Possessive Hunter

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Possessive Hunter Page 6

by Flora Ferrari

  “Well, if those things make me crazy then I’m more than happy to be a lunatic.”

  “My lunatic,” he says.

  “And only yours. Just like you’re only mine.”

  “And no one else’s.”

  I swear the man washes my hair for what seems to be an hour or more, not that there’s a single clock anywhere in sight.

  I’m so relaxed as I just lie in the tub, my feet up and a glass of non-alcoholic sparkling cider by my side because Hunter says I'm definitely pregnant.

  The staff is wonderful and I’m blown away that there’s a place on earth that exists where you can drink champagne, or in my case non-alcoholic sparkling cider, while watching wild zebras, although they took off long ago.

  Now it’s just the two of us, and our incredible conversation.

  Hunter tells me about his time in the military and how it alienated him from society, although he didn’t really understand it at the time. He explained how the lifestyle of solitude just became part of who he was, and when his time came up to reenlist or separate from the service he chose the latter, but still kept the personality traits that he’d grown accustomed too.

  It feels like he’s staring into a window straight to my soul. I experienced a similar path, although I always knew I wanted to do something like Hunter was doing…preferably with him.

  And now that dream is quickly becoming a reality.

  We brainstorm different ways we can team up and continue pursuing our passion of helping animals, but keeping ourselves safe as we’ll both be parents soon…at least that’s what we both want more than anything.

  More than once Hunter just shakes his head and laughs. When I ask him why he says he just can’t believe how quickly, and how perfectly, this is all happening.

  Quick for him maybe, but not for me.

  We even joke about baby names, like Tiger, but of course we don’t want our kid to be teased for being the pitchman for a breakfast cereal or accused of being a two-timing golfer. Fortunately there are plenty of other options. We’re only limited by our imaginations, and there’s no limits imposed there.

  As the lazy, and perfect, afternoon carries on, the staff brings us some lunch.

  There’s a knock on the door and Hunter answers with a, “Wait! Don’t come in. I’ll be there in a minute.” I think it’s cute that he doesn’t want anyone to see me, even though I know the kitchen staff is all female and the tub is full of bubbles…again.

  Earlier he helped me up so he could empty the tub and refill it, keeping the water nice and warm and clean.

  We enjoy our lunch, me while still in the tub, and afterwards we each have a small espresso, helping to compensate for the lack of sleep last night…and I’m hoping for the sleep we won’t be getting tonight.

  Almost as if he could read my mind, he leans in and whispers in my ear. “I’m going to take a quick shower. When I get out I want you on our bed, spread, your pussy on full display, aching and ready for me.”

  I nod and he takes my lobe in between his teeth. Just when I’m ready to tell him how perfect that sounds his lips find mine. “No need to answer,” he says. “You’re mine, and I know you’re going to do as you’re told.”



  The lukewarm water washes over my body as I shower. My woman saw the feral beastly side of me already. Now she deserves to see the other…the man who worships the ground she walks on, and her body even more so.

  I want to take the world’s quickest shower, but I want to give her time to get all dried off and ready. I know she’ll need a few minutes to get as much of the wetness from her hair as she can.

  The thought of her glistening body laid out in front of me has my cock throbbing already, as it has been for the last two hours, since the moment she stepped out of her clothes and into that tub.

  Slowly running my hands through her hair and over her body was heaven and hell at the same time. The pleasure I got from touching her was incredible, but holding myself back from escalating was torture.

  To be able to touch her, but not to take it a step farther, took more willpower than I knew I had.

  I finish my shower and dry off quickly before making my way to the bedroom.

  I slide open the doors that collapse inward, having no idea what they’re called and not caring either. All I care about is what she’s called.

  “Mine,” I say as I see her there, in the exact position I asked.

  “Mine,” she says.

  I make my way to the bed, sliding on top of her quickly. Her hands find my chest just as quickly as she feels my muscles.

  “I have to ask you something.”

  “You might want to hurry because I won’t be able to speak soon,” I admit.


  “Both because you take my breath away, and I’m obsessed with putting my mouth over every inch of your body, just like I promised.”

  She raises and lowers her eyebrows a few times in succession. “I like the sound of that.”

  “Hurry…your question.”

  “You don’t have any hair on your chest. I’m surprised.”


  “You’re so masculine, but that just doesn’t seem like you,” she says, running her hand through the hair on my head, slicking it back at an angle.

