The Billionaire's Secret Mistress - Part 2 (Contemporary BWWM Romance) (The Billionaire's Secret Mistress (Contemporary BW)

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The Billionaire's Secret Mistress - Part 2 (Contemporary BWWM Romance) (The Billionaire's Secret Mistress (Contemporary BW) Page 1

by Destiny Davis

  The Billionaire's Secret Mistress

  PART 2

  Published By Destiny Davis, 2015

  Get notified of new releases and special offers by signing up to Destiny's mailing list

  ©2015 Destiny Davis

  All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author’s imagination.

  Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters represented as 18 or over.

  Kindle Edition

  Table of Contents

  The Billionaire's Secret Mistress

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  About The Author

  This is the Part Two of a two-part serial that should be read in older. If you missed Part One, buy or borrow it with Kindle Unlimited

  Chapter 1

  Angela didn’t know what she was expecting after her breakup with Dimitri. The last thing she’d anticipated, however, was to sink into the deep depression that had gripped her ever since she came back from his place. It was only then that she realized how much she’d grown to care about him. She took three days off work and spent the day in bed with the blackout blinds pulled down, three bottles of wine, and a tub of vanilla ice cream.

  Somewhere around eight - night or day she didn’t know and no longer cared - her phone rang. Truth be told, it had been ringing for a while now but she’d been ignoring the shrill, demanding sound.

  “What?” She snapped, without even looking at the screen.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Lilly’s voice screeched down the line.

  Angela winced, holding the phone away from her. “Don’t scream. I already feel like my head is being slice open with a machete.”

  “That bad, huh? I figured something was up when Dimitri showed up at work today looking like shit.”

  Angela sat up straighter. “Did he?”

  “Yes.” Lilly paused. “Angie, what the hell went on between the two of you? I’ve been working here for three years now and I’ve never seen Dimitri like this.”

  Angela clutched the phone tighter. “How was he, Lilly?”

  “I don’t know how to describe it… he just looked… dead. There were these huge circles under his eyes, his hair was messy, and his shirt was rumpled but it was more than that…” Lilly paused again. “I don’t know how to describe it.”

  A vice-like grip squeezed her heart. Her hand shook as she reached for another wine bottle and brought it to her lips, gulping down the remaining dregs.

  “Angie? Are you here?”

  “Yes,” she said hoarsely. “I was just finishing my wine.” She looked morosely at the mess in her bedroom. “I might start on tequila next.”

  “Look, you gotta snap out of it, alright?” Lilly said firmly. “You knew from the start that it wouldn’t last. I told you so. Dimitri told you so. Your gut told you so.”

  “Lilly…” Angela gritted her teeth. “Just… just stop, alright?”

  “What?” Her best friend said defensively. “Stop trying to drag you back to earth? Angela, what did you expect? We all know what a reputation Dimitri has.” She took a deep breath. “Babe, I’m sorry this happened to you but come on… you can’t say that we hadn’t been expecting it.”

  “We?” Angela raised an eyebrow. “There is no we in this story, Lilly. I don’t know what the hell you expected but I didn’t really think I’d get tossed aside when he had his fill of me.” She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. “Look, I’ll speak to you later alright? I have to go.”

  Ignoring her friend’s protests, she hung up and angrily tossed the phone on the bed. The short talk with Lilly had awoken something in her, though. There was a crack in the cocoon of numbness that she’d wrapped around herself since the breakup a week ago. Her fingers twitched almost involuntarily towards her phone. She could give him a call. Just to check up on him. No, that would be too obvious. She suddenly remembered that she’d taken three days off work but she was now on day four. Maybe she could call to let him know that she would be starting work again tomorrow.

  Before she could even linger on the idea, Angela grabbed her phone and dialed his direct line. Her heart was hammering so furiously that she could hardly breathe. She closed her eyes and inhaled slowly through her nose, trying to compose herself. It wouldn’t help if he heard how nervous she sounded, how broken she -


  Her mind was suddenly wiped free of everything that she’d planned on saying. She opened her mouth but closed it again. Her eyes welled with tears.


  She cleared her throat. “Hi.”

  There was a long pause.

  “Hello, Angela,” he said finally.

  A shudder ran down her spine at the formality in his voice. He sounded… cold. Distant. Like a stranger, almost. Nothing in his voice suggested that they ever had anything but a working relationship.

  “Is there anything I can help you with?” He pressed, sounding hassled.

  “Yes.” She sat up straighter, injecting as much coldness in her voice as possible. “Yes, I’m calling to apologize for taking an extra day off work. My leave was for three days only but I’m still not feeling well.” She let out a loud cough. “Flu.”

  “That’s fine.” He said, sounding even more distant.

  “I should be back tomorrow.”



  There was an uncomfortable pause and then Angela cleared her throat again. “So, I’ll see you tomorrow, then?”

  “Angela, I…” He started, suddenly sounding as broken as she felt.

