Between the Lines

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Between the Lines Page 17

by KD Williamson

  “I love you. You know that, right?” Stephanie whispered into her hair.

  Tonya nodded. “I—”

  Stephanie pulled back. “It’s okay. I know.” She paused and studied her. “You look nice, but there’s something…”

  So it wasn’t just her imagination.

  “Huh, there was one thing we didn’t really talk about. How are you and Haley?”

  Tonya smiled before she had time to even think about reacting.

  “Oh…oh holy shit. There it is. You really like her, like a lot.”

  There was no need to hold back. “I do. She’s, I don’t know. The whole thing is so effortless. That’s what I like about it, about her. But it’s all just a little too perfect.”

  Stephanie pulled away from the curb. “Oh Jesus Christ, I wish I could complain like that. Maybe she chews with her mouth open or snores.”

  The thought of getting to that point caused her spine to tingle. “That wouldn’t be enough to bother me.”

  “Maybe she’s bad in bed.”

  “God, I hope not.”

  Stephanie glanced at her and roared with laughter.

  Tonya almost blushed. “You know what I mean.”

  “You said what you meant.”

  “Shut up.”

  Stephanie laughed again.

  There was an intensity to Haley, a heat, and Tonya had the feeling that it all translated very nicely into the bedroom. But she was jumping way ahead of herself. They hadn’t even gone out on a date. And that was her fault. She needed to stop straddling the fence and figure out if she wanted to straddle Haley instead. That thought made her smile. It had Stephanie’s influence all over it. On impulse, she made a decision.

  “Let’s go to GrrlSpot tonight.”

  Stephanie reached in her purse between them and pulled out some ones, presumably for the toll. “What? Are you serious?”

  “Yes, I think I am.”

  “Then I’m so fucking proud of you.”

  Tonya turned and smiled at her. “That’s extremely proud.”

  “It is!”

  She was quite proud of herself as well.

  * * *

  During dinner, Tonya had checked GrrlSpot’s website to see that they were at Phillips Restaurant and Bar tonight. Now that they were in the parking lot, anxiety settled in. She wasn’t sure why she was nervous. They knew each other. All the talking, the laughing, hadn’t been for nothing. They had jumped right past that awkward phase.

  “There’s no reason to be nervous. You guys already know each other,” Stephanie said.

  Tonya chuckled. “I was just thinking that.”

  “Well, hell, what do you need me for?”

  Tonya reached out and covered Stephanie’s hand with her own. She squeezed but said nothing.

  They got out of the car and made their way in. Tonya entered first. The inside was decorated sleekly, and everything was symmetrical. The furniture was all square; even the couches had crisp lines. The seating areas were peppered with tables. Some had small glass tops, and others were long and granite-based. Music piped in through the stereo system, but it wasn’t overwhelming. The place wasn’t packed, but it was a good turnout so far. Men and women of various ages were present. Some were holding drinks, and some were digging into appetizers.

  Tonya scanned the crowd for Haley.

  “You see her?”


  “I’m gonna go get us some drinks. Keep looking. I’ll find you.”

  Tonya nodded. Her heart was in her throat and her stomach knotted in anticipation. She had an idea where Haley was. Sure enough, as Tonya got closer to the back, she spotted her. Among a crowd of young people, Haley still stood out. She was tall, striking. It wasn’t surprising to see a woman stuck to her side and touching her arm. The girl, because that’s all she was, was hanging on Haley’s every word, watching as she tossed back the last of her beer. Tonya had no right to feel jealous, but she was human, so she did. Tonya leaned against the wall. She waited. It wasn’t long.

  As if Haley sensed her, she looked up. The smile that spread over her face robbed Tonya of breath. It was wide, bright…and in her eyes there was such surprise and excitement. That girl next to her? Tonya knew now that she didn’t matter.

  Haley moved away from the crowd surrounding her and made her way toward Tonya. All of Tonya’s nerves fled. Haley stopped in front of her, but her eyes still moved, drinking Tonya in. There was that intensity, that hunger. She’d heard it over the phone, but to see it? Was so much better.

