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Hunted Page 18

by Velvet Vaughn

  “Stop this instant.”

  The command was harsh. Official. And feminine.


  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Though her head throbbed and tears pooled in her eyes, Harlow focused on the woman sliding into the front seat. She hadn’t even seen her friend enter the vehicle. She was supposed to be hiding in the rocks with Duke, waiting for Grant and Wyatt to rescue them. “Carmen? What are you doing? It’s not safe. You have to run.”

  Carmen ignored her and nodded her head to the driver. She was using a moist towel to wipe off the “bruises” and cuts from her skin. The SUV shot off with a burst of speed, jerking her back against the seat.


  Horror washed over her. The depth of her friend’s betrayal cut as deep as the knife Valeria had sunk into her side. Deeper. Whereas Valeria’s betrayal had been superficial, skin deep, Carmen’s penetrated to her very soul. She thought they were close.

  “Do not think about it, Andrés,” Carmen barked, ignoring Harlow’s question as she glanced in the rear-view mirror. “She needs to be in good condition when we make the exchange.”

  Andrés scowled at her then flopped back in his seat.

  Carmen’s eyes narrowed. “What is that red mark on her cheek?” She spun around in her seat. “I told you not to harm her, yet you defy me.”

  “She hit me first.” Andrés sounded like a petulant child. “She’s mine to play with.”

  “No, she is not. She is the key to our success. You will not ruin this. I have worked too hard for too long to free Raul.”

  “You don’t tell me what to do.”

  “Stop the car.” Carmen’s order was instantly obeyed by the driver, who braked hard, sending them sprawling forward. She turned in her seat again and faced Andrés. He refused to meet her gaze. “Look at me.”

  He crossed his arms and slouched. “What?”

  “I am tired of your immaturity, your lack of respect. You don’t follow orders and you are a wild card. Your one important job in this mission was to secure the target when she arrived in the country and you couldn’t even manage to do that.” He opened his mouth to protest but she cut him off. “Do you realize how much time was wasted hunting her down? Time that could have been spent bolstering the revolution. You have become a liability. Get out.”

  Andrés bolted upright. “What? No.” He shook his head emphatically. “I’m part of this movement. An integral part. I helped to ignite the revolution. You wouldn’t have had nearly the success without me.”

  Carmen lifted a gun—Sawyer’s gun. The same gun Harlow had placed in her hands moments ago to use to protect herself. The same gun she swore she didn’t know how to use. She aimed the barrel directly at Andrés’ heart. “I can see you’re thinking about going for it,” she taunted him. “If you think you can reach your weapon before I fire, please feel free to try.”

  “You aren’t serious.”


  Andrés scowled and threw open the door. His narrow-eyed glare promised retribution as he raked her first with his contempt and then aimed it back to Carmen before climbing out.

  Carmen had opened her door and stood with her feet braced apart and the gun trained. “Keep your hands where I can see them.”

  He scowled deeper and held his arms up. “Why are you doing—”

  “Goodbye, Andrés.” Carmen squeezed the trigger. With barely a foot separating the barrel and Andrés’ face, the force of the round demolished his brain.

  Harlow let out a choked cry as his head detonated in an explosion of flesh and bone and blood and brain matter. Her stomach revolted, and she had to choke back bile as it burned a fiery path up her esophagus. The energy bar she’d eaten barely managed to stay lodged in her throat.

  Her seat shifted as someone climbed over and plopped down. She turned to see the short man who had killed Sawyer leering at her. He smiled at her with a mouth full of rotted teeth. Somehow, some way, she would kill him. She would make him pay for what he did to Sawyer.

  Carmen slid back inside, muttering as she wiped blood from her face. Then she tossed the soiled cloth out the window, closed the door and ordered the driver to go.

  Harlow whimpered at the calm, callous demeanor of her former friend. She’d just executed a man in cold blood without blinking. She’d been lying when she told Sawyer she was afraid of guns. She knew how to use one. Expertly.

  Who was this woman?

