Their Border Lands Destiny [Men of the Border Lands 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Their Border Lands Destiny [Men of the Border Lands 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

by Marla Monroe

  “Granger. You made your way back to us. Grandmother said you would return,” the man said.

  “Joe Running Elk, this is my friend, Marty, and our woman, Destiny. This is Joe Running Elk, the chief spokesman of his tribe.” Granger stepped back so that Marty could shake the other man’s hand.

  “It’s great to meet you. Any friend of Granger’s is a friend of ours. Do you need a place for the night, my friend?” Joe asked.

  “We would appreciate that if you have room. I thought I’d chop some wood for your grandmother while I was here,” Granger said.

  “She’s got plenty for the winter. I could use some help with moving some supplies if you have time.” Joe walked out into the front where several children were playing with sticks and a pine cone.

  Destiny followed the men, but she kept watching as the children knocked the pine cone around. She’d seen so few children since she’d been living with her aunt and uncle. It made her smile to see them laughing and happy.

  “Come on, Destiny. Keep up, ladybug.” Marty grabbed her hand and pulled her along with them.

  They walked over to another cabin-like building where Joe opened the door. “Here you go. Make yourselves at home.”

  “Marty and I will be over in a few minutes to help you with those supplies,” Granger said.

  Joe nodded and left them there. She walked through the door to find that the cabin was a very large, one-room building. The fire place was outfitted for cooking, and the bed was closed on one side for warmth. She noticed that there were only two small windows, one on either side of the room. A couch and a chair sat in front of the fireplace, and a table with four chairs sat on the other side, opposite the bed.

  The entire room was clean and smelled fresh despite being empty. They evidently kept it aired out for guests like them. She looked over at Granger and smiled.

  “It’s cute. It’s nice of him to let us use it.”

  “Marty, let’s go get our packs, and then we need to go help Joe’s men move supplies for a little while. It’s how we’re paying for the place to stay tonight. Destiny, stay here. You’re safe here, but I’d rather you didn’t go anywhere without us.” Granger kissed her on top of the head before he and Marty walked back outside to get their packs.

  She milled around the room, noticing that the spread on the bed looked handmade. She admired the tiny stitches, wishing she could sew like that. She was decent with a needle and thread, but she couldn’t come close to duplicating the needlework. The men walked back in as she was studying the fireplace.

  “We’ll be gone for a couple of hours. If you get hungry before we get back, go ahead and eat. We can fix ours when we get back,” Granger told her.

  “I’ll be fine. Is it safe enough for me to sit outside while it’s still light? I’d like to read some.” She held up a book she’d been carrying in her pack.

  “No wonder that thing was so freaking heavy,” Marty teased. “How many books do you have in that thing?”

  “Just one,” she said with a grin.

  “Don’t be surprised if someone comes over to chat. They don’t see a lot of people here, especially white people,” Granger said. “We’ll be back.”

  Destiny stepped out with them and sat on one of the hand-carved benches sitting in front of the cabin. Sure enough, she soon had several children milling around her, touching her hair and talking among themselves in their tribal language. After a few minutes, a young Indian woman walked up and clucked at the children.

  “Sorry if they are bothering you. They are just curious,” she said.

  Destiny smiled. “They’re not bothering me. I love seeing them. I haven’t seen many children. Do you want to sit with me?” she asked.

  The pretty woman nodded and sat next to her. “My name is Sarah.”

  “I’m Destiny. This is a very nice place. How many live here?” she asked.

  “There are twenty-six of us, including children and our elders. Where are you from?”

  “Atlanta, Georgia. I left there almost seven months ago, though. The cities are too dangerous for a woman, and my aunt and uncle whom I was living with were killed in a fire that destroyed our house.” Destiny realized that for the first time it didn’t feel quite as painful as it once did to think about them.

  “I’m sorry for your loss. We’ve all lost family and friends along the way. Were your parents killed in the great devastation?” Sarah asked.

  “Yes. They were killed in one of the tornadoes that came through. That’s when I went to live with my aunt and uncle.” She watched as the children resumed their stick and pine cone game.

  “Are those men you are with yours?” Sarah asked with a shy expression on her face.

  Destiny knew by the heat in her cheeks that she was blushing again. “Yes, they are.”

  “Many men share a woman now, as it is safer for the woman. I have one man, but we live in a close community where we all watch out for each other. Still, he talks about bringing another man to our bed. He says that more people are passing this way, and the dangers are growing.” Sarah seemed uneasy as she looked around.

  “Has there been trouble here?” Destiny asked.

  “Not much. Some, but Grandmother says that bad men are coming soon. We listen to Grandmother. She is our seer, our shaman.”

  “I hope you are prepared for them and are able to fight them off. Do you know how to fight, Sarah?” Destiny would teach her some moves if she didn’t. The idea of someone hurting her or the children there made her ill to think about it.

  The other woman smiled. “Oh yes. Joe makes us all practice self-defense constantly. We are all prepared.”

  “Good. Joe seems like a really nice man and a good leader.” Destiny didn’t know what to say to the other woman. She wasn’t used to making small talk with anyone, having only been around her family and then Granger and Marty.

