Guide to Economic Indicators

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Guide to Economic Indicators Page 1

by The Economist


  List of tables

  List of charts

  Chapter 1: Interpreting economic indicators

  Chapter 2: Essential mechanics

  Chapter 3: Measuring economic activity


  Output, expenditure and income


  Putting it in context


  Chapter 4: Growth: trends and cycles

  Nominal GDP

  GDP per head

  Real GDP

  GDP: output

  GDP: expenditure


  Cyclical or leading indicators

  Chapter 5: Population, employment and unemployment


  Labour or workforce


  Unemployment and vacancies

  Chapter 6: Fiscal indicators

  Public expenditure

  Government revenues

  Budget balance, deficit, surplus

  National debt; government or public debt

  Chapter 7: Consumers

  Personal income, disposable income

  Consumer and personal expenditure, private consumption

  Personal and household savings; savings ratio

  Consumer confidence

  Chapter 8: Investment and savings

  Fixed investment and GDFCF

  Investment intentions

  Stocks (inventories)

  National savings, savings ratio

  Chapter 9: Industry and commerce

  Business conditions; indices and surveys

  Industrial and manufacturing production

  Capacity use and utilisation

  Manufacturing orders

  Export orders

  Motor vehicles

  Construction orders and output

  Housing starts, completions and sales

  Wholesale sales or turnover, orders and stocks

  Retail sales or turnover, orders and stocks

  Chapter 10: The balance of payments

  Accounting conventions

  Exports of goods and services

  Imports of goods and services

  Trade balance, merchandise trade balance

  Current-account balance

  Capital- and financial-account flows

  International investment position (IIP)

  Official reserves

  External debt, net foreign assets

  Chapter 11: Exchange rates

  Nominal exchange rates

  Special drawing rights (SDRs)

  EMU, ecu, ERM and euro

  Effective exchange rates

  Real exchange rates; competitiveness


  Terms of trade

  Chapter 12: Money and financial markets

  Money supply, money stock, M0 ... M5, liquidity

  Bank lending, advances, credit, consumer credit

  Central bank policy rates

  Interest rates; short-term and money-market rates

  Bond yields

  Yield curves, gaps and ratios

  Real interest rates and yields

  Share prices

  Chapter 13: Prices and wages

  Price indicators

  Gold price

  Oil prices

  Commodity price indices

  Export and import prices; unit values

  Producer and wholesale prices

  Surveys of price expectations

  Wages, earnings and labour costs

  Unit labour costs

  Consumer or retail prices

  House prices

  Consumer or private expenditure deflators

  GDP deflators

  Appendix: Useful websites



  Guide to Analysing Companies

  Guide to Business Modelling

  Guide to Business Planning

  Guide to the European Union

  Guide to Financial Management

  Guide to Financial Markets

  Guide to Hedge Funds

  Guide to Investment Strategy

  Guide to Management Ideas and Gurus

  Guide to Organisation Design

  Guide to Project Management

  Guide to Supply Chain Management

  Numbers Guide

  Style Guide

  Book of Obituaries

  Brands and Branding

  Business Consulting

  Buying Professional Services

  The City

  Coaching and Mentoring

  Corporate Culture

  Dealing with Financial Risk

  Doing Business in China


  Emerging Markets

  The Future of Technology

  Headhunters and How to Use Them

  Mapping the Markets


  Successful Strategy Execution

  The World of Business

  Board Directors: an A–Z Guide

  Economics: an A–Z Guide

  Investment: an A–Z Guide

  Negotiation: an A–Z Guide

  Pocket World in Figures

  Copyright © 2011 by The Economist Newspaper Ltd. All rights reserved.

  Text Copyright © 2011 by Richard Stutely. All rights reserved.

  Diagrams and Extracts © 2011 by The Economist Newspaper Ltd. All rights reserved.

  Additional research Lisa Davies, James Fransham, Carol Howard, David McKelvey, Jane Shaw, Christopher Wilson.

  Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

  Published simultaneously in Canada.

