Fueled by Lust: Maxim (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Fueled by Lust: Maxim (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 5

by Celeste Prater

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” She gestured around in the air and tried to catch her breath. “No, that was it. I didn’t report it stolen, so obviously, I’m not supposed to get on a plane. Looks like I’ll be getting a dog, too.”

  Allison looked puzzled, and Skylar chuckled.

  “Greyhound bus line…a dog?” She got her last round of laughs from the crowd and sympathetic pats on the back as the group parted and let her through. Skylar snorted and thought of her spectral visitor. Lovely. Loads of fun. I don’t know whether to blame that one on you or not, but cut me some slack will you? Are you going to be nice and show me the sign to the bus terminal? No? Perfect!

  * * * *

  Maxim groaned upon hearing the flight delay announcement and slumped back in the uncomfortable plastic chair he’d been parked in for the last hour. Great, just what I needed. Let’s see how much more fucked up this trip can get.

  Severe turbulence coming into Los Angeles had left his stomach in an uproar, and hunting down Richard Jimenez had been a chore. That male was a whirlwind of activity. If he hadn’t been in a meeting, he was out scouting new venues for his increasingly popular male revue group. When he did finally find him two days later, it was a dead end. Caelius had performed as scheduled, yet he was unable to accept their invitation of another appearance. He had no idea where he was. Maxim had been tempted to take Jimenez up on the offer of a guest spot at their next show, but figured he better get his butt home.

  Peering out the wide glass window separating him from the plane he should be on right now, Maxim cringed when he saw shadowed bodies scurrying around the belly of the beast. Flashlights were swinging beams of light all over the ground and back to the underside of the wings. Fuck, did something fall off?

  Shuddering, he hunkered back down in the seat and decided he might need to take an alternate way home. Through the night sky in a hurtling metal tube that may, or may not, drop pieces off while thirty thousand feet in the air didn’t seem like something he could stomach at the moment. He turned back just in time to see the guy sitting across from him coming to the same conclusion. They both grimaced and looked over to the customer service area. People were packed shoulder to shoulder and trying to jockey for position. Screw that. He’d just wait it out and get a refund.

  Maxim sent out a mind-call to Cato and got nothing. The brother was locked down tight. Similar calls to Kallon, Petrus, Severus, and Drusus resulted in a complete black out. What in the hell? He was just about to try Nikos and Chiron when a round of raucous laughter drew his attention back to the customer service area. He couldn’t hear what was being said, but someone was obviously cracking up the airline staff behind the counter. Soon, the long line of people were craning their necks and trying to get a peek at whatever had everyone’s attention. Gradually, small smiles were lifting their lips.

  Intrigued, Maxim leaned forward and finally got a brief glimpse of a woman standing at the counter. Her hands were flying around in the air and the golden-brown spiral curls that fell all the way to her waist were swaying and bouncing across her back. She wore a blue patterned broom skirt that fell to her ankles and a white, spaghetti-strap tank top. A tattoo of a three-phased moon graced her left shoulder blade. Her feet were clad in pretty, tan sandals, and he caught a glimpse of a glittering ankle bracelet before the crowd swallowed her up again.

  Leaning back, he slipped his phone out of his pocket, dialed Cato, and got no answer. Kallon’s rang, but went immediately to voice mail. Well, hell. I guess everyone got invited to the party except me. Scrolling through the numbers, he selected Petrus’s and made it to the third ring before the phone drifted away from his ear. He was stunned.

  The counter comedian was now gliding effortlessly through the parting crowd. She appeared to float along on a cloud. If her feet were truly hovering above the ground, he failed to notice. His eyes were riveted on the most stunning face he’d ever encountered. She was breathtakingly beautiful. It was her eyes more than anything else. They were as pale blue as a robin’s egg and circled with thick, dark lashes.

