Claiming Nina

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Claiming Nina Page 10

by Leslie Johnson

  I’ve just finished work and I’m walking back to my place when I see Adam sitting out front. He looks like he’s been there for a while. I smile and wave. He gets to his feet and walks toward me. My heart races, like it usually does when I see him. The more time I spend with him the more I like him. But with all the doubts I have, I should be backing off. The problem is, I can’t seem to do that.

  “Hey you,” he says. “I was wondering when you were going to finish work.”

  “Have you been waiting for me?” I say, a flutter moving through my chest.

  “Not for long,” he grins. “Only an hour, or so.”

  I giggle, “Wouldn’t it have just been easier to go to the restaurant if you wanted to see me?”

  He shrugs. “I didn’t want to disturb you there and besides, people would see us and you know how people talk.” He glances around. “Speaking of which, should we go inside before we become the talk of the town?”

  I nod, shaking with my insecurities. Is it just me, or does he not want to be seen with me in public? What’s that about? Frowning, I unlock my door and let him inside and then follow him in. He attempts to kiss me, but I smile and pull away.

  “Is everything okay?” he asks.

  “Sure, fine,” I say, forcing a smile. “I’m just tired. Early shift.”

  “Well, maybe this will cheer you up a bit.” He grins and sits down, smirking at me. “I had an idea that I wanted to run past you. How would you feel about moving in to the cabin at my place and looking after the kids while I’m at work? I’ll pay you, of course, and you’d have free board and you’d be welcome to join us for meals. I’ve been thinking about hiring another nanny for a while, and then I thought of you. You’re amazing with them.”

  “Wow, that sounds amazing,” I say, and then I remember that I’m supposed to be trying to keep my distance. “Can I, uh, think about it?”

  He shrugs. “Sure. Take all the time you need. If you’re worried about Lily and the restaurant, I can arrange this with her so you can keep your job there. I won’t lie, the kids can be a handful, especially Mason, but I think you can candle it. The last two nannies I’ve arranged left after a couple weeks.”

  “Mason’s not what I’m worried about,” I say. “I guess I’m worried about us.”

  “Don’t be,” he assures me. “You and I are completely separate. One in no way influences the other. If you decide tomorrow that you don’t want to see me anymore, that will in no way jeopardize the arrangement we have with you looking after the kids. I want them to form a bond with someone, and I’ve seen you with them. I wouldn’t jeopardize their stability because we didn’t work out.”

  “Hearing that makes me feel better, but I’d still like to think about it.”

  “Of course. Take all the time you need. I have to get back to work, but feel free to come over later if you want to talk more about it.” He looks like he wants to kiss me, but he hesitates after the cold shoulder I gave him when he came inside. I take his hand and step forward, kissing him softly on the lips.

  “I’ll guess speak to you later,” I say.

  He walks out and closes the door behind him, leaving me to consider his offer alone. Honestly, there’s no decision to make. His cabin is a thousand times more comfortable than here, and I can use extra money, especially since I don’t know what the hell is going on with Michael. And then there’s the convenience of being so close to Adam. I can’t deny that I love the idea of being able to see him whenever I want.

  But is there such a thing as too close for comfort? I know he says that work and our personal life will be kept separate, but that’s easier said than done. There was a time when my father promised me that I would never have to pay for his mistakes, but people change their minds when they’re backed into a corner.

  As I leave his house later that evening, I’m even more confident I’ve made the right decision. Through the windows, I can see him and Sadie in the living room, laughing and rolling around on the floor. Even Mason is cracking a smile, though every time Adam glances up at him that smile quickly turns into a scowl.

  Adam would love it if he knew that Mason was smiling. Not that I would tell him. I don’t doubt for a second Mason loves his father. He wants to forgive him, but he’s scared. He’s scared of getting hurt again, and he’s terrified of being abandoned. The only thing that’s going to fix that is time and rebuilding that trust. If I’m going to form a relationship with Mason, I have to let him learn to trust me, and that means not going back to Adam every two seconds with updates on how he is.

