Between the Lines

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Between the Lines Page 10

by KD Williamson

  “Bullshit. Church’s spicy is way better than Popeyes, and the pieces are bigger. It’s like their chicken is anorexic or some shit.” He wrapped the leftover bones in a napkin and dropped them in the Church’s box.

  He did have a point. “True,” Haley grudgingly agreed. “I like to stay loyal, though, or try to.”

  Tang licked his fingers and stared at her. “To chicken?”

  “When you say it like that…”

  He snorted. “Tomorrow we’re gonna do a blind taste test.”

  Haley rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

  “Uh-huh, you say that now.”

  Haley smiled. “Just drive.”

  “I got a couple extra biscuits in a separate bag. I know you like ’em. You can duck down when we pass Popeyes so they won’t see you and keep most of your loyalty.”

  “Fuck you.” It was true. She had developed a love for their biscuits over the past couple weeks. Without saying a word, she picked up the bag and dove in.

  Tang chuckled. “Welcome to the Dark Side.”

  Haley glanced his way as she finished off one biscuit and started on another. Things had settled between them. She wasn’t sure what the actual turning point was because there had been a few of them. He was still an asshole, but he had some depth. The man was funny, and sometimes it wasn’t in that offensive, hide-your-face way. “You a fan?”

  They stopped at a red light, and Tang looked at her like she smelled like hot garbage.

  Haley smiled. “I guess that’s a yes.”

  “It’s a fuck yeah. What the hell’s wrong with you?”

  Haley shrugged. “Not everybody’s into it.”

  “Then they’re not American.”

  Haley laughed. “For real.” Suddenly, she got curious. “You a gamer?”

  He gave her that look again.

  She pressed her lips together to keep from smiling. “Console or PC?”

  “PS3, Rook.”

  Haley was shocked. “I just lost my faith in humanity.”

  Tang snorted again. “I have a 360 too. Just play the PS3 more.”


  “Too many damn kids on 360. What’s your tag? I might log on now that I got ahold of someone decent and over ten.”


  “All right, then, Rook. Call of Duty?”

  “You’re on.” Haley paused. “You play Gears?”

  “Fuck yeah,” Tang sputtered.

  Haley laughed.


  “Nothin’. Just somethin somebody said.”

  “One of your girlfriends?”

  Haley sighed. “No, why—”

  “Be honest. How much ass you get?”

  She groaned. “You were doin’ good. Do you actually think about shit before it comes out your mouth?”

  Tang shrugged. “Does it matter? Million different ways to say things. Might as well just cut to the chase.”

  “Piss more people off that way.”

  He shrugged again. “You don’t look pissed to me.”

  “I’m not.” Haley didn’t say anything for a few seconds, but she viewed this as an opportunity of sorts to get to know him. “I tell you what. Answer my questions, and I’ll do the same for you.”

  Tang turned on Toledano, and in the process gave her a side-eye. He grunted, and Haley assumed it was a yes. She decided to start out with something simple. “I know you’re from ’Bama. How long have you been here? You leave any family back there?”

  “Seven years all together, I think. I met my ex-wife here. We divorced last year, and now I’m payin’ her lazy ass alimony ’cause she can’t keep a job. As far as family goes, naw, it’s just me and my uncle. He pretty much raised me.” Tang paused. “He’s gettin’ up there, though. Needs someone to watch over him all the time. Goddamn Medicare won’t pay for a nurse ’round the clock at home.”

  It was like somebody shined a fluorescent light in her eyes. “He’s at Crest Manor and he likes donuts?”

  “Yeah. It’s a private-owned rest home. It’s not cheap, but it’s nice. Most of the others are shit. A lot of the time he doesn’t remember me, ’specially if I’m in uniform. That mornin’ we went he had a hard time the night before. I didn’t wanna rile him up more.”

  Haley was floored. She cleared her throat. “So…me and ass?”

  Tang chuckled. “Yeah, you and ass.”

  “I get my fair share.”

  He glanced at her. There was a little smile on his face. “No shit?”

  “No shit.”

