not taking something to fulfill a basic need. Is that correct?”

  “Close enough,” he said as he put his arm around her shoulders, steering the cart with one hand. “We need to get you some shoes and some more protective gear. The big-box stores are the best place, but we should be able to find you some boots, sturdy jeans, and some sundries. If we’re going to be doing a lot of riding, you might want to get a pair of chaps, but we’ll see how that goes.”

  Whatever was wrong with her, she seemed to have lost the ability to heal herself or blunt any pain. Either that, or perhaps she wasn’t aware that she had the power to do so or how to tap into it. There was so much he wanted to know about her, but it wasn’t all just to find out her history and determine exactly what she was. He was drawn to her on a personal level, and he wished he could have her to himself for however long he wanted.

  Subtly, he tried healing her as they walked, but he ran into a solid wall quickly enough. He could heal her physically, as evidenced by the small abrasion on the back of her hand that faded as he looked at it, but he couldn’t get past the block created by her damaged sol. With a small sigh of defeat, he stopped trying and focused on the pleasure of the moment.

  The shopping trip and having her ride with him would have to do, because he was certain the other two in his little group would insist on leaving her behind soon enough. He felt like he was pressured to show her as much as he could before that time, for right now she was woefully unprepared for life on Earth. She didn’t even understand how to make payments or buy things.

  He soon discovered she didn’t know anything about human garb either. She started to get a pair of pants that were far too big when they reached that section, so he put out a hand to stop her. “Hang on there. I think those are way oversized.” He turned her to face him, putting his hands around her waist to get a general approximation of the size. That happened to make his palms curve around her hips as well, and she gasped softly as he touched her there, though he was trying to be as brusque about it as possible.

  He couldn’t deny the flare of heat that went through him as well, and he thought she must’ve felt it too. Her pupils dilated, and her nostrils flared. She leaned closer, licking her upper lip. He was strongly tempted to kiss her, but he forced himself to take a step back instead as he turned to the display of jeans folded neatly in cubicles. “I guess this might be your size, but try one up and one down.” He handed her three different pairs.

  She took them and set them in the cart. He gasped softly as she grasped the hem of her dress and started to pull it over her head. “Stop,” he said quickly, making her startle with surprise. She looked like she might cry for a moment, and he realized his tone had been gruff.

  “I’m sorry. Did I do something wrong?”

  He sighed softly. “Not at all. I just forgot to give you some more basic instructions. You’ll wait to try them on until you’re in a fitting room. You’ll also need a few more things.” It seemed obvious she had no ideas of modesty or human rules, and he doubted she was wearing any undergarments under that dress.

  He couldn’t imagine how uncomfortable she would be if he allowed her to remain commando, so he steered her to the undergarments section and selected a couple of packages of plain panties for her. They were basic white cotton, but he allowed himself a brief moment to indulge the fantasy of how she’d look wearing just them with a translucent panel in front, and he groaned softly.

  She put her hand on his chest. “Are you well, Dante?”

  He cleared his throat as he nodded. “Just peachy. Put these on first and then the jeans.” He eyed her breasts for a moment, trying not to get distracted by how perfectly shaped they were. “Not sure what size to get you on these.” He lifted a bra from the rack to show her what he meant.

  She looked down. “Perhaps you could measure them with your hands?”

  He nearly choked on the suggestion, only holding back because he realized how innocently it had been delivered. She had no intention of enticing him to anything sexual, so he kept himself in check as he shook his head. “I might not be that good at guessing with my hands. Just try a few different ones and see what fits.” He did his best estimate, but he was certainly no brassiere expert. He much preferred women without them, so he hadn’t paid too much attention to how they worked or their sizing system.

  A few minutes later, he sent her into the dressing room with a few shirts, the underwear and bras, and the jeans. He stood nearby, ignoring the sour frown from the clerk who was manning the dressing rooms. It wasn’t like he was there to lurk and peer at the other women trying on garments. He just had the feeling he shouldn’t leave Abby alone for too long, or she might get herself into trouble.

  She emerged from the dressing room then, and she’d picked the jeans that fit the best. He could tell that because they were smooth and tightly fitting to her curves, and he groaned as he realized she wasn’t wearing anything else. “You forgot the shirt and the bra.” He sounded almost unintelligible as he stared at her lovely breasts for a moment before turning away his gaze.

  He happened to look at the clerk, who was staring at Abby with disapproval and dismay. Her fingers twitched as though she were reaching for the phone, and he rushed forward to escort Abby back into the dressing room. “I’ll take care of her,” he said to the clerk in a warning fashion. With a little mental shove, he was able to dissuade the older woman from her original plan of calling the store manager. She looked briefly confused, but then she returned to her sorting as though she didn’t even know they were there.