  Maxim couldn’t tear his gaze away. She’d stopped on the edge of the crowd and was asking a couple if they knew how to get to the bus terminal. Her voice was melodic and ethereal. She thanked them and turned his way. Realizing he was staring at her like an idiot, Maxim turned to the guy sitting across from him. Shit. Had his face worn that same ridiculous expression of adoration?

  Unable to help himself, he glanced back to her and was shocked to see she was now staring at him. Her eyes were wide and her lips were parted as if she was surprised. The closer she drew to him, the higher her brows rose. He felt his stomach clench when she spoke. Tingles shot up his spine and he shivered.


  Frowning, Maxim glanced to the right. He was the only “you” sitting on this side of the row of connected chairs. When he turned back to her, he watched her mouth open in surprise as her foot caught the edge of a suitcase sticking out in the aisle. She lost her footing, and he leapt from his chair. Without thought, Maxim reached out to stop the inevitable plunge to the ground. The moment she clutched his arm, their eyes locked. He rolled to the side to give her something else to land on beside the hard tiles.

  Back slamming onto the floor, Maxim felt the air rush from his lungs. Her generous breasts pressed heavily against his chest before she rolled away. An intense electrical surge rushed through his system and bent his spine to the point he thought it would snap in two. Agony and bliss warred with each other to determine which one would finally kill him. He heard shouts, but they sounded muted and far away. His mind tried to reason why someone was stabbing the hollow of his throat, yet running a soothing palm across his forehead at the same time.

  Feeling a hard tug on his hand, Maxim freed whatever he’d been grasping. Gritting his teeth, he fought to stay lucid as whatever was destroying him decided to finish it or go away. Something snatched his other hand, and he latched on as if it was the tenuous thread to continued breathing. He opened his eyes and everything made sense.

  Frightened, pale blue eyes bore into his before she looked up at the gathering crowd and frowned. He watched her beautiful lips moving as she shouted for everyone to back up and give him room to breathe. Her free hand was up and pointing for everyone to get away. She was fierce in her protection of him, despite bearing the red marks where his fingers had squeezed her wrist too tightly. She was his. This was his mate. Fighting for air, Maxim tugged on her hand until she looked down to him. Silky tresses caressed his arms as she leaned closer. He strained to push words from his throat before he either passed out or died from the thunderous electrical storm inside his body.

  “Don’t leave me, mellis. Please don’t leave.”

  Chapter 6

  “Don’t worry. I won’t leave. You’ll be okay.” Son of a bitch! It’s the guy in my dream. Holy shit! He’d said the exact same thing, too. Skylar knew she was gaping at him, but she couldn’t seem to move her frozen body. The memory of him standing tall and proud in the doorway kept flipping through her mind. When the loincloth made an appearance in her freaked brain, she tore her gaze away from the intensity of his mesmerizing, gray eyes.

  This man was already deadly enough in the black T-shirt, faded blue jeans, and combat boots. Remembering him half-naked with all of that gorgeous flesh exposed could easily send her into cardiac arrest. When he stopped writhing in agony, she glanced down his body to see if there were any obvious injuries. That was her excuse, anyway.

  Geezus! He was rockin’ a massive hard-on. Now? Grabbing her purse from the floor, she slung it on top of his lap to save him from future embarrassment and winced when he grunted. Damn stone! She smoothed his brow in apology. Okay, not a dream. He’s real. Got it! Spirit, you sent that vision. What is he to me? Why is he hurt? What do I do? Too freaked to channel, she looked up in relief when the airport medical staff showed up.

  “Miss, please step aside so we can assess him.”

  Skylar started to rise, bu
t the grip to her hand increased. Her dream man rolled over to his side and tried to lift himself up with one shaking arm. She was relieved to see his erection had gone down. Grabbing him around the waist, she struggled to help him up and onto his chair. Damn, he was heavy. Not once did he try to release her hand.

  Unable to do anything else, she sat next to him while the medical staff hovered around him. They lifted the sleeve of his black T-shirt and tried to attach a blood pressure cuff to his massive bicep while another one directed a penlight into his eyes. He batted them all away and then he spoke. It was a deep, rumbling, heavily accented, sensual voice, just like the dream. Her skin instantly pebbled.

