Fueled by Lust: Maxim (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Fueled by Lust: Maxim (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 16

by Celeste Prater

  Skylar glanced down and realized she was twisting her fingers together. She hadn’t done that in years. She tried to organize her thoughts to keep from leaping across the table and kissing him. For two years, she’d been on her own. All of her rambling thoughts, angst, heartbreak, and fear held tightly to her chest with no one worth sharing them with anywhere in sight. Dr. Martin had been close to her parents, but he was more like a jovial uncle to her, not someone you could split your head open and spill the ugly into their life. She looked up and found Maxim relaxed in his chair, waiting patiently while she got her shit together.

  With each passing moment, this beautiful, alien man sitting across from her was steadily stealing her heart. Deep down, if she really allowed herself to look at it closely, she was already past the point of no return. He was irresistible. It felt like years had passed since the moment her eyes had spotted him sitting in that chair at the airport. How was that even possible?

  Was this what her mom and dad had felt when they’d met that day in the campus library? Had their stomachs tried to float away while they tried to calm their racing hearts and speak without tripping over their own tongues? Blossoming warmth spread through her chest. She leaned forward and braced her forearms on the table. If this was the real deal, it was time to show him what he was getting into—warts and all.

  “Daddy died on a Thursday. By the following Tuesday, I was rolling around on the floor of a courtroom and fighting an orderly that was trying to stick a needle in my arm because the psychiatrist said I was having a hysterical moment. I guess I should’ve tried to remain calm, but when you’re looking into the eyes of your aunt and uncle and they’re telling a judge that you’re mentally unstable, my first instinct was to fight. The part that hurt the most was listening to my so-called boyfriend, Nick, reveal every vision that I had while we were together.” She yanked her fingers apart and took a sip of water. This was harder than she’d thought.

  “Go on baby, I’m listening.”

  Just the sound of his soothing voice brought her shoulders down a few notches.

  “I spent all day Friday in a drugged stupor at my commitment hearing and helplessly watched co-workers, my neighbors, and people I’d thought were my friends seal my fate. Every one of them had a personal story to tell the judge. Small instances where I would warn someone of something became exaggerated tales of my ever-increasing loss of reality. Their pitiful, sympathetic faces are burned into my memory. When the hearing was over, my aunt and uncle had power of attorney over me, and I was carted off to a state hospital. I spent six months apologizing to a panel of strangers for lying to my family and making things up. I had to do that just to get the doctors to finally claim I was sane and was only seeking attention.”

  Looking up to the ceiling, Skylar took a deep breath and tried to get through the next part without crying. She felt like she’d pulled off an old scab, only to learn that it still festered inside.

  “I walked out of the hospital thinking that I could push all of that shit behind me, get back home, and start new. Boy was I wrong. My aunt and uncle had claimed dad’s life insurance proceeds, gave Nick my dad’s Chevelle, sold my granny’s house she’d left me in her will, and threw away every bit of personal property I owned. I had absolutely nothing left except my mom’s Tarot cards I’d had in my purse when they nabbed me.” With each word, she felt like layers of hardened shell were falling away. It finally felt good to verbalize what she’d locked away for so long.

  “The only person I trusted was Dr. Martin. I never told him what happened to me. He’d only flown back in to the states to attend the funeral and left the next day for a dig stint overseas. I hung out at some shelters for about two weeks until he returned. He let me stay in his guesthouse until I got back on my feet. I used my breakup with Nick as the excuse to why I was homeless. When the job at HAB became available, he hired me. I was able to get my apartment and became independent again. I got the courts to rescind the power of attorney since I repented. It was hard to hold my tongue in the hearing after I learned that my aunt and uncle had gone through the money in under two months. The last thing I needed was to get hauled off to the looney-bin again. I just gritted my teeth and got through it. So, that’s it. I’ve got a history that I can’t scrub away.”

