Pacific Crucible: War at Sea in the Pacific, 1941-1942

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Pacific Crucible: War at Sea in the Pacific, 1941-1942 Page 77

by Ian W. Toll

  destroyers, xvii, 39–40, 118, 137, 151, 163, 202, 208, 219, 236, 237, 256, 257, 260, 316, 343, 351, 364, 366, 367, 369–70, 374, 401, 406, 407–8, 415, 427, 447, 452, 458, 460, 463, 464, 469, 470, 471

  Detroit, Mich., 489

  Devastator TBD torpedo bomber, 211–12, 214–15, 220, 223, 282, 342–43, 347

  at Midway, 399, 400, 421–25, 428, 434, 437–38, 449, 465–66

  Devereux, James, 143, 145, 147

  DeWitt, John, 44

  Diamond Head, 31, 480

  Dickinson, Clarence, 9, 209–10, 213, 215, 223–24, 226, 395–96, 419, 427, 429–31, 434–37

  Diet, Japanese, xxv, 87, 89

  army’s attempted overthrow of, 114

  Dill, Sir John, 179, 193

  Dingell, John, 45

  Directive No. 86, 281

  disarmament treaties, 77

  Distinguished Service Medal, 482

  District of Columbia National Guard, 25–26

  District of Columbia police, 26, 34

  dive-bombers, 100, 278, 332, 351, 352, 354, 359, 370, 376, 399, 404, 415, 418, 426, 430–32, 432, 434, 445, 447–48, 454, 476, 478

  Dixon, Robert E., 341–42, 351–52

  Dodge family, 171

  dogfighting, 337

  Zeros and, 51–52, 209, 254, 399

  Doolittle, James H., 284–93, 295–96, 297, 298–300, 315, 318, 319, 400

  Doorman, Karel W. F. M., 254, 256–60

  Dorsetshire, HMS, 264

  Douglas Dauntless SBD dive-bomber, 22

  Douglas TBD Devastator, 93, 376

  Dover, 265

  Downes, USS, 33

  Draemel, Milo S., 152–53, 155

  Dreadnought, HMS, xiv

  Duke of York, HMS, 172

  dummy loaders, 325

  Duncan, Donald B., 283

  Dunlap, USS, 216

  DuPont, USS, 202

  Dutch Borneo, 234

  Dutch East Indies, 53, 182

  ABDACOM in, 190

  Japanese invasion of, 234, 236, 247, 252–63, 253, 266, 268, 279, 319

  Dutch Harbor, 281, 379, 389

  Japanese strike on, 406, 417, 483–84

  Dyer, Fred, 450

  Dyer, George C., 156

  Dyer, Thomas, 303–6, 312–14, 391–92, 480–82

  dysentery, 154, 244, 300

  Early, Stephen, 27–28

  Earnest, Albert K., 411

  East, Walter J., 21

  East Asia, 30, 64, 65, 132, 181, 198

  East China Sea, 284, 298

  Eastern Island, 410

  East Indies, Japanese invasion of, 234, 236, 247, 252–63, 253, 266, 268

  East Prussia, 59

  Eccles, H. E., 258

  Edison, Charles, 168–69

  Edsall, 262

  Edwards, Webley, 8

  Edward VII, King of England, 174

  Efate, 184, 328, 387, 490

  Eglin Field, 284

  Egypt, 265

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 186, 489–90

  on Europe-first strategy, 181

  in liberation of Europe, 185

  El Alamein, 62


  of 1936, 126

  of 1940, 126

  Eleventh Air Fleet, Japanese, 269

  11th Indian Division, 245

  Ellice Islands, 184

  Embick, Stanley Dunbar, 186

  Emirau, 490

  Emmons, Delos C., 386, 389

  emperor, see Tenno

  Encounter, HMS, 260

  engine design, xiii

  England, see Great Britain

  English Channel, 265

  Eniwetok, 490

  Enterprise, USS, 22, 32, 39–42, 140, 151, 205, 220, 223, 323, 401

  antiaircraft guns of, 205, 220, 223

  aviators on, 204, 207, 209–11, 215, 221, 437, 438

  in Battle of Midway, 417, 419–20, 422, 425, 427–29, 437–38, 442, 447–48, 451, 453, 455, 458–59, 465–66, 471