  “I’m fine. You can leave now. No, take that off. I’m good. Thanks.”

  “Sir, are you refusing medical treatment?”


  “Are you able to sign this release?”


  She watched as he scribbled his name on the document they practically shoved into his face. He was left-handed, just like her. His penmanship was atrocious, just like hers. She tried to hide her untimely smile.

  “Sir, we advise that you not leave the airport until you’re able to stand on your own. Can you understand me?”

  “Got it.”

  “Miss, are you his wife? We can’t let him leave if he’s alone.” Skylar didn’t even hesitate.

  “Yes. I’m his wife. We’re good.” She glanced over to the mystery man to find his eyes locked to hers. She felt him squeeze her hand. She squeezed back. The paramedic sighed, put his equipment away, and stood up.

  “Okay, then. If he experiences any other episodes before you’re able to leave, we’ll come back. Be careful.” She smiled at him sweetly and wished they would just go away.

  “Thank you. Sorry for the trouble.”

  Moments later, they were alone in the seating area. She finally got the nerve to look at him again. He was staring at her as if he was seeing her for the first time. He searched every inch of her face, as if trying to memorize it. She felt her cheeks heat and glanced down to their entwined hands. It didn’t look like he was going to let her loose anytime soon. She cleared her throat.

  “Are you diabetic or epileptic? You scared me.” She looked up when he spoke.

  “Neither. I’m sorry I frightened you. I’ve been traveling for a while. I guess I pushed it too far. I have my second wind now. I’m fine.”

  “Good…that’s good. You’re starting to get your color back. Okay, then, so I’m guessing you can let my hand go now.” He didn’t.

  “Why did you tell them you were my wife?”

  Skylar rolled her eyes and glanced to the crowd standing at the customer service counter. He was just too intense, so powerful.

  “Well, it was better than going into a spiel about tripping all over you on our first encounter. Thought the wife bit would make them go away faster.” She heard him chuckle.

  “It worked. Thanks.”

  “No problem.”

  “Are you married? Have a boyfriend?”

  She looked back to him and snorted before she could stop herself.

  “Nope and nope. Just little ole’ me.”


  Her hand began to tingle, as if they were sharing energy between their palms. Despite his increased grip, she snatched her hand away and slipped it inside her purse. Grabbing a water bottle, she shoved it toward him.

  “Here. It’s unopened.” She felt a slight tingle as his long fingers brushed against hers.


  Mesmerized, she watched the strong muscles in his throat work as he drank down the water. She noticed a silver necklace dangling from his neck. It twinkled with each gulp and lay trapped between his big pecs. It was some type of animal tooth or claw-shaped pendant. She couldn’t tell.

  “That’s an interesting necklace.”

  He placed the empty bottle on the chair next to him, reached up, and snagged the chain. His eyes widened as he stared at the tooth resting in his large palm. His other hand lifted, and he absently stroked the hollow of his throat. His words were barely a whisper.

  “Wow. Never thought I’d feel that.”

  “Feel what?”

  He quickly glanced up to her.

  “Nothing. I’m rambling. Ignore me.”

  She snorted.

  “You’re kind of hard to ignore.”

  He smiled and she lost the ability to think, so she jumped up from the chair instead. He immediately stood and his wide shoulders blocked everything behind him. He looked like a pro football player. Maybe he was a defensive lineman. He was huge.

  “What’s your name?”

  She blinked up at him a few times and tried to find her voice.

  “Skylar. What’s yours?”


  “Hi, Maxim.”

  They both chuckled, filling the gap of awkwardness building between them. He seemed to recover before she could get the lump out of her throat.

  “So, I heard you ask someone where the bus terminal was. Where’re you going?”


  His brows rose.

  “Texas? Righteous. I happen to be going there, too.”

  “Really? Are you from there?”

  “Yes. Uh…not originally, but I live there now. Are you?”

