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by Simon Sebag Montefiore

  Stewart, Herzl 261–73. Goldhill, City of Longing 140. Gilbert, Rebirth 223–7. Modernity, Kaiser and photography: Victor-Hummel, “Culture and Image” 181–91. Photos: OJ 267. Ben-Arieh 76. On Arab politics and Ruhi Khalidi: Marcus, Jerusalem, 1913: Origins of Arab–Israeli Conflict 39–44 and 99. Krämer 111–15. Herzl and Uganda: Lord Rothschild’s introduction, Ferguson 802–4. Herzl, Uganda, Lloyd George as lawyer in two applications for Sinai homeland in 1903 and 1906: David Fromkin, A Peace to End All Peace (henceforth Fromkin) 271–5. Churchillian Territorialism: Gilbert, Churchill and the Jews 249. Zangwill, Galveston settlement, Africa, Argentina, Angola and Territorialism: Obenzinger, JQ 2003 17. Pappe 108–11. Ilan Pappe, “Rise and Fall of the Husaynis,” Part 1, JQ 10, Autumn 2000; “Husayni Family Faces New Challenges,” Part 2, JQ 11–12, Winter 2001. Wasserstein 320.

  Amy Dockser Marcus, Jerusalem 1913: Origins of the Arab–Israeli Conflict 30–60. Yusuf al-Khalidi to Chief Rabbi of France Zadok Khan in Nusseibeh, Country 23. Kasmeh, “Leading Intellectuals of Late Ottoman Jerusalem,” OJ 37–42.

  3. The portrait of Ben-Gurion throughout the book is based on the biography Michael Bar-Zohar, Ben-Gurion; David Ben-Gurion, Recollections; Weizmann; Shindler, History and Military Zionism; conversations with Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Yaacovy. Ben-Gurion, Recollections 34–43, 59–61. Bar-Zohar, Ben-Gurion 1–12, 26–8. Krämer 111–15. Political philosophy, articles in 1914 and 1920: Shindler, History 21–35, 42–4 and 99–101. Weizmann: Herzl Ugandaism and El Arish plans 119–122; meeting with Plehve and Kishinev pogroms 109–18. Protocols of Elders of Zion: David Aaronovitch, Voodoo Histories 22–48. Early Zionist distaste for Jerusalem: Abu Zaida, “ ‘A Miserable Provincial Town,’ ” JQ 32, Autumn 2007.

  4. Young Turk Revolution and Arab nationalism: this section is based on Wasif Jawhariyyeh, Al Quds Al Othmaniyah Fi Al Muthakrat Al Jawhariyyeh, vol. 1: 1904–1917, vol. 2: 1918–1948, trans. for this book by Maral Amin Quttieneh (henceforth Wasif). Among the diary entries used are 1.160, 167, 168–9, 190, 204, 211, 217, 219, 231. Also based on: Tamari, “Jerusalem’s Ottoman Modernity,” JQ 9, Summer 2000. On cafés, atmosphere, women in the city: Salim Tamari, “The Last Feudal Lord in Palestine,” JQ 16, November 2002. Salim Tamari, “The Vagabond Café and Jerusalem’s Prince of Idleness,” JQ 19, October 2003. Antebi: Marcus, Jerusalem 1913 50–73. Baedeker on city of no entertainment: Gilbert, Rebirth 154–60. Baedeker (1912) xxii, 19, 57. On Arab nationalism and Young Turk revolution/Khalil Sakakini quote: Norman Rose, A Senseless Squalid War: Voices from Palestine 8. Arab renaissance, disappointed nationalism, Young Turks: Rogan 147–9. Shindler, History 23–8. Young Turks, seizure of power by Committee of Union and Progress, Turkish nationalism, rise of Enver: Efraim Karsh and Inari Karsh, Empires of the Sand: Struggle for Mastery in the Middle East 1789–1923 (henceforth Karsh) 95–117. See also: P. S. Khoury, Urban Notables and Arab Nationalism: The Politics of Damascus 1860–1920. On CUP: Mazower, Salonica 272–290. Football/school: Pappe 124–6; early nationalism 127–9; anti-Zionism 39–46.