  Bombing Six of (VB-6), 219, 221, 421, 426, 432, 432, 465, 476

  compiling of Midway information on, 437

  Enterprise, USS (continued)

  dive-bombers of, 420–21, 426, 429, 432, 442, 453, 465, 476

  in Doolittle raid, 285–91, 293, 296, 318, 319

  First Division of, 212

  Halsey replaced by Spruance on, 393–96, 401

  Midway preparations of, 392–93, 397–98, 401–2

  raid on Marshalls by Task Force of, 200–230

  Scouting Six of (VS-6), 204, 212, 419, 421, 426, 432, 453, 465

  Second Division of, 213

  Task Force 8 and, 150, 155, 200, 226, 227

  in Task Force 16, 285–91, 293, 296, 298, 387, 390, 392–93, 401–2, 417, 436, 471

  torpedo planes of, 420

  Torpedo Six of (VT-6), 204, 425, 428

  Erickson, James, 24

  Erickson, Ruth, 37

  Espiritu Santo island, 490

  Etajima, Japanese Naval Academy at, 68, 84, 94–95, 230

  Europe, 109

  Allies’ prioritization of, see Allied Powers, Europe-first strategy of

  fascism in, 76

  Marshall Plan in, 162

  naval arms race in, xvii, xviii–xix

  Netherlands under Nazi conquest in, 253

  prospects for invasion of, 317

  relative stability in, 182

  World War II in, 23, 25

  European theater, 192

  Ewa Field, 397, 400

  Ewing, William, 158

  Exeter, HMS, 256, 258, 260

  F4F Wildcat fighter plane, see Grumman F4F Wildcat fighter plane

  Farrow, Bill, 292–93

  fascism, 75, 76

  Federal Bureau of Investigation, 26

  Federal Reserve Building, 179, 191

  Fields, Alonzo, 174

  51st Philippine Army Division, 241

  fighter direction officer (FDO), 220, 222, 442

  fighter escorts, 209, 415, 418, 428

  fighters, 100, 351–54

  Enterprise, 209

  Japanese, 213, 218

  Fiji, 3, 182, 184, 277

  Japanese planned attack of, 281, 301, 319, 381, 385

  Finnegan, Joseph, 391

  fire director systems, xiii

  Fisher, Alvin, 290, 292

  Fisher, Clayton, 399–400, 418, 437, 472–73

  Fitch, Aubrey “Jake,” 156, 319, 324, 330, 334, 338, 343, 351, 361, 363, 365, 369, 396

  Flatley, James H., Jr., 336, 343, 376, 399

  Fleet Radio Unit, Pacific (FRUPAC), 302

  Fletcher, Frank Jack, 150–51, 153, 155–56, 203, 227, 319

  Admiral King’s concern about, 318

  battle command relinquished to Spruance by, 458, 477

  in Battle of Midway, 390, 393, 437, 445–46, 452, 458, 466–67, 471, 477

  in Battle of the Coral Sea, 329, 332–34, 337, 341, 344–47, 349, 367, 369–71, 373, 392