  “Can I ask you something personal?” Sarah finally asked.

  “Of course. I’ll answer if I can.”

  The pretty Indian woman studied her hands for a few seconds before speaking again.

  “What is it like being with two men at one time?” she finally asked.

  “Oh. Um, I’m not sure I can really tell you much. I’ve only been with Marty and Granger for a few days now. They are very good to me, very careful of me.” Destiny wasn’t sure what to tell the woman. “Um, it’s really good to have two men loving on me at one time. I mean, both of their mouths and, um, hands at the same time and all.”

  Sarah nodded and shivered as if thinking about it. “I’m scared that I won’t be able to take care of two men.”

  “You shouldn’t have to worry about that. They should worry about taking care of you instead. Pleasing you should be more important than their own pleasure.” Destiny realized she was quoting from one of the books she’d read back in Atlanta. Maybe real life wasn’t actually like that.

  “That is what my David says, but I can’t help but worry.”

  “Don’t worry, Sarah. They will take care of you, and you will be safer with two men to look after you.”

  “Perhaps you are right. The other man my David wants to include in our home is his friend. He’s a very handsome man like my David, but different, too.” Sarah smiled shyly again.

  Destiny had a feeling that Sarah was already attracted to her husband’s friend but feeling guilty about it. She had so little experience that she didn’t feel comfortable telling the other woman it was good if she already liked him. Instead she said nothing, and the other woman changed the subject. They talked for another few minutes before Sarah said she needed to leave and start dinner.

  With the sun sinking fast now, she could no longer see to read, so she went back inside and built a fire in the fireplace to fight the evening chill and warm up their meal for a change. She liked it here, but she knew that Granger wanted to go farther west where fewer people lived. It would mean less chance of someone giving them trouble, but it also meant harder living conditions. Destiny sat
on the couch and watched the fire, thinking about what the future might hold for the three of them when they finally chose a place to stay.

  * * * *

  “Grandmother said you would return with your family and stop here for a night. It is good to see you, Granger.” Mark, Joe’s brother, pulled him in for a quick hug.

  “I’m glad to see you up and moving around, Mark.” Granger stepped back. “This is my friend, Marty. Marty, this is Mark, Joe’s brother.”

  Marty held out his hand and smiled at the other man. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Granger saved my life when a bear attacked me while I was out hunting. I owe him much.” Mark lifted his shirt to show the massive scars across his chest and abdomen.

  “I was just in the right place at the right time. You’d already killed it, I just shot it so that it didn’t land on you when it fell,” Granger said.

  The other man shook his head with a smile. “Our wife sends her thanks once again. She is in her last days awaiting the birth of our first child.”

  “Congratulations,” Granger said with a smile. “May it be a strong boy to run you ragged, or a pretty princess to give you gray hair.”

  Mark laughed and slapped him on the shoulder. “I will wish the same for you and your friend. Joe says you have a woman now. You are looking to finally make a home for yourself.”

  Granger felt his stomach dip at the thought of children. He hadn’t really thought that far ahead. By the look on Marty’s face, his friend hadn’t either. He swallowed down the knot in his throat.

  “Thanks, I think.”

  Joe chuckled. “Come. Let me show you what we need help with.”

  Granger followed Joe into the large building where they stored their supplies for the tribe. Inside the building, several lanterns had been strategically placed to illuminate the huge eighteen-wheeler trailer that was backed into the other end, ready to be unloaded.

  “The men take turns going out and loading supplies from the surrounding towns. Usually two or three men will go and fill up the truck then bring it back here where they unload it and store it. Everyone benefits as they have need,” Granger explained to Marty.

  “Granger went on many rides with us,” Joe said.

  “Okay, enough gossiping like old women, guys. Let’s get this thing unloaded,” Mike said with a chuckle. “I want to get back to my woman.”

  Granger and Marty worked with the five other men and soon had the trailer emptied and its contents stacked according to type. Mike kept up a steady conversation about what all had occurred since Granger had left about eight months back. Once they had finished and the trailer was swept and closed up for its next trip, Mike left to see about his and Joe’s wife while Joe shared a drink of aged whisky with Granger and Marty.

  “Grandmother says you won’t stay here with us. You will move deeper into the mountains. You’re welcome to stay here with your family, Granger. The tribe would take you in,” Joe said.

  “Thank you, Joe. You pay us a great compliment to offer us a home here with your people, but we need to keep moving,” Granger told him.

  “I understand. You have a new family waiting for you beyond the Cheyenne nation. Grandmother says your woman will be important to this other family. You need to hurry, though. Winter is close on us. It seems to come sooner each year now.”

  “What else does Grandmother say?” Granger asked, his chest tight with worry.

  He had a healthy respect for Grandmother’s predictions. She’d known all about him when he’d never met the woman before. She’d also told him that he would meet the other part of his heart and not recognize her at first. He now knew that had been Destiny, who he’d been attracted to but thought was a boy. No, he didn’t take the old woman’s words lightly.

  “She said that you need to tell your woman what she, Grandmother, already knew about you. It weights heavy on your heart. Trust her with your secrets, Granger.” Joe smiled at him. “You know Grandmother. She always talks in riddles.”