  Tonya couldn’t turn away from it. She didn’t want to.

  There was no awkwardness, no hesitation. So Tonya wasn’t surprised when Haley pulled her into a hug. Haley’s body was flush against hers, but it suddenly felt like she wasn’t close enough. Then the smell of her, something citrus and spicy. How had she missed that before? Tonya pressed her face into Haley’s neck.

  Finally, Haley spoke. “Hey! I didn’t expect…this is…just really nice.”

  Tonya hummed in agreement.

  Haley pulled away slightly. The wattage of her smile went up a notch, if that was even possible.

  “You doin’ okay?”

  Tonya nodded.

  “You not speakin’ to me?”

  Haley caressed her cheek.

  Tonya sucked in a breath.

  “I really like those dimples.”

  Tonya’s stomach did a flip, and her body warmed even more.

  “But still no words.”

  What could she say? She’d known seeing Haley would have a potent effect, but not like this. She hadn’t expected to be shaken. “Hi.”

  Haley grinned. “Hey. It’s good to see you.”

  “You too.”

  “Now that we have a conversation goin’.”

  Tonya chuckled. She glanced down at Haley’s T-shirt. “So tonight you’re a Tool.”

  Haley laughed. “It’s a band.”

  Tonya grinned.

  “Something tells me you knew that already. You just wanted to call me names.”


  Haley stepped back, and Tonya immediately missed the blanket of warmth.

  “There you are. I wish I was a lesbian or even bi. I just got three numbers.” Stephanie held up Tonya’s drink and turned her attention to Haley.

  She looked Haley up and down, paused at her T-shirt and laughed. “Given the conversation we had in the car, I certainly hope she has plenty of tools.”

  “Oh my God, will you shut up!” Tonya glared at her.

  Stephanie smiled. “What?” She turned back to Haley and held out a hand. “I know we kind of met at the hospital, but just to remind you, I’m Stephanie.”

  Haley grinned. “I’m not even gonna ask what all that was about, but I’ve heard a lot about you.”


  “It was all interestin’,” Haley said.

  “Well, good. I’ve heard a lot about you too. Not sure what words I would use, but definitely nothing bad.”

  Tonya watched the two of them. Already she was glad she’d taken this chance.

  “I guess I should probably introduce y’all to my crew. I’m sure they’re burnin’ a hole in my back by now.”

  They all looked toward the pool table to the left. Haley was right; a few of them were studying them curiously, and that young thing that had been hanging off Haley scowled. Haley made introductions. There were handshakes, nods, and forced smiles. They were not the most personable bunch.

  Tonya sipped on her gimlet, Haley on one side and Stephanie on the other.

  “You ever play pool before?” Haley asked.

  “No, never learned.”

  “I could teach you. They should be finished with this game in a minute.”

  “Okay.” Tonya was on board if it kept Haley close and deepened the scowl on that girl’s face.

  Stephanie snorted. “Well if that isn’t lesbian cliché number forty-seven.”

  “And how exactly would you know?” Tonya ask

  “Because it’s straight people cliché number forty-seven too.”

  Haley laughed. “I like her.”

  Stephanie smiled.

  A few minutes later, Haley was handing Tonya a cue.

  “Okay, you get comfortable with this while I rack up the balls.”

  Tonya watched as Haley removed the triangle thing and set a white ball on the table. Haley turned back to her.

  “You’ve seen enough TV to know the basics, right?”

  “You know I’m not big on TV, but I use the white ball to scatter them. I know that much.”

  “Yep, but that’s easier said than done if you don’t know how to use the cue. So, let’s get started.” Haley’s eyes were twinkling. “I’ll help you with your grip and stance.”

  Stephanie was grinning like an idiot.

  Haley moved behind her. Their bodies were flush again. This time back to front.

  “Spread your legs a little bit, just enough to be comfortable,” Haley whispered in her ear. She was close enough to make Tonya’s hair move when she talked.

  All the air disappeared in the room. Tonya gasped trying to find some.

  “You doin’ all right?” Haley asked.

