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Minty Page 7

by M. Garnet

  He pushed it in a little more and she bit her lip until she tasted blood.

  “What do you say?”

  “Thank you, Master, I love the knife.” She shuddered.

  “What do you want now?”

  She stuttered. “Please, please make me cum.”

  “You forgot something.”

  What did he want, what was she supposed to say, her rectum hurt so much, but not as much as the dark and the threat of pain. She remembered.

  “Please, Master.”

  He did what she requested and she jerked as she came, again. It was ecstasy with pain because each time she had a climax the muscles in her rectum closed around the handle that intruded and locked her open. She was covered with sweat which was turning cold. She still had his semen drying on her legs and finally after one large climax as she reached the peak, he pulled the knife out at the same time and it caused both pain and a shuddering climax throughout her body.

  She realized she was curled on her side with her knees up to her chest. She stayed still waiting for the pain and the orders. He didn’t say anything. She couldn’t hear him breathing. She was afraid to move so she just lay curled up waiting for his orders or the pain from the dark. But it went on and on. Nothing happened. Finally she couldn’t stand the suspense. She reached around, feeling the edge of the bed. Very quietly, she sat up with her feet on the cold floor.

  “Master, what would you have of me?” She waited for an answer but she didn’t get one. She didn’t know if it meant he was not here or if he just didn’t want to answer. The dark was so black that she shivered.

  She stood up, holding her hands out. She moved in what she hoped was a straight line and after about fifteen or twenty tiny steps her hands hit a wall. She felt around and it was just a flat wall. She followed it slowly to the corner, not finding any furniture in her way. She felt and turned the corner. Within a few feet she felt the framing of a door. She felt the hinges, sliding her hand across she found the metal plate where the handle would be, except, wait, no, no, the doorknob was removed.

  She had just about decided to pound on the door when the first fiery slash swept across her back. She yelled and moved back towards the corner but another fiery slash swept across her rounded butt, bringing a fierce sting to both cheeks. She turned, backing away to the corner, and the sting hit her stomach. This was what she feared—she cried, she screamed. It was not the pounding sticks but it was a stinging slash.

  “Please, Master, I am sorry, I didn’t know what to do. Tell me what to do. Anything, I will do anything for you.” No, no, not pain in the dark. I can’t take pain in the dark, ask me to do anything.

  His voice came from across the room. “Beg me to let you suck me.” What did he want? It didn’t matter. Whatever he wanted, yes.

  “Master, may I please suck you?” There was silence. There was still a stinging feeling at her back and on her stomach.

  “Master, please, please, let me suck you?” There was still no answer.

  “Crawl over here, you don’t deserve to walk.” He was right, she had done something wrong in the dark, she had gotten pain. She needed to please him to keep the pain away. She wasn’t sure where he was, but she started crawling forward. Suddenly his hand was in her hair.

  “Master, may I suck you?” She was confused. She thought about the pain. She tried again. “Master, may I take your large shaft in my mouth and make you come, please?”

  “Call it a cock.”

  Yes, call it what he wanted. Start over and say what he wanted to hear. “Master, may I take your large cock in my mouth and make you come, please?”

  “Yes, if you swallow.” Oh God, she had never down this, she had no idea how to do it. She wasn’t even sure if she could. If she completed it, she wondered if she could swallow. She thought about the three stings on her body so she reached out.

  She found that he was sitting. He pulled her forward on her knees. There it was, his large erection stretching out towards her. She shuddered, though of all the things she had done this night in order to live with the pain and the dark, she knew she was going to do this with a touch of interest.

  She leaned forward and stretched her mouth around the large bulb of his manhood. She let her hair fall down over his legs. She took both hands. Hoping she was doing the right thing she began to rub up and down on the shaft. She felt the hardness hidden beneath the outer flesh that moved gently, as she stroked up and down. She sucked as much as she could on the double rounded top.