  “But they make sense later,” Granger added.

  “That they do.” Joe stood up and stretched. “Time for us to part for the night. I will see you off in the morning, friend.”

  Granger nodded, standing as well. “Thanks again for the place to crash.”

  “Good night, Joe,” Marty added as he and Granger walked away from where the other man stood.

  “This Grandmother sounds like she knows a lot about you, man. Sounds like good advice to me.” Marty’s voice held a smile.

  “Yeah, I know. I’ll talk to her once we get settled. I don’t want her to have any reason to doubt me while we’re on the road. There’s too much at stake.” Granger glanced over at the other man.

  “I think you’re not giving her enough credit. She loves you, Granger. Your past isn’t going to change that.”

  “It might make her hesitate when she doesn’t have the time to. I’m not taking the chance with her life.” Granger stopped a few steps from the cabin. “I’ll tell her, but not now.”

  Marty shrugged and nodded his head. “I’m not going to say anything. It’s your secret to tell. I just think you should go ahead and get it off your chest. I can see it bothering you when you look at her.”

  Granger pulled his fingers through his hair and shook his head. Without saying another word, he walked up to the door and opened it. He knew Marty was right and he needed to get it out in the open between them, but with all of the dangers ahead of them, he was afraid she might not trust him when her life was in danger. He needed her to follow his directions immediately if things got bad. He’d confide in her as soon as they found a place to stay.

  Mike’s talk about children hit him again. What would happen if she turned up pregnant before they’d had a chance to make a safe place for her? He hadn’t thought once about getting her pregnant. The thought of her round with their baby had his cock hard in seconds. The sight of Destiny’s round ass as she bent over the fire stirring something had him groaning as his balls tightened in their sack. Thoughts of abstinence to keep from getting her pregnant flew right out the window.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “There you two are. I was beginning to think I was going to be eating all alone after all.” Destiny smiled as her men walked inside.

  “Whatever you’re cooking smells delicious,” Marty said, pulling her into his arms for a kiss.

  The feel of Granger behind her had her nipples hard as diamonds. Both men smothered her with kisses and hugs before easing away. She fanned herself and laughed as both men smiled at her obviously flustered state.

  “We’re having grilled fish, green beans, and flat bread,” she told them. “One of the families sent some fish over that their son had caught today.”

  “I can’t wait,” Marty said, sitting down at the table.

  “The boy said we should make sure we choose a place that has a river to fish from so we will have fish to eat.” She smiled as she served them. “I think he’s a very wise nine-year-old. What do you think?”

  “I think you’re right,” Granger said, taking a bite of the fish.

  “Mmm, this is delicious, ladybug.” Marty flashed her a warm smile.

  “Thanks. I wasn’t sure if I would remember how to fix them or not. I read about grilling fish, but I’d never actually cooked fish before.”

  “You could have fooled me,” Marty said.

  “You taught yourself a lot by reading books, didn’t you?” Granger asked.

  “Yeah. With everything like it was, there weren’t any schools, and it wouldn’t have been safe for me to go anyway, so I read everything my aunt and uncle could find to bring home for me.” She savored the flavor of the fish she’d seasoned with salt and lemon pepper that was already in the cabin.

  “I’m impressed, Destiny. Teaching yourself takes a lot of dedication and self-discipline. Not many teenagers would have stuck with it.” Granger’s praise pleased her, but it embarrassed her as well.

  “Yeah, well. I goofed o
ff a lot, too. I loved reading naughty books. My aunt got them for me. She said that I needed to know what to expect when they found me a good man for a husband. I wonder if she’d read them before she gave them to me. They were pretty wild.” She fanned her face just thinking about them.

  “Really? What were some of them about?” Marty asked, wagging his eyebrows.

  “Never mind. Eat your dinner.” She wasn’t about to tell them about what she’d read about.

  “I’ll let you off the hook for now, honey, but after dinner you’re going to tell us all about your dirty stories,” Marty warned her with a grin.

  She glanced over at Granger and saw the way he was looking at her. It had her pussy dripping almost instantly. It was obvious what was on his mind by the way he licked his lips and stared at her with his dark eyes. Her mouth went dry, making it impossible for her to swallow. She gulped the Indian bark tea she’d made and nearly choked.

  Marty’s chuckle broke the sensual spell Granger had snared her in. She frowned at both men and studiously ignored them as she finished eating. It wasn’t right that they could turn her on with just a look. She wanted to affect them like that. Being able to get them hard and horny in an instant would go a long way to getting what she wanted.

  Maybe the next time they ventured near a town that had an adult shop, she could talk them into letting her get a few books. After all, they would benefit from them as much as she would. That thought brought a smile to her lips.

  “What are you grinning about over there, missy?” Granger asked in a rough voice.

  “Nothing. Are you guys finished?” she asked.

  Both men stood up and helped her gather the plates. She quickly washed them up in the pan of water Marty brought in for her, and Granger dried them and put them away. She dried her hands on a towel and turned to ask the guys what they wanted to do next and quickly found out when Granger pulled her into his arms for a kiss. His lips pressed tightly to hers before he nipped at her bottom lip and licked across the seam of her mouth.


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