  Something clicked in her head and she remembered Carmen thanking Sawyer for bringing Harlow to her. Something seemed off about the wording at the time, but she’d been so relieved that her friend was alive, she hadn’t stopped to analyze it. If she had, she might’ve realized Carmen was in on it and Sawyer might be alive.

  “Why?” she whispered.

  Carmen glanced over her shoulder. “Why did I kill Andrés?” She shrugged. “Because he is…was a pain in the ass. And a screw-up. We can’t afford to have idiots like him endangering our plans.”

  “No, why this. Why pretend to be my friend for months and then kidnap me?”

  “Haven’t you been listening? To free Raul.”

  “Who is he to you?”

  “The love of my life.”

  “How long have you planned this?”

  “From the moment we met…which was also planned, by the way.”

  “So you pretended to be my friend. All these months and you suckered me in.”

  “You were so easy. Arranging for you and Valeria to meet was simple, too. I discovered your weaknesses—children and the disadvantaged—and it was her job to reel you in. Show you a few pictures of malnourished kids, contaminated drinking water, and bam, you were gung-ho to help.” She lifted her hands and wiggled her fingers like a puppet master manipulating her marionettes. “Then you just played right along into the plans.” She dropped her hands and frowned. “Until you escaped, that is. Do you know how much trouble it was to hunt you down? We wasted precious time. And it was all Andrés fault for letting you overhear his conversation.” She shook her head. “He swore that you didn’t understand Spanish. Idiot. If he wasn’t already worm food, I’d kill him again. Bastard.”

  She was psychotic. Carmen was clinically insane.

  “I suppose your high-stress job on Wall Street was a sham?”

  “Totally. Me, on Wall Street?” She chuckled.

  “My friends risked their lives to rescue you.”

  She shrugged nonchalantly. “Nice of them.”

  “So, all of this…the bombings, the mass murders, these were all orchestrated by you?”

  “It was Raul’s brilliant plan. We just carried it out. Now we need him back to lead the country.”

  “You’ll never get away with it.”

  Carmen’s smile was malicious. “You think? All the former government leaders are now dead. Their families are dead. Their children are dead. We control the communications, the airports, we are now in charge.”

  “What did you do with Duke?”


  “My dog.”

  “Oh, that pesky thing. I left him out there.”

  “You left a small dog all alone in the jungle?” With who knew how many predators lurking about.

  “Wasn’t my dog.”

  The thought of the precious pup all alone in the woods was gut-wrenching. He would find Sawyer, climb on his chest and curl up for a nap. She choked a sob and prayed Grant and Wyatt would find him before any carnivorous animals.

  The SUV pulled up to a black iron gate and it slid open. She tried to peer through the windshield as they bumped and lurched forward. A one-story wood dwelling with a thatched roof came into view. It was some kind of compound in the middle of the jungle. The way it was built, it blended in with the surroundings and would be hard to spot from the air. It must be their hidden lair.

  When the car stopped, Carmen jumped out and opened her door. “Don’t try anything foolish, Harlow. I have no problem killing you if you don’t obey.”

  “Then you will never free Raul.”

  Carmen threw back her head and laughed, a truly malevolent sound. A chill raced down Harlow’s spine.

  “You are not the only bargaining chip, hon. Your younger sister Zoe would do quite nicely.”

  Harlow’s heart stopped. “You leave her out of this.”

  “You think we don’t have someone there now, watching over her, waiting for the word to grab her? It would behoove you to obey my orders. She won’t have some pint-sized superhero to rescue her this time. And before you try to use the excuse that she has protection, my people have no problem taking them out.”

  This time, she couldn’t keep the energy bar down and she doubled over, vomiting on the ground.

  Carmen motioned to the driver and he grabbed her bound arm, tugging her forward. She couldn’t even wipe her mouth.

  “After all these months of friendship, you know I’m not a mean person,” Carmen said over her shoulder. “But I would do anything to free the man I love. I’m sure you feel the same way about Mr. Tall, Blond and Gorgeous.”