  “I do all right too. Even with this ugly mug.”

  Haley stared at his profile. “One more thing?”


  “Why don’t you just use poon instead of tang. It would be easier to figure out. At first, I thought you got it because you like that stupid orange drink.”

  He looked at her like she was slow before turning his attention back to the road. “’Cause Tim ‘Poon’ Hudson sounds stupid.”

  Haley had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing. “Yeah, I see your point.”

  “Good. Now, one more thing I gotta do before we start makin’ rounds. Just take a few minutes.”

  Haley sighed. “Fine.”

  Tang stopped in front of a shotgun on Washington. As he got out of the car, a black man was already walking out of the house. Haley turned in her seat so she could see everything that was going on. She decided it would be rude to roll down the window, but she was tempted. They stopped midway up the sidewalk. Tang stood in front of the other man, making it hard to see.

  They didn’t shake hands. They didn’t hug. They just stood there, talking and standing at least a foot away from each other. Tang nodded his head a few times, and after a few minutes he turned slightly to peer over his shoulder at her. It was enough to give her a view of the man’s face. He looked kind of like the guy they chased a couple weeks ago over on St. Andrew.

  That didn’t make sense.

  Haley craned her head to try to get a better look, but she couldn’t. She had to know. The weird flutter in her stomach told her so. She was about to open the passenger side door, but Tim was on his way back to the car. The other guy had already disappeared into the house.

  Tang got in and put on his seat belt. Haley stared at him. There was no need to mince words. “Was that the same man you chased down over on St. Andrew?”

  “What?” His voice went up an octave. “No! What kind of sense would that make?”

  That’s what she’d thought. “Who was he, then?” Not that it was any of her business, but she had to ask anyway.

  “Damn. Nosey much?” He sounded irritated but not angry. “He’s just somebody I check on from time to time.”

  “Things didn’t look too friendly.” Haley really needed to shut up, but words kept falling out of her mouth. She wasn’t sure why she was so suspicious.

  “I’m not a hugger, and that kid’s business isn’t mine to tell. Can we go to work now? Or do you wanna know who’s blowin’ me too?”

  Haley glanced at him. His expression gave nothing away, but that didn’t mean anything. Well, now she felt like shit. She’d jumped to all kinds of conclusions, or at least partway there. Haley cleared her throat. “Sorry.”

  Tang grunted in response.

  * * *

  “Just got a call from intake. We have an involuntary committal, a male. One of the police officers who brought him in refused to let our guys escort him up. They’re bringing him themselves,” Stephanie said.

  That sounded ominous. Tonya glanced at her watch. They still had time to make sure he was comfortable or get him that way before shift change. She nodded. “Okay, I’ll check to see if his information is viewable yet. Give me his name. I’ll look it over and be out in a minute.”

  “Will do.” After dispensing needed information, Stephanie flashed a tired smile and left Tonya’s office.

  Tonya typed quickly, and when she found what she needed the words “possible psychotic break,”
“violent outbursts,” “destruction of property,” and “threats toward others” stuck out like the red flags they were. She minimized the program and stood. Even if most of them didn’t like her, Tonya would never make her staff do what she wouldn’t. If they had to be out there, so did she.

  A few minutes later, the private elevator that led to the mental health floor dinged. The hospital staff escort stepped to the side to allow the occupants to exit. Tonya looked up. Something deep in her stomach fluttered. The universe had to be playing tricks on her.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered.

  Their newest patient had his head bowed and his hands in cuffs behind his back. He moved docilely toward the main desk. He wasn’t who caught her attention. It was one of the officers behind him.

  Haley Jordan’s eyes widened slightly, but her expression was serious.

  Tonya had forgotten how blue her eyes were. The flutter in her stomach became something a little bit more.

  Haley tore her gaze away and leaned forward to say something to the man they had in custody.

  The man nodded, and the other officer walking beside Haley rolled his eyes.

  Someone nudged Tonya from the side. “Is that the cop that…?” Stephanie whispered.