  He closed the door behind them, keeping his gaze averted as he snatched a bra and handed it to Abby. “Put that on.” She did, and he turned when she called his name. The cups were
too big, but the band seemed to be about right, so he searched through until he found the next cup size down. “Try this instead.”

  She did, and it was a perfect fit. He nodded his satisfaction, trying to ignore the tempting swell of her breasts peeking out above the lace cups that so perfectly revealed her cleavage. Clearing his throat, he handed her a button-down flannel shirt. “Try this.” It should be the right size judging by the jeans she’d picked and the bra she wore.

  She put it on, and it fit perfectly. She looked down at it and then at the mirror before looking at him. Her eyes sparkled with happiness. “How do I look?”

  “You look ready to go hiking, except for your bare feet.”

  She looked down, wiggling her toes as she giggled. “I have noticed women seem to be wearing a lot of different kinds of shoes. They are quite interesting.”

  He didn’t think any pair of shoes could compare with the beauty of her feet, but he wasn’t sappy enough to tell her that. He just cleared his throat and said, “Go ahead and keep those clothes on, but let me get the tags.” She turned and twisted so he could take the various tags, and he was careful not to touch her in any sort of fashion that would tempt either of them as he removed the tag from the bra. The panties came from a package, so there was no tag on those.

  She eyed the white dress. “What do I do with this?”

  He shrugged a shoulder. “Just leave it. Someone else will throw it away, I guess.”

  She frowned. “That doesn’t seem like the right thing to do.”

  He almost rolled his eyes at the piety, but then he recalled she wasn’t being a sanctimonious angel. She was simply responding probably based on the conversation they’d had earlier about considering others’ needs. Maybe she was afraid she’d go to jail. He softened his tone when he said, “Why don’t you bring it along then, and we can toss it in the trash on the way out?”

  She nodded her agreement and folded it over her arm. Now that he knew her size, they paused long enough in the ladies’ section to grab her a few more outfits before moving to shoes.

  She seemed to light up with special interest when they entered the shoe aisle, but he was strictly business as he set about measuring her foot and found the right size. He selected three different pairs of hiking boots for her, telling her, “Choose the most comfortable pair. It’ll protect your feet better.” There were no completely leather boots, which would be even better while riding the motorcycle, so these would have to do.

  She looked at them, appearing vaguely displeased. “Aren’t they ugly?”

  He sighed with impatience. “It’s not a fashion show, darlin’.” He kept his tone firm, but seeing the way her face fell, he sighed with impatience at himself as he turned back to the display of hiking boots. He had selected a pair of gray, a pair of black, and a pair of brown from which to choose. Now, his gaze focused on a pair of purple camouflage print ones, and noticing they were in her size, he turned back to face her. “Do you like these better?” He held out the boots as he asked.

  Her gaze lit up again, and she reached for the boots with eager fingers. As she slipped them on without socks, he realized that oversight. She stood up, and he said, “Jump up and down a little and walk around. See how they’re going to fit you.” He was careful to avert his gaze from her chest when she jumped up and down, because he was certain it was going to be an enticing site. He was trying to maintain an avuncular air with the girl, which went against his innately hedonistic nature.

  She seemed satisfied, so she kept on the boots, and he helped her lace them after retrieving a pair of socks for her. They would grab more on the way out, but these were easily accessible. He put the tag in the cart along with the others, and they were soon checking out.

  When they returned to Mal and Brax several moments later, his friends appeared impatient, but he didn’t miss the way they both stiffened at the sight of Abby transformed. With hiking boots, skinny jeans, and a flannel shirt, she looked average, but there was nothing average about the woman. Even in her rather pedestrian outfit, there was still a special glow about her. Damaged sol or not, she shone with a rare inner beauty, and he knew he wasn’t the only one to see and respond to it. Mal and Brax might pretend otherwise, but they were drawn to her as well.

  For a moment, he felt a sting of jealousy at the idea, but it soon settled down into smugness instead. Of course, they were affected by her. Who wouldn’t be? He had no reason to feel jealous even if they all wanted her. She probably had no clue about such things, and if she suddenly turned and asked any one of them to make love to her, he doubted he would be overly bothered by that as long as he was allowed to participate too.

  “Are we finally ready?” asked Mal with a gruff tone as he started his bike again.