  floatplanes, 99, 205, 344, 450

  Japanese, 226, 257–58, 408, 412, 417, 442, 461, 474

  Florida, 179

  Florida Island, 329–30

  “Flying Tigers,” 52

  Fomby, Wiliam, 18, 33

  Fontana, Calif., 138

  Force Z, 53–57, 56, 172

  Ford, John, 291

  Ford Island, 9, 17–20, 22, 32, 33, 36, 40, 41, 227

  Foreign Ministry, Japanese, 113, 115, 122

  formation flying, Japanese, 100

  Formosa (Taiwan), 82, 89, 238, 293

  Japanese bases on, 48, 51

  Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 200–201

  Fort Weaver, 401

  Fourteenth Naval District, U.S., 14, 20, 199, 302, 307, 309, 383

  France, 80, 156, 265

  colonies of, 173, 186, 335

  disintegration of, 115

  fall of, 25

  Fredericksburg, Tex., 131

  Fremantle, 260

  French, Free, 116

  French, Howard, 19

  French Frigate
Shoals, 385, 406

  Fuchida, Mitsuo, 231, 278, 299, 382, 405, 409, 415, 423–24, 433, 440–41, 456, 461, 484–85

  fueling stations, xxxiv, 236

  floating, 206–7

  Pacific, 184

  fuel oil, xiii, 159

  Pearl Harbor and, 159

  Fujisawa, Chikao, 109

  Fujita, Iyozo, 414

  Fukuda, Keiji, 102

  Fukudome, Shigeru, 281

  Funafuti, 184

  Furuta, Kiyoto, 441, 458

  Gaido, Bruno P., 224

  Gallaher, Wilmer Earl, 426, 453–54

  Gaspar Strait, 254

  Gavutu harbor, 330–32

  Gay, George, 400, 418, 423–25, 456

  Gayler, Noel A. M., 336, 354, 361, 365

  Gee, Roy P., 437, 466

  geishas, 72–75, 86, 89, 278, 403

  gekokujo, 86

  Genda, Minoru, 101, 102, 118, 321–22, 382, 409, 475, 485

  Gendreau, Elphege, 12

  Gentlemen’s Agreement of 1908, xxxi

  George VI, King of England, 193

  Germany, xxi, xxvii, 112, 133, 202, 484

  Allied soldiers from Asia and Pacific Rim sent to fight in, 185–86

  “Channel Dash” by, 265

  colonies of, 82

  in European war, 123

  fascism and Nazism in, 75, 115

  Japanese alliance with, 70, 112, 114–15, 265

  Lebensraum for, 89

  Mahan’s influence in, xviii–xix

  Midway’s impact on, 479

  military triumphs of, 115

  Paris attacked by, 156

  Pearl Harbor and fate of, 62

  Pearl Harbor unconnected with, 29

  as predominant member of Axis Powers, 180–81, 248

  rearmament of, 177

  Tripartite Pact and, 114–15

  U-boats from, xxxv

  war declared against U.S. by, 59–60, 171

  war production of, 489

  in World War I, 35

  Ghormley, Robert L., 318

  Gilbert Islands, 184, 199, 269

  carrier raids on, 200, 203, 205, 218, 226–27

  Gladstone, William, xviii

  Glassford, W. A., 236

  Goebbels, Joseph, 59, 61

  Golden Gate Bridge, 43, 282

  Gota, Eiji, 222

  Goto, Aritomo, 333, 341

  Grabinski, Louis, 17

  Gray, James S., 216–17, 219, 438

  Grayling, USS, 160

  Great Britain, xiv, xix, xxiv, xxvii, 53, 59, 60, 61, 181, 272, 488

  Admiral King’s perceived animosity towards, 162, 185

  in Africa, 182

  on Allied command unity, 189–93

  Asian colonies of, 25, 59, 82, 115, 195

  Australia’s relationship with, 186