  Published in Great Britain and the rest of the world by Profile Books Ltd

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  ISBN 978-1-576-60367-3

  List of tables

  1.1 World output and trade

  1.2 Euro area countries

  2.1 OPEC crude oil production and prices

  2.2 US GDP

  2.3 Chaining index numbers

  2.4 When did inflation fall?

  2.5 Choosing the period for comparison

  2.6 Annualised and doubling rates

  2.7 Analysing seasonal and erratic influences

  4.1 Nominal GDP

  4.2 GDP per head

  4.3 Five world cycles

  4.4 Dominant sectors

  4.5 Productivity

  4.6 Implied peaks and troughs in GDP

  5.1 Population

  5.2 Labour force

  5.3 Total employment

  5.4 Unemployment

  6.1 General government spending

  6.2 General government budget balances

  7.1 Personal income, outlays and savings in the United States

  7.2 Consumer spending

  8.1 Investment and savings

  8.2 Real fixed investment

  8.3 Savings ratios

  9.1 Output by sector

  9.2 Motor vehicle markets

  10.1 Exports of goods and services

  10.2 Imports of goods and services

  10.3 Trade and current-account balances

  10.4 External debt

  11.1 Exchange rates

  11.2 Currencies in the SDR

  11.3 SDR exchange rates

  11.4 Permanent conversion rates against euro area currencies

  11.5 Effective exchange rates

  11.6 Real effective exchange rates

  12.1 Money supply

  12.2 Comparative interest rates

  12.3 Benchmark yields

  12.4 Yields

  12.5 Real yields

  12.6 Share prices

  13.1 Comparative inflation rates

  13.2 The world oil market

  13.3 Producer prices (manufacturing)

  13.4 Hourly earnings in manufacturing

  13.5 Unit labour costs in the whole economy

  13.6 Consumer prices

  13.7 Consumer spending deflators

  13.8 GDP deflators

  List of charts

  1.1 Industrial countries’ GDP

  2.1 Index numbers: illusory convergence

  3.1 GDP per sector

  3.2 Domestic spending

  3.3 Trade in goods and services

  4.1 US trends and cycles

  4.2 Total GDP

  4.3 GDP per head

  4.4 GDP growth

  5.1 Growth in the labour force

  5.2 Employment

  5.3 Unemployment

  6.1 General government spending

  6.2 Budget balances

  6.3 Net public debt

  7.1 Consumer spending

  7.2 Growth in current consumer spending

  7.3 Net household savings

  8.1 Real fixed investment

  8.2 Growth in real fixed investment

  8.3 Gross national savings

  9.1 Structure of production and sources of growth

  9.2 Industrial production

  9.3 Manufacturing sector

  10.1 Exports of goods and services

  10.2 Growth in exports of goods and services

  10.3 Imports of goods and services

  10.4 Growth in imports of goods and services

  10.5 Current-account balances

  11.1 Exchange rates

  11.2 Effective exchange rates

  11.3 Real effective exchange rates

  12.1 Short-term interest rates

  12.2 Short-term interest rates, 2008

  13.1 Inflation in industrial countries

  13.2 The Economist commodity price indicator

  13.3 Changes in producer prices

  13.4 Compensation per employee in the business sector

  13.5 Changes in consumer prices

  Chapter 1

  Interpreting economic indicators

  An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn’t happen today.

  Dr Laurence J. Peter

  All politicians seem able to demonstrate that their party presided over the fastest economic growth, the biggest fall in unemployment or the lowest inflation. Common sense suggests that they cannot all be correct. How can you interpret such claims?

  This book shows how economic figures can be manipulated to demonstrate almost anything. More important, it explains how to read them, cut through any media hype and make up your mind about what they show, requiring no prior knowledge of economics or statistics. It deals with all the most important economic indicators and answers questions such as the following.

  What are they? What are GDP, the invisibles balance, the terms of trade, the labour force?

  What do they cover? What is included in retail sales data, what is not in GDP, who is in the labour force?

  What is their significance? What do GDP, capacity utilisation or the terms of trade tell us?