  She couldn’t let herself think of Sawyer, lying on the ground in the jungle of Coslos. His spirit and vitality extinguished. Would Grant and Wyatt find him before the jungle animals? She prayed they did.

  If it wasn’t for the threat against Zoe, she would just let them kill her. She had no intention of calling her grandmother. Sawyer’s death was on her conscience. She would never get over that.

  The man jerked her roughly up a small flight of steps tiled in artsy mosaics. The building was made of wood they must have harvested from the surrounding trees, because it blended in so well, except for the satellite dish attached to the side of the house. Plantation shutters framed the windows and a set of double doors opened to the gentle breeze. She wondered if this was the headquarters of Dominar? Or maybe just their hidden getaway. Anyway, who cared?

  The inside was open concept, with red tile floors and whitewashed walls. Plush pillows rested on overstuffed sofas and chairs facing a kiva fireplace with a flat screen television mounted above. A hideous chandelier hung from the pitched ceiling that looked to be created from antlers. Different sizes, colors and shapes. It was the ugliest thing she’d ever seen, not counting her lying, murderous former friend.

  “Untie her,” Carmen ordered the man leading her inside. The man removed her binds and she rubbed her wrists where the ropes had cut into her skin.

  “Don’t even think of running.” Carmen picked up a knife and pretended to study the tip. “You won’t get far. I have guards stationed around the perimeter and they have orders to shoot to kill. Now sit.” Carmen pointed to one of the dozen ladder back chairs that surrounded a long, narrow table. After she took a seat, Carmen slid into the chair across from her and wiggled a cell phone in her hand. “Are we going to do this the easy way or do I need to make a call to my associates in Savannah, Georgia and have them pay a little visit to your sister?”

  She wanted to tell her friend to take that phone and shove it, or better yet, she wanted to be the one doing the shoving. But the thought that Zoe might be hurt had her saying, “The easy way.”

  A slow smile spread across Carmen’s lips. “Excellent.” She slid the phone across the table. “Make the call.”

  Harlow accepted the phone and punched in the numbers.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Taylor Costa pushed through the door leading outside from the COBRA Securities multi-purpose gym after a particularly strenuous cardio workout…in her husband’s office. She smiled as she adjusted her top, wondering again how she had gotten so lucky in the lottery of life. She was married to the most gorgeous, wonderful man she’d ever met, she had two amazing children, neither of whom she’d given birth but were hers in every other way. She patted her still flat belly. And another on the way, created from the overwhelming love she shared with Dante.

  She’d entered his office an hour ago, having floated all the way there from the doctor’s office. He didn’t know about her appointment or he would have insisted on attending. She didn’t want to get his hopes up in case it was nothing, but as soon as the gynecologist confirmed what she thought—hoped—she couldn’t wait to race home and tell him.

  All she had to do was hold up the sonogram that showed barely a dot growing inside her belly and her big, strong, warrior husband had broken down and cried. He eased the photo from her grip and stared at it reverently. When his tear-filled eyes met hers and she nodded, he lunged for her and proceeded to initiate the cardio workout she’d just enjoyed.

  She tucked the photo back inside her purse. They were going to wait a few weeks before they told anyone, just to make sure nothing went wrong. They didn’t want Kai and Gracie getting all excited for a brother or sister before they knew everything was good. She’d never suffered a miscarriage, but her mother unfortunately had one and her aunt two. Theoretically, it was possible the tendency was hereditary and ran in families, so they just were being cautious with the children.

  Her cell buzzed and her heart picked up. Maybe it was Dante, summoning her back to his office for round two. She glanced at the number, but it wasn’t one she knew. Since she was a partner in the entertainment company of TKO Productions, it wasn’t unusual to have an unknown number since it might be a new client. She pressed the talk button and put the phone to her ear, but before she could say a word, a voice said, “Grandma? It’s me, Harlow.”

