[African Diamonds 01.0] The Angolan Clan

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[African Diamonds 01.0] The Angolan Clan Page 44

by Christopher Lowery

  Adam took out the letters. Now or never. “Take a look at these.”

  “Are you sure you want me to see your customers’ names before we sign the contract?”

  “Nick, the contract is signed, I shook hands on it in Geneva and that’s good enough for me. And I met two of my buyers in New York on the way here and it’s a done deal.”

  Martinez leaned forward to take the papers. He winced and sat back on the settee again.

  “Are you OK, Nick?”

  “Just a bit of a stomach ache. It’s been nagging me for a week or two, must be Suzie’s cooking. Better take some Alka Selzter.” He laughed, took the letters from Adam and read them carefully through. Adam waited, apprehensively. Have I screwed something up?

  “Very reassuring.” Unknowingly, Nick repeated exactly what Rachel had said. He looked at the contract again. “OK, you’ve had sight of the diamonds. Can I have sight of the funds?”

  Hanny had already deposited the half million dollars into Adam’s business account. He handed Nick an affidavit from his bank confirming instructions to transfer the sum of one million dollars to IDD, upon receiving details of the escrow account from Mr. Peterson.

  “I’m impressed. You’ve thought of everything.”

  “Thanks. I don’t have your experience, but I have a reputation for being a serious businessman. I won’t let you down.”

  “Did Laurent or Charlie tell you why we want to close this deal by the end of March?”

  “Only that you’ve been in the business now for over thirty years and you want to retire.”

  “It’s more complicated than that, but basically, you’re right. It’s time to close it down.”

  “So what’s the story behind these diamonds, Nick? Thirty years is a long time to run a business without supplies.”

  “Maybe I’ll tell you one day, but right now I think we should have a drink with Suzie. Tomorrow, if I’m up to it, we’ll sign the contract and make the the escrow money transfer.”

  “Why wouldn’t you be up to it?”

  “Oh, I’m just a bit under the weather these days. Bit tired, not quite up to scratch. I’m sure it’s nothing. Let’s rescue Suzie from her room, she hates being separated from me.”

  “And vice versa, right?”

  “That’s right, Adam.”

  Supper was a pleasant, quiet affair. Nick opened a fine bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa Valley, delicious with the tuna steaks that Suzie had grilled. Adam noticed that he ate very little and drank half a glass of wine.

  At nine thirty, Nick said, “You must be dead after your flights. Why don’t we have an early night and a sharp start in the morning?”

  Adam was lodged in one of the guest rooms on the floor below. When Suzie came to ensure that he had everything he needed, he said. “I hope I’m not intruding on you and Nick. I could have easily stayed in a hotel, there’s one right next door.”

  “Don’t be silly, you’re very welcome. We’re pleased that you’re staying with us, we’ve got so much space it’s nice to see it used once in a while.”

  “Well, I really appreciate it. By the way, I hope you don’t mind me mentioning it, but Nick seems a bit off form. Is he OK?”

  “Well, he’s been feeling tired and listless for a while now, got no appetite. But he won’t talk about it and refuses to go see the doctor. Nick’s not the best communicator in the world. ‘Grin and bear it’, that’s his motto.”

  “You’ll have to talk him into getting a check-up. I hear he’s been running around a lot. He needs to take more care.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll do better than that. Just as soon as you’ve gone I promise to drive him to the doctor myself. Good enough? Anyway, time for shut eye now. We’ll see you bright and early in the morning. Good night, Adam.” She gave him a peck on the cheek.

  He was again aware of the subtle aroma of perfume. “Sleep well, Suzie.”

  She smiled and closed the door behind her. Adam slept like a baby.


  January, 2008

  South Beach, Miami, Florida

  The following day, Nick didn’t emerge from his bedroom until midday. Adam was up with the larks, and met Consuela, a round Cuban lady, who was bustling about the apartment, vacuuming up invisible dust and polishing the immaculate furniture.

  While he drank his first coffee of the day, Suzie fixed some eggs and bacon and they ate together. She gave no explanation for Nick’s absence, except to say he was having a lie-in, but she had instructions to take Adam for a drive around South Miami.