  “One of the dirtiest things on the body is hair,” I say.

  “That dirty?”

  “Not only dirty, but it holds a tremendous amount of scent.” I pause. “I want to be the one stalking my prey, not the other way around.”

  “It’s that serious?”

  “You’d be surprised at how well a lion’s sniffer works. I don’t need to give them any help.”

  “Wow. I feel like I’m always learning something new from you.”

  “Now it’s my time to learn something new from you.”

  “What could I possibly teach you.”

  “I want to learn every curve of your body, and in doing so I’m going to learn exactly what turns you on the most. No teaching required, but trust me when I say I’ll be the perfect student.”

  Before she has a chance to say anything else, I grab her by the hips and slide her body down the bed about half a foot.

  I step off the bed and make my way around to the foot of it, taking her ankle in my hand and kissing my way up her calf.

  “Oh. My. God,” she says. “And it’s not even my birthday.”

  “We’ll be celebrating a birth soon enough. I’m going to make sure of it.”



  I lean my head back on the pillow and close my eyes. Suddenly I feel the absence of his mouth, or his fingers on my body.

  I flex my neck and look down toward the foot of the bed, only to see he’s not there.

  What the?

  I hear the sound of a lighter off to the side and watch as he lights some candles that are spread out sporadically throughout the room.

  “Oh. I like this.”

  He shoots me a smirk and I feel my middle tighten. He moves throughout the room, lighting all the candles that I didn’t even know were there, before drawing the blinds, making the room nearly dark, but not quite all the way.

  There’s just enough light for the two of us to see each other, but to feel the relaxing near darkness at the same time.

  He goes back to work on my legs before working on my arms.

  At some point I’m so relaxed I fall asleep, only to feel him gently turning me over later. My mind is so relaxed I barely register what’s happening.

  I get situated on my stomach and feel his thick fingers quickly making their way to my scapula, working on those knots that I’ve had there since what seems like forever.

  I still can’t believe this is all happening, and when he massages the sides of my neck and then my back, I feel so light that I have to be floating on a cloud.

  I feel the mattress move slightly as he moves his body on top, one hand massaging the back of my scalp and
the other kneading my globes.

  And then I feel his cock pressing gently at my opening from behind. My hips are quick to arch, my ass pressing up in the air.

  “You don’t have to do anything right now…except enjoy this.”

  I relax my midsection and feel his knee gently open my legs.

  The bed begins to rock as he slowly moves the tip of his dick in and out of me.

  I turn my head to the side, breathing in deeply and then slowly blowing it out, but that technique doesn’t last long.

  Seconds later my breath is accelerating fast even though he’s taking his time sliding his cock in and out of my channel.

  “That’s so perfect,” I say.

  “You’re perfect, and we’re perfect together…a perfect fit.”

  “Absolutely perfect.”

  Long, slow movements in and out of me continue for long seconds, which become minutes.

  Neither of us focusing on the end results making the journey that much better.

  We continue making love in multiple positions until at some point, my body needs a release.

  My climax sneaks up on me and just happens, naturally, just as he fills me with more of his seed.

  There is no moaning, no vicious thrusting, nor anything else that doesn’t resemble anything other than the deepest kind of connection two people who are completely in love with each other could share.

  After our bodies finish their spasms, he slides down onto the bed next to me, pulling me in tight.

  I curl up in his arms, feeling so relaxed, protected, and loved.

  He kisses me on the forehead, sending tingles all over my massaged body. Apparently he really opened up my entire insides, as one little kiss was able to travel so quickly and powerfully through me.

  “I hope our time here never ends.”

  “We can stay as long as we like, although guests might arriving in a few days.”

  “Guests, huh?” I joke, looking down between my legs.

  “Guests and gifts…two different things,” he counters.

  We smile and share a laugh.

  “And your gift is going to bring the best kind of gift. I just know it will.”

  “Me too, and the best part?”

  “What’s that?”

  “It’s the gift that keeps giving…for a lifetime…our lifetime together.”



  One week later

  “What the hell is this I’m seeing on TV?” Charlie says his voice coming in loud through the speaker of Charlize phone.

  “I don’t know. What are you watching?” she says.

  “Something on the local news about you and Hunter winning some reward for capturing poachers.”

  “Capture might not be the right word, but yes…that happened.”

  “Why in the hell does the report say you were taken from your campsite, and that you were in your bra and panties?”