  She tried not to think of the indignity, but perhaps this was not necessarily a problem. Had he not put his mouth on her? Did this not have some feel of something besides just an act? She felt him respond to some movements of her hands, so she repeated those, knowing they pleased him. She got brave, took one hand to reach down to the two sacks hanging below. As she gathered the two large balls she heard his deep intake of breath. She knew this indeed pleased him, so she rolled the balls and sucked harder. She ran her hand up and down. She felt a strange hard tightening of the balls and his legs. He put a hand on her head so she couldn’t pull back. Then the burst of his seed was pumping out, into her mouth. She tried to swallow. Some went down her throat, but there was too much, too fast, so it poured out and down her chin, down her chest. Finally he let go of her.

  She did not know what to do so she sat and waited and shivered. She was thinking about the fact that inside, something felt good. Strange.

  “I am going to do a couple of things to you.” He finally got up and quietly moved around her. She sat still on her heels. What more could he do to her? She had his fluids all over her and she was an emotional wreck. Her body was totally tired and sore.

  He pulled her arms behind her and he tied her wrists together. She didn’t resist. He put some type of mask over her eyes. Again she didn’t resist but she couldn’t understand the need. He picked her up in his arms and carried her into another room. She knew it was different because it felt colder. By the echoes, there was a feeling it was smaller. He sat her on a counter that was cold against her skin, then she heard water running and recognized the sounds of a shower.

  The mask over her eyes kept her blind, so she did not know if there was light in here or not, but he moved her into the shower. He surprised her by very gently washing her down. He shampooed her hair, softly worked suds onto her body, under her arms, between her legs. He slowly worked the soap between her rear cheeks then down to her feet, even between her toes. She felt him adjusting the water to rinse her off. He took her out, used towels to dry her off. He wrapped her up—the dry towel felt so good. He took her out and sat her on the floor near a wall. She heard him moving around but she had no idea what he was doing.

  * * * *

  What he was doing was putting the room back in order. He took the blankets off the windows and put the knobs on the doors. He moved the furniture back in. He stripped the sheets, found clean ones and made up the bed. He put the used sheets by the front door because he was taking them with him, along with a vial of blood.

  Once he had the bed made he picked her up and put her in it, covering her up carefully. He got dressed. Taking her clothes, he hung them up carefully over a chair, except for the cut panties that he also was taking. As his last act, he went back to her. She was resting on her side, but he removed the ties on her wrists and the mask over her eyes. He sent her into a deeper sleep that would let her get some real relaxation. He put a suggestion that would give her some good rest without nightmares for the next several weeks.

  He sat and looked down at her. He gave her a gentle kiss.

  “Goodbye, sweet Minty. I am afraid you have ruined me for females for a very long time, but we all have to live with our demons, I will have to live with mine. A very beautiful one.” He gathered up everything, went out, making sure everything was locked and all the lights were on, including the TV without voice. He drove slowly back to Rex’s apartment.

  He was sure he had covered all bases when it came to Minty. Unfortuna
tely he missed one important item. He missed the nightwalker in the shadows that watched him leave. The rogue looked at the taillights of the sedan as they disappeared down the street and looked up at the apartment with all the lights blazing. What was so important up there?

  Chapter Nine

  Misty was sleeping when there was a tap on her bedroom door. She rolled over, reaching for the large chest of the nightwalker who shared her bed, but the bed was empty. She came fully awake, remembered that Radames was out in the field being an enforcer. It was a role he didn’t take too often, but it must have been important this time, because he had been gone for several weeks. She missed him so much.

  She heard the tap again. She sat up quickly, fear running through her veins. Bad news? She left the bed, grabbed a robe and stood in front of the big double doors, tying the sash before opening one side.

  The servant was bowing at the hips, almost in half. “I am so sorry to disturb you Madam, but you have a visitor. A Council Lord.” The servant was shaking.

