When Good Things Happen to Bad Boys

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When Good Things Happen to Bad Boys Page 9

by Lori Foster, Erin McCarthy, HelenKay Dimon

  She was tight, but wet, making the way easy.

  Lost in her pleasure, her slender legs strained against his hold, but Axel had a hundred pounds on her and easily controlled her. By small degrees, he sank in, pulled back, sank in again, each time giving her another inch, each time relishing her aching moans and gasping breaths and the bite of her sharp nails on his shoulders.

  Her back arched, inadvertently giving him better access.

  Axel felt her clamping tight around his cock, felt the soft, slick giving of her body, felt himself touching against her womb, and he almost lost it.

  He looked at her face, twisted with exquisite need, her teeth sunk into her bottom lip, and he had to lock his jaw to hold back. But more than his own release, he wanted hers, he wanted to see her come, to know she belonged to him.

  As he leaned into her, thrusting harder, faster, her thighs pressed into her breasts and she went wild, crying out, struggling to match his rhythm, and then she was coming, her movements suspended, her breath held for a beat before she exhaled on a long, shuddering, high-pitched moan of surrender.

  Axel never once closed his eyes because looking at her, seeing her beneath him, made it that much better.

  When she was spent, he carefully freed her legs and rested atop her, enjoying the beat of her heart against his.

  She stroked his back with an idle hand. “You didn’t…?”

  “No, I didn’t.”


  Because he didn’t want it to end. Ever. “I want it to last a while longer.”

  “Oh.” Then she whispered, “You were wrong.”

  His own lust unappeased, Axel could barely breathe, much less think. “About?”

  “Liking it hard.”

  “I felt you come, Libby.”

  “Mmmm.” She gave him a brief hug. “But I don’t just like it. I love it fast and hard.”

  He turned his face in and kissed her throat, before lifting to his elbows to look at her. “What else do you love?”

  She nuzzled him, inhaling, breathing him in. “The way you smell after sex, all hot and male.”

  His big hand slid into her silky hair. “Anything else?”

  “I especially love feeling you on top of me.”

  Axel stared into her blue eyes with his heart full and his body taut. Slowly, he pulled back, then just as slowly, he sank in again. “Do you love this?”

  Her chest expanded on a breath. “Yes.”

  “And this?” He slid one hand beneath her bottom, arching her pelvis up to accept his next thrust.

  “That…ah, that, too.”

  Maintaining a leisurely pace, he kissed his way from her lips to her throat to her breast. “This?” And he suckled on a ripe nipple, tonguing her, leaving her wet and tight and hot.


  Suddenly he clamped down, sucking hard, thrusting harder. “Tell me,” he said, briefly lifting his head, his fingers digging into her tender flesh. “Tell me you love this, too.”


  The way she called his name set him off, and he started coming. Too soon, he thought, but he couldn’t pull back, couldn’t measure his strokes or his intensity, couldn’t make it last any longer. As the release rolled through him, his tension ebbed, draining him, stealing his strength. He slumped onto her.

  “Oh God,” she groaned, then laughed softly. “That was…amazing.”

  Heart still thundering, as if it wanted to break free of his chest, Axel asked, “You loved it?”

  “I did.”

  He swallowed hard, squeezed in closer to her. “Do you love me?”


  Libby froze, her hands flat on his back, her legs around him.

  Axel rose up enough to see the fear in her eyes, the paleness of her cheeks. It didn’t matter. He just plain didn’t give a damn.

  “Because I love you.” He was still inside her, a part of her, and never before had that carried so much meaning. What if she was as cavalier about sex as he’d always been? What if she didn’t feel the special closeness now, closeness so precious that it choked him up and put him in knots?

  He struggled to find the words. “I love making love to you, and sleeping with you.” He pushed her hair back from her face with both hands. “I love talking to you and just being with you.”

  Time passed, and with each second of heavy silence, Axel grew more rigid.

  “Maybe…” She cleared her throat, looking trapped. “Maybe you just think you do because things have been weird.”