  Skylar felt her eyes widen when she realized that Maxim had leaned forward and was white-knuckle gripping the edge of the table. She watched his jaws clench before he released his breath on a hard rush. He was pissed—for her.

  “Gods damn it, Skylar. I feel like I want to kill something. What they did to you is so dishonorable. No wonder you find it hard to trust anyone.” He clasped her hands and took a deep cleansing breath.

  “I’m in awe of you, sweetness. You’re so strong. They didn’t break you. I feel honored that you’ve placed your trust in me. I’m sorry that I didn’t recognize how hard that was for you.”

  Skylar smiled and enjoyed the warmth of his hands sinking into hers.

  “Thanks for believing in me, Maxim. Just talking about it makes me feel ten times lighter.”

  “Anytime. I’m here for you, baby. You got that?”

  She nodded and pulled her hands back when the waiter approached with their food. When he finally walked away, she looked up and gave Maxim her brightest smile.

  “Now I’m happy again. I’ve been dreaming of this steak all day.”

  “Good. I like seeing you like this.”

  Despite the tantalizing smell, Skylar could only finish half and a small portion of her potato. She leaned on the table and watched appreciatively as Maxim polished off his T-Bone and everything else in the vicinity. He didn’t argue when she forked the rest of her rib eye and placed it on his plate. He was a big boy and needed the fuel.

  When he took the last bite, she reached over and caressed the edge of the tattoo peeking out from below his right sleeve. She’d gotten a brief look at it when he’d wrapped her in his arms and turned her to mush in front of the mirror. Her skin tingled at the memory. His gaze lifted to hers.

  She motioned for him to lift his sleeve, and he complied. It was an elaborate coat-of-arms. The background was a vivid blue and gray filigree of twisting vines. A knight’s helmet sat above a banner bearing a Red Crescent moon on each end and a star in the center. Underneath was a blue flag with two yellow spears crossed at the middle. Four yellow boars’ heads situated evenly between each open slot circling the spears. Elaborate script spelling out “House of Spears” lay below the image.

  “This is beautiful, Maxim. It’s your middle name. Tell me about this. I have a feeling there’s a meaningful story behind it.”

  Glancing down to the tat, Maxim rubbed along each spear and nodded.

  “Thank you. Yes, there’s definitely a story.” He glanced back up with a faraway look in his eyes.

  “This is my mother’s name and family lineage. For years, she’d been intrigued with knowing more about her Earthbound ancestors. My father adored her and made it a mission to find out all he could. He discovered this coat of arms, had it replicated to full size and splendor, and presented it to her on her birthday. I’ll never forget the ecstatic look on her face at what he’d done. His reward was her smile. When she passed and I came to Earth, I had it placed here as a memorial to her.”

  Skylar reached out and covered his hand with hers. “That is so damn sweet…of both of you. I knew you had to come from a loving family. We have that in common. In fact, we both placed a memorial to our mothers’ on our skin. Did you see the two crescent moons on each side of a full moon that I have on my back?” She grinned when he nodded enthusiastically and waggled his eyebrows.

  “I made sure not to miss one single inch of your beautiful flesh while you slept.” His demeanor then sobered.

  “Tell me what it represents for you, Skylar.”

  “My mother was Wiccan. Do you know what that is?”

  Maxim nodded. “We studied Earth culture and that included the varying religions and this isn’t one of the
book-based concepts. There’s a belief in multiple facets of deity without a central authoritative figure as well as a deep reverence for nature and all of its magical properties. I know there’s much more to it, but it’s similar to our own principles on Insedivertus. Are you Wiccan?”

  Shaking her head, she leaned back in her chair. “Not really. I was raised around it, but mom never shoved her beliefs down anyone’s throat. That’s not their way. She owned a new age shop, and I spent a lot of time there. I still love the smell of patchouli oil. She encouraged me to grow my skills, but I pushed them aside a lot until after her death. Maybe I’d have better control if I’d paid more attention to her. I haven’t embraced any religion, but the concept definitely appeals to me. I like their belief in what you put out into the world, whether it’s good or bad will come back to you three-fold. I just do what I feel is natural and try to be a good person. I don’t want to hang a sign on it or anything. It is what it is.”