  After breakfast they took the elevator down into the car park under the building and she opened up a double-door garage. There were three impressive machines inside. A blue Jaguar 4.2 litre XL open-top sports car stood alongside a bright red, 1968 Cadillac de Ville convertible. By the wall at the side was a 1975 Harley-Davidson XL-1000, in the original, shiny, light brown factory paint. All the vehicles were in show-room condition.

  “You choose.” Suzie gave him an infectious grin.

  “It has to be the Cadillac. I’ve never even seen one before, never mind ridden in one.”

  She handed him the keys, “The gear shift is on the column. Apart from that it’s easy. Long, but easy.” She seemed unaware of the double entendre.

  Adam negotiated the enormous car out of the garage and onto Ocean Drive. It was a fine, warm day, and they drove with the top down, Suzie wearing a blue baseball cap to protect her long blonde hair from blowing about in the rush of fresh, bracing sea air. She looked beautiful, sitting alongside him on the wide bench seat.

  They turned up onto Collins Avenue then drove through the historic art deco area and across to Biscayne Bay as she pointed out the sights.

  “Miami seems a fun place. Something like Cape Town,” he told her.

  They drove over Biscayne Bay on the MacArthur Causeway and stopped for coffee in the Palm Island Park. Adam soon realised that Suzie was a surprising woman. Intelligent and well informed, she was far from being the dizzy blonde he had expected. She seemed totally unaware of her feminine attraction, laughing and talking animatedly, apparently with no sexual agenda. Adam was captivated by her natural beauty and poise. When she laughed out loud, opening her eyes wide and showing her perfect white teeth, he was smitten.

  She was fascinated by Rachel’s work in cancer care. “They’re starting to build hospices over here too. There are lots of charitable foundations raising money. Our welfare programme isn’t great and so many people can’t afford to die with dignity. It’s awful”

  She told him her parents were living in Orlando. “They’re golf fanatics. Everyone seems to start playing golf when they can’t play tennis any more. It’s a great retirement project. Tour the world’s best golf courses. Travel and sport. I’ll be into that when my time comes.”

  Adam laughed at the idea of this lovely young woman planning her retirement. “Do you and Nick play?”

  “I’ve tried a few times, but it’s so infuriatingly difficult. Nick plays well, although it’s been a while since he’s had a game, what with travelling and being under the weather and all.”

  Adam didn’t pursue the matter, he expected that Nick would tell him if he wanted to.

  They drove the giant car back to the garage and went upstairs. Standing close to Suzie in the elevator he was once more aware of her perfume. “What’s that lovely scent?”

  “It’s Clinique. Elixir Aromatique. Like it?” She put her hand to his nose.

  He breathed in the lovely fragrance. “Delicious.” He didn’t know if it was the perfume or her skin. I could fall in love with this woman, he thought to himself. Dangerous business.

  Back in the apartment, she said, “That was nice. How about a drink before lunch?”

  She made a couple of martinis and they sat out on the terrace watching the animation below. It was midday and the sun was warm and relaxing. Nick came out wearing a bathrobe, towelling his hair dry. “Sorry to be such a drag. I seem to need a lot of sleep the
se days. Probably been doing too much running around.”

  “Hello, darling. Adam and I went out in the Cadillac. He wants to make you an offer.”

  Nick gave her a kiss and sat on the arm of the terrace chair. “You can’t afford it, Adam, nobody can afford to buy that car. I bought it when I made my first million, I’ll never sell it.”

  “Just as well, it’s a bit large for Durban. I’ll take the Jag instead.”

  Over lunch, Suzie mentioned to Nick that Adam’s mother, Rachel, was running a cancer hospice that she’d set up in Durban.

  “Rachel? Is that your mother’s name?” Nick asked, ingenuously.

  “That’s right. She’s a wonderful woman. You’d absolutely love her, everybody does. Especially Hanny, my dad, he adores her, and she likewise.”

  Nick winced at these words, but simply asked. “And she works with cancer patients?”

  “She has done for years. She started the hospice that she runs, raised the funding, got it built, got the staff and the volunteers. She’s really incredible.”