  battleships of, 105

  CCOS and, 191–93, 195

  codebreakers of, 309–10, 314

  German air assault on, 245

  Germany’s rivalry with, xvii–xix, xxi

  India ruled by, 25, 59, 252, 273

  Japanese attacks on western Pacific bases of, 48–58

  Japanese view on imperialism of, 64

  Japan’s dependence on resources from, 115–16

  Japan’s desire to be seen as equal to, 84

  Mahan’s influence in, xviii

  military aid to Chinese Nationalists from, 112

  overconfidence of, in Malaya, 244–48

  Pacific troops of, 181–82, 188

  possessions of, 308

  royal family of, 79–80

  seapower of, 57

  shipboard landings and take-offs from, xxxv

  U.S. friction with, 176–77, 188, 195, 317

  and U.S. Pacific deployment, 267

  U.S. supplies sent to, 174

  war against Japan by, 24–25, 34, 100

  war cabinet of, 174, 190

  war production of, 489

  Great Depression, 76, 89, 125, 195, 202

  Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, 110

  Great White Fleet, xxxii–xxxiii

  Grew, Joseph, 114

  Grey, Sir Edward, 25

  Groton, 28

  Grumman airplanes, 141, 218

  Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat fighter plane, 140–42, 154

  Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat fighter plane, 399

  Grumman F4F Wildcat fighter plane, 32, 146, 211–12, 216, 217, 219–20, 222, 225–27, 229, 282, 289, 323, 330, 335, 336, 337, 343, 347, 351, 354, 358, 375–76, 378, 399

  at Midway, 410, 419–20, 428–29, 431, 434, 437–38, 442, 444, 449–50, 453

  Grumman TBF Avenger torpedo plane, 400, 411, 413, 426

  Guadalcanal, 330, 332, 333, 490

  Guadalcanal Campaign, 268, 320, 479

  Yamamoto and failure of, 67

  Guam, xxxii, xxxiv, 82, 140

  Japanese attack on, 36, 47, 58

  radio intercept station on, 309–10

  Gulf of Siam, 54

  GYMNAST, 185

  Haguro, 257–59

  Halsey, Billy, 394

  Halsey, Fanny, 394

  Halsey, William F., 32, 39–42, 137, 150–51, 155

  background and personality of, 201–2

  in Doolittle raid, 285–89, 318

  in Marshalls raid, 200–204, 207, 209–10, 214–15, 218, 219, 221–23, 225, 227–28, 230–31, 278, 308

  and Task Force 16, 387–88, 392–95, 401, 458, 477

  Hamaguchi, Osachi, 86

  Hamilton, Weldon L., 341–42

  Hammann, USS, 368, 467–69, 471

  Hampton Roads, Va., xxxiii, 164, 172

  Hara, Kiyoshi, 108

  Hara, Tadaichi, 320, 333, 336, 339, 344–45, 347, 349, 355, 377

  Hara, Tameichi, 256, 257, 270, 408, 447, 456

  Harada, Kumao, 117

  Harding, Warren G. (president), 13

  Harding, Warren G. (seaman), 23

  Harper’s Weekly, xxxi

  Harriman, Averell, 24

  Hart, Thomas C., 53, 190, 235–37, 254

  Haruna, 415, 454

  Harvard University, xxvii, 28, 69, 113

  Hashimoto, Toshio, 448, 450

  Hashirajima Island, 65, 105, 117, 255, 380, 404–5, 484

  Hatta, General, 272

  “Haul Ass with Halsey,” 225, 228

  Hawaii, xxi, xxxii, xxxiv, 14, 15, 28, 48, 122, 127, 138, 142, 152, 156, 182, 276, 322, 389