  But how can he trust you when everything you’re telling him is a lie? I ignore the voice and push it aside, burying it deep down in my soul, but I can still hear it. I’m not lying about what I feel. The only lie I’ve told is my name, everything else is real.

  I take a deep breath and walk up the path to the front door. I place my case down at my feet and adjust the bag on my shoulder. I feel sick, but I have no idea why I’m so nervous. I know these people and I know they like me. I knock on the door and take a deep breath, holding it while I wait for him to answer. The knob turns and I breathe out. Adam stands there, looking surprised to see me.

  “Does that mean it’s a yes?” he asks.

  “No,” I say, keeping a straight face. “I carry my bags with me everywhere.” His face drops, and I chuckle. He leads me inside, and I throw him a look when he rests his hand on my ass. “Yes, Adam. It’s a yes.”

  I leave my bags near the front door, mainly because I don’t want to alarm the kids. I don’t know what he’s told them, or if he’s told them about me moving in at all. When I walk into the living room, Sadie looks up and does a double take. She screams and races over, wrapping her arms around me. I giggle, loving how energetic she is. Oh, to be six again.

  “Mason,” Adam says. “We have a guest.”

  Mason finally looks up from the armchair he’s curled up on in the corner of the room and grunts at me. I chuckle, while Adam shakes his head and mutters something under his breath.

  “Have you eaten? There is leftover pie if you want some? Salmon and potato.”

  “Did you cook it?” I ask.

  “Would you believe me if I said yes?” He chuckles.

  “Probably not.” I laugh.

  “I’m not going to start this off by lying to you, so no. I didn’t cook it. Tonight’s dinner is brought to you by Lehman’s frozen meals.”

  “In that case, I think I’ll pass,” I say, making a face.

  “Come on, it wasn’t that bad,” he says. “Well, for me it wasn’t. For a food connoisseur like yourself, it probably wouldn’t be up to par.”

  “Hey, just because I like nice food doesn’t make me a snob,” I protest.

  “Oh, come on. That’s the definition of a food snob. Don’t fight it, Amanda. Embrace who you are,” he teases.

  Before I can fire back a retort, he turns his attention to Sadie, telling her to get ready for bed. She puts up a fight but eventually scurries off to her room, with the promise that Adam will be in soon to read her a story.

  “Your turn, Mase. School tomorrow,” Adam reminds him.

  Without a word, Mason stands up and stalks out of the room. I jump as he slams the door to his room shut.

  “Sorry about him.” Adam sighs. “But, believe it or not, today’s a good day.”

  I make a face. “I’d hate to see you guys on a bad day,” I say.

  “On a bad day, he doesn’t acknowledge me at all. Hell, most days he’s like that. I’m use to it. When he talks, it’s a bonus.”

  “That’s rough,” I mumble. “Are you sure my being here isn’t going to make things worse?”

  “I can’t see how they can get worse. I’m hoping the opposite will prove true, that having you around will help him settle.”

  I nod, wishing I felt his optimism. What if it’s not? Where does that leave us if my being here makes things worse between him and Mason? It’s a huge gamble bringing me here, one I’m surprised he’s
taking. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so hasty to accept his offer in the first place.

  “I’m pretty tired. Do you mind if I go to bed myself?” As if on cue, I yawn.

  Adam nods. “Sure. Let me grab you some towels. Feel free to come inside and help yourself to anything. I’ll give you the spare key for now and get you your own set tomorrow. Do you want me to walk you out?”

  I shake my head, “I think I can manage,” I say with a smile.

  “Thanks for giving this arrangement a chance,” he says. “I really hope it works out.”

  “Me too,” I say honestly. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I walk outside and down the path toward the cabin, ignoring the anxiety eating away at my stomach. How could I think this would possibly work? What the hell am I going to do when Michael finally gets here? Are we going to live in Adam’s cabin together? I cringe, thinking how awkward that would be. Why didn’t I consider that earlier? It’s not fair to the kids for me to use this to fill in time. I either have to be all in, or not at all. I am all in. I’ve agreed to do this, and I’m going to.