  Where and when are they are published? Should you look for weekly figures from the central bank, monthly information from a private organisation, quarterly numbers from the Department of Commerce, and so on?

  How reliable are they? Reasonably reliable in the case of spending by a particular government department, reasonably unreliable in the case of the size of the labour force. Who knows how many people not registered as unemployed would come forward if jobs were suddenly available?

  Will they be revised or are the first-reported figures set in stone? For example, GDP data are revised endlessly, consumer-price data rarely.

  How should they be interpreted? The most important question.

  Why interpret economic figures?

  There are as many reasons for interpreting economic indicators as there are published statistics. You may want to:

  get the best return on investing your money;

  measure companies and their products;

  judge if the time is right to give the go-ahead to a new capital investment project, to launch a takeover or to move into new markets;

  get a better understanding of how an economy is performing;

  judge the government’s economic policies;

  obtain a feel for an unfamiliar economy;

  compare several countries;

  make a forecast; or

  simply obtain a better understanding of the news.

  The countries

  This book takes a global view and is intended as a guide to interpreting economic indicators worldwide.

  Since it would be cumbersome if not impossible to list figures for all countries, the tables generally show data for the largest industrial countries and the leading developing countries. Where appropriate, totals or averages are also shown for the OECD and the euro area (see definitions below).

  The Economist includes over 40 countries each week, with more on its website, This book therefore provides the background to these figures and the historical data behind the up-to-the-minute information.


  If at times undue attention seems to be given to America, it is because the American economy occupies such a dominant position, accounting as it does for about one-fifth of world output and over one-third of the output of the industrialised countries.

  Bankers, financiers and politicians worldwide depend on economic events in America. For example, apart from the direct effects on the major financial markets, a change in the dollar’s exchange rate affects the prices of many internationally traded commodities such as oil, and influences trade balances worldwide, especially those of the 40 or so countries with currencies directly pegged to the dollar.

  Country groups

  In 2008 total world economic output was around $60,000 billion a year at market exchange rates and $70,000 billion a year at purchasing power parity.
Table 1.1 shows how this was split among advanced and developing countries, and various other groups which are sometimes used as a basis for analysis. The terminology and definitions are internationally accepted and are used by the World Bank (IBRD) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), among others.

  Table 1.1 World output

  Developing countries

  Of the 183 countries in Table 1.1, the 122 developing countries account for over one-third of world output. Of these the 47 sub-Saharan African states account for less than one-fortieth of world output. Many of them are debt-laden, with slow economic growth and low income per head. They are used in this book as an example of one of the extremes of economic performance.


  At the other extreme, the four Asian newly industrialised countries (NICs) – Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan – account for 3.7% of world output. Their economic growth rates – and those of China (the world’s third largest economy), Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand – were among the highest in the world in the 1980s and 1990s, up to the Asian crisis of 1997.

  Key regional and economic groups

  Group of Seven (G7)

  Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the United States, which together accounted for over 50% of world GDP in 2008, measured at market exchange rates; over 40% using purchasing-power parity exchange rates. The G8 includes Russia.

  European Union (EU – 27 countries)

  Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the UK.

  Euro area (16 countries)

  Eleven of the EU’s member states (Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain) adopted a single currency, the euro, on January 1st 1999. Greece joined on January 1st 2001, Slovenia on January 1st 2007, Cyprus and Malta on January 1st 2008 and Slovakia on January 1st 2009. Economic statistics for the euroarea, as well as national economies, are published in The Economist each week. Table 1.2 gives some key data on the euro area countries.

  Table 1.2 Selected countries compared, 2008

  Advanced countries (IMF definition – 33)

  Euro area members plus Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Iceland, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and the United States, plus the four newly industrialised Asian economies.

  Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD – 31)

  As at May 2010, the euro area (without Cyprus, Malta or Slovenia) and other G7 countries plus Australia, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Iceland, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey. The term industrial countries is used in this book to refer to the OECD. Strictly speaking the two are not quite the same since the OECD includes some emerging countries but they account for only a small amount of OECD economic output.


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