  Tonya nodded.

  Haley smiled. Tonya could feel it. “We back to not talkin’?”

  Tonya cleared her throat. “Just trying to focus.”


  Haley slid her arms around her.

  Tonya’s whole world tilted on its axis and everyone else fell away.

  Her heart rammed against her chest, and breathing? She wasn’t sure what that was. Surely, Haley could tell.

  Haley positioned her hands. “Hold the cue like this.” Her voice was deeper, scratchier than it had been a second ago. “Now, lean forward.”

  Tonya was on automatic pilot. She followed Haley’s voice and her body. Their hips lined up perfectly.

  That was when she felt it. There was a little something extra between Haley’s legs. Tonya’s stomach dropped to the floor and there was nothing she could do to hide or stop the shiver that shot through her. Leaning back against Haley, Tonya reached for her arm and gripped it hard. She needed something to hold on to, to steady her.

  Haley’s hands fell to Tonya’s hips.

  Then Tonya heard it, felt it, the catch in Haley’s breathing.

  “Let’s try this again.” Haley’s tone was soft and a little breathless. “Do you think you’re up for it?”

  Yes, dear God, yes. Her body was screaming at her. “Yes.”

  “Good girl.”

  The words heated her from within, sending out sparks. They were too close to the ones in her dream. She reveled in all the feelings bombarding her. It was an incredible rush. She was surprised, however, by the sound of her own laughter.

  “Not the reaction I was hopin’ for.”

  Haley was smiling again. Tonya could hear it in her voice.

  “Me either.”

  “I’ll take it either way.”

  Tonya glanced up and around her then. Stephanie was staring at her like she’d lost her head, and Haley’s friends looked at them blankly. “I don’t think your friends like me very much.”

  “I don’t give a good goddamn.”

  Tonya learned how to hold the cue and break the balls despite the arousal whisking through her body. They talked and laughed. Haley was never more than an arm’s length away, and somehow, she was always touching her. Time seemed to fly by, and soon Tonya was starting to get sleepy. She turned to Stephanie. “I’m going to the bathroom. You coming?”

  “Yes, since women have to travel in pairs.”

  Tonya chuckled.

  Once they were around the corner, Stephanie pounced. “Holy crap! I’ve never seen you like that before. Not that I ever had the chance, but holy shit, Tonya, you need to jump on this train. I think it’s coming for you whether you want it to or not.”

  She could be right, and at that moment, Tonya couldn’t remember the reasons she was against it in the first place. She nodded, “Yes, I—”

  Stephanie grabbed her arm in a viselike grip and squealed.

  “No…don’t. Please don’t do that.”

  “I can’t help it!”

  “Try.” Tonya smiled.

  “Oh, so you’re only excited when Haley’s around?” Stephanie teased.

  “Did you just regress into a teenager or something?”

  “Don’t know. Possibly? I’ll stop. Promise.”

  “Good, but I think I’m done for tonight.”

  The line for the bathroom moved slowly. Tonya was tempted to give up altogether, but she really had to go. When they finally came back out, Haley was in the hallway.

  Stephanie nudged her. “I’ll see you up front.”

  “I’ll walk her out,” Haley said.

  “Oh, well, I guess I’ll see you at the car, then.” Stephanie grinned and walked away.

  Haley moved slowly down the hallway, and Tonya inched along with her. Haley had her hands stuffed in the pockets of her cargo pants. Their elbows and shoulders touched.

  “So it’s time for you to go, huh?”

  “Yes, it’s been a long day. Most of it was good.”

  Haley flashed a smile. “Glad to hear that.”

  “You should be. You had a hand in it.”

  “That’s even better.”

  They stopped as they got closer to the restaurant area, and before Tonya could say more, she was in Haley’s arms again. This hug was different. Haley’s hand slid down her back. The caress left a trail of fire that made Tonya’s insides tremble. Reluctantly, Tonya stepped back. Before moving away completely, she pressed her lips against Haley’s cheek. She wanted to do more, but for some reason, she didn’t.

  Haley pulled her close again.