  I’ll worry about Michael if and when he gets here.



  As I pull into the driveway, I rub my aching temples, wishing this headache would go away. It’s been a hell of a day filled with unhappy and unusually demanding clients who’d stop at nothing to get what they think they deserve. The problem was, nine times out of ten they don’t deserve any of it. It’s frustrating, especially when all I want to do is get home and be with my family. Today felt reminiscent of everything I was trying to avoid bringing them over here from Chicago.

  I wonder how Amanda is doing with the kids. It’s been nearly a week since we implemented our arrangement, and she’s settling in well. Sadie loves her without doubt, and even Mason seems to be adjusting to having her around.

  I get out of the car and grab my bag and walk up to the front door. It’s unlocked, so I go inside, dropping my jacket and bag on the hall table. I breathe in, following the beautiful aroma that is wafting through the room, from the kitchen. Just as I’m about to enter, I’m pushed back out by a squealing Sadie, who is yelling at me for trying to ruin the surprise.

  “You can’t go in there,” she says, her voice shrill. She sits me down in the lounge room, and crosses her arms over her chest. “Mandy and I are cooking a special supper. Not even Mason knows what it is.”

  Mason looks up from the chair he’s slumped in and rolls his eyes, but I swear I see a ghost of a smile on his lips.

  “They’ve been like this all afternoon,” he mutters. “I can’t take this squealing anymore. I wasn’t even allowed in there to get a glass of water.”

  “There’s water in the bathroom,” she retorts, and I chuckle. I love seeing Sadie this happy. She’s such a good girl, and she deserves everything.

  I switch on the television and put my feet up on the coffee table while I wait for dinner to be ready. I glance over at Mason, wondering whether I bother even trying to make small talk. In the end, I don’t. It never goes anywhere and after the day I’ve had, I just can’t be bothered. That sounds horrible, but it’s the truth.

  “How’s work?”

  I nearly choke on my own saliva. Holy shit, did my son just speak to me? I glance at him and see that he is looking at me, waiting for me to answer.

  “Busy,” I murmur. “Glad to be home. What about you. How’s school?”

  “The usual,” he says sullenly. “They’re all stuck up jerks.”

  I wish I could make this easier for him, but I don’t know how. Him even talking to me is a huge step forward, and I want to grow on that, but at the same time I don’t want to risk pushing him away. One step forward and two steps back, and all that.

  “Can I change schools?” he suddenly asks.

  “You want to go somewhere else?” I ask. He nods. “A couple of the kids I play soccer with on weekends go to the state school, and I get along with them really well. I just feel so out of place where I am. I hate it.”

  I’m stunned. Not that he’s asking me to change schools, but that he’s asking for anything. This kid hasn’t opened up to me like this in so long. How much of it has to do with Amanda’s influence?

  My father would be happy. He insisted that private school was for pussies, and that Mason would be better placed in the state system because St. Simons has one of the best programs in the country. Is it wrong that I hate that my father was right?

  “We can go check it out tomorrow,” I say.

  “Really?” he asks, like he can’t quite believe I’m agreeing to it. I nod.

  “Believe it or not, Mason. I want what’s best for you, but I also want you happy. If you’re not happy where you are, then of course I’ll consider some changes. So long as you’re also willing to put the effort in.”

  He nods. “Okay.”

  Sadie comes barreling into the room, dancing and twirling around while singing.

  “Dinner, dinner, dinner,” she squeals. “Come on, Daddy,” she says, pulling me up from the chair. I chuckle and follow her into the dining room, sitting down at the table.

  “Are we ready?” Amanda calls out.

  “Yes,” squeals Sadie, jumping up and down.

  Amanda walks in, carrying a huge platter of fajitas and tacos. Mason grunts and piles his plate up, scarfing his food down before the girls have even sat down. I let it go, because things have been good between us and I don’t want to jeopardize that.

  “Do you like it, Daddy? I told Amanda that Fajitas were your favorite.”

  “It looks beautiful,” I say to Sadie. I lean over and kiss her on the forehead.

