Breathless (The Breathe Series)

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Breathless (The Breathe Series) Page 6

by Rachel Brookes

  My hand dipped below the swirling bubbles and caressed her leg, sweeping and massaging until I found her inner thigh. With my eyes locked firmly on Sav, my fingertips traced the inside of her thigh, and the sound of Sav whimpering took over the silence. I teased her with my fingertips, lingering on the edge of her heat while my lips took care of her neck. Her hips rose and my fingers ran the length of her heated core, dipping between the folds but staying away from her clit. My other hand ran up over her stomach and began to massage her breast, tweaking her nipples as they stood at attention just above the water’s edge.

  “Tate, not there,” she gasped. I pulled my hands from between her legs and her breast and looked at her with questioning eyes. “My boobs. You can go everywhere else but my boobs. I am a little tender there at the moment. Damn pregnancy.”

  I smiled, reattaching myself to her neck and dropping my hand back between her legs.

  I could feel myself getting harder by the second, my cock digging into the back of her thighs, but at this moment it was all about her. Her breathing deepened as the sensations taking over her body overcame her.

  “Tate, please,” she moaned, struggling to speak as she twisted her head towards me. When she opened her eyes to look at me, they were hooded and burning with desire. More than anything, I loved watching her lose herself under my touch.

  “You are everything to me, Sav, and if it takes me until my last breath, I will prove to you what you mean to me.” I moved my fingers as I spoke, sliding them between her folds, teasing her, tantalizing her before I sunk one finger, followed closely by another, deep in her. The sound of her breath hitching awakened me. I watched her eyes narrow in as her body reacted, and the moan that escaped her lips was incredible. It was the best sound in the world.

  The deeper and faster I moved inside her, the hotter her eyes beamed into me. My desire to push her over the edge into a pit of pure and utter ecstasy motivated me. My fingers moved with intensity, with a purpose they’ had never had before. Our breathing raged together like we were breathing as one. Her lips crashed into mine as I quickened my pace, her groans against my lips almost having me losing it myself. Our tongues collided as we seeked out every inch of each other’s mouths. I loved tasting her.

  My fingers sunk deeper into her, and with every thrust of my fingers and every contact with her clit, she would stiffen against my lips and a moan would escape from deep within her chest.

  “You ready, baby?” I huskily asked against our joined lips. I needed to send her into a frenzied world of oblivion. I knew her body and I knew what she liked. If I did anything right by her, I knew how to pleasure her. She nodded against my chest, giving me the unspoken answer I needed.

  Quickening my pace and going deeper than I had, I knew I was pushing her to her limits. My mouth attacked hers with ferocious need, stifling her moans and only allowing muffled sounds to escape. I pulled her bottom lip between my teeth, nibbling at her sensitive skin until a shriek of pleasure and pain escaped her lips. With a sharp intake of breath, I felt Sav clench around me as she lifted her hips to grind herself into my hand. I pressed down gently on her clit and her head slammed back onto my shoulder as she unleashed herself around me, wave after wave of pleasure erupting from deep inside her. Her breathing echoed hard, bouncing off the tiled walls surrounding us. I glanced down at her in awe, her cheeks flushed and her mouth opened, desperate to catch her breath while her body shook around me.

  “Holy shit,” she gasped, looking at me with heavy eyes and the appearance of complete and utter exhaustion “What was that?”

  Smirking at her, I pushed her matted hair from her brow and kissed the corner of her mouth as she had done to me so many times. “That was me begging for forgiveness.”

  Sav swivelled around to face me, her chest pressed to mine, and I could feel the intensity of her beating heart against my chest. Her breathing was still sharp and the color was fading from her cheeks but her eyes were still glistening. “Oh you are definitely forgiven, but does that mean we have to fight to have make-up sex and bath action like that?”

  I laughed softly, kissing the tip of her nose. “I will give you that whenever and wherever you like.”

  “And that’s why I keep you around, Mr, Connors you’re my own little sex toy,” she cheekily replied, tapping a finger on lips and giving me a seductive smirk.

  “Charming, Savannah. Real charming.”

  Winking at me, Sav attempted to stand but her shaking legs almost made her collapse back into the bath. I couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “Let me help you.” I stood from the bath, stretching my legs and stepping out, naked and covered head to toe in bubbles. I held my hand out to Savannah to steady her. I couldn’t help but feel cocky that she was shaky on her feet because of what I had just unleashed on her body.

  “Stop looking so smug.” She laughed, slapping me on the chest before wrapping her arms around my waist and pushing her naked body flush against mine.

  I enveloped my arms tightly around her shoulders and kissed her forehead not before shooting a cheeky wink at her. “A guy likes seeing that he can make his girl happy and shaky on her feet.”

  Savannah scoffed before burying her face in the grooves of my chest, her wet hair attaching to my skin. She placed a delicate kiss over my heart. That one tiny kiss was all I needed. That, to me, was perfection.

  The bubbles dissipated and the steam on the mirrors faded but my arms woven tightly around Sav’s waist didn’t falter. The little kisses, the squeeze of our arms, and the soft sighs were all we needed.