  She was still getting used to this serving and the attitude of the servants. They actually took their job so serious. They felt it a high calling to serve in the house of Radames. She felt it all a little strange, demeaning. Of course, she had not lived for centuries.

  She now knew who the visitor was. “Please tell the Lord that I will be right down. See that he is comfortable. He would appreciate some of Rad’s whiskey.”

  She did not wait for the low bow of the servant, but turned and closed the door to find some jeans to put on along with her usual loose top. She ran a comb through her hair slipped on flip flops. At last she went down to join Alexander Bider, one of the five highest ranking nightwalkers, also the youngest member of the ruling Council.

  She walked along the hallway that was glass on one side. The view looked out on the water. She remembered her first time in this house. At that time she was still learning how much she loved her Vampire lover. The stairway was wide open steps hanging from the inside wall and she could see Alex, his long legs stretched out in front of him, on a leather couch in front of the fireplace.

  He looked up at her smiling, that beautiful face highlighted by the flames.

  “You still smell so very, very good and you always look better.”

  “Alex, with your looks, you don’t need flattering words to get a woman.” She laughed as she came down.

  Alex leaned down to reach for his glass. She settled in a big chair across from him. A servant immediately had a tray with tea along with all the fixings, including a sample of cookies to sit beside her. “So tell me of Rad. Did you see him?”

  “Rad is a terror. You know there is a reason nightwalkers respect and fear him. He walks into a room, the rogues trip over themselves to spill the beans. The big fucker just vibes bone crusher. He gets the job done.”

  “Yeah, but when will the job be done, I wonder?” She took the cup the servant held out, dismissing him. She wanted a private talk with Alex.

  “Misty, in this life some jobs are never done. But he will be back with you soon. He misses you.” Alex turned to face her. Across the large, low table.“I found the female.” He nodded to the vial of dark fluid lying on the table.

  Misty had to resist the temptation to grab the blood. She wanted to run immediately to the lab she and Marco shared. Marco was Rad’s oldest servant, but Rad considered him a friend. He held a very high place in Rad’s estates.

  She took another sip of the calming tea. She wanted to know more. “Did you relate with her? What is she like? Do we look alike in any way?”

  Alex took a moment and gazed at the flames. “I spent a short time with her. She is like you, and she isn’t. Let me see where to start. Let’s go with the easy parts. She is tall, thin, and has your long legs. Her hair is a little more brown, the lightest shade without quite being blond. Her eyes are a strange combination that are mostly brown but turn with the green if she wears the right colors. I took a photo on my cell and will download it later. It should be better than what you pulled up from the Driver’s License Bureau online.”

  Misty sat enthralled. Maybe she did have a relative. Maybe even a sister? “Did she smell like me? Do we have to worry about others picking up her scent? Oh boy, do we need to grab her to protect her?”

  Alex shook his head. “She has a scent, but it is different from yours. Someone who was not familiar with what to look for would think she had some type of strange perfume on, a mixture. It doesn’t emit as far as yours.”

  “Can she be influenced?” Misty was beginning to worry. When she first found traces of a couple of other orphans she was only interested in finding out more about herself. Now she was wondering if she should be worried about someone else.

  “I could not influence her. Because of your serum in me, I have become very strong. I was able to suggest—obviously it was something she wanted to do anyways. She didn’t sleep well, nightmares. I was able to suggest some good sleep without dreams for a few weeks.”

  Misty looked over her cup at her friend. “Thank you.” She was aware than Alex wasn’t looking at her. “Alex, what is it? What did you do? Wait, you tasted her, didn’t you? You scoundrel. How could you?” Misty sat her cup down. She was really mad, disturbed deep down.

  Alex sat back.

  Misty couldn’t read his expression. “Okay, can’t undo what’s done. What was it like? Was it like me? Did it make you stronger, did it affect you?”

  “It was different from you, but it definitely is a strong serum that is not in mortals. It has put a velvet glove on a strange place in me I don’t want to talk about with you. Yes, I can now shadow like Rad. So we don’t want other nightwalkers getting any of this anytime soon, before we have a chance to test it.”