  Nick didn’t want to say anything more in Suzie’s presence, so he put it off again. How many times can I postpone this conversation, he asked himself.

  Adam rightly got the impression that he was preoccupied with other thoughts and changed the subject. Once again Nick ate hardly anything and when Suzie took away his still-full plate, she joked, “Shall I put this in a doggy bag for you?”

  That afternoon, the two men discussed the final details of the transaction. Adam took out the contract again and put it on the coffee table.

  Martinez looked at it and asked, “What time is your flight tomorrow?”

  “I’m taking the five o’clock flight to London.”

  “That means you have to leave here at latest two thirty. Fine. I have to make a call to Laurent and Charlie in the morning, so let’s sign the contract before you leave. OK with you?”

  “Not a problem, we’ll sign it tomorrow.” The two men shook hands. Nick’s hand was cold and clammy and he looked pale.

  “Are you feeling all right, Nick?”

  “I think I’m coming down with something. I’ll go visit the quack tomorrow after you’ve gone home, see what pills are in vogue these days.”

  Adam’s room on the floor below was spacious, with a large bathroom and wide, full length windows and a terrace running along the front. It was after eleven o’clock. Once again they’d had an early, light dinner and gone to bed by ten thirty. He was lying awake, wondering why Nick hadn’t signed the contract. Why is he calling his partners tomorrow, is there something I’ve missed? Maybe the commitment letters, something wrong with them?

  He heard the door open. “Adam, you awake?”


  The bedcovers rustled and he felt her slide in beside him. She cuddled up against his body and turned his face toward hers. “Hi, Adam.” Her breath was sweet and warm. She touched his lips with her fingers, then taking his face in her hands she kissed his forehead, his cheek, his nose, then his mouth. He responded to her kiss. She kissed him more deeply, her lips opening against his and he felt her tongue slide against his teeth. He opened his mouth a little and her tongue pushed right inside, a warm, sinuous feeling as she curled her tongue around his. It was wet and sweet, like a slice of fresh peach.

  He returned her kiss furiously, pushing his tongue into her mouth in turn. He was only wearing shorts and he could feel her naked body press against him. She took his hand and placed it on her breast, the nipple was hard and erect. He stroked the soft, smooth flesh of her breasts, rubbed his fingers over the nipples, which became more aroused.

  She pushed her hips against his body and moved her hands over his bare chest. “I want you Adam. Please make love to me.”

  Adam couldn’t believe this was happening. He’d never before been seduced by a woman. His penis thickened, growing with every thrust of her tongue and movement of her hands on his body. Suzie pushed the sheets back and kissed his chest, his nipples, nuzzling them like a baby. She stroked his stomach, moving her hand down his body to his shorts, then caressed his penis beneath the material. Her hand sneaked inside them and moved slowly down to the now fully erect organ. She wrapped her fingers around it. His head spun with emotion.

  Suddenly he panicked. There’s something wrong here. Why would Suzie bother with me? His voice thick with passion, he asked, “Where’s Nick?”

  She smoothed her fingers over the tip of his penis, then took him completely in her hand, gently squeezing and lifted her leg across him. He smelled her odour, the scent of her arousal. “Nick’s asleep, he took a pill. He needs a good night’s rest, he’s been sleeping badly for a while now. Just relax, he won’t disturb us.”

  “Suzie, I can’t. I’m sorry, but I can’t do this, I’m really sorry.” He pulled her hand from his shorts and moved away from her.

  “Don’t worry, Adam, Nick won’t mind. In any case he won’t know, but even if he did, he wouldn’t mind, I promise.” She moved back against him, embracing him and kissing his neck. “I want you so much.”

  He felt her soft breasts against his back and her hands started to stroke his stomach again. He was giddy with desire for her but he struggled to master his emotions. Somehow he managed to extricate himself from her arms and sat up on the bed. He switched on the light. “Suzie, you have to go. We can’t do this and I can’t resist you any more. Please go. Please.”

  Suzie lay still for a moment, her face pushed into the pillow. Then she gave a deep sigh, turned over and sat up beside him. “OK, Adam. If that’s what you want, I’ll go.”

