Remember Me

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Remember Me Page 19

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  Closing the door, he pulled his cell phone from his pocket and dialed.

  “Hello?” a voice answered after the third ring.

  “Martina, it’s me. Listen, call Buddy Martian and tell him to meet us tonight at the house. Make it, oh, eight o’clock. Have him use the back entrance. Make sure the maid is off, you’re going to cook a very special meal for him tonight. It’s time to start sterilizing this situation.”

  “REALLY?” she giggled happily.

  “Yes, really." he replied, smiling to himself. He knew his dear cousin loved it when they got to play. “Seeing as what’s in store for him, at least make it a meal that’s fitting for a person having….well…their LAST meal."

  “You’re so clever, my love.” she giggled again. “The best steak money can buy?”

  “Doesn’t matter, just use your own judgment. I’ll be there right after I see Cassandra. That’s where I’m headed now.”

  “Looking forward to seeing you, as always. Kiss kiss!” she purred, and the line went dead.

  “It’s time to get rid of everyone who gets in my way.” he smiled as he started the engine and pulled out.

  Chapter 18

  Cassandra flopped on her bed, suppressing a tired sigh. Grabbing her shea butter body cream, she slowly applied the soothing lotion to her body, wincing from the soreness that still lingered from the accident. The phone rang, causing her to jump. Biting her lip apprehensively, she looked at the caller ID and groaned. It was Cynne. Earlier, she had called and left a message on her friend’s cell phone, saying that she was fine and back in her apartment. She knew her friend was going to be fussing for hours about her escape from the hospital. Sometimes she felt Cynne’ saw her more as a helpless child than a friend, but truth be told, she was thankful for the woman’s love, concern, and loyalty. Over the past three years the two of them had formed a strong bond, and had become family to one another, and at times she felt that Cynne’ was just as lost and alone as she was.

  Picking up the phone, she only managed a soft “Hello..” before her friend’s rant began.

  “Hello? HELLO? Oh HELL no! Heifer, that’s all you’ve got to say? Acting like everything’s just peachy keen, without a care in the damn world? YOU HAD ME WORRIED! Had me imagining the worst! Had me getting ready to put your ass on a milk carton with the caption, ‘Help me find this fool so I can whoop her ass! What do you have to say for yourself?"

  “Well, I…“

  “Did you think, just for one minute, how your poor MOTHER would feel, much less me?” she interrupted. “Ever consider how much she would worry? You had her in tears, she couldn’t even eat! Doctor Bishop had to give her something to calm her nerves. You didn’t stop to consider her, your husband, or me! That is so WRONG girl!”

  Feeling like a complete heel, she replied sheepishly, “Sorry, I…just wasn’t thinking clearly, so much has happened.”

  “Yeah, well, you just keep your ass there, we’re coming over. I mean it, Cassandra! You better not go anywhere, don’t make me get ghetto on your ass! You need to start thinking, now you have a FAMILY to consider. You’re lucky. Just…stay put.”” her friend warned, then broke the connection.

  Getting up off the bed, she went to her dresser and grabbed her underwear. Putting it on quickly, she dressed in her favorite gray lounging outfit. Using her fingers to comb her hair, she looked in the mirror, frowning at the dark bags under her eyes. “Oh well, it’s not like I’m expecting a date or anything.” she muttered.

  A loud banging at the door made her jump.

  Taking a deep breath apprehensively, she went to answer the door, hoping against hope that it wouldn’t be her supposed husband, she wasn’t ready to deal with him. Have faith and trust your instincts… her mind whispered, and a sudden feeling of calm washed over her.

  Opening the door slowly, she peeked out and was both surprised and relieved to see Brett standing there. Stepping back, she opened the door all the way. “Brett, am I glad to see you! Come in.”

  Smiling, he stepped inside.

  Closing the door and locking it, she turned and led him into the living room.

  Before she could even begin to explain her reasoning for leaving the hospital, he pulled her roughly, almost violently, to him, in his unyielding arms. “My Lord, when I heard you had disappeared from the hospital, I thought that horrid man had hurt you again. Or worse.” he muttered as he released her and took a step back. Cupping her face between his cool hands and looking at her, his eyes seemed to hold an unfamiliar emotion, one that made her uncomfortable.

  Taking a step back and away from his cool hands, she sat down on the sofa. Unable to look him in the eye, she muttered, “Brett, I’m sorry I worried you so. Everyone, for that matter. It was a selfish and foolish thing to do.”

  “Look at me.” he commanded softly.

  Looking up at him reluctantly, her trusting eyes sent a shiver of delight throughout his entire being, but still, he could almost see her distancing herself from him. I can’t allow her to pull away… he thought. He needed to reinforce the seeds of fear he had so painstakingly planted in her mind, make her so fearful of Granger that she would run through the Eighteen Levels of Hell with him in order to get away from the arrogant lout. “I brought you more medication, and since you’re dealing with the stress of finding your…family, I want to increase the dosage. Instead of one, twice a day, I want you to take two in the morning, two at lunchtime, and two before you go to bed. That, and the sleep aides I gave you. At bedtime, of course.”