  Maxim grunted and raised an eyebrow. “Well, I think your aunt and uncle are going to get bitch-slapped all to hell and back by karma. I hope I get to witness it.”

  Skylar burst out laughing and clamped her hand over her mouth when she got a few stares. She leaned in and whispered, “You ready to get out of here?”

  Chuckling, Maxim nodded and helped her from the chair. He paid for the meal and followed her out of the restaurant. She started to veer left, but he snatched her hand and dragged her over to a flower cart in the middle of the breezeway. He bought her a single red rose, just on the cusp of blooming. He had the young man clip all the thorns off the stem before he presented it to her.

  “Here, sweetness. I couldn’t pass this without getting you the prettiest one.”

  Taking the flower, Skylar placed it to her nose and inhaled. She watched his lips lift into a smile, and she leaned against him when he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. He pulled her tight against his side and walked lazily with her through the courtyard.

  “Thank you, Maxim. That’s so damn sweet. Despite your appearance of being a total badass, you have such a tender giving side. Go figure, I had to hook up with an alien to find someone that won’t run for the hills when I look like I need an exorcist.” She glanced up when he laughed.

  “I think you look cute as hell when your eyes are rolling back in your skull. Do me a favor. Same deal as the blow dryer. Never tell my brothers that I’m a pushover. It’s like loading the bullet for them.”

  She poked him in the rib and made him stop walking. She looked up to him, cocked her head, and smiled.

  “I doubt they’re clueless to your charm, Maxim. You know, I could very easily fall in love with you, so don’t let me get too sappy. I don’t want to run you off or ruin what we’ve got going on here.” She was surprised when he lifted her arm, kissed her wrist and palm, and then leaned down to her. His voice was mesmerizing.

  “You have no idea how refreshing it is to have a female that’s so honest, so I’m going to return the favor. You get as sappy as you want, because you’ll get no complaint out of me.”

  Their lips had barely touched when she felt tingles dancing across the back of her neck, and it wasn’t from his intoxicating smell or the feel of his soft hair against her fingers. Someone was watching them. She broke away from the kiss and pulled his head down to whisper in his ear.

  “Don’t look up, but I think someone’s eyeballing us and it doesn’t feel friendly. My skin’s crawling from it. What do we do?” Relief washed over her when he didn’t hesitate in backing her toward the wall. He snuggled against her neck, grabbed her hand, and whispered back.

  “I’m looking in the glass behind you and I see two guys about thirty meters back with a serious bead on us. Everyone else is oblivious. I’m going to head for an exit. Keep up, baby.”

  Skylar nodded and tried to stop her heart from pounding out of her chest. The urge to look back was overwhelming, but she knew better. Despite his long strides, she was able to stay glued to his side and they quickly burst out of the side doors. She looked up and watched Maxim’s head swivel to both sides before pulling her to the right. They were deep behind the thick, tall shrubbery lining the building before she could catch her breath.

  There was enough room to move without disturbing the foliage, and she realized they could easily run down the edge and slip around the far end if needed. He’d also pulled them into a pocket of blackness between the glaring overhead lights. It was a good spot. She quickly set her bag on the ground before her shivering revealed their location. Maxim pulled her tight against his body the moment the two men raced out of the door. She buried her nose against his chest and was comforted that his heartbeat was steady and sure. She instantly relaxed.

  Unable to hold back her curiosity, Skylar glanced to the side and watched the guys walk out into the parking lot and swivel around as if they were trying to find something. Both had blond hair, muscular builds, and black fatigues. One of them lifted his hand and whistled to the other. They met up at a black SUV with darkened windows and two more crawled out. When they fanned out over the parking lot, she sighed and tried to keep her voice low.