  “I’m sorry I kept you waiting,” said Abby with a sweet smile as she adjusted the backpack Dante had suggested she acquire on their way to the checkout. All her things were packed neatly in there, and she would be able to ride without it getting too heavy.

  “You’re fine,” said Brax, though he sounded just a little gruff too. “Mal needs to eat. He gets grumpy when he doesn’t.”

  “Hangry,” said Abby unexpectedly with a grin.

  Dante arched a brow at her as he slid onto his motorcycle. “Where did you hear that term?”

  “I saw it on the television last night,” she said as she slid on behind him after adjusting her helmet. “Someone was quite hungry and angry until they ate a Snickers bar. It makes me want to try a Snickers bar.”

  “I’m sure that can be arranged.” Dante started the motorcycle as her arms wrapped around him, and soon the world sped by. Added with the intoxicating feel of Abby’s arms around him and her scent permeating his nostrils due to his increased senses, it felt as close to heaven as a demon could get.

  They rode for a few hours, and his stomach was rumbling by the time they stopped at a restaurant on the outskirts of the next big city. It was a greasy spoon like any other, but he was still looking forward to a stack of pancakes and a gallon of coffee as he waited for her to step off the motorcycle before disembarking as well.

  He hung her helmet and his over the handlebars, reasonably certain no one would be stupid enough to try to steal from them, as his friends did the same. Together, they entered the diner, taking a corner seat. Brax and Mal kept their backs to the wall, able to observe the whole room. That was typical of them, though Dante was a little laxer about security.

  “My stomach hurts,” said Abby, sounding confused.

  “You aren’t going to barf, are you?” asked Mal.

  She frowned at him. “I do not know what barf is.”

  “Keep it that way,” said Mal in a firm tone, as though she could control such a thing.

  Dante rolled his eyes as he looked at her, putting an arm around her shoulders despite his friends’ disapproving looks. “Does it feel like it’s trying to tangle itself into knots and climb up your throat?” At her nod, he grinned. “You’re just hungry, darlin’. You need some food.”

  She looked at the menu, frowning in consternation. “I can’t read this,” she said softly. “What language is this?”

  “It’s English. The language you’re speaking,” said Brax with a bit of sarcasm.

  She frowned him. “I was not aware of speaking anything but Enochian.”

  Just because she spoke Enochian didn’t necessarily mean she was an angel. Demons spoke it too, but he thought it was odd that she could remember the name for the language but not remember anything else about her life. With a sigh and a shake of his head, Dante put his palm to her forehead, infusing a little bit of his knowledge into her.

  Her eyes widened when she looked at the menu again, and she smiled at him. “I can read it now. Thank you.” She was so grateful that she leaned over and hugged him. He swallowed as he savored the feel of her arms around him for just a second, knowing this was different from the way she’d held on to him when they rode.

  This was a voluntary and spontaneous act of
gratitude and perhaps affection, and he had to do his utmost to keep it from becoming more, at least in his mind. He scooted back a few inches, forcing her to let go. She frowned for a moment, but then she was soon distracted by the menu and the decisions before her.

  He was helping her by trying to describe what each food tasted like when there was a chill up his spine. His friends stiffened as well, though Abby remained oblivious when the door opened behind them. He turned his head as Mal and Brax looked straight ahead, seeing two nondescript humans enter. Except they weren’t humans. He could tell from the aura emanating from their chests that they were angels. If he blinked and looked sideways, he could see through the glamour trick they used to hide their wings from humans, the same as he and his demon brothers did.

  For a moment, there was an air of tension between the two newcomers and the three of them, and Abby seemed to pick up on it. Slowly, she looked up from the menu and glanced at the two people at the doorway. She stiffened slightly, but her expression revealed more confusion than anything. After a moment, the two angels glared at them, but they moved to sit across the room, clearly not there to engage in hostility.

  Earth was supposed to be a neutral zone, but it didn’t always work out that way. He was on edge, but he allowed himself to relax slightly, though he could still grab the gun on his hip. His sword was hidden with his wings, but the angels could probably see the outline of it just as he could see theirs. They seemed to have no wish to engage in aggression, and he certainly didn’t either, so once Brax and Mal finally fully relaxed, he allowed himself to do the same.

  They finished lunch after that, though it took Abby a while to decide what she wanted. She’d over-ordered, and after she’d been eating steadily for a while, much to Mal and Brax’s amusement, and Dante’s as well, she suddenly stopped. “My stomach hurts.”

  “Is it a different stomachache than the one before?” asked Mal. There was actually a hint of kindness in his tone this time.


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