Home > Other > PROJECT SEX KEEPING IT IN THE FAMILY: Book 1 of 5 (PROJECT SEX VOL 1 of 5) > Page 1

by BJ Cummings

  Vanessa was finally free. There were no more kids or man to get in her way of living her life the way she wanted to. Vanessa put out her cigarette and stood up from her table. Her daughter had gotten pregnant by Vanessa’s boyfriend, a man that had helped to raise her from ten years old. Vanessa had kicked them both out as soon as she found out. Her daughter claimed that she got pregnant by a married man and couldn’t tell Vanessa who it was. Vanessa knew better, she had seen the way that they looked at each other. Like two people that had a secret.

  Vanessa stretched her tall size two body. She flipped open her pocket mirror and checked her teeth. Vanessa was thirty-eight but she could pass for ten years younger. Now that her daughter was gone, that’s exactly what she planned to do; starting with getting a free tattoo from a young man that lived in the building next door. He said he would give her one if she had sex with him. He thought that she was his age. Vanessa couldn’t wait to fuck the shiznitz out of him.

  Vanessa felt like she hadn’t had real sex in the past eight years. Now that Doug was gone, she could move on with her life and have all the fun she had missed in her twenties because she was raising Kendra. She put her mirror back into her purse and took out her cell phone. The young tattoo artist next door, Chris, had shown her how to use ‘WhatsApp’ with his barely understandable English and told her to send him a message when she was heading towards his building.

  She sent him the message and hoped she did it right. Vanessa sprayed a little perfume and left her apartment. She was walking towards the door of his building when a redhead came out and smiled at her. “Oh hi, Kendra.” Vanessa thought that the young girl was about to embrace her, but then the redhead stopped short. “Oh I’m sorry! Oh my god! You look just like my new neighbor. It’s a little dark out too. I’m sorry I thought you were somebody else.” The redhead reached for Vanessa’s hand, “I’m Jolene, by the way. I live in six.” The young girl actually winked at her and kissed Vanessa’s hand.

  Oh god, she thought. Kendra and Doug had moved into the building next door. Vanessa took her hand gracefully away from the obvious lesbian and smiled. She had never been with another woman before. She thought about it for a second and decided, why not? “I live in five, over there. My name is Vanessa.” Vanessa wondered how old Jolene was. She was very pretty and fresh-faced. “I live alone and would enjoy a visit from a neighbor, Jolene.”

  Jolene smiled brightly and nodded. Vanessa felt herself get wet and was shocked by it. She felt her clit throb like never before at the thought of this young redhead in pigtails jumping naked on her bed. Suddenly a rush of desire like she hadn’t had in years burned through her body like wildfire. She felt a little breathless as she watched Jolene walk away. Vanessa’s pussy was absolutely slick in her panties as she walked inside Chris’ building.

  She knocked on Chris’ door the way that he showed her and he opened it before she finished. A huge Hispanic man came out without a word and went into the apartment across the hall. They both smelled like Marijuana. Vanessa wondered how good the tattoo would come out if he were high. She looked at Chris before entering. He wasn’t wearing his shirt and his jeans weren’t buttoned. He looked sexy as hell. A person could tell that he worked in the tattoo business; he had them all over his body.

  He also had a very manly piercing in his navel. Vanessa walked into his apartment smiling. She decided that he probably spent his whole life high and that it wouldn’t affect his work. What a loser, she thought. Doing drugs and trading tattoos for sex when you could be paid for the tattoo and get sex for free. Vanessa took off her shirt before he even closed the door. She was not wearing a bra and she knew her breasts were fabulous so she figured, why not?

  “I’m not sure if I want one close to my breast or close to my pussy. What do you think?” His blue eyes rested on her breasts. Vanessa slipped off the rest of her clothes and sat on his couch with her legs spread. Chris knelt on the floor in front of her and licked her pussy. Vanessa gasped and closed her eyes. She imagined that it was the scandalously young Jolene licking her. She imagined that Jolene’s candy pink tongue was teasing her clit. The thought made Vanessa shiver and she spread her legs wider wanting more.