  She sighed. “No. I’ve never been.”

  “Oh. So, you’re going to visit someone?”

  “Not that I’m aware of.”


  “Nothing. I’m just traveling and don’t know where I’ll end up. I’m taking it one step at a time.”

  “Why don’t you let me buy you a plane ticket and we’ll go together.”

  Skylar stared at him for a few beats. She hadn’t gotten even a bleep of a message from the spirit since he’d starting writhing in agony on the floor. Was she supposed to go with him?

  “Uh…I probably shouldn’t. It doesn’t feel right.”

  “I won’t hurt you, Skylar. Please don’t be afraid of me.”

  She actually thought she saw sadness in his eyes.

  “Oh! No. I meant I shouldn’t fly on a plane. Sorry, that didn’t come out right.”


  “Because I have a tendency to blurt out the exact thoughts running through my mind at any given moment.” She watched his lips lift into a smile.

  “No, I meant the plane. Why can’t you fly?”

  Skylar felt her face redden. Damn, she hadn’t blushed this much since she was twelve.

  “Ah. There you go. I just proved my point. Okay, let me see if I can explain myself without wrecking the outcome. I have a feeling that I shouldn’t fly. As soon as I tried to buy a ticket, the first flight delayed. When I attempted to get on another one they said my credit card was reported stolen, which is ridiculous since it’s still in my purse, so, that’s enough signs for me. I’m keeping to the ground.”

  She waited for the inevitable “crazy lady in the vicinity” look. He surprised her with an understanding expression and a nod.

  “Okay, no planes then. What’s your preference?”

  Skylar narrowed her eyes and cocked her head. This wasn’t a response she was used to receiving. It was too easy.

  “I just told you that I’m basing my travel plans off a feeling and you don’t have any concerns…you know…about my mental stability?” She drank in the rich laughter that rumbled from his chest.

  “Why in the hell would I think you’re crazy? You go with your gut, nothing wrong with that.”

  Skylar tried to read his expression and found nothing that would lead her to believe he was full of shit.

  “You know, I should be worried that you’re accepting this so easily. This is usually when I see the guy’s backside as he’s trying to escape.” Damn, he was stunningly gorgeous when that smile hit his face.

  “Their loss. In my culture, we believe in listening to your inner voice. It has much to say, and it’s usually dead on. I wasn’t looking forward to
getting on another one myself. I saw them searching the ground around the delayed plane, so I think something fell off it. My gut told me to park it and wait to get a refund. I’ll follow your lead, Skylar. You might be on to something.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “Absolutely. I’m going to fess up and let you know that I’m not looking forward to riding on a bus, so how about I get us a rental and we’ll take it from there.”

  Skylar felt her mouth drop open. Was he even real?

  “Why would you do that? You don’t even know me.”

  “You saved me, sweetness. I could be in the back of an ambulance right now. I’m already heading to Texas and it’s the least I can do. I saw how fierce you got when the crowd was closing in on me. That means something to me. You protected me, now it’s my turn to do the same.”

  Skylar felt her gut clench. Had the spirit pushed him to watch over her? Was this poor man a victim of circumstance? Had he suffered while the entity entered his body? Damn, this was so confusing. Especially since the spirit appeared to have gone completely silent.

  “You want to protect me?”

  “Nothing would make me happier.”

  “Why would you think I need protection?”

  He shrugged and leaned closer.

  “If not protection, then at least we’ll get a chance to know each other better. Would that be so bad?”

  Skylar decided that she should think this one through before blurting out her first response of, “Hell yeah, you can follow me anytime, you gorgeous hunk of man.” Obviously, spirit had thrown them together, but it bothered her that he had no clue as to why. She’d have to be careful with how much information she shared. She didn’t need another man deciding she was a prime candidate for the nut house. Taking a deep breath, she made her decision.

  “Okay, I’ll share a ride with you, but I have one stipulation.” She fought back the insane urge to caress his face and run her thumb across his beautiful lips when he gave her another panty-melting smile.


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