Wicked Beginnings

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Wicked Beginnings Page 16

by L A Cotton

  Everyone stared blankly at me, no doubt wondering what the hell had gotten into me. But that was for me to know.

  And them to never find out.


  The house was cloaked in darkness when Devon dropped me off. After Caitlin’s appearance at The Shack, I’d persuaded them to go down to the Bay to skinny dip. But the boys chickened out, so we hung out for a while instead. I made him pull over at the bottom of the winding drive. Just in case. I said goodbye and melted into the shadows of the tree-lined path. But something stopped me, and I took shelter behind a giant trunk, craning my head around to get a better view.

  Maverick was at his car, hand poised on the handle. Kyle and Macey stood together, the sight of them united threw me for a loop, until realisation punched me in the stomach. It was dark. Late. He was leaving to fight, and they were trying to stop him.

  Their hushed voices carried on the gentle breeze but not enough for me to make out more than the odd word. Part of me wanted to run up to them. With three-on-one, maybe he would listen? But the irrational betrayal I felt seeing him with Caitlin rooted me to the spot. And I didn’t want to reveal I knew about his little secret. I suspected that, aside from Luke, no one knew where Maverick had taken me the day I fled from the house. And some sick glutton-for-punishment part of me, wanted it to stay that way.

  It was ours.

  Another brief moment in time where he had cared.

  I didn’t want to taint that. Even if clinging onto it made me pitiful. It reminded me that the boy I’d fallen for on the beach last summer, was still in there somewhere. That my younger, naiver self hadn’t dreamed him up.

  Kyle got in his face. He didn’t look happy. Macey neither, but she hung back, her arms folded firmly over her chest, eyes narrowed and cold. My heart skipped a beat when Maverick shoved Kyle hard, yanked the door open and slid inside, leaving my cousin looking defeated—and worried—in a heap on the ground.

  The Audi peeled out of the drive, tyres screeching and a plume of smoke billowed into the air. Kyle scrambled to his feet, hands balled into fists. He said something to Macey and her face blanched. The ice queen had a heart after all, the fear evident in her features.

  Whatever Maverick was about to do, wasn’t good.

  Macey disappeared back inside the house but Kyle stared after the empty driveway. I could have stayed hidden. Could have waited until he went inside too. But I didn’t. I slipped out of my hiding place and strolled up toward him like I was none the wiser. “Hey, what are you doing out here?”

  He ran a hand down his face. It was creased with worry. “Waiting for you.” Kyle slung an arm around my shoulder and guided me inside. “You have some explaining to do, Cous.”

  It was the last thing I expected to fall from his lips. And I glanced back over my shoulder unable to shake the feeling I was still missing some piece of the Stone-Prince puzzle.

  “Lions wants you,” Kyle said around his trademark lazy smirk. “But you need to be careful, Cous.”

  “What does that mean?” I glanced back to the door, wanting to ask about Maverick. But I didn't want to out myself so I swallowed down the words.

  “It means things could turn ugly if you two hook up.”

  I balled my fists and ground to a halt. “Kyle, stop with the cryptic riddles. Is there something I should know?”

  He spun on his heels and shrugged, his features illuminated by the soft glow from the kitchen. “Just be careful, okay?”

  Ugh. I barged past him and went inside.

  “Hey, come on. I'm just looking out for you.”

  “Whatever. It's not like I plan on dating him, anyway. We're just friends.”

  He shot me a pointed look. “Friends, right. That's why you called him to save you earlier?”

  “I called Laurie too, not that it's any of your business.”

  “You did? Huh.” Something clouded in his eyes. “Rick didn't mention—”

  “He didn't know.”

  He cupped his jaw, rubbing gently. “That explains it then.”

  “Explains what?”


  “Screw you, Kyle. It's late, I'm tired, and we have school tomorrow.” I moved to the back door, my hand curling around the handle.

  “Your dad did a shitty thing today. We all did. I'm sorry.”

  I craned my head around to him. “It's not your fault he's an insensitive arsehole.”