  Eyes widening, she stammered, “Brett, I know you’re the doctor, but that seems like a bit…much."

  Seeing the concern on her face, he quickly explained, “The stress you’re experiencing from the reunion and the accident, well, I just want to make double sure you’re stabilized. With outsiders pressuring you, I don’t want you to suffer any setbacks.”

  Nodded complacently, she placed the pill bottles on the small coffee table in front of her.

  Relieved, he took a seat beside her, sitting as close to her as possible. Putting one arm around her shoulders, her put his free hand on her thigh possessively, and leaned close as he whispered to her. “Cassandra, surely you can see that I care deeply for you.” His hand gave her thigh a light squeeze. “I want to keep you safe from that monster. Please, sweetheart, let me take you away, to keep you safe.”

  His hot breath on her ear, and the husky, confidential tone creeped her out slightly. She wanted to push him away, but didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

  “Cassandra, Karen, did you hear me?” he murmured.

  Trust your instincts… her mind rang out once more. Cradling her head in her trembling hands, she rubbed her temples and shook her head from side to side slowly, fighting the sudden strange, dazed feeling that had came over her. “Brett, I can’t leave, I have a child…my son. I want to….I NEED, to remember my life, so I can get back to him.” Placing a hand over her heart, her eyes misted. “ I want to be his mother.” Experiencing a gamut of troubling emotions, she looked him in the eye and said, “No more running. I need to get better and just deal with whatever happened to me, so I can be with my child. Will you help me?”

  Forcing himself to not lash out at her, he swallowed several times, struggling to conceal his anger and disappointment.

  Pulling away, he leaned forward and rested his arms on his legs, and was careful to keep his eyes on the floor, lest she see the rage in them. Stay in control, don’t hurt her. Just be patient, she still trusts me. She let me in, didn’t she? She accepted my new prescription, didn’t she? He reminded himself. Still unable to look at her, he released a frustrated sigh. “Of course I’ll help you, I would do anything for you, you know that.” he said, and was thrilled to feel the touch of her hand on his back.

  “Thank you Brett,” she whispered, just as there was a loud knock at the door.

  Glancing at her, he was pleased to see her eyes were wide with panic and fear. She’s still under my control.. He thought with satis

  In a hoarse voice, she pleaded, “Uhhh, could you, would you, see who’s at the door?”

  Knowing she needed him, he suddenly felt as if he could take on an entire world full of Granger Mortensons. An expression of satisfaction burned in his eyes as he smiled, then stood to his full height. “Of course, dear."

  With a confident stride, he approached the door, opened it, and wasn’t the least bit surprised to see Granger, Jocelyn, and Cynne’ standing there, and it was clear they weren’t pleased to see him. So it’s the lout, the meddler, and the nosy bitch.. He thought sourly.

  Granger looked at him, a cold expression on his face. A low warning growl came from his throat, and he made a move to advance towards Brett, with every intention to beating the hell out of him, but Cynne’ firmly grabbed his arm and shook her head. When he felt her relinquish her grasp, he took a deep breath, willing himself to calm down. Although he wanted nothing more than to beat the living hell out of the creep, he knew it would only serve to make his estranged wife even more terrified of him.

  “Can I help you folks?” Brett asked with a mocking smile.

  “I’m here to see my wife.” Granger growled, grinding his teeth audibly.

  Brett’s thin lips twisted into a cynical smile. Yeah, that’s right, you rich pretty boy! You have to request to see MY Cassandra! My silly cousin actually thinks you’re something, but you’re nothing more than a groveling ape… his mind crowed.

  GOD I want to slap that smirk off that smug bastard’s face… Granger thought, barely able to keep himself in check.

  In a condescending tone, Brett answered, “Mr. Mortensen, I really feel that now is not a good time. Emotionally, Karen…excuse me…Cassandra, needs to sort things out. If you would just leave, maybe I could help.”

  In a swift, lighting-fast motion, he shoved the arrogant doctor aside as if he was a pesky fly. No man, especially this insignificant creep, would keep him from his woman a moment longer.

  Hearing the footsteps coming down the short hallway, Cassandra stood just as the tall, handsome man who was supposed to be her husband stepped into the living room. She found herself amazed at how his larger than life aura filled the small room, making her apartment seem too small for him to fit. Opening her mouth to speak, she found herself unable to.

  At that moment her mother and Cynne’ rushed in, and she could see them visibly relax after seeing she was unharmed.

  Her mother rushed to her, hugging her tightly, muttering, “My baby, thank God you’re alright.”

  Closing her eyes, she returned the hug and thought, This feels so nice…

  After a few more minutes her mother stepped back, and her earlier smile of relief was replaced with a stern look. “Cassandra Marigold Ames Mortensen, what in the hell is wrong with you, girl? I thought I had lost you, again!”

  Seeing tears in her mother’s eyes, she felt two inches tall, and closed her eyes. Feeling utterly miserable, she opened her eyes, reached out, and gently wiped her mother’s cheeks, then hugged her tightly again. “Mom, I’m sorry, I was just overwhelmed and scared. I promise, I’ll never do that to you again.” Taking her mother’s hand, she led her to the small couch, where they both sat.

