The Collective

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The Collective Page 11

by David McCahan

  “Let’s kick the old girl in the ass and go see what their intentions are Sir.” She was pushing the bounds of professional conduct but also knew her commander and friend well enough to know that he would accept it for the eagerness to settle this situation and get on with their lives and mission.

  “I couldn’t agree more.” He said with a wink and then “Engineering bring up the Grav Drives.”

  “Yes Sir, Grav Drives engaged, positive Grav Bubble. Ion Drives ready at your command.” Javier reported.

  “Nav, engage Ion drive at 0.75 C and Launch!”

  “Yes Sir! Ion drives engaged. Breaking orbit at 0.75 C. Estimated time to Heliopause 18 hours.” Eva reported.

  Columbia moved out of orbit at 3/4 the speed of light. The course was again perpendicular to the elliptical plane in order to avoid interaction with asteroids and other debris. Once past the Heliopause then they could engage Grav Focus and proceed on their intercept course at ten times the speed of light.

  Two hours after departure all was routine. No obstacles were encountered and all systems reported normal operation. “Glo it looks like everything is quiet. Why don’t you and your Collective representative meet me in my office. I think there are a few items to discuss.” Jeff said to Glory and Saoi.

  Glory nodded her ascent and followed Jeff to his office. They all took seats around his conference table and they looked at him with curiosity.

  “I just wanted to make sure we have ground rules established as we got underway.” Jeff began. “I understand that this is the Collective’s home and life that is threatened here but now we also have a huge stake in this as well. I know the Collective works with a huge efficiency edge in that all communicate as one and the entire populace can act as one with only a moments thought. However, we are now together, the Collective, the humans that have learned to use the ability to communicate and act through thought, but also those of us that communicate through sound. I welcome the help and cooperation of the Collective but I need to make sure that you understand that this ship must operate on a chain of command for this mission’s success. The Collective’s act to transport themselves to the ship certainly allowed us to launch a few hours sooner but a check with us prior to coming aboard would have been the appropriate, and appreciated, course of action. I’m sure that you must have checked before approaching the ship but what if we could not have brought your transports onboard quickly enough? It could have brought harm to your people. Now please do not take what I said in a negative light. We very much are glad to have the Collective with us as partners in this mission but please understand that whatever actions we take from here on out we must work together. We should not act without your knowledge and you should not act without our knowledge. In the end I am responsible for this ship and crew and am the commander of this mission.” Jeff concluded.

  Saoi sat for a few seconds, evidently discussing this with the Collective, and then glanced to Glory who began to relay his thoughts; “General Fitsimmons we have discussed your feelings on the subject and apologize for any breach of etiquette for yesterday’s actions on our part. We realize your concern for our safety and the safety of your crew. We better understand the need for coordination between our people and also that you are in authority of this mission. We promise to not act without your approval.”

  “I appreciate the understanding. I’m sure we are very confusing to you with our awkward and slow means of communication. Such inefficiency as you ever had a nightmare about. I’m glad we are together and actually if you handle the faster than light travel well enough I would like to invite a significant number of the Collective to join us on our travel to Tau Ceti. Think of the adventure in discovering a new star system and potential new planetary home.” Jeff offered.

  This time there was no hesitation. “General we are so happy to hear that offer. We were going to discuss that very same proposition after we solve the invader question. We are delighted to accept your invitation. There is much to discuss on this subject but we believe that we have business to attend to in the present first.” Saoi replied.

  “Actually toward that end I asked Doctor Evans to joins us. She has a couple of ideas to offer to help communication between those of us like me and the Collective.” At that he keyed his com “Doctor if you could join us now?”

  In a few seconds the office door opened and Rhonda Evans entered and then took a seat with the rest.

  “Rhonda I just mentioned that you have a couple of ideas to help those of us decrepit Psi blind individuals communicate with the Collective.” Jeff motioned for Rhonda to continue.

  “Well begging the General’s pardon but decrepit would not be my choice of words. At any rate, if we are going to work together we need to find a way for the Collective and Psi blind crew to communicate directly. We can’t always rely on having a sensitive physically with each member of the Collective. So I have looked at this issue from a biological perspective and a technological perspective. We can offer a short term tech solution in the form of a vocalizer.”

  Rhonda brought up an image of a necklace with a pendant on the main screen. “This vocalizer is keyed to the thought patterns of each of the Collective and will translate the thoughts of the wearer on demand.”

  “If this will help with the harmony of this mission we find this acceptable for now. We will help in any way we can with this.” Glory translated for Saoi. “May we ask what you perceive as the long term solution?”

  “Well we have been running genetic comparisons among the crew to understand any physical differences that might explain why half of us cannot hear the Collective.” Rhonda changed the screen image to a split screen with two scans of the human mind. “We believe that the differences in the structure of the cerebrum here are key to the spirit form being able to separate or expand beyond the physical form body.” She said as she indicated the structural differences on the screen.