  Her fingers gripped around her phone. “Yes?”

  He exhaled loudly. “Nothing.” Dimitri finally muttered. “See you tomorrow.”

  With that, he hung up before she could say another word.

  Anger and resentment throbbed through her as she listened to the blank tone.

  “Fuck you, Dimitri,” she muttered under her breath as she pushed back the covers and got out of bed.

  It was only when she was back on her feet that she realized how drunk she truly was. She could hardly stand straight yet, ignoring the spinning room, she leaned against the wall and somehow made it to the bathroom. She turned on the faucet and leaned over the sink, splashing cold water on her face, desperately wishing that she could crawl back into the numbed state that she’d been in just a few minutes ago.

  Angela looked up from the sink and blinked at her reflection, horrified by what she saw. In spite of a steady diet of wine and ice cream, she must have lost five pounds in the past week. Her face was gaunt, marred by huge shadows under her eyes which, incidentally, were so swollen that she could barely see them. For the first time, she realized that she was wearing nothing more than the one shirt Dimitri had left at her place. In the loose button-up, she looked skinnier than ever - vulnerable even. Her hair was limp and greasy, looking just as pathetic as she felt.
r />   Pain lanced through her as she grabbed the collar and yanked it up to her face. It was faint, but it still smelled like him. She fought back tears as she slipped off the shirt and carefully folded it up, setting it on the counter. As much as she yearned to stay in bed all day, she had to move on with her life. If Dimitri could get over things so easily; so could she.

  With newfound resolve, she stepped into her stand-up shower, slowly closing the glass door behind her. She turned the faucet full blast and rested her forehead against the marble wall, allowing the cold water to rain down her back. Her shoulders racked with sobs but, for once, she didn’t try to suppress her tears or feelings. She just let everything go; all the hurt, the tension, the humiliation of being dumped… and when she finally stepped out of the shower half an hour later, she finally felt human again.

  She wrapped a towel around her body and walked back to the bedroom. First she was going to dry her hair and then she was going shopping for a new, knock ‘em dead office dress, she decided. Tomorrow, not only would she show Dimitri what he’d lost, but she was determined to show him how quickly she’d gotten over him, too.

  Chapter 2

  Angela didn’t know if it was her imagination or if everybody was really staring at her when she breezed into the office the following day. Heads turned as she strode across the ominous-looking main floor, her towering gold heels digging into the carpet. She didn’t know if it was because she was wearing a bright red dress that was drastically different than her usual attire, or because someone found out about her affair, but she was sure she heard hushed whispers follow her to her cubicle.

  Calm down, she told herself. No one’s staring.

  She did, however, manage to make it through the day without any direct contact with Dimitri. He passed by her desk a few times on his way in and out of her office, but kept his face carefully averted from her just like old times. It was literally as though nothing ever happened between them.

  It was with a deep sense of relief that Angela finally gathered her things and walked out of the office at five in the afternoon. She walked to the elevator and pushed the button, desperate to be out of the office before she saw him again.

  The elevator door opened and Angela froze in mid-step.


  It was empty except for Dimitri.

  His eyes briefly darkened at the sight of her but he only leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, looking relaxed and nonchalant. Her lips pressed in a thin line as she walked determinedly into the elevator and punched the button with a fury that betrayed her cool exterior. The silence was thick with tension but she lifted her chin in continued determination. She certainly wasn’t going to talk to him. In fact, she wasn’t even going to look at him. Let him see how little she needed him.

  Still, in the confined, velvet-lined interior of the elevator, she was much too aware of the proximity of his body. She stared straight ahead, trying to pretend that he wasn’t there but she could feel him behind her. She could feel the heat of his body melt into her back. He was standing at the far end of the elevator but she could feel him, feel every inch of him.

  Her eyes widened as she suddenly realized that it wasn’t just her imagination.

  Dimitri was standing close to her - so close that she could feel his hardening erection press between her butt cheeks. She held her breath as he splayed his fingers over her stomach, pulling her into him. All the emotions that she’d been trying to suppress rose to the surface, washing over her, almost consuming her.

  “I’ve missed you.” His voice was low and husky in her ear as he nipped gently on her earlobe.

  It would have been so easy to just close her eyes and allow herself to be swayed by the fierce assault of emotions that came crashing down upon her. Without really thinking about what she was doing, she placed her hand over his on her stomach, slowly lacing her fingers through his. Right then, pressed against his body, it was so easy to forget about how he’d practically ripped her heart out in the short time they’d been together.

  But she couldn’t afford to fall back into those feelings.

  “What are you doing?” She whirled around and glared at him. “We’re over, remember? What the hell are you doing?” She protested as he grabbed her waist and swung her around, slamming her into the velvet wall.

  His fists closed over her wrists as, in a much too familiar gesture, he brutally yanked her arms above her head. She glared up at him, trapped between the wall and his exceptionally powerful body.

  “Fuck you, Dimitri,” she hissed, struggling pointlessly against his iron-clad grip.