  5. Russian pilgrimage/Rasputin: G. E. Rasputin, Moi mysli i razmyshleniia. Kratkoe opisanie puteshestviya po svyatym mestam i vyzvannye im razmyshleniya po religioznym voprosam 60–74. Garb, journey, deathcaps Graham 3–10; kvass 35; accommodation 44–6; Westerners 55; Sepulchre 62–4; corruption in Jerusalem, 69–76; Easter 101–10; booze in Compound 118; Holy Fire 126–8; street embraces 130–2. Russian shoot-out in Sepulchre; Martin Gilbert, Jerusalem in the Twentieth Century (henceforth Gilbert, JTC) 20. Eduard Radzinsky, Rasputin 180–3. Hummel, Patterns of the Sacred 39–61.

  6. This account is based on the Parker family archive: special thanks to the present Earl of Morley and his brother the Hon. Nigel Parker for their help and papers. The Times (London) 4 May 1911. New York Times 5 and 7 May 1911. Major Foley, Daily Express 3 and 10 October 1926. Philip Coppens, “Found: One Ark of the Covenant?,” Nexus Magazine 13/6, October–November 2006. Silberman 180–8. On riots and high jinks: Vester 224–30. Pappe 142.

  7. 1910–14. Rogan 147–9. 1908 to rise of Enver: Karsh 95–117. Majower: 280–90 Excitement 1908: Marcus, Jerusalem 1913 66–8, 186. Young Turks and Three Pashas: Finkel 526–32. Abdul-Hamid’s clock: Krämer 75. Visit of Pr. Eitel Fritz 1910, fight at Sepulchre; Gilbert, JTC 20–4; Zionist settlement and politics 25–40. Jerusalem as Babel by Weizmann 3–4. Wasserstein 70–81. Augusta Victoria: Storrs 296. Enver coup: Karsh 94–101. Pappe 139–150.

  8. Jemal Pasha/First World War. Arrival of Pasha, and “beautiful” parade of Mecca Sheikh Sayeed Alawi Wafakieh with green flag, Wasif 1:167. Kress von Kressenstein on Sheikh’s parade and Suez expedition, Sean McMeekin, Berlin–Baghdad Express, 166–179. Jemal, al-Salahiyya, Enver visit: Wasif 1.232. OJ 57–62. Pappe 150–9. Most quotes from Jemal are either from the diaries of his private secretary Falih Rifki quoted in Geoffrey Lewis, “An Ottoman Officer in Palestine 1914–18,” in Kushner, Palestine in the Late Ottoman Period 403–14, or from Djemal Pasha, Memoirs of a Turkish Statesman 1913–19. Franz von Papen, Memoirs 70. Terror, urban planning in Damascus: Burns, Damascus 263–5. Rudolf Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz 38–41. Rudolf Hess: Vester 209 and 263. On high politics/military: Karsh 105–17; Suez attacks 141; repression of Zionists, NILI spy-ring 160–70. Krämer 143–7. Finkel 533–40. On war declaration and al-Aqsa allegiance, Count Ballobar and Jemal: Segev, Palestine 15–20. Hanging Mufti of Gaza: Storrs 371; Jews welcome Kressenstein 288; on Ballobar 303. Arrival of Armenians: Hintlian, History of the Armenians in the Holy Land 65–6. Gilbert, JTC 41–5. Jemal character: Vester 259–67; destruction of Jerusalem plan 81; Rudolf Hess in Jerusalem 208–9 and 263. Fromkin: Jemal terror 209–11. Military campaign: Roger Ford, Eden to Armageddon: World War I in the Middle East 311–61. Jemal takes Faisal to hangings; Jemal, Enver most ruthless: T. E. Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom (henceforth Lawrence) 46, 51. The start of the war: George Hintlian, “The First World War in Palestine and Msgr. Franz Fellinger,” in Marion Wrba, Austrian Presence in the Holy Land in the 19th and Early 20th Century 179–93. Wasserstein 70–81. Jemal repressions: Karsh 161–70.