  Kyle stifled a laugh. “No, but it is my fault you were blindsided. We all knew. I should've given you a heads up when you arrived. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

  It was my turn to shrug. “What's done is done. Night.” I pushed the door open and slipped outside but not before I heard Kyle say, “He might be an asshole, Lo, but he's your dad and he loves you.”

  He sure had a funny way of showing it.

  Inside the pool house, I kicked off my Converse and peeled the baggy t-shirt off my body. It wasn't as if I needed to worry about someone seeing me prance around half-naked since Dad hadn't slept here for days, the covers on his bed still smooth and untouched.

  Kyle's cryptic warning played on my mind. I got the impression he wasn’t only trying to protect me, but Maverick too. Which made no sense. Maverick was with Caitlin again. What did it matter who I was interested in? Even if they did have a bad history, Devon had been nothing but a good friend to me.

  When I thought things couldn't get any more confusing my phone bleeped and I read the incoming message.

  Maverick: Are you okay?

  I texted back.

  Lo: Fine. Back at the pool house now.

  No reply came, but then, I didn’t really expect one. Maverick was in full-on protective mode. Not because there was something between us, but because I was family. I hit the light switch, slipped between the sheets, and closed my eyes.


  Maverick didn't have any fresh cuts or bruises the following morning, and things went back to the normal I'd come to accept living with the Stone-Princes. Macey and Maverick ignored me, Summer kept to herself, and Kyle drove me crazy, especially since he was around more now he was dating Laurie again.

  By the time Homecoming rolled around, I wanted to drop out—or gouge my eyes out—just so I wouldn't have to survive their explicit PDA's. But the whole night was planned. The girls were getting ready at Laurie's and meeting the boys there. Laurie informed me they saved the limos and corsages for Winter Formal which was in six weeks.

  The thigh length rockabilly black and teal dress cinched at my waist and scooped low on my chest. It was as near to a dance-worthy dress the girls could persuade me into. I refused to give up my Converse but did let Autumn curl and pin my hair into a loose style framing my face.

  Autumn clapped her hands with a little shriek of approval when she saw Laurie’s completed look. “Kyle will die when he sees you in that.”

  “He'd better. It cost Daddy a small fortune. And Lo, you were so right to go with that dress. It looks like perfection on you.”

  I smoothed down the skirt, layered with net to make it flare out from my hips. It did look good. From the fitted bodice and halter strap to the teal floral embellishment down one side matching the detail of my tattoo.

  “I can't believe you're wearing sneakers though,” Autumn sighed, sinking back into the seat.

  “Oh, I've never been a heel girl.” I flashed her a smirk, kicking out my sparkly new glitter Converse in front of me. “Give me flats any day of the week.”

  Laurie pulled into the school parking lot. There were already streams of kids milling about, heading toward the gymnasium. A ball of nerves drilled through my stomach. It wasn't a date. I'd reminded Devon enough over the last week and he'd agreed. But it sure felt like more—something I wasn't entirely sure I was ready for. At least, not with him.

  “Come on, Kyle, just text. They're waiting at the door.”

  “How chivalrous of them,” Autumn huffed and Laurie batted her arm. “Dude, it's the twenty-first century. Besides, we can mak
e them suffer at Winter Formal.”

  Sure enough, Kyle, Devon and Liam were waiting by the entrance. My eyes swept over the three of them, lingering on Devon for a second longer. He looked good in the dark pants and shirt. He’d rolled the sleeves up to his elbows giving him a casual look but his hair was styled more than usual. Laurie was right, he totally had an indie sex god vibe. But I felt nothing. No flutter of wings against my stomach. No heart skipping a beat or doing a leap of excitement.


  It would have been easier if I felt something—if I could reciprocate the longing in his eyes as he raked his gaze over my body. “Wow, Lo, you look…” he swallowed hard clutching at the skinny tie hanging loosely around his neck. “Wow.”

  “Okay, dipshit.” Kyle smacked him around the back of the head. “That’s my cousin you’re checking out. No funny business.”

  “Kyle,” I hissed, my eyes boring into his. “I can handle myself, thank you very much.”

  He mumbled something as Laurie slipped her arm through his and dragged him inside. Kyle wasn’t outwardly rude to Devon—he wasn’t outwardly rude to anyone—but I felt the tension between them at school. Laurie seemed immune, no doubt used to it.