  “Well, it’s not theory anymore. They’re definitely looking for us. How in the hell did they know where to find us?”

  Chapter 19

  Maxim slowly ran his hand down her hair and cursed under his breath. “Well, at least we parked on the other side of the building, but I might need to turn the H3 in. The thing sticks out too much and the California plates don’t help.”

  She poked him in the belly. “Hey, maybe you can get a Prius this time. They’d never find us then.” She suppressed her chuckle when he tightened his lips to keep from laughing.

  He wrapped her up in his arms and pulled her close. They gently rocked each other as they waited out their pursuers. Ten minutes later, three of them piled back into the SUV while another one stood outside the vehicle with a phone attached to his ear while getting his ass reamed by whoever in the hell wanted her so badly. The clenched jaw and grim twist to his lips was a dead giveaway. The guy stuffed the phone in his shirt, cursed, and got in the car. He left black streaks on the pavement before his taillights gradually mingled with the other cars along the service road.

  Skylar reached down to collect her bag, and Maxim pulled her back up.

  “No. Let’s stay a little longer until we’re sure they’re not bluffing. If they catch us out in the open, I’ll have to break some necks.”

  “Ah. I didn’t think of that.” She smiled up at him and cocked her head.

  His eyebrow rose. “What?”

  “You’re so protective. I like it. You know what else I like?” She slid her hand down his chest, over his ridged abs, and gently cupped his crotch. He was already hard as a post and her eyes widened.

  “Damn, Maxim.”

  He gave her a sheepish grin. “I can’t help it. I get anywhere near you and the beast wants out.”

  She grinned and flipped his belt open. His palms slapped hard against the wall when she slid the zipper down and slowly pushed his jeans past his hips until the waistband caught just under his delectable ass. Her hands glided over the sculpted flesh, squeezed, and then moved away. A low, agonizing groan pushed from his lips as she slowly lowered to her knees while blowing hot breath down the length of the rigid cock standing long and thick against his belly.

  Skylar made sure her voice was soft and hushed while her hands inched unhurriedly up the side of his thighs, massaging the tightened muscles along the way.

  “Remember when I told you that certain things turned me on, Maxim?” She flattened her hands on his groin, inches from his tightened balls.


  That one word was barely a whisper as he stared at her. His thick meat bounced against his shirt in time to her heartbeat. It would bob down, as if trying to get a look at her and then slam back against his stomach if she so much as moved her pinky. The bulbous tip looked purple and angry, yet glistened with his pleasure.

  She sta
red into his steel-gray eyes, daring him to look away. He didn’t. She rewarded with a sly smile and licked her lips.

  “This is one of those times, baby. Look around you. People are walking past and have no idea we’re back here. Any minute, someone could catch us. What would they find, Maxim? Will your hands be buried in my hair as you’re pushing down the back of my throat? Maybe they’ll see my tongue gliding along your hard flesh as I lick every inch of this beautiful, thick cock. Would you force me to stop enjoying your body, or would you pretend that they weren’t there. Do you want me to stop, Maxim? Just say the word.” She suppressed a smile when he moaned.

  “No, don’t stop.”

  Skylar bent sideways and quickly retrieved the rose lying next to her bag. His eyes widened when she touched the bud to the side of his cock, lazily traced the soft petals downward, and then moved slowly up the other side to the tip. His breath hitched when she swirled the bud around the tender head.

  She shifted closer and dragged the tip of her tongue along his ball sac. The skin tightened, and she could see that his belly was trembling. Leaning back, she set the rose aside, grasped the side of his knee, and glanced to the right and then back to his gorgeous face as a large group of people filed out of the mall. She purposefully set an edge to her voice, signaling her urgency.

  “Wrap your fist at the base. Hold it out for me. Hurry before someone catches us.”

  He was barely able to croak out his words as he did what she asked.


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