  Chris stopped licking her pussy and she opened her eyes. He held out his hand and she took it. He pulled her off the couch and massaged her breasts before sucking each one. He was so handsome and looking down at this young man sucking her tits made her moan. Vanessa held onto his head as he sucked her hard. This was the easiest way she had ever paid for anything. His hands slid around her naked waist and cupped her bottom.

  Vanessa loved the feel of a man’s hands there. He spread her cheeks and she felt a little nervous though. Chris kissed her lips then gently and Vanessa sighed against his mouth in pleasure. She loved kissing; Vanessa slid her tongue inside his mouth and wrestled with his tongue. She was really loving that fact that he wanted her badly enough that he was willing to pay to fuck her. It made her feel sexy and youthful.

  She slid her hand inside his pants and grabbed his cock. It was strangely lumpy but she didn’t want to embarrass him by pulling it out and looking at it. She stroked it and realized that he had done something to it. The lumps were in a straight line. She wondered what it would feel like inside her. Vanessa wanted him inside her now. She was wet before she had even come inside the door.

  Being naked in his living room being used by him was such a turn on that suddenly she thought that she could understand hookers a little. She just didn’t understand how they did it with ugly men. Chris touched her between her legs bringing her back from her thoughts. Vanessa pushed his finger inside and squeezed him. She knew that when she squeezed that it was really tight. She practiced on her finger all the time.

  Chris pulled his finger out in a rush and pulled her easily to his room. Vanessa was suddenly bored with him and wanted him to get it over with so she could get her tattoo. She sat down on the bed and rested back on a pillow. She smiled at Chris and spread her legs and fingered herself. Doug had always liked to watch her, she wondered if Chris would. He didn’t. He pulled her hand away and replaced it with his lumpy cock. Vanessa’s boredom was blasted away by his dildo-like cock.

  He was really good at what he was doing and Vanessa found herself moaning in earnest. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hung on for dear life as the young stud pounded away at her pussy. He wrapped his arms around her and fucked her hard. Vanessa squeezed his dick and was rewarded by the lumps. She could now feel each one as his cock worked her into a crazed state. Vanessa decided to let her freak out a little. She moistened a fingertip and slid it inside his muscular ass as soon as she could reach it.

  Vanessa understood enough Spanish to know that he was swearing at her but she pretended ignorance. She squeezed him even tighter with her pussy so he wouldn’t want to pull out. His humiliation of being fingered in the ass and unable to stop it sent her spiralling closer to orgasm on his awesome cock. She pushed it deeper until he could barely pull out without helping her thrust her finger in harder and deeper.

  Vanessa felt herself weakening with her impending release. She wanted it so bad. She adjusted her hips and legs so she could really hurt him. He bucked inside her to escape her unwelcome intrusion. Vanessa came delectably on his piston strong cock, loudly moaning his name. She wanted the whole building including Kendra and Doug to know that she was cumming deliciously on Chris’ cock. Her loud moans seemed to provoke him even more and he locked his masculine hips against hers.

  He had her on top of him expertly in a second and she was forced to remov
e her finger from his bottom. He pounded from under her so hard that she bounced up and down violently on his dick. Her breasts bounced just as violently. Vanessa yelled his name and called him a god. She groaned and panted and moaned as he fucked her hard from underneath her. Vanessa’s delectable orgasm continued forever until she started panicking that she was going to pass out from it.

  Finally, he came inside her and he shuddered and dug his fingers and thumbs into her thighs painfully. He swore at her again in Spanish, something about being a sexy whore. Vanessa knew she should be insulted but instead it felt like a compliment, so she smiled down at him. He shoved her to the side and got off the bed. Vanessa stroked her clit a little watching him stretch his beautiful body. The he went into the bathroom and she heard the shower turn on.

  Vanessa opened her legs and looked down at her satisfied pussy. She played with the sperm that was bubbling out and spread it on her pussy. She enjoyed the feeling of her tiny finger caressing her wet clit with Chris’ sperm. She closed her eyes and though of Jolene and she slid a finger inside. She felt an aftershock of her orgasm on her finger and she moaned a little. Her clit swelled promiscuously wanting more attention.