  9. Death and sex under Jemal. This section is based on the diarists Wasif, Ihsan Turjman, Khalil Sakakini. Political thought, Jerusalem life, nationalism, Jemal and Turkish debauchery, prostitutes in schools, at Turkish parties, on street, Tennenbaum: Salim Tamari, “The Short Life of Private Ihsan: Jerusalem 1915,” JQ 30, Spring 2007. Vester, 264–7, 270–1. Wasif 1.160, 167, 168–9, 190, 204, 211, 217, 219, 231. Tamari, “Jerusalem’s Ottoman Modernity,” JQ 9, Summer 2000. Adel Manna, “Between Jerusalem and Damascus: The End of Ottoman Rule as Seen by a Palestinian Modernist,” JQ 22–23, Autumn/Winter 2005. Jemal repressions: Karsh 161–70. On Syrian nationalism and terror: see Khoury, Urban Notables and Arab Nationalism. Pappe 150–9.

  Offer of Wailing Wall to Jews: Henry Morgenthau, United States Diplomacy on the Bosphorus: The Diaries of Ambassador Morgenthau 1913–1916 400: thanks to George Hintlian for bringing this to my attention. Jemal and Jews/Albert Antebi exiled October 1916; asks Jemal “What have you done to my Jerusalem?”: Marcus, Jerusalem 1913 138–44; 156–9. Jews, deportations, tired of hangings, Aaronsohn/NILI: Karsh 166–70. Jemal’s peace offer: Raymond Kevorkian, Le Génocide des Arméniens ch. 7. Prostitution: Vester 264. Leah Tennenbaum and Villa Leah: Segev, Palestine 7. On Jemal, Leah Tennenbaum, feasts, and bons mots on Three Pashas see Conde de Ballobar, Diario de Jerusalén—26 May 1915 and 9 July 1916. On analysis of Ballobar, see R. Mazza, “Antonio de la Cierva y Lewita: Spanish Consul in Jerusalem 1914–1920,” and “Dining Out in Times of War,” JQ 40, Winter 2009, and 41, Spring 2010. On “bon garçon” Jemal by Ballobar: Storrs 303–4. See also R. Mazza, Jerusalem from the Ottomans to the British.

  10. Portrait of Lawrence is based on Jeremy Wilson, Lawrence of Arabia: The Authorized Biography of T. E. Lawrence, until otherwise stated. Lawrence, action and reflection: Wilson, Lawrence 19; on Sherif Hussein 656 and unfit to govern 432; Lawrence views pro-Brit pro-Arab 445; “tragi-comic” deman
ds of Sherif 196; Hogarth on Lawrence as moving spirit of McMahon and Revolt 213; early plan for Jerusalem book of Seven Pillars 74; Jerusalem and Beirut, shop-soiled hotel servants 184–5; on the McMahon letters and negotiations, and plan to include Jerusalem in Egypt 212–18; Gertrude Bell on Lawrence intelligence 232; Lawrence on characters of Abdullah and Faisal 305–9 and 385–7; his concept of guerilla warfare and insurgency 314; killing, Buffalo Bill 446; on sexual comedy 44; 27 Articles on how to lead an Arab insurgency 960–5; clothes 333–5; Sykes 230–3; can’t stand lies 410–12; Sykes–Picot, Lawrence informs Faisal 361–5; Aqaba plan 370–81; executes murderer 383; American description of Lawrence at Versailles 604–5. Lawrence lack of scruples, “genius for backing into the limelight”: Margaret Macmillan, Peacemakers: The Paris Peace Conference of 1919 and Its Attempt to End War 399–401. George Antonius, The Arab Awakening: The Story of the Arab National Movement 8–12, 245–50. Rogan 150–7. Karsh on Lawrence and Arab Revolt: man with the gold 191. Janet Wallach, Desert Queen: The Extraordinary Life of Gertrude Bell: 299. Hashemite/Sherifian dynasty: Avi Shlaim, Lion of Jordan: The Life of King Hussein in War and Peace 1–10. Schneer 24–6. Lawrence: Storrs 467 and 202. Silberman 190–2. Sherifian descent and family: Lawrence 48; Abdullah too clever 64–7, 219–20; Faisal Arab clothes 129; Lawrence character, “brain as quick and silent as a wild cat” 580–1; egotistical curiosity 583; Faisal pity 582. Arab Revolt: Karsh 199–221; Sykes–Picot 222–43. Karl E. Meyer and S. B. Brysac, Kingmakers: The Invention of the Modern Middle East on Arab Revolt, Sykes–Picot 107–13. Karsh: 171–221; Sykes–Picot 222–46. Fromkin 218–28; Kitchener and views of Win-gate and Storrs 88–105 and 142; Sykes 146–9; McMahon 173–87; Sykes–Picot 188–99. The best detailed account of McMahon remains Elie Kedourie, In the Anglo-Arab Labyrinth: The McMahon–Husayn Correspondence and Its Interpretations. Schneer gives an excellent account 32–48 and 64–74.