  Taking a seat next to Cassandra, Cynne’ continued her earlier lecture. “Girl, you have to be careful, please don’t pull that kind of drama again. You had not only your mother, but your poor husband beside themselves with worry! He had the people at the hospital running like scared little children as he rampaged through the place, fearing that something bad had happened to you. I know we live in a safe little town and everything, but there are still evil people out there, ones who are always up to no good.” she finished, giving Brett a pointed look.

  Brett stood there fuming, yet managed to keep a neutral expression. Although he yearned to smash Cynne’s meddling face, he was content with the knowledge that he would have that chance soon enough. I’m going to enjoy killing her. Slowly. Her AND that butch detective… he thought grimly.

  Looking at the prescription bottles on the coffee table, Cynne‘, picked them up and studied them carefully. After a moment, she asked slowly, “Cass, do you need to take your medication? You need some water?”

  “No, not until tonight.” Cassandra replied, smiling at her friend’s thoughtfulness.

  Uncomfortable with her close scrutiny of the medication, Brett thought uneasily, What is this nosy bitch up to? I know it’s something….

  Placing the bottles back down on the table, Cynne’ and Jocelyn exchanged a furtive glance.

  “Doctor Parker, we would like to spend time with Cassandra, ALONE.” Granger said, speaking up for the first time since entering the apartment. “I’m sure you can appreciate that.”

  It was crystal clear to everyone in the room that it was a command, not a request.

  Refusing to back down, Brett locked glares with him.

  Cassandra could swear that the room temperature dropped considerably, and she shivered as a chill went up and down her spine. She didn’t like the way the men were acting. Getting to her feet, she prepared herself mentally to play the role of peacemaker. The way they were acting, she feared they would come to blows. Although Brett was no small man himself, she feared Granger would hurt him. He was taller, had more mass, and on top of it all, he had a lethal air about him.

  Granger felt a pang of disappointment as Cassandra stepped around him, careful to not get too close to him. She went directly to Brett, and he shook with burning jealousy as he watched his wife put her hand on the worm’s arm. “Brett, I’ll be fine. I’ll call you later.” she said softly.

  Pleased, Brett cut his eyes to Granger. The man looked as if he would explode any moment. Just like I thought, the narcissistic fool. All brawn and no brains! He thought. He fervently wished he could provoke him to violence in front of Cassandra, he would gladly accept any lumps and bruises, so long as it furthered his agenda. Oh well, maybe next time! Smiling down at Cassandra, he gently caressed her cheek, and could have sworn hearing a low growl coming from the other man. “Very well. If you need anything, like always, call me, day or night. You have my home number.” he replied in an intimate voice.

  Granger knew the punk was challenging him, but he also knew he had to be careful with his temper, at least in front of Cassandra.

  As Brett turned to leave, Granger followed him down the hall to the door, then quickly looked over his shoulder to make sure Cassandra hadn‘t followed. Thankfully, him and the good doctor were alone.

  Grabbing Brett by the collar, much the way a person would grab a cat, he slammed his face against the doorframe, less noise that way, but not quite hard enough to break his nose. Leaning close, he hissed, “Come near my wife again and I’ll fucking kill you. You don’t believe me? Try me. I’m very capable of doing it, and won’t lose a night’s sleep over your sorry ass.” Grabbing the front of the Brett’s shirt and half lifting him off the ground, he stared into the man’s watering eyes. A trickle of blood began pouring from one of Brett‘s nostrils. “Your services are no longer needed, DOCTOR!” he spat. “This is your first and last warning. For your sake, I only hope it registers.”

  Relinquishing his hold on the man’s shirt, he opened the door quickly, grabbed the back of his collar one last time, and hurled him out. He watched with considerable amusement as the doctor stumbled several feet, then fell face-first onto the floor.

  Not giving him a second glance, he closed the door, locked it, and turned only to find Cynne’ standing there with an amused, mischievous glimmer in her eyes.

  Covering her mouth with one hand to stifle her laughter at the sheepish look the big man was giving her, she whispered, “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that.” Patting him on the back, she gently nudged him back in the direction of the living room. “Go on, get in there and talk to Cassandra.”

  Cassandra looked up as Cynne’ and Granger came back in, and her heart began beating harder as she looked into his blue eyes, which seemed to blaze with
a savage, inner fire. Trust your instincts she thought for the third time that day. After what seemed like hours, she finally found her voice and croaked, “Would you like to have a seat…uhh.. Granger?” Graciously, she motioned towards an overstuffed chair.

  He knew that she was uncomfortable, and she confirmed his suspicions when she picked up a throw pillow and held it in her lap, like a shield to protect herself from him.

  “Thank you, but I’ve been sitting all day, I’ll stand.” he replied in a soft voice. Giving her a small, sad smile, he began walking around the room.

  Nodding stiffly, she resumed her conversation with her mother, but found it increasingly difficult to keep her eyes off him as he walked around the room slowly, carefully studying every little thing like it was a rare museum piece.

  Putting his hands behind his back, Granger walked around the room, absorbing his wife’s surroundings, wanting to find out everything she had done, everything she had enjoyed doing in the three years she had been away.


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