  “As much as I love being pressed up against your naked body, I think we should leave the bathroom.” Sav spoke softly against my chest before unlocking her arms from around my waist. Stepping towards the sink, I grabbed two of the fluffy hotel towels, wrapping one around her body and another around my waist.

  As we walked out of the bathroom hand in hand, the late afternoon sun beamed through the windows and filled the room with the last shards of daylight on a day. Sav pulled our clasped hands towards the bed and we collapsed onto the high pile of pillows and sunk deep into the mattress. Immediately our arms found each other and we huddled closely.

  “Where is your bag?” Sav asked suddenly, her head lifting from my chest and her eyes darting around the room.

  “I don’t have a bag.”

  Pulling herself up onto one arm, Sav looked at me with questioning eyes. “Why don’t you have a bag?”

  “When I woke up this morning, I didn’t realize I would be in New York this afternoon.” I spoke with honesty.

  “So what made you come over?” Her eyes flickered away from mine quickly while her cheeks tinted pink.

  “You,” I answered without a moment’s hesitation. Pushing a loose strand of her blond hair from her face, I smiled at her wide eyes looking down at me. “I missed you. I needed to feel you and be around you. You don’t realize the effect you have on me, Sav. I was in a meeting and it hit me. We are doing this, Sav. We are having a baby. I am so serious about you, Savannah. You always tell me that I have you and Jellybean for life, but I want you to know that you have me for life too. In all of my asshole glory.”

  “It’s arrrrsehole.” She laughed softly. Her eyes scanned my face and a smile planted on her lips. “I can’t believe we are here. I can’t believe that the arsehole who told me that he had never had an Australian before and told me I had a nice arse that very first night is now going to be the father of my baby. I was so scared of you, Tate. You made me feel things that I never thought I’d ever feel from day one. I didn’t know love until I met you. I think that’s why I overreact. I don’t want anyone but you. I don’t want Blake and I don’t want Lucas.”

  “Well you do have a nice ass. A very nice ass. It’s what makes me stick around.”

  “I knew you were an ass man the night I met you.”
br />   “I am sorry for overreacting about the whole Blake thing. I am a protective, jealous ass. I don’t want to share my girlfriend with anyone.”

  “I should have texted you and told you about lunch. There are going to be times when I see Blake though. It’s my job.”

  “I can’t say that I am overly impressed by that but—” Her lips found mine and made me forget everything I was about to say. Her tongue swept over my lip before diving in and taking possession of my mouth. I let her lead.

  Sav’s hands ran over my chest, caressing the grooves and circling my nipples with her fingertips while her tongue did miraculous things to my mouth. Kissing this girl was something else. I used to be all about sex, and sex was the only thing that had mattered to me. My release, my ownership, my distraction. But kissing this girl, having her completely own me with her mouth, was something that always left me satisfied but wanting more. My body shuddered under her caress. Everything this girl did provided me with a pleasure I’d never known existed.

  When I flipped her over onto her back, she squealed and laughter escaped her body. My body covered hers, and all I could do was stare down at her. My Savannah.

  “Just us, okay?” Brushing my lips over hers, she nodded in agreement. Her face swept with relief at my words. “Well, us and this little one.” Sweeping my hands down her naked sides, I slipped my hand between our bodies and rested it protectively on her stomach. Her eyes fluttered shut, and her face relaxed into a peaceful agreement.

  “I still can’t believe I have this little one inside me.”

  “Have you been drinking plenty of fluids? You may need to find something to settle your stomach. It’s essential that you and Jellybean are still getting the nutrients and vitamins you need in this first trimester. Things should get a little easier in the second trimester.”

  The look on Sav’s face was priceless. Her face twisted in shock, and she was looking at me like I were an alien, babbling on in a foreign language. My ego soared. I knew my shit when it came to pregnancy. I was officially going to trademark Tate-opedia—the knower of all things pregnancy. I laughed deeply and closed Sav’s mouth that was hanging open in shock with my finger and thumb.

  “When I went to visit Mom in San Diego, she gave me a ‘what to expect as a father’ book so I have been reading up. Ask me any question and I’ll know.”

  “Well you didn’t know about my aching boobs.”

  “You were wet, covered in bubbles, and leaning against my cock, and your boobs were there. I apologize for my lack of judgment, but when I am horny as hell with my hot-ass girlfriend in front of me, my mind goes blank.”

  Her cheeks flushed pink and she buried her face into my chest, muffling a giggle. My fingers ran through her long blond hair while a smile took over my face. I loved that I could still make her blush. She put out this strong, confident, don’t-fuck-with-me attitude to the world, but all I had to do was tell her what I wanted to do to her or mention how she made my body react and she blushed.

  “I need to borrow some clothes from Jack,” I said wistfully. “I am hoping you’ll have me naked most of the night though.”

  Sav’s head pulled away from its hiding spot, her eyes wide, her mouth open. “Jack’s here?”

  I nodded in response. “And Tanzi.”

  “WHAT!” Sav shrieked and slapped my bare chest squarely with the full force of her body behind it.

