The Pyrette Queen and the Clockwork Codex

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The Pyrette Queen and the Clockwork Codex Page 7

by S. S. Engle

  “You de-de-deserve more than wh-wh-what you settle for. Kass, y-y-you deserve to be ha-ha-happy too.”

  Kassidy had been hanging her head towards the ground for most of the conversation. Looking up at Harlan would have only made her lose her composure that much faster. She wasn’t one to cry at the drop of a hat, but her sniffling had been indication enough she was starting to lose control of herself. The emotional pain of behind left behind was too much for her when she was physically hurting as well. Luca picked a hell of a time to leave Engia. Not that anytime would have bene any easier for Kassidy to swallow. But upon hearing Harlan’s closing sentiments, Kassidy picked up her head and forced a smile. Harlan crinkled his face up and tried to smooth it back out as quickly as he could be he knew he was unconvincing. She had tears welling up in her eyes making them shiny as glass. Streaks down her cheeks confirmed her mental anguish. Now Harlan felt guilty. She trusted him so much, and his word went straight to her heart. Harlan had found the Codex eleven days ago. Two days before Kassidy had left to go down to the Lydia to check on its progress. He’d lied before to try and be able to stretch the amount of time he got to spend with her. Then everything happened in the caves, and he couldn’t bring himself to finally tell her the truth. Now he knew he couldn’t because it’d obliterate her. He could however, still come out looking like a hero.

  The Clockwork Codex was a bulky, overwritten text. Bound in leather and wrought iron it was heavier than any book Harlan had ever seen before. It had a blackened X on the cover, and stripes. Harlan assumed Dreadcrank relations, which Kassidy confirmed when she explained further the complexity of Doktor Roth. The pages were made of a paper linen material that yellowed significantly in a short period of time. The pages were soft to the touch and extremely delicate. He’d flipped through multiple chunks upon finding the elusive treasure before. Casually strolling through the office Harlan insisted they resume their search for the book, insisting that Kassidy may just get lucky again, on her own. Luca was independent of her success and he needed to prove that to her. Knowing he hid the codex in the bottom rusted out drawer of a filing cabinet buried in a closet he directed Kassidy over there with nonchalant hints. He had to be careful because usually she was very aware of when he was behaving oddly. But for today at least, she was either playing into it or too distraught to put much together. Kassidy found the Codex soon enough, and heaved it out of the security of its hiding place with some difficulty.

  In celebration Harlan hugged Kassidy for her brilliant discovery and watched her face overcome with pride and joy. He had been personally responsible for that. Him. That was all his doing. What she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her at this point. He pair sat on the floor together as Kassidy took the knife to the lock and pried it open carefully. Harlan had struggled for minutes with a paperclip and ingenuity before. But what really bothered him was the familiarity of the knife. He knew it well because it belonged to his brother. He was absolutely sure of it. The slender nature of the blade, the unusually narrow handle. The engraved A. Not wanting to spoil the moment he kept his assumptions to himself and looked over at Kassidy, watching her amazement as she flipped through the pages. He smiled to himself, but she never looked over at him. She was consumed with the book, and he with her. He reached his hand over to trace the scar on her cheek. Apparently, she had been paying more attention to him than he had thought. She jerked away quickly, and with a harshness that wounded Harlan’s feelings. He recoiled his arm now ashamed of what he had done and stared at the codex in her lap.

  “Harlan, what were you doing?”

  “Nothing. I’m so-so-sorry.”

  “Just don’t do it again.”

  “I just tho-tho-thought…”

  “What? You just thought what? Now that Luca’s gone that makes room for you? No. Not even close. Harlan you’re my best friend. And nothing’s going to change that alright? Alright?”

  He refused to answer. Kassidy remained on the floor by herself now, staring at Harlan as he placed himself back behind the desk refusing to make eye contact with her. He returned to shuffling through the letters again. Kassidy perked up with an idea. She slapped the book closed and ran over to the far side of the desk and scrambled the letters around for one with some blank space still left on it. There weren’t many papers to choose from. Madame Chauvet was known for being long winded, and in her youth, that was obviously no exception. Now she needed something to write with. While Kassidy’s hands were moving around much more frantically and in a hurry, Harlan was slow, almost lackadaisical. He came up with a mechanical pen first, and held it up in the air for Kassidy to see. She snatched at it quickly and was momentarily defeated when she realized it was one of those complex pens with all sorts of gears. Not all that different from the one she wrote her letter with in Luca’s room she fidgeted with the levers until a drop of ink squirted out. Tearing off the blank scrap of paper she began writing, but I didn’t make any sense as Harlan leaned over to read what it was.

  “Wh-wh-what are you doing n-n-now?”

  “Writing a code.”


  “It’s going to be a decoy. If the Ringers want another clue, I’m going to give it to them.”

  “But h-h-how will they get th cl-cl-clue?”

  “I’m going to deliver it to them, personally.”

  “That sou-sou-sounds dangerous.”