  Tonya shushed her. Haley appeared more intimidating in uniform. The gun, taser, and pepper spray attached to her belt only added to the mystique. She looked dangerous. Haley said something else to the man, and he started to cry. She squeezed his shoulder. Dangerous was far from the right word.

  When Haley and her companions got to the desk, Tonya was still standing there staring. A few seconds passed. It was Stephanie who stepped forward, which was enough to galvanize Tonya into action. Everyone was looking at her. She could feel it.

  Haley reached out her hand, and Stephanie took it. “I’m Officer Jordan. If this break in procedure caused any problems, I apologize. Al felt more comfortable with us bringin’ him up.”

  “There’s no problem at all,” Stephanie assured her.

  Haley glanced at Tonya, who decided it was time for her to take charge of this situation. “His evaluation at intake led us to believe the situation would be more volatile.”

  Haley nodded. “He was, but once things calmed down, he wanted to come.”

  Tonya had a feeling that Haley had a lot to do with that. “Thank you for the additional courtesy.”

  Haley’s smile was full, wide, and it changed her entire face just like Tonya remembered. Her lips curved upward, accentuating her prominent cheekbones, and her eyes seemed much brighter. This look suited Haley, and the ease with which she did it led Tonya to believe that this was a more natural state of being for her.

  “You’re welcome, Dr. Preston.” Haley’s gaze lingered.

  “We’ll take it from here,” Tonya said. This prompted her team to action, but she stayed front and center. Haley was intriguing. On the outside, she looked hard, or that’s what she attempted to cultivate. On the inside, there seemed to be a wealth of warmth that she wasn’t afraid to show or to share.

  There was no danger here.

  “Y’all just stand here and chit-chat.” The other officer glanced at Haley, then back at Tonya. “I’ll make sure he gets to his new digs.”

  Two techs led the way, and the other psychiatric nurse trailed behind them.

  Stephanie coughed.

  Tonya ignored her. Something was happening, and she wasn’t sure what.

  Haley’s smile softened, but it was still just as effective. “Can I call you?”

  Stephanie coughed again and elbowed Tonya in the ribs.

  Haley’s eyes went wide, and she rubbed the back of her neck. “I mean…to check on him.”

  “Yes.” Tonya’s voice was higher than usual, but her response felt right. It felt good, and she hadn’t really experienced that in a long time. She wanted to start rectifying that, and today was as good a time as any.

  Tonya saw the same challenge and amusement in Haley’s eyes that she’d seen at GrrlSpot, and she wondered if she’d been expecting to get rejected.

  Haley’s partner walked around the corner. He didn’t speak to them, but he nodded in Haley’s direction.

  “Have a good night,” Haley said as she turned to go.

  Tonya watched them as they moved toward the elevator. When they were halfway there, Haley looked over her shoulder. Her expression was playful, but there was an intensity in her eyes that was impossible to miss.

  Tonya inhaled sharply at the sudden heat that coiled through her. It was quite the rush. After a few more seconds, she tore herself away to go check on their new patient. Stephanie was on her heels, but thankfully, she didn’t say a word.

  Later, in the process of getting ready to leave, Tonya wasn’t surprised when her office door opened. Stephanie entered and leaned against it.

  “Oh. My. God.” She bounced around like a cheerleader. She had the look. It fit.

  Tonya glanced up. “Couldn’t hold it in?” She couldn’t help but smile.

  “Hell no!” she whispered loudly. “I’m sorry. You know I don’t usually act like this, but I don’t usually see what I just witnessed. Technically we’re off work, though, so I can say whatever I want.”

  Tonya had an argument for that. “But, we’re still—”

  “No, don’t even go there.” Stephanie pointed her finger at Tonya. “Now, you do understand she was asking to call to talk about you, not the patient? Although I wouldn’t be surprised if she did that too.”

  “Neither would I,” Tonya agreed. “And yes, I’m not an idiot.”

  “Then why aren’t you excited? Actually, I’ve never really seen you be excited, so I’m not at all sure what to look for.” Stephanie looked thoughtful.