  “Harlow?” Had her friend punched in the wrong number? “Did you dial—”

  “Yes, Grandma. It’s me. I’m in serious trouble and I need your help.”

  Instantly alerted, she dashed back inside the doors and headed straight for Dante. She dodged several people who greeted her and headed to his office with single-minded purpose. Trying to mimic the voice of the president, she said, “Hold on, Harlow, while I go somewhere private.” She clicked the mute button.

  She burst inside his office, not caring if she interrupted a meeting…only to find it empty. She ran back outside and frantically searched the area. The building was so big. He could be anywhere. She grabbed Jake Kincaid’s arm as he passed.

  “Oh hey, Taylor. How are—”

  “Dante. Where is he? I need him.” She would apologize to everyone for her rudeness. Later.

  “He’s right over here.”

  Jake hustled her around the corner where Dante stood talking to Reed Steele. He glanced up, did a double take and rushed around Reed to get to her.

  “Taylor? Are you okay?” His hand touched her belly. “Did something happen…”

  “Your office. Now.” He wasted no time ushering her inside and closing the door. She held up the cell. “Harlow Duquesne is calling me, pretending I’m her grandmother.”

  “Harlow? She’s supposed to be with Sawyer.”

  “Something must have happened. She sounds terrified.”

  “Before you start talking again, let me make a couple of quick calls.”

  He dialed Logan Bradly and quickly explained the situation. Logan called for Luke and alerted their technical support to trace the call. It took less than forty-five seconds before he instructed her to put the call on speaker and answer.

  Using her presidential voice again, she said, “I’m back, Harlow.”

  “I’m putting you on speaker, Grandma.” Her voice sounded further away when she continued. “I’m in trouble and I need your help.”

  “What happened, darling?” At Dante’s incredulous look, she held up a hand in an ‘I don’t know’ gesture. She didn’t know how the president spoke with her granddaughter.

  “I’m in Coslos in South America.”

  Even though she knew about the trip, Harlow’s grandmother didn’t, so she asked, “Why are you there?”

  “It’s a long story, but I’ve been abducted. The group is demanding that you order the release of Raul Escoban in exchange for my life and those of the citizens of Coslos. They are threatening to release Sarin gas.”

  Dante scribbled notes to her. “I’v
e been briefed about the uprising in Coslos,” she read. “It was my understanding that international forces have arrived, and the gas had been neutralized.”

  “They say they have more.”

  Dante scribbled again and turned the pad so she could read it. “Harlow, you know we don’t negotiate with terrorists.” She cringed, hating to say the words, hoping she wasn’t signing the woman’s death warrant.

  “I know, Grandma. I just wanted to tell you that I love you and Grandpa. And please tell Mom and Dad and Zoe I love them.”

  Tears sprang to Taylor’s eyes and she shot a terrified glance at Dante. Harlow was giving up. “I should have said that normally we don’t negotiate, Harlow, but I’m making an exception. You are more important than any rules, but I will have to do this on my own. Can you give me forty-eight hours?”

  “Um…they’re shaking their heads no.”

  “It’s not like I can just walk into the prison and release him. I need time. Let me speak with whoever is in charge.” Subconsciously, she placed a hand on her belly, as if protecting her unborn child from speaking to evil. She needed to remember not to do that until they made the announcement. It would be a dead giveaway as to her condition.

  “That would be me,” a female voice said.

  “And who is me?”

  “Carmen Brown.”

  “Carmen, I need forty-eight hours to get this done.”

  “I’m sorry Madam President, we don’t have forty-eight hours. Make it twenty-four.”

  “I’m not sure that’s enough time.”

  “I’m sure you can get it done, Madam President.”

  “I am entering into this agreement in good faith that you will not harm a hair on Harlow’s head. If you do, not only will we not release Raul Escoban, but you will be targeted and eliminated.” Her hands went up in another “I don’t know” gesture. She was winging it now. “She must be unharmed before we will make the exchange.”

  “That is the deal,” Carmen agreed.

  “I can reach you at this number?” Taylor asked.


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