  “Did you tell Rad?”

  He shook his head. “He had left, chasing a group from Chicago to Indianapolis. I have to go to Rome. There are some nefarious doings among the powers in that place of authority that must be reined in. Rad expects me to be his strong arm in that fancy conference room. I have a flight out in about four hours.”

  Misty looked at the vial. “Alex, thank you. I am trying not to be too mad at you—she must be really beautiful.”

  Alex leaned forward, pulling his legs up to rest his elbows on his knees. “She is beautiful in a different way. Not the flashy wild way, but like the desert lily, a surprise in a parched land, soft white, with veins that show beneath the surface and a yellow center hidden deep within the folds of the soft petals.”

  Misty looked at him for a long moment. “Why, Alex, I didn’t know you were a poet. That was really beautiful. But for a man who is the epitome of beautiful, who discards women like used tissue, that is a strange description.” She smiled at him. She wondered if someone had finally touched that stone heart inside that beautiful male body.

  Alex finally left for the airport. Misty contacted Marco so that they could begin the many tests they needed to do on the blood, starting with a DNA record.

  Chapter Ten

  Angela looked around for Minty and saw her walking out towards the bus stop. She pulled her car out so that she could stop beside her.

  “Hey stranger, how about a comfortable ride—I even have the top up.” Angela smiled up at the girl.

  Minty looked down, around, not sure what she was looking for. She shrugged her shoulders. “Well, it is a little out of your way.”

  “Hey, come on, we will stop at the Starbuck’s near your place. You can buy.”

  Minty actually smiled, walked around the car, sinking into the passenger seat. She buckled up, sitting back with her large purse on her lap.

  “So, you look better, no black marks under your eyes.” Angela looked both ways and pulled out into the traffic as she talked.

  “Yeah, strange, but I have really been getting some good sleep. I usually don’t sleep very well. The smallest noise wakes me up so I get up all night. I keep the TV on. A couple of times this last week I even forgot to leave it on.”

a bobbed her head as she grinned. “I have been sleeping good too, just not as much. Tall, dark and handsome has been taking up a little bit of my nighttime. Believe me, I am not complaining.”

  Minty smiled at the blond beside her. “I thought you seemed pretty happy lately. So is this serious. What has it been, three weeks, or no, what, four now?”

  Angela seemed to be giving the whole idea some serious thought. “Well, I have to tell you the truth, I don’t think Rex is the kind to settle down. I mean he has an attraction, like a sign. When we go out the women really play up to him. But he is the perfect gentleman for me, giving them the cold shoulder and me all the attention. But his job makes a lot of demands, so he can’t makes plans in advance. There is also something else.”

  Angela quit talking as they pulled into the Starbucks so she could concentrate on parking. “Let’s go in and sit—we haven’t spent any time together since the night we all went out together with that beautiful blond of yours.”

  Minty didn’t answer, but felt a shiver run down her back as she got out of the car. They got their drinks, then found a table by the back that gave them privacy, since everyone else liked to sit by the windows.

  “Anyways, Rex is into a little S&M.” Angela blushed.

  Minty looked at her but quickly turned her eyes down at her own paper cup.

  “Minty do you know what that is?”

  Minty looked up at the pretty blond. She was surprised to find a blush on Angela’s cheeks and her tongue moving over her painted red lips.

  “I think the S&M stands for sadist and masochist doesn’t it?”

  “Well yes, sort of. It is really only a title, you know, for game playing. Like you put handcuffs on your boyfriend. You make love to him, or he blindfolds you so that he can feed you different foods. You try to guess what it is and that kind of thing. Kind of simple, but it can add to the enjoyment of sex. It adds an innocent danger.”

  Minty suddenly got a cold shiver. She felt the coffee curdle in her stomach. In the back of her mind she heard the word Master.


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