  11. Arab Revolt/British advance/Falkenhayn: Papen, 7–84. Jemal shows Falkenhayn Dome: OJ 276. Antonius, Arab Awakening 8–12, 245–50. Rogan 150–7. Shlaim, Lion of Jordan 1–10. Lawrence: Storrs 467 and 202; Silberman 190–2. On Sherifians: Lawrence 48, 64–7, 129, 219–20, 582; on himself 580–3. Taking of Aqaba and report to Allenby: Wilson, Lawrence 400–20; rape at Deraa 462–4. Arab Revolt: Karsh 171–221; Sykes–Picot 22–43. Meyer and Brysac, Kingmakers 107–13. Fromkin 88–105, 142; Sykes 146–9, 218–28; McMahon 173–87; Sykes–Picot 188–99; Jemal terror 209–11; Jemal bids for power himself 214–15. Jemal peace offer. S. McMeekin, Berlin-Baghdad Express 294–5. Scheer 87–103; on NILI ring 171–2. Enver visit: Wasif 1.232–3. Enver/wartime Jerusalem: Vester 246–71. On spy-rings, Sakakini, Levine, Jemal terror, brothels, NILI: Manna, “Between Jerusalem and Damascus,” JQ 22–23, Autumn/Winter 2005 (quoting Turkish security policeman Aziz Bey). Sakakini and Levine: Segev, Palestine 13–15. Aaronsohn: Fromkin 309. Marcus, Jerusalem 1913 149–51.

  12. Balfour, Lloyd George, Weizmann: Documents, motives and process of Declaration drafting: Doreen Ingrams (ed.), Palestine Papers, 1917–1922: Seeds of Conflict 7–18, quoting from William Ormsby-Gore memo on origins Declaration 7–8; on hopes to win Russian/U.S. support; Balfour memo to Cabinet 9; Cabinet minutes 31 October quoting Balfour 16. John Grigg, Lloyd George: War Leader 339–57, especially 347–9 on Weizmann; Lloyd George to Weizmann quote; Samuel cold and dry; Asquith to Venetia Stanley on Lloyd George keeping Jerusalem from atheistic France; on Zionism serving British empire 349. R. J. Q. Adams, Balfour: The Last Grandee 330–5. MacMillan, Peacemakers: on Lloyd George character 43–51; on Balfour’s frivolity, silk handkerchief, Jewish genius, Zionism only worthy thing he did 424–6. Krämer 148–54 and 167. Segev, Palestine 33–50. Balfour on propaganda in Russia and America: Rogan 153–6. Weizmann: Hebrew university 100; first meeting with Balfour 143–5; 1906 Jerusalem, university land bought, why Jerusalem, 169–76 and 181; C. P. Scott, Lloyd George’s account not true, may get Jerusalem 190–8; “I … a Yid” 207; opponents of Zionism, Claude Montefiore, Leopold de Rothschild, Edwin Montagu 200–30 and 252; religious old statesmen 226; maze of personal relationships 228; Germany negotiates with Zionists 234–5; drafting of Declaration 252–62; Weizmann mistaken for Lenin 358. Weizmann as well-nourished Lenin: MacMillan, Peacemakers 423. Sykes on Jews/black people, Schneer 44–6; Lloyd George on Samuel’s race, 126; on British Jews, Zionists vs. Assimilationists, Rothschilds, Montefiores 124–61, Sykes on Power of Jews 166–8; power to Zion, Armenians, Arabs (Sykes), on possible Ottoman peace 349–59, Curzon quote 350.