  “Weird how?” He wouldn’t move until he got the answer he wanted.

  “I’ve been sick and you’ve felt responsible for me.”

  “No, I took responsibility because, sick or not, I wanted to be with you.”

  “You’re used to lots of sex.”

  He shrugged. He couldn’t deny liking sex, and true, he seldom had to go for long without. “With you, it’s different.”

  “You get what you want from a woman,” she accused, “and then you get over her and move on. But you haven’t been able to get what you want from me…”

  “Of course not. Because I want everything from you.”

  She started breathing too fast. “You want sex. You said so yourself.”

  “I’m not an idiot, Libby. I know the difference between what I feel now and what I’ve felt with other women. If you don’t love me, I’ll work on you. I’ll somehow get you to change your mind. But don’t think I’m an idiot.”

  “I wouldn’t!” She smacked his shoulder. “I don’t. You’re the most…well, remarkable man I’ve ever met.”

  It was a start. “Remarkable, huh? But you don’t love me?”

  “I don’t know.”

  The words cut deep, but he still smiled. “You don’t have to worry that I’ll interfere with your plans or make your life difficult. I know you have priorities, and right now graduating is top of the list.” She started to say something and Axel hushed her. “It’s okay.”

  He moved up and away from her, going into the bathroom to remove the condom, to splash cold water on his face and get his thoughts in order. Talk about getting off track. He could hardly sneak his way into her life if he went around blurting out frigging love sonnets. Jesus.

  By the time he left the bathroom, Libby was sitting on the side of the bed, the sheet around her.

  “Here’s what we’ll do.” Axel pulled her upright and removed the sheet. “First, don’t ever hide from me. Whether we’re in agreement or not, modesty between us is ridiculous.”

  Her chin went up. “I wasn’t hiding.”

  “Good.” Damn, she was cute when riled. “You feel fully recovered?”


  He knew she still suffered some fatigue, but he wouldn’t debate it with her. “So there’s no reason I can’t get my fill of you now, is there?”

  Suspicion, maybe a little worry, edged into her expression. “I suppose not.”

  Axel bent and kissed her. “Then let’s see how long that takes. If by the time you graduate we’re both still interested, we’ll tell your uncle about us. Agreed?”

  Her brows shot up and she laughed nervously. “Believe me, Axel, Elwood won’t like the idea any more in two weeks than he will right now.”

  Axel stared her straight in her beautiful blue eyes and said, “If I tell him we’re getting married, he won’t object.”

  Libby’s mouth opened. Her lips moved, but nothing came out.

  Not even an objection.

  Grinning, knowing he had her, Axel said, “Now, did you say pork chops? My favorite. And I think I’ve worked up an appetite, so let’s eat.”

  With Axel at her side, his hand on her waist, Libby stared at her uncle in complete stupefaction. “Come again?”

  Elwood harrumphed and blustered. Libby knew he wanted a private word with her, and she knew he didn’t understand why Dr. Axel Dean loomed so close. But it seemed he had something more important to discuss with her first. And besides, Axel looked as stubbor
n as a mule, glued to the floor, unwilling to budge a single inch.

  She was used to that, though. Since that day he’d declared himself, he’d shown her in a hundred different ways that he cared. Being with her now, during her graduation, was only expected.

  Having Uncle Elwood approach was not.

  “I said I’m proud of you.”

  Axel’s frown eased away and he nodded. “About time.”

  Elwood glared at him. Usually a glare from the chief of staff sent doctors scurrying. Axel just pulled Libby closer as if to dare Elwood to question him.

  Since her return to good health, Axel had been glutting himself.

  He was such a sexual man, he probably defied the record books, being ready day, night, and sometimes in between, when their schedules allowed. It seemed the more they made love, the more he wanted to make love.

  And variety…Lord have mercy, the man loved variety. He’d taken her in the shower, in the kitchen, on the bed, beside the bed…Libby sighed. Before they left for her graduation service, just to make his point, he’d hoisted up her long gown and made love to her against the wall with a tenderness that had her floating through the ceremony.