  He cupped her chin between his thumb and forefinger, lifting her face to his. She opened her mouth to protest again but he slammed his lips to hers, swallowing her words. He fisted her hair, wrapping it tightly around his wrist.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” She pressed her palms to his chest, trying to push him away.

  Her efforts were futile. He placed his hands against the elevator on both sides of her head, effortlessly trapping her between his solid body and the wall. She hardly noticed the grind of the elevator when he leaned over her to press the stop button.

  “Dimitri…” she half-moaned, half-protested. Her fingers clutched his collar and she closed her eyes, trying to compose herself. “Dimitri, it’s over… we’re done…”

  “What if I don’t want it to be over?” He whispered, kissing his way down her throat. With deft fingers he unzipped her dress, the sound echoing loudly in the confined space.

  Her lips parted in a silent moan as he pulled down on her dress, sweeping his tongue across her cleavage. His fingers knotted in her hair, yanking her face to his “What if I still want you by my side?”

  She opened her mouth to answer but a moan escaped her lips as he pushed down her dress to expose her pink lace bra. She shuddered as he yanked the cup out of the way, allowing her full, generous breasts to spill out.

  “Fuck, look at that…” He groaned, hungrily lowering his lips to her cleavage. “You have no idea how I love those big tits…”

  Her black nipple grew stiff and erect as he captured it between his teeth, pulling sharply on it. He pushed her dress down, kneeling in front of her as he sucked his way down her body. She threw back her head, moaning again as he dipped his tongue in her belly button, swirling it around before licking across her pubic bone.

  “I can’t wait to see that little cunt again…” he rasped, pushing her dress out of the way to expose her panties. He knelt on the floor and grabbed her bottom with both hands as he pulled her crotch to his face. “We should probably go back to my place. I want to take you in my bed. I want to tie you to my bed and never let you leave.”

  He started to pull her panties down but gathering up every ounce of will-power, Angela finally pulled him away and yanked up her dress, clutching it to her chest. Her breasts heaved up and down from her heavy breathing as she briefly closed her eyes and tried to regain some of her composure.

  “What’s wrong?” His eyes were molten caramel as he looked up from his position on the floor.

  She adjusted her bra and zipped up her dress again, her eyes flashing angrily. “What’s wrong? You think I’m ready to come running back to your bed because you’re feeling horny again?”

  “Baby, I was broken when you left me,” he whispered.

  “I left you?” She screeched. “I left you? You’re the one who had issues with the relationship, Dimitri! You played me, you screwed me over and then you told me to leave. What do you want from me, huh? You want a fuck? Is that what you want? A fuck with no commitment?”

  Something went flat in his eyes. He nodded and finally straightened up. Without a word, he punched the button and stared right ahead as the elevator started to move again. Angela flushed as she realized how loud her breathing sounded in the small space. The elevator finally stopped on the ground floor and he courteously moved to the side, allowing her to pass first. Her arm brushed against his as she left the elevator, keeping her head u
p but not once looking his way.


  She turned around.

  His eyes bore into hers. “What is the nature of our relationship then?”

  “Strictly professional.”

  His lips pulled in a one-sided grin. “Strictly professional, then,” he agreed, just before the doors slid shut between them. The elevator began its ascent back to the top floor with Dimitri inside, leaving Angela to conclude he had no intention of exiting the building and had merely used the elevator as a means of getting her alone.

  She stood alone in the lobby, her vision suddenly fuzzy. Black spots were dancing in the corner of her eyes. She blinked, leaning against the wall for support as the room started to spin. A wave of weakness unlike anything she’d ever felt crashed down upon her. Sweat break across her brow and she was suddenly quite aware of the frantic pounding of her heart. Everything seemed to be spinning and she saw the floor grow closer and closer as the black spots enlarged, completely obscuring her vision. She crumpled on the floor, a high-pitched screaming the last thing she heard as she passed out.

  Chapter 3

  Angela slowly opened her eyes, blinking at the bright fluorescent light.

  That she was in a hospital bed was obvious almost at once. A beeping sound was echoing loudly in the room and mirroring her heartbeat. Her mouth was parched and she gingerly turned her head to the side, looking for some water.

  Her eyes widened.

  There, in a small, uncomfortable-looking armchair, was Dimitri. His eyes were closed and his chest rose in a slow, steady pattern. In his sleep, he looked exactly like the man she remembered, like the man who’d slept in her arms so many nights. Angela had no idea what he was doing here - or her for that matter - but somehow the sight of him soothed the emptiness that had invaded her heart since their breakup.

  He looked stressed, even in his sleep, and she couldn’t help but notice that his hair was sticking up on one end like it always did whenever he ran his fingers through it in agitation. Part of her hoped against hope that he was worried about her, that some part of him did care about her, and that would maybe explain why he was in her hospital room. Yet, before she could ponder on this thought, the door opened. Out of instinct, she closed her eyes again.


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