  German Zionists, negotiations with German Ottomans (Jemal), Talaat’s promise to German ambassador, and British alarm at Zionism as German idea (Sir Ronald Graham); McMeekin, Berlin-Baghdad Express 340–51.

  Herbert Samuel, Memoirs 140. Meyer and Brysac, Kingmakers 112–26. Max Egremont, Balfour 293–6. Karsh 247–58. Fromkin 276–301, including Leo Amory on Bible, Brandeis and Wilson. Avi Shlaim, Israel and Palestine 3–24. Lloyd George grabbing Palestine: Rose, Senseless Squalid War 16–17. Karsh 247–58. Gilbert, Churchill and the Jews: Churchill, Weizmann and acetone 23–30; biblical prophet 95. George Weidenfeld, Remembering My Good Friends 201–20, on Weizmann, character and style. Lord Rothschild support for Zionism: Ferguson 977–81. Early Zionist views: Abu Zaida, “ ‘A Miserable Provincial Town,’ ” JQ 32, Autumn 2007.

  13. Fall of city/surrender. Allenby’s orders from Lloyd George, Jerusalem by Christmas: Grigg, Lloyd George: War Leader 339–43. Germans unmoved by withdrawal, Storrs 303–5; mayor well bred 292. Alter Levine and Sakakini: Marcus, Jerusalem 1913 149–51. Levine and Sakakini, Sakakini quote on artillery: Segev, Palestine 30. Moshe Goodman, “Immortalizing a Historic Moment: The Surrender of Jerusalem,” in Cathedra 3.280–2. Vester 273–80. Husseinis meeting; marriageable virgins; blouse and bedsheets: Pappe 162–6. Diary of Bishop Mesrob Neshanian quoted in Hintlian, “First World War in Palestine and Msgr. Franz Fellinger,” in Wrba, Austrian Presence 179–93. Rumours, debate with Sakakini, Germans vs. Turks on surrender: Tamari, “Last Feudal Lord in Palestine,” JQ 16, November 2002. Manna, “Between Jerusalem and Damascus,” JQ 22–23, Autumn/Winter 2005. Diary: K. Sakakini 20 January 1920. Arab Syrian nationalism: Nasser Eddin Nashashibi, Jerusalem’s Other Voice: Ragheb Nashashibi and Moderation in Palestinian Politics 1920–1948 (henceforth Nashashibi) 134–5, 130–1; Ben-Gurion and Alami on small sofa 69. Faisal and Weizmann: Krämer 158–62. Carriage stolen from American Colony: Frederick Vester to Storrs 14 March 1919, American Colony Hotel archive. Anti-Semitic frenzy of Turks in Jerusalem: Ballobar, Diario 30 November 1917.

  14. Allenby: Grigg, Lloyd George: War Leader 342–5. Wasif 2.280. Storrs 305–7. Lawrence 330; on Jerusalem 341, 553; Lawrence rape at Deraa, entry into city, thoughts of rape as Allenby speaks; effects of rape trauma later 668. Absurdly boyish: Wilson, Lawrence 459–66: Gilbert, JTC 45–61. Segev, Palestine 23–4 and 50–5. Allenby’s book: Meyer and Brysac, Kingmakers 109. Allenby and Storrs in Jerusalem: Fromkin 308–29. War Office advice: Elon, Jerusalem 167. Vester 278–80. Allenby and Crusader comments to Husseini and to Nusseibehs: Nusseibeh, Jerusalemites 426–7. Thanks to my cousin Kate Sebag-Montefiore for researching William Sebag-Montefiore’s role in Palestine. Thanks to Peter Sebag-Montefiore and his daughter Louise Aspinall for the private archive of Major Geoffrey Sebag-Montefiore: reports quoted of 24 April 1918 (sex with local women); VD prevalent 11 June 1918; VD rampant 16 June 1918; guarding holy places 23 June 1918; Desert Mounted Corps in brothels 29 June 1918; brothels troublesome and VD rampant 14 July 1918; brothels moved, thirty-seven arrested 18 August 1918; women astray 1 September 1918; brothels VD, nothing else to report 8 September 1918; Australians in brothels 13 October 1918 and 18 November 1918. Pappe 165–75: Maghrebis interested in sale of Wall 234.

