Fueled by Lust: Maxim (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Fueled by Lust: Maxim (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 29

by Celeste Prater

  She leaned down and he felt her plush breasts slipping against his sweat-slicked flesh. Every time the half-circle rings traced patterns on his chest, chills skittered across his skin and his dick kicked hard inside her. Her hair fell about their shoulders, silky strands teasing his neck and whispering across his face. He ran his hand up her spine, feeling her muscles tightening and relaxing with each surge forward on his aching cock. His balls lifted and tingled in anticipation. He knew he wasn’t going to last.

  Maxim growled, rolled them over, captured her wrists above her head, dug his knees into the soft grass, and slid back into her wet heat. Pumping fast inside her, he watched her breasts bouncing to each hard pounding thrust, pushing him closer and closer to the edge. She was moaning and rolling her head side to side, thighs gliding against his waist, tightening as she thrust back to meet him. The sound of their flesh slapping together, her nails scraping across his skin, and her sweet cries loosed an inferno within his gut. He released her wrists and slapped his palms to the ground, trembling as he tried to control his muscles. His words came hoarse and strained.

  “Id est, ut opinor, tibi me sentire. Feel me as I take you. Ah, gods, you’re so beautiful. Te amo. I love you.”

  Skylar’s heels dug into his ass as she pulled him down, smashing against his undulating body. She ground out strained, panting words close to his ear.

  “Ah, your voice…it’s so beautiful. There…oh god…I’m there…I feel you…everything…I want everything.” She licked his ear and whispered, “Come for me.”

  Those simple words shoved him into the abyss. Maxim dug his fingers into the soil, shouted to the iridescent sky of Insedivertus, and released heavily into her body. Wracking spasms of pleasure coursed through every molecule as his cum bathed her blistering sheath. Over and over he filled his beautiful mate, grunting and writhing in agonized bliss. He reveled in her cries of completion, her moist walls pulsating and gripping his flesh, pulling his seed deeper inside.

  Gasping for air, he looked down to make sure he wasn’t crushing her, and what he found split his heart wide. She was gazing up at him, a look of mesmerized wonder etched across her features as she watched him come down from the most erotic, satisfying encounter of his life. There it was. That look he’d seen on Lucien and Tana’s face. She loved him. He’d never felt more connected to a soul before in his life. Fear shot through his system at the thought that she could ever leave his life. He scooped his arms beneath her and rolled them to the side.

  Her eyes softened and she reached up to smooth her palm across his cheek. “I felt that, Maxim…your fear for me. I feel the same way. I can’t imagine living if you’re not with me. Let’s make a promise to always be careful and look out for each other. I love you.”

  Maxim pulled her close to his chest, kissing her soft hair. “Always, sweetness. I promise. I’ve said that I love you, but that word doesn’t seem big enough. I’ll have to make up a new one.”

  She chuckled and kissed his chest. “I bacon you. No way can you top that one.”

  Maxim rolled to his back, unable to stop his laughter as he cuddled his little minx to his body. He knew immediately that he’d been truly blessed by the gods.

  Chapter 33

  “Okay, I think you’ve scrubbed me enough. I’m starting to turn pink.”

  “I like you pink.” Maxim chuckled when Skylar glanced over her shoulder, rolled her eyes, and snorted.

  “I think that’s interesting that you’re saying that while your palm is glued to my ass.”

  He smiled, gave the luscious globe a soft pop, and lifted her from the water. “Which reminds me that we have another one of my fantasies to play out the first chance I get. I saw your face in the hotel room. You were seriously close to disobeying so you could get your hiney busted. I think I want you in a nurse’s outfit the next time. I have places on my body that ache. In fact, I need a thorough exam.” He set her on the ground and gave her his T-shirt to dry her glistening skin.

  He grinned when her eyebrows rose, piercing blue eyes darting back and forth as her brain digested the erotic image he’d provided.

  “Nurse, huh? That sounds promising. I could work with that. I’m going to need a stethoscope and a thermometer. You have no idea what I can do with—.”