  We dig in, eating in silence until there is little left. It tastes even better than it looks, and four fajitas later I’m completely full. I lean back in my chair and sigh.

  “This is fantastic,” I mumble. “You should do this more often.”

  “I’d be happy to cook. I love cooking.” She smiles. “And I had such a good helper,” she says glancing at Sadie. Sadie grins, clearly loving the praise.

  “Will you read me a story tonight?” she asks Amanda.

  “Sure, if that’s okay?” Amanda says, glancing at me.

  “Of course. Be my guest.”

  Sadie cheers and grabs Amanda’s hand, tugging her down to her room. Mason mumbles something and then gets up, disappearing, leaving me sitting at an empty table. But for once, I don’t feel empty. I feel full of hope that things are finally starting to come together.

  While Amanda is gone, I clear the table and load the dishwasher. I grab a bottle of wine from out of the fridge and pour two glasses. She comes out just as I’m putting the wine back in the fridge.

  “That was quick.” I grin.

  “I think she was pretty tired,” Amanda chuckles. “She was out like a light before I was even finished with the first page of the book.”

  I chuckle, “Which one did she make you read?”

  “Sleeping Beauty.” She grins. “I get the feeling you probably know that one word for word, judging by how worn it looked.”

  “I live, breathe, and sleep Sleeping Beauty,” I say dryly. She laughs and accepts the glass I hold out for her and then follows me to the living room.

  “So, I had a talk with Mason when I got home,” I begin, as we sit down on the couch.

  “Oh?” she says.

  “I think I got further with him than I have since we moved here. Maybe I’m being premature, but I feel like something clicked with him tonight. I’m going to go with him down to the state school tomorrow and see if maybe that’s a better fit for him. I think he’s being bullied where he is.”

  “I’m glad you two are figuring things out. He’s such a good kid.”

  “He is. They both are,” I agree. “And you, you’re an amazing woman,” I murmur. I tug her neck closer to me and kiss my way up to her mouth. “I have to say, I love coming home to you.”

  “It’s nice, isn’t it?” she admits. “Somet
imes I pretend…” Her voice trails off, and she blushes.

  “You pretend what?” I ask, grinning. She closes her eyes, her face going straight.

  “I pretend that we’re married and that the kids are mine,” she whispers. “Oh my god, I can’t believe I just said that out loud. That’s so pathetic, isn’t it?”

  I chuckle. “I think it’s cute. I’m glad you feel comfortable here, but maybe you’ll feel more comfortable if we take this back to your cabin?” I suggest.

  “What exactly are you suggesting, Mr. Hoffman?” she says, her innocent eyes growing wide.

  “What does it sound like?” I say gruffly.

  I set down my wine and scoop her into my arms. She laughs, gasping as her wine spills down the front of her top. I let out a growl as it seeps through to her breasts, her nipples hardening as the cool liquid coats them.

  I take her out to the cabin at lightning speed, throwing open the door and carrying her inside. I shut the door with my foot and then press her against the wall, my erection pressing against her.

  “I haven’t seen this side of you before,” she whispers with a giggle. “Rough, aggressive, and assertive. I like it,” she adds as I lick her neck.

  I growl and run my hands under her shirt, rolling her nipples between my fingers. I put her down so I can lift her top over her head. I toss it on the ground and ease down her pants, rolling them over her silky white thighs and down her legs, until she’s standing there in just her underwear.

  I take a hand and lead her over to the bed, kicking my suit pants off along the way. I loosen my tie and thread it off my neck, then I undo my shirt and dispose of that too. I lay down on the bed, my cock stiff and aching for her touch.

  “Come here,” I say.

  She climbs on the bed, on top of me, sitting on my waist. My dick presses against her ass as I study her beautiful body, while running my nails over her soft, smooth skin. She rocks gently back and forth, her perfectly round breasts bouncing with every movement. I lift her hips and place her on my cock, her lips forming a perfect O as I slide myself inside her. She leans forward resting her hands on my chest, driving me deeper inside her. Just the sight of her riding me like this is driving me crazy. It’s all I can do to come right there and then.


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