  15. Storrs, most brilliant: Lawrence 56–7. Lawrence visits and meets Lowell Thomas: Wilson, Lawrence 489; Faisal and Lawrence’s attitude to Zionism, hope for Zionist Jewish advisers and financiers for Faisal Syria, Lawrence on Zionism and letter to Sykes, Faisal meet
ings with Weizmann near Aqaba and in London 442–4, 513–14, 514 and 576–7; on 12 December 1918 meeting in London, Faisal and Weizmann, Faisal says there is room in Palestine for 4–5 million Jews 593. Shindler, Military Zionism 61–7. Ben-Gurion article “Towards the Future” on sharing Palestine, on Jabotinsky and article “Iron Wall” 1923: Shindler, History 26–30; Jabotinsky, Fascists, Duce as buffalo 131. Weizmann: Jabotinsky 86; on Allenby, Storrs, Protocols of Elders of Zion 265–81, 273; on Faisal meetings and Lawrence 293–6; founding of Hebrew University 296; Nabi Musa riots 317–21. Protocols of Elders of Zion: Aaronovitch, Voodoo Histories 22–48. Early Zionist attitude: Abu Zaida, “ ‘A Miserable Provincial Town,’ ” JQ 32, Autumn 2007. Pappe 166–87: Grand Muftiship; Husseini estates’ involvement with King Faisal; Musa Kazem’s career 111–12; Amin in Damascus 170–1; Nabi Musa 189–203.

  16. Herbert Samuel, arrival: Storrs 352–8 and 412–14. Stiffish character: Segev, Palestine 155. Oyster: Schneer 122–6. Cold, dry: Lloyd George quoted in Grigg, Lloyd George: War Leader 348. Wooden: Edward Keith-Roach, Pasha of Jerusalem 73. Chaim Bermant, The Cousinhood: The Anglo-Jewish Gentry 329–54. Politics: Krämer 213–24. Segev, Palestine 91–9. Gilbert, JTC 88. Samuel, Memoirs 154–75. Luke and Keith-Roach, Handbook of Palestine 86–101. Jabotinsky, revisionism: Shindler, Military Zionism 50, 61–5, 85–92; Samuel and watering down of Balfourism 1–32. Political philosophy of evolution, socialist cooperation and move towards ruthless pragmatism, strongman of Zionism, articles in 1914 and 1920: Shindler, History 21–35. Abu Zaida, “ ‘A Miserable Provincial Town,’ ” JQ 32, Autumn 2007.

  17. Churchill: Martin Gilbert, Churchill: A Life 428–38; also Gilbert, JTC 92. Gilbert, Churchill and the Jews, WSC boyhood essay 1; as Manchester MP and early meetings with Weizmann 7–15; Zionism and First World War 24–33; on article on International Jew 37–44, quoting Sunderland speech and Illustrated Sunday Herald 8 February 1920; colonial secretary trip to Cairo and Jerusalem 45–64; Rutenberg concession 78–85; created Transjordania “one Sunday afternoon” 109. Faisal and Abdullah kingdoms: Shlaim, History 11–20. Lawrence as adviser, Hussein crass: Wilson, Lawrence 540; Sherifian solution, Cairo conference and Jerusalem meetings with Abdullah, Lawrence on Churchill 643–63 and 674. Karsh 309–25, especially 314–16, 318. Rogan 178–85. Fromkin 424–6, 435–48, 504–29. Khoury, Urban Notables and Arab-Nationalism 80–90. Cairo: Wallach, Desert Queen 293–301. Segev, Palestine 143–5. Krämer 161–3. Saudis vs. Sherifians: Rogan 179–84. On Lawrence and Last Crusade: Fromkin 498–9. Faisal, Lawrence and Zionism: Weizmann 293–6. Thomas and Lawrence: Oren, Power 399–402.


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