  She imagined Jolene’s little tongue flicking on her clit while she masturbated. In seconds, Vanessa was panting and rubbing the palm of her hand feverishly on her pussy. Chris came out of the bathroom but she didn’t stop. He threw his towel at her and the cool wet towel landed between her legs. She stared at his dick as she continued. She watched it harden as he got dressed and tried to ignore her. She moaned as she came again, a little painfully, in her hand. She quickly used the towel to clean herself. Her pussy pulsated with pleasure still and the coolness of the wet towel added to it.

  She threw the towel on the floor and stood up. Chris was dress but wasn’t zipped. He picked her slim form and put her against the wall. He pulled his hard cock out of his pants and inserted it into her. Vanessa giggled and wrapped her legs around him. He came inside her before she could even start to enjoy it. Vanessa purred anyway and kissed his cheek as he panted and grunted. After a few seconds, he put her down and zipped up his pants finally. Vanessa got excited. Tattoo time!

  She followed him into his tiny kitchen and sat at his table. He had a thin binder on his table, Vanessa opened it and looked at the different drawings and pictures of tattoos that he had done. She picked one out and showed him. He picked it up and looked impressed by her choice. It was a sexy female skull face with strange make-up on it.

  Chris pointed to her ribs under her right breast and she nodded. An hour later, Vanessa left his apartment with an awesome tattoo. She loved that fact that she paid for it with pussy. It made it seem even sexier to her. She suddenly wished she could show it to Doug. She wished that she wasn’t going home to an empty apartment. Instead of leaving the building, she decided to go upstairs and see if Jolene was back yet. She tried to remember what apartment it was.

  She just remembered that it was the top floor. A woman with brown hair opened the door with a smile. “Does Jolene live here?” The woman’s smile faltered a little as she looked Vanessa up and down.

  “What do you want with Jolene?” A small child appeared from behind her and held onto her hip. Vanessa smiled at her. Of course Jolene didn’t live alone, she thought, I’m so stupid. It must be her mother. The woman looked too young to be Jolene’s mother and the jealous look in her eyes told even another story. Maybe Jolene wasn’t as young as she looked. She was living with a girlfriend or wife even. Vanessa had always been quick on her feet and she came up with an answer in seconds.

  “I believe she knows my daughter, Kendra. I was looking for her new apartment but I can’t remember which one. Maybe you could tell me?” The smile returned and the brown haired woman nodded.

  “She’s in number three, downstairs. I should have known, you look just like her.” Vanessa smiled and thanked her. She went down the stairs while the woman watched. The woman only closed the door after she saw Vanessa knock on Kendra’s door. Vanessa didn’t blame her for her trust issues. She had in fact been looking for Jolene for the wrong reasons and she probably would again.

  A tall handsome man about forty something years old opened the door. He had amazing green eyes and brown hair, a streak of grey just starting at his forehead. Vanessa was speechless, the man arrogantly waited in silence for her to speak. He was obviously used to woman staring at him. He had sexy crow’s feet at the corners of his eyes and a hard masculine mouth.

  “I think I have the wrong apartment. I was looking for Jolene, uh Kendra-my daughter. I’m sorry.” Vanessa swallowed as he stood straighter and looked at her. He smiled then.

  “You look exactly like her, only prettier. I am Victor, we haven’t met yet. I am her boyfriend. Come on in. You must be Vanessa.” So there was a boyfriend, maybe Doug wasn’t the baby’s father after all. Vanessa’s head filled with doubts about her decision to kick Doug out. Then she thought back at all the times she had caught the two of them sharing looks or just Doug staring at Kendra. There was definitely something wrong there. She still felt sure about that.

  Vanessa followed him inside admiring his tall lean body. She closed the door behind her. She wondered if Victor had any doubts of his own now that he lived with the both of them. He went into the kitchen and offered her some coffee. Vanessa accepted and sat down at the table. He sat in the chair next to her and turned it towards her. For a second she was lost in his sea green eyes. Victor sipped his coffee and then he spoke, “Kendra took off with her stepfather the other night. I can’t reach her on her cell. I don’t know where they were going. I only got half of the message and then her phone died or something. I’m not sure when she will be back.”