  “Actually, it sounds downright stupid. That’s why I know it’s going to work. They’ll never see it coming. See, there’s an etiquette to war Harlan. And the faster you learn it, the longer you’ll stay alive.”

  “An eti-eti-etiquette?”

  “Precisely. If I can civilly present confidential information, I will be generously rewarded. Assuming I hit my intended target.”

  “And wh-wh-who is that?”

  “The person who would compromise the most to get back into my good graces. Somebody with a heaping load of fresh guilt weighing him down.”

  “My br-br-brother?”

  “No! Blue.”

  “Blue! Kass that’s w-w-way too danger-ger-gerous!”

  “He wants a wife, then he better be careful what he wishes for.”

  “A wife?! Kass just wh-wh-what are you go-go-going to do?!”

  “Play the part Harlan. I’m just going to give him what he’s been asking for for years. Too bad it isn’t going to be what he thought. Now for this to work I’m not going to be able to do this alone.”

  “What am I suppo-po-posed to do?”

  “Without you I can’t sell this. I need you to be angry with my coming on to Blue’s side of things. I need the Ringers to believe I’ve changed. Do you think you can help me?”

  “Oh, I think I can g-g-get angry about this.”

  “Brilliant! Then get ready. We leave for the mansion at sundown. Harlan you’re going to go home. Aren’t you excited?”



  One of these days Kassidy was going to be invited into the front doors of the O’Brien mansion. Today was not that day though. Slinking in through the back alley Kassidy and Harlan held their breath as the place was a hot bed of activity this evening. Ringers filled the halls and their voices were clamoring with information and rumors of a defeated Dreadcrank force. Kassidy’s heart fell into her stomach at the elation she heard at the thought of her friend’s demise. Harlan picked up on this and nudged at her shoulder. She shook her head and snapped out of the doldrums quickly. There was no time for real emotion right now, she had to fall back into being the Pyrette Queen. A person who did anything to survive and get what she needed done in the most efficient yet crooked way possible. She silently ran scenarios through her head on what she

  was going to say to get to Blue. If she could get to him she’d be golden. Nobody would question his authority. To do so would be death. She reached down into her corset now and shook out the engagement ring from Blue. It sat in the palm of her hand for a very long time, she just stared at it in disbelief. Tired of t
he moment dragging on Harlan picked up the ring and put it on Kassidy’s finger. His hands were trembling terribly as if the moment had been his all along. Kassidy couldn’t even function, she held her hand out in doubt. She couldn’t believe after all these years; this is what she was looking at now. Under their breaths Harlan pulled Kassidy aside for what might be the last time for an honest moment between them for a while.

  “So-so-sorry. But I just had to d-d-do that. It’s pro-pro-probably as close as I’ll ever ge-ge-get.”

  “Don’t say that Harlan. You’ll meet a girl one day that’ll stop you right where you stand.”

  “I’ve already met th-th-that girl. I’m stand-stand-standing right next to h-h-her. And she’s abou-bou-bout to make a hu-hu-huge mistake.”

  “No risk no reward Harlan. I’ve had far worse things to swallow than this. It’s just been awhile. And it hasn’t been with him.”

  “Are y-y-you scared about wh-wh-what Blue will do to y-y-you?”

  “I’m just not looking forward to this whole thing. I’m really going to need you to come through for me on this. If we can’t sell this act, they’ll be hell to pay, you know that right? Your brother hates being made a fool of.”

  “I know. I wo-wo-won’t let you down.”


  “Be care-care-careful Kass.”

  Harlan leaned out of the huddle they were in to check on the Ringers surroundings. Before he could get too far away Kassidy rushed up and threw her arms around his neck and pulled him in tight. Harlan could feel her heart racing out of control. She was putting on a very brave face right now, and it was tearing him apart that they had been pushed into doing this. He squeezed her tight and she buried her face into his chest. But he had to be her rock right now, that’s what she was asking for so that’s what he was going to be. He pulled Kassidy off of him, and placed his hands firmly on her shoulders. They stared at each other, nodded, and went their separate ways. Blue had to be found as soon as possible. Harlan went down to scour the basemen and bottom floors while Kassidy was to search the top offices and more important rooms. There was just so many faces right now that were unfamiliar, she was in a sea of hate. Her striped corset shone out like a beacon of light to the rival gang. But there was apprehension in even speaking to her or holding her gaze for too long. She caught on quickly that there was some form of immunity surrounding her, and started using that to her advantage. Taking hold of the collar of one younger member she got word that Blue was in his office. He pointed and she unclenched her fist from the boy’s clothes. He couldn’t have been much older than sixteen. To be a Ringer at that age used to be illegal. Though with a war on the verge of erupting, she supposed Asa was inflating his numbers with anything he could get his hands on. Cautiously she went upstairs and tried to find a room with some sort of indication that Blue was inside.