  He pressed two fingers over her pouty lips. “Nope, don’t tell me. I like surprises, remember?” She chuckled and latched on to his waist. His eyebrows rose when she paused and then slowly ran her fingers down the prominent muscles curving over his hips and drifting at an angle toward his groin. She glanced up and gave him a puzzled look.

  “What exactly are these called? There’s something about them that makes me lose a pile of brain cells whenever I look at them.”

  Maxim chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. “Hell if I know. Penis pointers?” He enjoyed her raucous laughter and caught her wrists before she fell over.

  Skylar leaned forward and kissed his chest. “I love how easily you make me laugh.” She glanced to where he clasped her arms and waggled her brows. “Hmm, I think this is the clue that I may have to sleepwalk again to remind you that there’s another wrist that needs tying.”

  Chuckling, he placed a kiss on the appendage and then walked over to retrieve their boots. “I haven’t forgotten a damn thing, my little dove. If I have my way, you’ll be lashed to the bed and I’ll have that stethoscope—.”

  Maxim held a palm up. “Hold up, sweetness. Someone’s knocking on my skull. Join me if you can.” He watched her brow furrow in concentration and then she slipped into his mind. She gave him a wide smile. He nodded in appreciation of her increasing skill, yanked his jeans up, and sat down to pull his socks on.

  Yo, doc.

  Well, fuck! I wasn’t actually expecting to hear you. I’ve been trying to call you for hours. Everyone’s freaked that you disappeared like that. The emperor has Insedivertus locked down. He’s going to be so relieved.

  Wow, that’s huge. I didn’t realize I warranted that much attention.

  He was trying to keep your part quiet until we figured something out. No one was going to believe us anyway since you play so many tricks.

  Maxim grimaced. Ah, I guess I deserved that. He shook his head in mock disapproval when Skylar clamped her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing.

  He ended up having no choice when the ground began to shake, and the yushta trees went completely still. You’re good at the pranks, but that was a little over the top, even for you. We’ve never experienced anything like that before. It stood to reason that the citizens began to panic.

  Sorry, I wish I could have gotten with you sooner. We just got free and was about to give a shout out for someone to pick us up.

  Are you okay? I’ve walked a gods damn groove in the palace foyer. You’ve been gone for over seven hours.

  Maxim felt his brows rise. No shit? It only felt like two hours at the most. That’s freaky.

  That’s an understatement, Maxim. What pulled you into thin air? Where are you now?

  Slow your roll, amici. There’s too much to share, and I only want to tell it once. Let the emperor know that everything is more than fine and that he can stand down. There’s nothing trying to destroy us. He glanced over to Skylar and smiled when Kallon released a huff of breath.

  You’re right. I’ll chill. How’s Skylar?

  I’m fine, Kallon. Thanks for worrying for me.

  Hey, sweetness! I’m so happy to hear you. It sounds like the mind block problem is a thing of the past.

  Oh, yes. I’m definitely good to go now.

  Maxim, just tell me where we can find you. I’m not going to be right in the head until I actually see both of you.

  Aw, love you, too, brother. Tell Lucien that he’ll know where to find me. He shared pineapple with his mate within a cocoon of flowers right next to a pretty waterfall. He’ll know what that means.

  Maxim lifted his arm when Skylar walked over to him. He pulled her close and placed a soft kiss to her forehead. Let everyone
know that we have a wonderful story to share. Hurry up, my friend. I need to bring my mate home to meet her family. Oh, and tell the emperor that we have a message for him, and he’s not going to believe who asked us to deliver it.

  * * * *

  “What’s a Facebook?

  Baruch shrugged. “No clue. Where’d you hear that word?”

  Makar pointed over his shoulder to Ludo standing close to Petrus. Both had a palm planted on the club wall, staring at a bank of monitors sitting on a wide shelf next to the office, and shaking their heads in unison.

  “Ludo told Petrus if he had set up Facebook like he’d suggested, all the females would know that the club was closing early tonight.” Makar followed Baruch through the small opening that allowed them behind the bar.