  “Come on, I need a drink,” I lowered my voice, keeping my hands to myself as I walked beside Devon.

  The gym was brimming with people, excitement dancing in the air, and it was impossible to avoid brushing my arm against Devon’s as he leaned down, whispering in my ear, “You do realize the only drink you’ll be getting is a soda.” He laughed, but the joke was lost on me.

  I scowled up at him only to be interrupted by Kyle thrusting a red cup in my hand. “Here,” he said glancing between the closeness of me and Devon. His eyebrows quirked up. “It’s soda.”

  “So I’ve heard,” I shot back.

  “Kyle, come dance with me.”

  It was my turn to raise my eyebrows glancing between my cousin and Laurie. “Have fun dancing,” I called after him as she dragged him out to the dance floor. He flipped me off with a shake of his head. Autumn and Liam trailed after them and when I turned back to Devon, he was looking at me with those eyes again.

  “Don’t get any ideas.” I gave him a pointed look, and he held up his hands.

  “I need to hit the bathroom,” he said. “Be right back. You’ll be okay?”

  “I think I can manage.”

  Devon disappeared into the sea of bodies and I located an empty table and made my way toward it. The whole place looked like Hobby Craft had thrown up on it. Red and white balloons, streamers, and foil confetti adorned the tables. A huge hand-painted banner hung above the stage where the DJ was stationed welcoming the class of twenty-seventeen.

  “Looking good, Stone.” Warm breath glided over my bare shoulder and I jolted with a shudder, turning slowly.

  “JB, always a pleasure.”

  His eyes swept down my body, lingering on the low-cut neckline of my dress. I snapped my fingers under his nose and arched my eyebrow in annoyance. A slow smirk broke over his face and he laughed. “You’re feisty, I like that.” He stepped closer.

  I stepped back. “Did you need something?”

  “Maybe.” His eyes sparkled with mischief as he dragged a thumb over his bottom lip.

  “Don’t you have a crown to collect, or something?” I flicked my eyes to the stage.

  “The crowning isn’t until later.”

  My gaze darted toward the dance floor, hoping to catch Laurie’s eye but she was too busy cuddled up against Kyle, enjoying every second of letting the entire school know he was hers again.

  “Looking for someone?” JB stepped closer again, and I stepped back but the edge of the table hit the backs of my legs jolting me forward. My hands flew to his chest to steady myself.

  We both looked down to where I was touching him. He smirked, and I sneered, snatching them away with a frustrated sigh. “What do you want, JB?” I was growing tired of his bullshit. But he remained unaffected, leaning down to my ear.

  “I’ve always wondered what it’d be like to kiss a British chick. Do you do it differently?”

  I pulled back and stared him dead in the eye, anger searing through my veins. “Never going to happen.”

  “We’ll see. Never say never, little Stone.” He patted my head as if he was petting his dog. “Enjoy the dance.”

  “What did he want?” Devon appeared at my side, confusion clouding his eyes.

  “Nothing. Come on, let’s dance.”

  Turned out high school dances were kind of fun. After my run in with JB, we joined the others on the crowded dance floor. Laurie and Autumn managed to tear themselves away from their boys and we danced, the six of us, for what felt like hours. Naturally, Kyle drew a crowd and before long our six was half the junior class. Halfway through the night, they crowned the Homecoming Court. JB made a big scene with the queen, a senior girl I recognised as class president. I felt sorry for her as he wrapped his thick arms around her and tried to kiss her. Caitlin, Macey, and another cheerleader were crowned princesses, and Kyle, and two other footballers were crowned princes. I caught the flash of jealousy in Laurie’s eyes as my cousin received his honour, but when he snatched the mic of a speechless Principal DeLauder and declared his love for her, she melted. Like literally. Autumn and I had to hold her up as she gushed at his grand gesture.

  Devon had disappeared and when he returned, the smell of vodka lingered on his breath. “You’re drunk,” I accused him as he stood a little too close for comfort. He shrugged, a lazy grin plastered on his face.

  “Want some?”