  Saoi focused on Glory for a short time and then at Jeff for considerably longer. Glory had followed his gaze to Jeff and focused on Jeff as well. Jeff thought for a second to interrupt them but then was afraid that interference with them focused on him like that was not in his best interest.

  “Doctor we believe you are correct. This structure does aid the spirit form in separating from the physical form or seeing beyond the physical form. In our own bodies we look to the smallest part of us, I believe Glory called it DNA, and encourage change there to make changes that prevent disease and repair age damage. Can you encourage change like this?” Saoi said through Glory.

  “It is similar to much of our advances in medical treatment over the last 150 years. We use the body’s own systems to influence genetic changes and cell rejuvenation. With a clear target like this we believe we can influence, over time, the structural changes to allow those who cannot hear you now to at least be able to hear your thoughts if not be able to outright separate and extend from the physical form. This has to happen slowly and in stages but yes we feel that this possible.” Rhonda explained.

  “Rhonda they have been improving their health and longevity in this manner for many millennia. They are not even sure themselves how old they are. Physical aging is not something they experience anymore. I believe that working with them you might be able to achieve results quicker than you might imagine. Worth considering.” Glory added.

  “Well ladies and gentleman I would suggest we focus on short term at this point and you all head back to the med center and see if the communication device works and then if we all survive meeting the invaders then we can see about improving me and those like me so that we can all dream together.” Jeff said as he stood to indicate the successful conclusion of the meeting.

  The three of them made the short trip the doctor’s medical facilities and Rhonda indicated for Saoi to sit in a chair next to a med station. “We’ve done some preliminary testing on our people that are sensitive and also tuned the device to your brain patterns. Convenient that you were part of the original test group.”
  He motioned for her to continue. “Now we need to do some fine tuning and training of the unit and you. I’m going to place these sensors to monitor your brain wave patterns while the device is connected to the control systems to adjust it to you.”

  Rhonda completed the connections and began set the device to learning mode. “Now think of saying the word Collective.” She looked over the console displays and then touched the screen to make an adjustment. “Okay try it again.” The device made a noise that sounded a bit like a very drunken slurred Collective. “Not quite right. Let’s try this. Again Collective.”

  “Collective” the word was very clear in a tenor voice.

  “Good and clear but you look like your voice would be a bit deeper.” Rhonda commented, although almost to herself rather than Saoi. “Now try again only this time say Columbia.”

  “Columbia” came very clear from the pendant in a masculine tone.

  “Much better don’t you think?” Rhonda asked.

  “Yes I find the voice quite pleasant.” The voice came from the pendant.

  “Excellent now think something that you do not want to vocalize.” After a few moments silence Saoi nodded that he had done as asked. “Now vocalize something again.”

  “Thank you Doctor Evans, this will help us communicate and work with the crew quite well.” Saoi said

  “Excellent.” With that Rhonda removed the sensors and gave the pendant to Saoi on a necklace for him to wear. “If you don’t like the feel of the necklace we can clip the device to clothing. Just let me know if you want it changed.”

  “Thank you. For now, the necklace will do well.” Saoi said.

  “Come back to see me tomorrow and we’ll check to see if any changes are needed. The device is self-learning and will adapt to your thought patterns as you use it. If there are any problems, please come see me.” Rhonda directed. “I’ll arrange for the rest of the Collective that is onboard to be fitted right away. Now that you can talk directly to me, have you thought about how to deal with the FTL travel once we are out of the solar system?”

  “We understand that we must contain ourselves to the interior of the ship. The nightmares your crew encountered were because their spirit form did not understand why they could not see their normal world. Now we will arrange to join together in spirit form when our physical form must sleep. This will help us cope with the limitations while in faster than light travel. We may learn a lot more from each other at the same time.” The vocalizer was even beginning to include inflections and starting to sound more natural already,

  “Considering the hell that was my year in FTL getting here, I welcome the possibility of peaceful REM sleep and not feeling so hung over and tired.” Glory said.

  “Let’s hope so. I’ll get the rest of the Collective fitted over the next 12 hours or so. We can handle three at a time and need about 45 minutes for those that have not been scanned to get a good read on their brain wave patterns. If you’ll let them know what to expect I’ll schedule them in.”

  “Thank you Doctor they are expecting your call and know what the process is like.” Saoi intoned.

  “Thank You Rhonda. This is going to make planning sessions and communication in general so much easier. It’s a great help.” Glory said.

  “You’re welcome. Now off with the both of you, I’ve got 39 more of these to get fitted. Now shoo.” Rhonda motioned them out of the med center then.

  “Alright, alright we’re leaving. No need to push. See you later.” Glory said as she left with Saoi.

  “Now one thing that we had better get squared away is your food needs. We didn’t expect this but we have scanned the food on your planet and think some of our food is edible by the Collective and if not then our food labs can synthesize food for you. Care to sample some of our food?” Glory asked as they walked.

  “Yes my body is hungry and it should be interesting to taste the foods you like.” He urged her to lead the way. As they entered the food hall near C&C Glory lead them to the food line. She explained how to select the food from the buffet style serving line. As they moved through she cross-referenced the native foods with the ship foods and also the nutrition requirements of the Collective. The nutrition requirements of both species were close enough that most of the food on the buffet were palatable for them, but taste and texture could be a whole different matter.