  Vanessa felt sick. Victor looked like such a responsible and friendly person. He didn’t deserve Kendra and Doug. “I’m sorry, Victor. I didn’t even believe that you existed. I thought the baby was Doug’s and that’s why I kicked them both out.” Victor took a deep breath and sat back in his chair. Vanessa tried not to stare at his sexy masculine thighs.

  Victor sat like most men, with his legs wide apart. It made it so easy to check out their package. Vanessa felt herself getting hot; she really tried not to look. It was so inappropriate at a time like this, or even with her daughter’s boyfriend. Vanessa felt herself blush and turned her face away. He reached out and touched her face.

  “Hey, what’s the matter? You didn’t say anything that I didn’t already suspect.” He pulled her chin up. “Look at me. What’s the matter?” She looked up into Victor’s green eyes and her heart raced as desire hit her full force. “Oh shit. You look exactly like your daughter. You are so beautiful.” He caressed her face and Vanessa shivered. “Oh fuck.” He whispered it so low that she wasn’t sure he said it.

  Vanessa averted her eyes from his. Unfortunately, her gaze landed between his legs and she saw that he liked her as much as she liked him. He pulled at his pants and adjusted as she watched. It just seemed to give him more room to grow and Vanessa watched as he did just that. Vanessa stood up quickly, not knowing what she would do. She couldn’t look at his face or his legs or between them. Victor was sitting so close that when she stood up she was between his legs and her breasts were in his face.

  She tried to step over his huge legs, he moved them to help her but she ended up falling on him. “Vanessa. Calm down. It’s ok.” He was holding her in his lap and she felt his hardness against her inner thigh. How she had ended up straddling him she didn’t know. He was holding her waist with one hand and caressing her back with the other. “I’m sorry, Vanessa. Can I hold you for a minute? I have been alone for days.” His hands went up her ribcage and Vanessa winced as his hand went over her hour old tattoo.

  His hands were on her breasts then and she sighed. Why fight against the inevitable? She allowed herself to look into his sexy eyes. He seemed to be just as enchanted with her. He touched her face and then pulled her head towards his. His mouth tasted like the sweetest mint, Vanessa decided th
en and there that she was going to quit smoking. She wanted her mouth to taste like this. His hands went to work removing clothes while they kissed.

  Victor felt the bandage over her tattoo and stopped. “I’m sorry. Does it hurt? What is it?” Vanessa felt a little embarrassed and didn’t say anything. He peeled the side of it and peeked in. “Oh thank god, it’s a tattoo. I thought it was something with stitches. That’s a pretty cool Day of the Dead tattoo. Pretty sexy, makes you look like a bad girl.” I am sitting topless on my daughter’s boyfriend’s lap. I think that makes me a bad girl.

  He carefully avoided it when he touched her breasts and played with them. “How old are you, Vanessa? These are amazing.” He suckled one. Vanessa realized that this was the first time that she had ever been involved with somebody older than herself. All of her boyfriends had always been younger than she. Doug was only four years younger, but he was still younger and she had always lived with the fear that he would want a younger woman one day. Suddenly, Vanessa felt relaxed and safe in Victor’s arms. She didn’t have to fight to look and act younger.

  “I’m thirty-eight.” Victor hugged her and kissed her. Vanessa wanted him bad. Her pussy was aching like crazy now and she was sure that her panties were soaked through. Everything about him was so right, he was perfection. She jumped off his lap and removed the rest of her clothes. Victor pulled her towards the bedroom he shared with her daughter. She felt a little guilty for a split second before she remembered who her daughter was with this very moment.

  “You are perfect. I always felt bad about being with younger women. But women my age aren’t shaped like this. I’m forty-four by the way.” Her clit sharply pulsated. Victor removed his shirt and she admired him again. He really was amazing. She could see every muscle in his chest and arms as he removed his pants. His cock burst forth as soon as it could and Vanessa stared at it. She wanted him so badly. She excused herself and went into the bathroom. She rinsed her pussy really good to make sure that there was nothing left of Chris. She brushed her teeth with a new looking toothbrush and washed her face.


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