  “No, I don’t want some,” I lowered my voice. “You could get into trouble, Devon.”

  His brows knitted together. “I thought you were fun, London.” There was no disguising the bitterness in his voice and I narrowed my eyes right at him, choosing to ignore his dig.

  “Are you done?”

  “Sorry, I’m sorry.” He threw up his hands almost taking out a girl behind him. I mouthed an apology to her, grabbed his arm, and dragged him away, not stopping until we were out in the hallway.

  “What is your problem?” I snapped, unable to hide my irritation.

  “Ease off, I’m just drunk. These things are a drag.”

  “So, why’d you come? No one made you, Devon.”

  He’d pushed it. Not me. I would have been happy staying at the pool house.

  “Like you have to ask.”

  I dropped his arm and stepped back. He looked physically pained, his eyes dropping to the space between us. “Devon, you knew how I felt. I didn’t lead you on.”

  “I know, I know, it’s just...” He closed the distance between us, staring down at me with such longing. It was a different feeling to the way JB cornered me. It didn’t scare or intimidate me—but it wasn’t comforting either. Because I knew it meant something different for Devon. Something I couldn’t reciprocate. But I had no time to explain. His mouth crashed to mine, and I stumbled backward into the wall. He came with me, mistaking my shock with an invitation to continue.

  “Devon, stop,” I gasped, pressing my hands against his chest.

  “Come on, Lo, I know you feel something for me,” he murmured through the kiss. I pushed harder.


  His body jerked away from me, his eyes searching mine. “Fuck,” he ground out, dragging a hand down his face. “I thought… I mean… Fuck.”

  “Goodbye, Devon,” I said calmly, smoothing down my dress. I didn’t look back as I made my way out of the building and into the cool, inky night. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I muttered as my eyes landed on the couple arguing in the corner of the parking lot. Maverick looked tense as Caitlin got in his face, mouthing words I couldn’t quite decipher, and didn’t want to hear.

  But they heard me, their heads snapping over in my direction. I kept walking. It was too much. First Devon. Now this. Throw in Dad and his new girlfriend and I was pretty sure the universe was sending me a giant fuck you.
  “London, wait up.” Maverick jogged up beside me and I glanced back to find Caitlin sending me daggers.

  “Your girlfriend doesn’t look too happy you left her hanging. You should probably go fix that.”

  “Shut up,” he said falling into step next to me. “What happened?”

  “What makes you think something happened?”

  “Because I know you.”

  I shot him an incredulous look. He held out his keys and bleeped open the Audi. “Get in, I’ll drive you home.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Just get in the damn car, London.”

  “Fine.” It wasn’t like I had any other options except to walk home. But it was late and a two-and-a-half-mile walk. Even in flats it didn’t sound appealing.

  We rode in silence. I began to think it was the way we communicated. Silent looks and unspoken messages. When Maverick turned onto the winding road up to the house, he finally spoke. “Ready to talk about it?”

  I twisted to look at him. His eyes were still fixed ahead. “No. I told you everything is fine.”

  “You’re a shit liar.”

  A heavy sigh escaped my lips. “What do you want from me, Maverick?” I rested my head back against the seat and closed my eyes. I was so tired of these games.

  The car came to an abrupt stop outside the house, making my head hit back against the seat. My eyes flew open. Then he turned slowly, his narrowed expression giving nothing away. He wore an impenetrable mask, only letting you see underneath on his terms. My question hung in the air between us. Pulling us closer like two magnets.

  I couldn’t think.

  Frozen in time, I couldn’t see past his dark intense gaze pinning me to the spot as I stared back at him. My heart thudded in my chest, while the silence seemed to amplify the tension.



  His mouth crashed down on mine, and the world fell away.

  Maverick was everywhere.

  Hands buried in my hair, breath tickling my skin, tongue exploring my mouth. I was transported to that night—when he’d given me my first proper kiss. Only I wasn’t that girl anymore. I wasn’t some shy, innocent teenager now. My hands slid down his chest, tugging the hem of his t-shirt. I wanted to feel him again. Feel the contours of his stomach, run my fingers over every smooth ridge, but one of his hands slid down to mine and captured my wrist.


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