  She found it. Though the door was lacking a title plate or title designation, Kassidy was sure she had found what she was looking for. In the hallway men went around her, or turned around all together seeing her stand outside the door. This was it. The act began now. She tugged on her dress, pulling the skirt back to make the tear appear larger. The ties on her corset were tighter, pulled lower on her chest. She ran her fingers through her dark red hair, making sure it fell just right across her bare shoulders. Her back was peeling from the steam burns, but even that at this point that would evoke guilt from Blue. Placing her hand on the door knob she caught sight of the simple little ring on her finger again. She could hear her heart pounding in her ears. Then a simple twist and she was inside. She avoided eye contact at first to let him settle on just what was happening. She accentuated leaving her left hand out hoping he’d catch sight that she was wearing his ring again. When she finally had to face him she was struggling to keep any amount of composure. This was by far her most trying acting lesson in her entire life. Blue was sitting in his chair behind his oversized metal desk. His mouth hanging open, his brow twisted in confusion. It appeared as though he was just tying things up for the night, a fire was raging behind him, casting him in a shadow, but his pale skin still glowed, his eyes bright blue and bulging. Kassidy smirked and nodded if it was alright for her to sit down on the couch in front of the fire place. Blue agreed that it was, and noticed she had indeed chosen the couch that sat two rather than the chair that sat one. She hauled herself over to one side and appeared patient to be joined by him in the light of the fire. Quickly fumbling to his feet, he knocked his long black duster off the back of his chair, and just decided to let it stay there. He tugged on the neck of his shirt, unbuttoning the top few and untucking it from his waist. He was nervous to sit beside Kassidy on the couch, and did so carefully so as to not touch her in the slightest bit. He eyed her hands placed so delicately in her lap, she was wearing his ring. He had not been imagining things when she walked in. In the very deep recesses of his mind he was aware this could be an elaborate trap by the Dreadcranks, but with her sitting so close, he didn’t even care.

  “Well, aren’t you going to say anything Tommy?”

  “I’m just trying to figure out if this is a dream or not.”

  “I’m really here. This is really happening. At least, I mean, if you want it to.”

  “Yes! I mean, yes. I always have time for you. What is it that you need at this hour of the night Kassidy?”

  “I was hoping, that maybe, I was hoping I could get a second chance.”

  “A second…Kassidy, a second chance at us?”

  “Unless you don’t want to. I completely understand, what with my callous nature towards you upon returning. I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted nothing to do with me for the rest of time. But I just, I just had to ask. I couldn’t be left wondering what could have been. You know? I swallowed my pride Tommy. And I’m sorry for everything that’s fallen out between us. But you were right. We have something that’s worth fighting for. I’m sorry it took me so long to come around and see your side of things. But you know me, I can be so stubborn. You look shocked right now. Am I way off target? Have I made a huge mistake? Are you…you aren’t already seeing somebody else…are you Tommy?”

  “No. No of course I’m not seeing anybody else. How could I? I had a girl once, and I’ve never let her go. Never. She was great. You still are.”

  “If I was so great, why’d you hurt me the way you did?”

  “Same reason you hurt me. I cared too much about you to let you go. You have to know, I never meant to scar you like that. I just, I was so angry. I was trying to explain myself and you wanted nothing to do with me. I was hurt.”

  “Then explain now. I’m listening.”

  “I was in bed sleeping. I’d had such a long day.”

  “I remember. That’s why I went out in the first place. I was going to surprise you with your favorite dinner.”

  “I would have much rather had that been our reality that night. But Natasha came in when I was sleeping. I guess I left the door unlocked by mistake. The next thing I know she’s got her clothes off lying in bed next to me and you walk in.”

  “Sounds like I just have impeccably poor timing.”

  “You did that night.”

  “So nothing happened then?”

  “No Kassi, nothing ever happened. I loved you too much to ever do anything like that to you. Hell, I still love you too much. I’ve never touched Natasha, I would never touch her. Not so long as I have anything to say about it.”

  “You really mean all that?”

  “Every word. I can’t lie to you. You know that.”

  “Some things never change I guess. I’m just worried.”

  “About what?”

  “If we’ve been away from each other too long. It’d be so nice if we could just go back to the way things were before everything fell apart. Before you were a Ringer and I was a Dreadcrank. Before this gang politics took over our lives.”

  “It can be that way again.”


  “I have you by my side agai
n. Anything is possible.”

  “You flatter me Tommy, but I’m unsure if I deserve so much from you.”

  “You deserve the world and then some. Everybody needs somebody who gives a damn. For me, it’s always been and always will be you. I just hope that you can give me the same thing in return.”

  “Of course I give a damn about you Tommy. I care too much. Why else would I be here right now? Why else would we have been through everything we’ve been through? Our biggest fault has always lied in the fact that we care too much about each other. That’s why I brought this with me.”

  “What’s this?”

  “I stole this code form Luca’s papers before he left the city.”

  “So he really is gone then?”

  “He took the gang on the Lydia last night.”

  “Where’d he go?”

  “All I knew was that they had made long travel preparations for mainland Kheris. It’s quite a jaunt, but Luca has ties there.”


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