  But it went beyond the sex. Axel talked with her, watched movies with her, slept beside her and held her close and touched her for no apparent reason other than that he enjoyed the feel of her hair, her skin, her palm to his, her heartbeat mingling with his own.

  After years of planning and, more recently, weeks of study, she’d completed her education. It should have been a monumental moment. But truthfully, her priorities had changed since meeting one very sexy doctor. Her education and independence were still important to her, but they weren’t nearly as important as Axel. He’d become so enmeshed in her life, she couldn’t imagine the days without him. She wanted to marry him and be with him forever. She wanted him to tell her again that he loved her.

  But she didn’t want him coerced. And if he kept acting so familiar with her, her uncle would catch on and then he’d be making demands and issuing insults, and Axel’s career could be threatened.

  Axel had to know it, too, but he didn’t seem the least concerned.

  “I know I haven’t been very supportive.” Elwood rubbed the back of his neck, showing an uncommon uneasiness that almost made Libby feel sympathetic. “I’ve told you many times that you’re like your mother. And in so many ways, you are.”

  Axel’s hand tightened on her waist. “I hope you mean smart, beautiful, and ambitious.”

  Elwood nodded, but spoke directly to Libby. “Not only do you look like her, but you’re as vivacious, as outspoken and witty and strong as she ever was. I loved your mother, Libby, and it destroyed me that she didn’t show better judgment with men. She let herself be used, and in the end it—”

  “That’s enough.” No matter what, Libby wouldn’t let him insult her mother.

  Elwood stiffened. “I’m sorry. I know you feel defensive of her. What I’m trying to say is that you have all your mother’s better qualities, with none of her weaknesses.”

  Libby wasn’t in the least complimented. “Enjoying life isn’t a weakness, Uncle Elwood.”

  “It is when you allow it to damage your future and your reputation.”

  Axel heaved a sigh. “I think you two are at cross purposes here. Elwood, why don’t you just spit it out?”

  Libby said, “Be quiet, Axel,” and that seemed to stun her uncle. Especially when Axel just gave her a smart salute. But she’d already learned that Axel didn’t get insulted easily. Oh, if he thought he was in the right he’d argue her into the ground, but he had the good sense to know when to back off.

  And sometimes he had the good sense to divert her with a kiss. Or a touch.

  He always supported her. And God, she loved him for it.

  Bringing her mind back to her uncle, Libby curled her lip. “I know my illegitimacy is a tough pill for an esteemed man like yourself to swallow.”

  “That’s not what I mean at all.” Appearing more flustered by the moment, Elwood clasped his hands behind his back and cast a nervous glance at Axel. “You were a gift to your mother, and I had hoped the responsibility of a child would make her settle down. But until the day she died, she showed no moderation with men. It was flirting with strangers that got her killed that day on the river, and I’ve blamed myself forever.”

  Libby felt her jaw drop. “Why in the world would you blame yourself?”

  “If I’d let you both come to my pool that day…”

  Incredibly, Libby softened. “It’s old news, Uncle Elwood.” She even touched his arm, offering the only consolation she could. “Like you said, Mom enjoyed male company. You can’t blame yourself for her actions. But please don’t judge me by them either. I’ve never chased after men, or made them a priority in my life.”

  Axel cleared his throat. “I can vouch for that. No chasing from Libby.”

  Elwood gave him another dirty look before facing Libby again. “I know that. You’ve been extremely levelheaded.” He reached into his suit coat and pulled out a thick envelope. “From the moment you came to live with me, I was determined that you’d be different from her. I wanted you to be more responsible. I wanted you to live a long, full life.”

  Libby could only shake her head. So he’d only done what he thought was best for her—by alienating her? By making her feel unloved?

  Elwood straightened his shoulders. “I could have easily given you everything, but I wanted you to earn what you got in the hopes that it would mean more to you.”