  Flinching under her touch, I choked out a groan and began rubbing my chest in circular motions to ease the burning sting her hand had left. “Yes, they flew over with me. They wouldn’t let me come over if they weren’t here, and luckily they were both on vacation so it worked out perfectly.”

  Her eyes glistened before she dropped them from my gaze and looked everywhere but me. Why was she getting upset? What the hell had I done now?

  “Hey, what’s wrong? I thought you’d be happy that we are all here.” Moving off her body, I rolled onto my back, and she followed me. Her body partially covering mine, she rested her chin on my chest, looking up at me through reflective eyes.

  “I am. I am so happy.” My body shivered as her fingers drew circular patterns on my bare chest. “I’ve never had this Tate. The only person in my life was Mr. Davenport, and now I have all this. I have all of you. I’ve never had people that care about me this much or people that would fly across the country for me. It’s just a little overwhelming. These damn hormones are making me an emotional train wreck. ”

  “You are so worth all of this, Sav. Every mile I travel, every penny I spend, every hour of sleep I lose, and every moment you leave me breathless. You make everything worth it.”

  We lay in silence until the buzzing of Sav’s phone interrupted our serenity. The sunlight was quickly fading over Manhattan, and I could barely see the outline of Sav’s face. She had fallen asleep sometime during our togetherness and her breathing had eased and her grip around my waist had loosened. We still hadn’t dressed. I was still wearing the towel around my hips and she was still covered by a towel that was now loosely covering her body. It just so happened that it was now giving me a slight glimpse of her deliciously inviting body.

  “I wish my phone would shut up,” she groaned beside me and wiggled closer to my body. Her arm lay across my waist and her head rested on my chest, her breathing tickling my receptive skin. The more she wiggled the more her towel loosened and the more I was loving it. I laughed softly at the thoughts running through my head. Seriously, I was insatiable when it came to her. “What are you laughing at?”

  Sav let out a groan as she rolled onto her back, her arm slackening across my waist. I rolled to my side, grinning as her body was now on display more than ever. With inquisitive eyes, she looked down to find she was barely covered, her perfectly rounding belly and breasts peeking through the opening of the fluffy towel.

  Cocking an eyebrow at me, she smirked as her hands ran over her stomach and up to her breasts. “Is this your doing?”

  Shaking my head in response as words had escaped me, I couldn’t stop my eyes from roaming her body. So perfect and all mine.

  “What a shame you had nothing to do with this. I thought you were ready for round three. My mistake.” She rolled off the bed leaving the towel in a pile, and sauntered through the apartment towards the bathroom naked. “I am going to get ready for tonight.”

  “You are such a tease.” I laughed and stretched in the bed. “I’m going to grab some clothes from Jack. If you aren’t out of that bathroom and dressed by the time I get back, we are having sex in there.”

  “You are such a sex fiend.” Sav chuckled from deep in her belly and closed the door behind her, the sound of the lock clicking into place filling the air. She knew me too well. I grabbed my pants and shirt from the floor and quickly dressed before rushing out the door and to Tanzi and Jack’s room.

  “How was your reunion?” Jack asked with a sly grin, opening the door and inviting me in. Tanzi looked between us and shook her head in disgust.

  “I am going to get ready. What time are we going?”

  “Dinner is at eight and we are watching a game or something. Apparently Sav thinks we are going to get schooled?”

  “Tate! Its six thirty! You expect me to be ready by eight?” Tanzi’s high-pitched squeal caused me to flinch and Jack to cover his ears.

  “That’s your sister.”

  “That’s your girlfriend. You had a choice.”

  “Touché, my friend.”

  Jack’s eyes followed Tanzi as she disappeared into the bathroom. He swung back towards me and spoke. “So tell me how things went down.” I followed Jack through their room, towards his suitcase, and watched as he grabbed a pair of jeans and a plain white tee out of his suitcase.

  “At first it was pretty fucking sweet. I talked the receptionist into letting me in the building, and I waited for Sav in t
he boardroom. She looked amazing, Jack. Anyway we got reacquainted in the boardroom.”

  “You didn’t...” Jack asked eyes wide with anticipation.

  “No, but seriously, it was painful seeing her like that and not throwing her on the boardroom table.” I shook my head before continuing. “Anyway, all was going great until I found out that Blake Ryan is in town and Sav had lunch with him. I was an asshole and said something to Sav and she stormed out.”

  “What’s he doing in town?”

  “Doing something with the magazine. I didn’t really get to find out before I jumped off the deep end and started throwing out stupid accusations.”

  “Shit, that’s hectic, man.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it. So Sav refused to talk to me and we walked the entire trip back here in silence. We got back to the hotel, she threw her bag and shoes at me, called me an asshole, and then she pretty much gave me the best fuck of my life.”

  “Angry sex is the best sex. Sometimes I do stupid shit just so T and I will have angry sex. It fucking works, my friend.”

  I scrunched my face up but knew I’d brought it up myself. I grabbed the pants and shirt Jack had grabbed from his suitcase and left before we went into any further detail about sex involving my sister.

  “I could always take you to Red Velvet New York?” I suggested with a cocky grin. Apparently I was about to be shown what real football was.


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