  “Friends do that. I don’t wanna be your friend.”

  When Haley’s lips brushed against hers, Tonya gasped at the softness of the kiss. Trickles of heat filled her. She whimpered and clutched at Haley’s shoulders.

  The world fell away again.

  The kiss ended, but Haley’s mouth ghosted over Tonya’s cheek. Haley’s chest heaved and her breathing was loud, ragged.

  “Go out with me,” Haley whispered.

  Tonya could almost taste her words and the need they were wrapped in. “Okay.”

  This time when their lips met, Haley moaned. She tilted her head to the side and teased Tonya’s lips open.

  It didn’t take much.

  Tonya was spinning. She felt drunk. The need to take in air burned her lungs, but breathing was something she could do any day. There was a different fire in her that took precedence. Haley’s hand tangled in her hair, and Tonya accepted that she was going to be consumed.

  It took someone bumping into them to tear them apart.

  The man slurred, “Excuse me,” then wobbled his way down the hall.

  Haley stared at her, but Tonya couldn’t read her expression. A slow smile spread across Haley’s face, and she became an open book again. “You said yes.”

  “I did.”

  “Yay!” Haley looked like she had won something big.

  Tonya laughed. She couldn’t remember ever feeling this alive.

  Haley grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the hallway. “So call me when you get home.”

  Tonya was surprised. “It’s already after one.”

  “Don’t care. Just for a minute. We can set a date and make plans when I talk to you later this mornin’.”

  “Yes, okay.” Tonya tugged on Haley’s hand, and when she turned, she wiped at Haley’s mouth. “Lipstick.”

  “Mmm, thanks. Do you remember where y’all parked?” Haley pushed the door open, and Tonya immediately missed the air conditioning. The humidity was stifling.

  “I think so.” Tonya pointed with her free hand.

  They walked for several seconds. Haley never let go of her hand. Not that Tonya wanted her to. “There it is.” They were parked near a streetlight.

sp; Stephanie helped by honking the horn and waving.

  Haley bent forward as Stephanie let down the passenger-side window. “Here she is, safe and sound.”

  “Well aren’t you a gentleman,” Stephanie said.


  She stood up, winked at Tonya, and opened the car door.

  “Don’t forget to call me. I have my phone in my pocket. I’ll step out to answer.”

  “I won’t,” Tonya promised.

  Haley gazed at her. She reached and played with the ends of Tonya’s hair, looking at her like she saw something incredible. It drew Tonya closer, and before she knew it, they were kissing again with enough hunger to make her weak.

  When Haley stepped back, Tonya was breathless.

  “Jesus,” Haley whispered.

  Tonya laughed as the dream from this morning flashed before her. She had said the exact same thing, but the reality was a hundred times better.

  “There you go, laughin’ at me.” Somehow Haley looked put out and amused simultaneously.

  “No.” Tonya got in one last chuckle. “It’s not you. Well, it is kind of. I had this dream. I’ll explain later.”

  “Okay. I better get back.”

  Tonya nodded and got into the car. Haley waved and walked away. Tonya watched until she was back inside. It was only then that she turned to Stephanie.

  Her friend’s smile was so big, it probably hurt her face.

  Tonya sighed but smiled back.

  Chapter 17

  Haley added an insane amount of sugar and cream to her coffee, so much so that it was lukewarm when she sipped it. She smiled and smacked her lips. The chocolate-and-caramel creamer really hit the spot.

  The leather of the sofa stuck to her bare legs, but at least it was warmed now by her body heat. Haley yawned so hard her toes curled. Propped up slightly, she leaned her head back against a cushion and sucked in a deep breath. She was a morning person but didn’t necessarily like that about herself. Still, mornings had become more interesting. So she was learning to appreciate them in spades.

  The past few weeks had been unbelievable, but now things were different. Now she knew how Tonya tasted, how she felt, and the way she sounded. The phone calls brought all that back full force like some sort of virtual reality. Haley loved every minute of it. She’d always enjoyed the chase, but it was usually a short one where soon she lost interest.


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