  Axel stepped forward. “What about love, Elwood? How hard was she supposed to work for that?”

  Libby couldn’t believe Axel would go toe to toe with the chief of staff on her behalf.

  Affronted, Elwood scowled darkly. “Just what do you have to do with any of this, Dean?”

  Oh no, Libby thought, please don’t tell him what you have to do with it! But one look at Axel’s face and she knew the bomb was about to blow. “Axel,” she said in warning, but it was too late.

  “I love her.” That statement landed with all the subtlety of a tsunami.

  Hearing him say it again made Libby almost melt. Sure, he’d said it a few weeks ago, but after her protestations, he’d kept his feelings to himself. He’d shared everything else, his hands, his mouth, his affection and camaraderie, his time and attention, but he hadn’t spoken words of love again.


  His fingers brushed her cheek. “What? You thought I’d changed my mind? Silly girl.” And then to Elwood: “If I can talk her into it, I’m going to marry her.”

  Oh geez. Despite the many people milling around her, despite her uncle’s bristling confusion, Libby focused only on Axel. “You still want to marry me?”

  Now Axel scowled. “Of course I do. Elwood can blunder around all he wants trying to find the right words. But I already know them. You, Libby Preston, are a very special woman. Beautiful inside and out, strong but soft, determined but giving. I think I fell in love with you that very first night, at Elwood’s party.”

  Elwood went rigid in indignation. “You’ve known her since then?”

  Rolling his eyes, Axel said, “Oh, lighten up, Elwood. I just told you I love her, so what does it matter how long we’ve been associated?”

  “It matters.” Elwood turned a stony glare on Libby. “Do you love him?”

  Talk about being put in the spotlight. Libby’s cheeks warmed and her heart swelled. She hated spilling her guts in front of her uncle, but Axel looked very vulnerable as he waited to hear what she’d say, and she didn’t have it in her to keep him in suspense. “Almost from that first moment I saw him.”

  A grin burst over Axel’s face. “Damn, I’m glad to hear that.”

  Elwood went so far as to smile. “Then I suppose I’ll need to come up with a wedding gift, as well.” He handed her the envelope. “But this is for your graduation, for making me so very proud of you.”

  Libby took the envelope hesitantly. “W
hat is it?”

  “Every dime you’ve ever given me. The room and board, the college loans, everything. I’ve saved it all, from that very first summer job you got, and I’ve added a few thousand in.”

  “Oh no.” Libby tried to hand it back to him. “I don’t want this.”

  “Please.” He folded his hands around hers, closing the envelope in her grasp. “For once, let me do what’s right. I always intended to give the money back to you, you know. I took it in the first place as a way to teach you a lesson. I thought I’d be returning it with regrets. I thought I’d have a lecture to share on the weight of the world and the trials you’d face.” He shook his head, saddened. “Now I realize that I’ve been your biggest trial. But you’re strong enough, capable enough, to handle anything life brings you. You certainly don’t need the money, but this is my way of trying to help you make a good start with your new career.”

  Numb, Libby kept the envelope and stared at her uncle.

  “So,” Axel said, “you won’t object to us marrying? Not that I care, you understand, but I won’t have you hurting Libby.”

  Libby rolled her eyes. “I can take care of myself.”

  Together, Axel and Elwood said, “Don’t I know it.”

  With the exact words between them, they looked at each other in startled surprise, then laughed out loud.

  When his chuckles had died down, Elwood wiped his eyes and said, “No objections at all. Just see that you treat her right.” And he added, “Treat her better than I did.”

  “You can count on it.”

  After Elwood left, Axel pulled her close and kissed her. “Now, that went better than I thought.”

  Libby shook her head. “I suppose my uncle does respect you, because he didn’t faint.” She laid her palm on his chest and said, “Thank heavens I’ve graduated. That means I can put my mind to wedding plans.”

  With a devilish twinkle in his eyes, Axel said, “I thought Elwood’s gardens might make the perfect place for the ceremony.”

  Libby choked. “The gardens!”


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