  “It was morning. I’d just woke up. Don’t be gross.”

  “Don’t you be gross! It says your campsite as in the two of you. What the fuck is going on down there? Are you fucking Hunter?”

  I grab the phone and take it off speaker as I move to another room. I’m about to lay into Charlie, and his sister doesn’t need to hear the kind of language I know is going to spew from my mouth real fast.

  “Watch your fucking mouth when you talk to her like that. She’s your sister, Charlie.”

  “Damn right she’s my sister. That’s why I want to know what the hell you two are up to.”

  “What we’re up to is none of your damn business, but as your friend I’ll tell you.”

  “Are we friends…Hunter?”

  “You’ve always been my best friend. You know that, despite how you’re acting right now.”

  “How I’m acting. How about the way you’re acting?”

  “Listen, man. You need to calm the fuck down or I’m going to hang up this call and not talk to you again until you can act like an adult.”

  “Don’t lecture me, Hunter.”

  “I wouldn’t have to lecture you if you didn’t act like your sister’s keeper. She’s an adult now. She can make whatever decisions she wants, and so can I.”

  “So you are poking her.”

  “This call is over.”

  I hit the end call button and toss the phone onto the couch.

  I turn and see Charlize standing right behind me. She’s shaking her head, but I know it’s not at me.

  “The nerve,” she says.

  “I guess he’s not taking it so well.”

  The phone vibrates and the number shows as unknown.

  I’m not sure what button to hit to make the call go silent or whatever it is you do when you don’t want to take a call so I just ignore the damn thing.

  “I’m going to the bedroom to lie down.”

  “Okay,” she says.

  I step towards her, wrapping her up in a hug and kissing her on the forehead before making my way towards the bedroom. It’s good to be back in the simple place I rent in Cape Town for awhile. I’m rarely ever here, but things are changing now. We need to come up with a plan before we decide if, and when, we’re going back out into the field.

  “You need to calm down,” I hear from the other room.

  “Damn,” I mumble under my breath, feeling my palms curl into fists. He called right back and she took it.

  Instead of lying down I slide under the bed and remove something that’s tucked up and underneath the frame. It’s been there since the second day we got back, but it doesn’t belong there any longer, and I’m going to put it where it does belong right fucking now.

  I step back into the living room just as Charlize removes the phone from her cheek and holds it out to me.

  “I’m done with him for now.” I say.

  “Please,” she mouths.

  I shake my head.

  “Come on, Hunter. I’m sorry,” comes from the phone.

  I exhale hard, staring at the phone.

  Charlize cocks her head to the side, gives me a “come on” expression, and then raises her eyebrows.

  I nod, rolling my eyes, but go ahead and take the phone from her.

  “Yeah,” I say, ready to hang up immediately if he says anything stupid.

  “I’m not gonna lie. I tried to prevent this from happening, but once she went down there looking for you I realized it was no use.”

  “Why would you try to prevent us from being together? You don’t trust me?”

  “It has nothing to do with you specifically, Hunter. It has everything to do with your lifestyle. I mean, come on…you’re not exactly down there running an arts and crafts store. Your lifestyle is dangerous, and you’re interacting with deadly animals and people day in and day out, as this news report is reminding me.”

  “But just like that report shows, you know I’m never going to let anything happen to her.”

  “I know, man, but damn…that was pretty close.”

  “That’s why we’re not going back out into the field, not in that capacity at least.”

  “You’re not?”

  “No. I’m not putting my fiancée in that kind of situation ever again.”

  “Fiancée? What? Since when?”

  “Where’s the video button on this thing?”

  Charlize looks at me like I’m crazy as I hand her the phone. She presses something and hands it back to me, her hand shaking almost uncontrollably.

  “Can you see us, Americano?” I ask.

  “I’m not a cup of coffee, Hunter.”

  “No, but this will wake you up better than coffee ever could, and show you just how serious I am about making your sister mine…forever.”

  I set the phone down on a table, leaning it against the mug I just downed a cup of coffee from, somewhat ironically.

  “Like I just said to your brother,” I say to my woman, taking her hand in mine. “We’re not going back out into the field, at least not in any capacity that’s inte
rfacing with predators…of any kind. We’re taking that money and instead of donating half of it to charity, we’re going to start our own animal charity. That way we can see where each and every dollar is spent, to make sure it gets to the right spot. And also so I can keep an eye on you, and keep you safe, twenty-four hours a day.”


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