  “Now I know that your normal food does not include meat. While none of our meat actually comes from animals, it is grown in the lab, I think we should stay clear of the meat table for now. I suggest small portions of a variety to see what you actually like.” Glory led him through and explained each dish and tried a little of many different foods. Showing him how to properly eat Spaghetti was very amusing. In fact, most of the pasta entrees he was fond of. The native fruit that looked like strawberries is toxic and so it took a great deal of urging to convince him that these were not lethal. Once he tried them though he was hooked, especially on shortcake with milk and sugar. He did not like spicy foods though but many other foods were very agreeable with his palette.

  “I have shared this information with the others and they look forward to sampling the food as well.” He said as he finished a portion of fudge brownie.

  “Okay, but you keep eating like this and the doctor will have you on a diet. I’ll have the chefs devise a label system though to identify any foods that might cause you any problems. Also they are working on synthesizing some of your home foods and perhaps we can work up some the way you like.” Glory said.

  “You are making us feel most welcome. Thank You.”

  “Just returning friendship as it was given to us by you.” Glory said.

  “I hope we continue for a long time together. We look forward to seeing space with you.”

  “Yes it will be a very interesting exploration. Now though we should get back to C&C as General Fitsimmons has requested Senior Staff, that includes you now, to discuss how we investigate the alien ship.” Glory said as she stood and showed him how to dispose of the plates and utensils and then headed for C&C.

  “Thank you all for meeting. I just wanted to take a few minutes now that we are underway to discuss strategy for safely discovering the intent of the incoming ship. We have another twelve hours until we can change to Grav Focus and enter FTL travel and then another almost 96 hours to intercept. So this is just preliminary planning and we’re open to ideas. First let’s get an update from Astrometrics.” Jeff indicated to Bonnie Anderson.

  “Yes Sir. So far no change in heading or speed. They are maintaining a steady 0.4 C. Our probe has not been able to detect any emissions from the ship but with a head on approach and the distance it could be Ion drive and not be detected yet. About the time we cross the Heliopause the probe should be close enough to give good energy output information.” Bonnie reported.

  “Have you back tracked the trajectory and made any conclusions as to origins?” Jeff asked.

  “It looks to have originated in the direction 82 G Eridani. Given current speed this ship could have been traveling for 25 years or more. It could either be a generational ship or the crew in some sort of stasis.”

  Jeff then looked to Saoi and asked “If the crew were in stasis could you have heard anything from them?”

  “We do not know. As I understand what stasis is (as he nodded to Glory to acknowledge her mental explanation) it would seem that they would not be heard from. We will not know until we are near and the ship is not in FTL.” Saoi said.

  This got Jeff’s interest. “You have an idea how to contact them?”

  “We have thought much on this and if Columbia stays some distance away we can visit their ship in spirit form and observe them and hopefully listen to their thoughts. We can travel the distance that Columbia was from Eden when we first encountered you but if we can get closer then some of your crew can accompany us.” Saoi explained.

  “Colonel Callaghan. What do you think about what he just proposed?”

  “Well I
think this would give us the opportunity to observe without risking outright conflict. There is a certain understanding at this point that belief in doing something is the key to accomplishing it. So I’m inclined to believe I can accomplish accompanying them if they say I’m able. They have not been wrong on anything like that so far.” Glory reported.

  “I’m inclined to go with that as option number one at this point. Given their current speed I think if we can gather information at a distance we can keep risk at a minimum and not push a conflict if it can be avoided.” Jeff said. “I see the vocalizer is working well. Any problems with a learning curve?”

  “The unit training was only a few words and then some minor adjustments. It is still getting better as I use it. We are very pleased with this solution. The rest of the ship is very comfortable as well, although Glory says that I must stop eating too much unless the doctor puts me on a diet but the food is very good.” Saoi said.

  Jeff looked at Glory with an amused expression. “Now Sir what I said was that he really was enjoying the food and we needed to slow down a bit and …….. Ok he’s right, he was really enjoying the food and we need to teach portion control but not a concern.” Glory said turning a bright red in embarrassment.

  Jeff did his best to control himself and contain to just a slight chuckle. “We are happy that you feel welcome and we are able to offer food to your liking. I’ve been to places that I just could not eat most of their food and did not enjoy it at all. Ok let’s use the plan of investigating the ship unless a better plan is offered. I’ll call a meeting again after we transit into FTL and see what new information the probe and Astrometrics has for us at that time. Unless anyone has anything else?” He paused for a second and then “Dismissed.”

  Saoi turned to Glory and thought to her

  Did I say something wrong?

  She thought back to him “Human humor can be a bit tricky. What you said about the diet was true it was just that the way it was presented could be funny. Do not worry about it. That they felt comfortable enough with you to show their humor is a good sign that we are truly growing closer as friends. Now if we can keep this visitor from becoming an enemy we shall all be grateful.”


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