  “Are they still arriving?”

  Petrus glanced back. “It’s starting to slow down. Perhaps I should’ve made the posted sign bigger. Some get out and pull at the door a few times before they decide to leave.”

  Ludo patted the center monitor, a big grin on his face. I love this thing. Cato hooked me up. Watch this.”

  Makar saw the image change to the back lot, the sides of the building, and then back to the covered drive.

  “Before, I’d have to walk the perimeter to see if anyone was lurking around. Look, another one’s coming.”

  A yellow car pulled to the front and four females poured out of the doors. They walked in a tight formation to the entranceway, wide smiles immediately disappearing as the driver read the sign. Still, they tugged at the door handle before finally giving up. They all watched as the vehicle full of disappointed females rolled down the curved drive and back onto the main roadway.

  Baruch nudged Petrus on the back and then walked toward the office. “I’ll make you a sign with big letters. We can attach it to the column at the end of the drive.”

  Petrus nodded. “Thanks. Make it simple. They need to see it from their vehicles before they continue driving up to the portico. I’m going to double check the restrooms for stray bodies. We need to be out of here in time to meet Sotarios at the hanger. He said he’s about thirty minutes away.”

  Makar chuckled. “Stray bodies?”

  Petrus rolled his eyes. “You have no idea. I’ve found females standing on the toilets so their feet don’t show underneath. They’ll wait until we’re not looking and then run into the dressing rooms to pounce on their favorite dancer. Earth females can be very aggressive sometimes, and not in a good way.”

  Both of their heads swiveled to the monitor when Ludo snorted. “Check this one out. It came through the drive, but instead of going toward the street, it went around to the back lot. That’s a dead giveaway that their looking for one of the warrior’s vehicles.”

  Makar watched as the small, black car moved slowly around Petrus and Ludo’s trucks and hesitated at the back bumpers. A dim light barely lit up the interior for a few moments, then extinguished. The video image was high quality, but he still couldn’t make out the driver or if there were more people inside. The windows were tinted, obscuring the interior. Eventually, it headed back the way it had arrived.

  Ludo flipped a switch on the equipment and worked a small toggle to cause the cameras to follow its slow progress around the side of the building. He leaned closer to the monitor when it drove across the street into a parking lot of an abandoned business, turned the headlights off, curved toward the club, and then slowly backed up into a shadowed area. He turned and looked at Petrus, a knowing look on his face.

  “Hmm, looks like we have a squatter.”

  Makar moved closer to the equipment. “What’s a squatter?”

  Ludo grunted. “Sometimes it’s a male waiting to catch his mate leaving the club so he can confirm that she lied about her whereabouts, but a majority of the time it’s a female that’s getting ready to follow one of the warriors as they leave. I’m betting Petrus has an admirer.” He laughed when Petrus’s eyes widened.

  “Not me. You’re the one that gets them stirred up with your teasing.”

  They all jumped when Baruch’s deep voice sounded behind them.

  “I’ll volunteer to go see who’s in there. I think it’ll be fun to release the air in the tires so we can make a fast getaway.”

  That statement brought about a round of hearty laughter. Makar raised his hand and waggled his eyebrows. “I’m game.”

  Ludo gestured toward the front. “Be my guest. I’ve scared off plenty in my time, let’s see how you fare. If you do well and ever decide to give up flying the emperor around, I’ll hire you.”

  Baruch snorted and handed the sign to Petrus. “Here, go set this up. It’ll give them something to do while we pay them a visit.”

  Grinning, Petrus reached under the bar and snatched a staple gun. “Let’s do it.”

  Taking a position next to the front entrance, Makar glanced over to Baruch. His mate’s eyes gleamed with mischief. He couldn’t wait for Petrus to push through the door. They gave each other a wide grin, nodded, and then misted. Following the warrior outside, he felt Baruch’s essence drift alongside his, the familiar energy vibrating with excitement.

  Easily gliding across the street, they approached the vehicle. Makar was happy to see the driver’s side window was lowered several centimeters to let in the cool night air. He heard Baruch’s devious chuckle slide through his mind.