  “I…” Her voice trailed off. Yes, why wasn’t she? There was a giddy warmth buzzing inside her.

  “It’s okay to be excited, Tonya.”

  Their gazes met. “I know that,” she said quickly.

  “Do you?”

  Tonya let her emotions take over. She’d started the morning wanting to do…wanting to feel something different. Everything that had happened in the last thirty minutes was a step in the right direction.

  “Yes.” She smiled. “I do.”

  Chapter 12

  All it took was a phone call and some begging, and Haley agreed to meet the gang for Ladies Night at The Country Club. She was off tomorrow anyway, so they didn’t have to twist her arm that hard. So she laughed, had a few drinks, took a dip in the pool. A little over an hour had passed, and she was already ready to leave.

  “I think I’m gonna go.”

  “What? You just got here,” one of her friends protested, drawing the attention of the others.

  Haley shrugged. “So? I came. That’s what matters, right?”

  They grumbled but didn’t try to stop her a second time.

  Haley was at the door when someone grabbed her arm. She turned around.

  “Hey! I’ve been calling your name for, like, a full minute. I just got here, and you’re leaving?” The woman grinned.

  She looked familiar. Blonde, short, curvy, and with a killer smile. Haley racked her brain. “It’s Julie, right?”

  Julie nodded.

  “I’ll call you.” Haley wasn’t going to do any such thing. She didn’t even know if she had Julie’s number.

  “Anything I can do to get you to stay a little longer?” Julie’s smile turned wicked.

  Well, shit. What do you do when you get an invitation like that? Haley stared. This could be a lot more stimulating than her last hookup.

  She grinned. “Lead the way.”

  Haley ignored the knowing looks that other women were giving them as they went into a bathroom stall together. She locked the door and leaned against it. Julie sank to her knees.

  Now she remembered her. Julie wasn’t afraid to get a little dirty.

  Julie held her gaze as she unzipped Haley’s pants. She reached in and pushed Haley’s underwear aside to pull the black toy free.
Julie wrapped her hand around it and pumped softly.

  She swirled her tongue around the head.

  Haley rolled her eyes. She was bored, but there was no need to be rude. She pushed the growing hollow feeling aside and kept going.

  Julie looked up at her. Her gaze was predatory as she swallowed down a large portion of the shaft.

  Haley smiled tightly. She brushed the hair away from Julie’s face and touched her cheek. “Come up here.”

  Julie stood. Her breathing was loud and uneven. Haley kissed her until she whimpered and clung to her. Then she slid her fingers under Julie’s skirt. She wasn’t wearing any underwear, which made teasing her slit a hell of a lot easier. She was already wet.

  Julie moaned.

  “Turn around for me.”

  Julie didn’t hesitate. She lifted her skirt and leaned forward, putting her hands on the toilet tank.

  * * *

  There was a pleasant burn in Haley’s muscles still, despite having finished her workout thirty minutes ago, but it was a hell of a lot more satisfying than last night. She sucked down the rest of her Gatorade and opened the door to her home. She walked through the French doors that led to her bedroom and threw her bag on the queen-sized bed before heading toward the bathroom. After throwing the empty Gatorade bottle in the trash, she pulled her shirt over her head. It was designed to wick away sweat, but the damn thing was damp and clammy as hell.

  Haley groaned in pleasure a few minutes later as hot water rushed over her. She hummed a Foo Fighters tune in celebration. It was Friday, her day off, and as of a couple days ago, she was officially done with night shift—for right now, anyway. Her humming became all-out singing by the time she started to lather up. She really needed to get one of those shower radios to sing along with so she’d sound better.

  She was looking forward to playing catch-up with Nate and Jen. Their normal weekly routine of dinner, drinks, and TV had been thrown off big-time. With Nate and Jen’s own changing schedule, they’d only met up once the past month besides the breakfasts, and Haley didn’t like that at all. It left Haley feeling a little off-balance. Not that she was the type of person to need much grounding. It just felt good knowing she had a place to unwind, gripe, laugh with people who knew who she was and appreciated it.


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