  in Allied Pacific strategy, 192

  climate of, 129

  concerns about attack on, 316, 384–85, 475, 479

  ethnic Japanese in, 149

  Fourteenth Naval District in, 14, 20, 199, 302, 307, 309, 383

  Japanese proposed invasion of, 277, 280, 301

  military censorship in, 44, 147–50

  state of emergency and martial law in, 14, 147–48

  unfamiliarity of, 23

  U.S. airbases on, 280

  Hawaii-Midway line, 312

  Hay, John, xx

  Hayate, 145

  Healy, H. R. “Pop,” 361–62

  Hearst, William Randolph, xxxi

  Hebel, Fritz, 32, 33

  Helfrich, Conrad E. H., 236, 254, 256, 262–63

  Heller, Joseph, 125

  Henderson, Lofton R., 414

  Henley, USS, 345

  Hermes, HMS, 265

  Hewlett, Frank, 244

  Hibiya Park, 269–70

  Hickam Field, 7, 32

  Hiraide, Hideo, 483

  Hiranuma, Kuchiro, 116

  Hirohito, Emperor, 64, 78, 90, 269, 272, 377

  assassination attempt on, 80

  early political leanings of, 79–80

  enthronement ceremonies for, 80–81

  on entry into war, 121–22, 123

  fear of danger to, 278

  on invasion of Philippines, 242

  Japanese surrender and, 491

  on Midway losses, 482–83

  on naval arms limitation, 83

  punishments not administered by, 86,

  tributes paid to, 404, 462, 463

  Hirosawa, Ei, 64

  Hiroshima, atomic bombing of, 491

  Hiroshima Bay, 65, 380

  Hirota government, 91

  Hiryu, 295, 377, 414, 441–42, 446–48, 451, 453–55, 476

  loss of, 455, 459–60, 462–63, 465, 473, 484

  Hitler, Adolf, 25, 29, 35, 91, 115, 181, 186, 266

  on Lebensraum, 89

  response to Battle of the Coral Sea by, 377

  response to Pearl Harbor by, 59–61

  Hobart, 254

  Hochi Shinbun, xxx

  Hokkaido, 82

  Holcomb, Bankson T., Jr., 207–8

  Hollingsworth, Bill, 219, 221

  Holmes, Charles, 143

  Holmes, Ephraim, 17

  Holmes, Jasper, 158–59, 303–7, 312–14, 387, 391–92, 479–80, 482

  Home Ministry, Japanese, 270

  Homma, Masaharu, 240, 242

  Hong Kong, 25, 246

  Japanese attack on, 36, 48, 58, 182

  honne, 70–72

  Honolulu, 7, 8, 23, 38, 148, 149, 156, 386, 397–98

  false reports of post-Midway attack on, 483

  Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 158

  Honshu, 80, 89, 404

  Hoover, Herbert, 13

  Hoover, Travis, 292–93

  Hopkins, Harry, 14, 28, 162, 173, 194–95, 196

  Churchill and, 174–75, 190, 197–98

  on Russian supply deliveries, 187

  on unified command, 190, 192

  Hopping, Halstead L., 212–13

  Hori, Kenji, 355

  Horikoshi, Jiro, 93

  Hornet, USS, 323, 418

  air group of, 421, 423, 458, 477

  aviators of, 437, 472

  B-25s transported by, 281–83, 285

  in Battle of Midway, 417–19, 421–25, 427, 437–38, 442, 447–48, 451, 455, 458, 465–66, 471, 478

  Bombing Squadron Eight of (VB-8), 399–400, 437

  dive-bombers of, 397, 422–23, 455, 465

  losses of, 438

  and Midway preparations, 397–98, 401–2

  Scouting Eight of (VS-8), 437

  in Task Force 16, 285–93, 295–98, 297, 319, 387, 390, 392, 401–2, 417–19, 471

  in Task Force 18, 285

  Torpedo Eight of (VT-8), 400–401, 418, 419, 421–25, 428, 437–38, 456, 472–73

  VF-8 of, 437

  House of Commons, British, 24, 198

  House of Peers, Japanese, 88

  House of Representatives, U.S., 35

  declaration of war against Japan in, 36

  Houston, USS, 235, 254, 256, 258, 260–62

  Hughes, USS, 466

  Hull, Cordell, 15, 28–29, 116, 121–22

  Hultgren, Vivian, 37

  Hun River, 91

  Hyde Park, N.Y., 13, 266

  Hynes, Samuel, 490

  I-16 fighter, 93

  Iba, 58

  IBM tabulators, 302, 304, 313, 384, 388

  Iceland, troops scheduled for, 186, 187

  Ickes, Harold, 26–27, 29

  identification-friend-or-foe (IFF) systems, 205

  Illustrated London News, xxvi

  Imamura, Hitoshi, 261


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