  Let’s get inside and see how many times we can make them bat at their nose.

  You’re sick. I love it. Afterward, we can flip their lights off and on and watch them think their transport has come alive.

  Ah, that’s a good one. I like the way you think.

  You should, I learned all that shit from you.

  True. I’m glad you’ve been paying attention. I’ll take the passenger seat, and you get behind them.

  Got it.

  Together, they slipped through the opening and got into position. A small retractable light attached to the top of the steering wheel bathed the interior in a soft, muted glow. This was obviously the source of what he’d seen on the monitor. He was completely surprised by Baruch’s soft curse.

  Son of a bitch.


  Get up here.

  Gliding around his disturbed mate, Makar swirled onto the dashboard so he could get a full view of the front seat. It only took seconds for him to realize the cause of Baruch’s concern. What the fuck? Is that her?


  Makar couldn’t believe that he was staring into the face of the gorgeous doctor they’d found at the hospital—Keely. Her gaze was focused on Petrus attaching the sign to the post. As soon as he went back inside, she lifted a large black notebook and started writing. He moved closer, studying her. Just as before, the mere sight of her spectacular sea-green eyes undid him. Several strands of her dark hair had escaped her bun, softening her features. She was mesmerizing. Baruch’s deep voice snapped him out of his stupor.

  Did she follow us?

  That’s not possible. We were in energy form when we left.

  You’re right. Then what would make her park across from the same gods damn club we just happen to be in?

  Fuck if I know. She’s making notes in that journal. Let’s get behind her and see what she’s writing.

  Good idea.

  Drifting over the seat, Makar claimed the left side and Baruch the right before lifting over her shoulders to look down to the notebook propped against the steering wheel. Many frustrating minutes passed before she lifted the pen. She sat back, released her breath, and then just stared at the club. Thankfully, she left the journal open and resting on her thighs.

  Makar could make out several entries dating several weeks earlier. He focused on the most current. He began reading the delicate writing while Baruch followed along in his thoughts.

  Dr. Keely Anderson, first year resident with Austin Psychiatric. Journal entry 12: Patient 4956322, Monica Sewell, Patient 5734465, Scott Wharton, and Patient 5743624, Donald Brown.

  Inmates Sewell a
nd Wharton were seen for psychiatric evaluation at request of Austin Police Department. After several days of observation, all patients continue to report similar hallucinations. Patients insist that they don’t know each other, nor have similar acquaintances. Patient Brown reported similar incident, but it’s been determined that he’s repeating a story relayed to him by inmate Bryan Foster while they shared a holding cell.

  The commonality to each is an encounter with a member of the Heat Seekers Male Revue Club. All report that the parties involved during their alleged assaults (Severus Faal, Caelius Meron, and Cato Telarius) can dissipate into thin air. Cato Telarius is listed as being present at all incidents involving Sewell, Wharton, and Foster.

  Despite the evident mental issues documented for inmates Sewell and Wharton, both have been adamant and consistent in their reporting of this odd ability. Bryan Foster is not currently under psychiatric evaluation and refuses to cooperate. He claims he is fearful for his life. This warrants further investigation.

  I am unable to convince my superior to assist with my findings. Bryan Foster is a former police officer incarcerated for embezzlement. His testimony would bring validation to the possibility that the other two patient’s accusations merit attention. However, I’ve been ordered by my superior not to speak with the inmate again without prior approval from the department chief. I don’t foresee that being granted without empirical evidence to support my theory.

  I’ve made plans to meet with police officer Adam Johnson tonight to see if he’ll help me in this effort. His resources are far greater than mine are. Together, we should be able to collect the proof needed to open an investigation.

  Makar watched closely as she lifted her hand to continue writing. She hesitated, the pen hovering over the paper for several beats before she huffed out a hard breath and finished her note. Placing the cap back on the pen, she slipped it into her purse. She kept shaking her head as she stared at what she’d written, almost as if she couldn’t believe she’d actually committed her thoughts to paper.


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