  “God knows it’s not what I want, but you have to go. This is all wrong.”

  She got down from the bed and faced him, naked and exquisite. Jesus, she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. He felt awful. “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what to say.”

  “No need to say anything, Adam, just one of those things, ships that pass in the night and all that. I’ll see you in the morning. Good night and sleep well.” She kissed him softly on the mouth and walked to the door.

  “Good night, Suzie. Please try to forgive me.”

  She smiled at him then turned and left the room, closing the door quietly behind her.

  The next morning it was nine o’clock when Adam finished dressing. He went up to the kitchen, Suzie wasn’t to be seen and Nick was talking on the phone. He went out on the kitchen terrace to let him finish his call. It was already busy outside. People were rushing about doing all kinds of recreational activities. Someone was water skiing behind a blue and yellow speed boat and a couple of large yachts were cruising by.

  Suzie came through the kitchen and joined him on the terrace. Her hair was still damp from the shower. She looked amazing. “Good morning.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I hope you slept well.”

  “Not great, I’m afraid.” He tried to cover his embarrassment. “You look as if you did, more lovely than ever. How do you do it?”

  “Clean living and a clear conscience.” She laughed at his discomfort. “Just joking. Come in and I’ll fix some eggs.”

  Nick had finished his call. The two men sat over mugs of coffee while Suzie prepared breakfast. “Charlie and Laurent are happy with the deal, so we’ll sign the contract after breakfast. How about we have a very light meal then Suzie and I will take you along for lunch to the Hard Rock Café on Biscayne Boulevard on the way to the airport. You have to experience some real American culture before you go.”

  Adam hid his elation. The contract would at last be signed, his letters had passed muster. “I’ve never been in a Hard Rock, we don’t have them in South Africa. That’ll be a real treat, a genuine American burger.”

  Suzie prepared scrambled eggs on a toasted English muffin, light and tasty.

  Nick ate hardly anything. “Bit of a tummy ache this morning. I’ll leave room for the burger,” he said. Adam wasn’t convinced.

  While she cleared away, the two men went to sit on the living room couches. Adam
pulled out two copies of the contract, signed them opposite his name and passed them to Nick, who signed for IDD. They shook hands, Adam felt relieved, he’d passed every test.

  Nick handed him a sheet of note paper. “Here are the details of the IDD escrow account. You can send the fax to your bank from the machine here in my office. Laurent is in Geneva, so I’ve asked him to fly to London with your presentation case and all the documentation and you can meet up in Heathrow. I’d like to tie up everything today to make the deadline, so we need to get moving right away.”

  They spent the next hour in Nick’s office, sending the required messages and calling Laurent to arrange the meeting. Then the two men went back to sit in the living room. Suzie could be heard still fussing about in the kitchen.

  Nick braced himself to turn the conversation to their relationship. It’s time to break it to him. I can’t let him go home without knowing who I am. Aloud, he said, “Adam, there’s something I have to tell you.”

  Adam smiled at him in a conspiratorial manner. “You mean the Suzie test, right? Well, I guess I passed it.”

  Nick was completely thrown. “The Suzie test?” He glanced towards the kitchen then back at Adam. “Oh, I see.” He paused. “You must think we’re pretty cynical folks.”

  Adam realised he’d made a big mistake. “I’m sorry, Nick, I jumped to a stupid conclusion. I couldn’t believe that Suzie would fancy a guy like me, I still can’t believe it. My mistake! I apologise, I didn’t mean to offend you, nor her.”

  “Let me tell you something.” Adam winced at Nick’s stare. “Suzie and I have been together for ten years and we have a very liberal relationship. I don’t ask her what she does when she’s not with me and she doesn’t ask me. Even so, I know that she has rarely, if ever, done anything that would upset me. The thing is though, she’s thirty years younger than me. She has her needs and I can’t always fulfil them. Like at the moment, I haven’t been a hundred percent right for a while and she misses, well, the physical side of our relationship.”

  “I understand! I totally misread the situation. I can’t apologise enough.”


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