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Nephilim Page 13

by Sammy King

  “Well let’s stop the tears, this is a celebration time. Are you ready?” Morrigan asked.

  Ada shrugged. She suddenly felt a burst of anxiety, she didn’t really know what to expect and the fear of the unknown weighed on her. Her excitement previously had quickly given way to fear. Her Mother had never taught her about a joining celebration. Merza and Kade had been through the ceremony and Ada knew the basics, but this all seemed to be moving so fast.

  “I’m scared” she said feeling tears spring to her eyes “it’s going so fast”

  Morrigan nodded and pulled her into a tight hug.

  “I know it is. But you need your soulmate. You will need his psychic help Ada. I wouldn’t push for what I didn’t think was the best for you” Morrigan said as she released Ada and reached up to thread flowers of Lavender and Roses through Ada’s hair.

  Ada knew that it had to move fast. There was a war coming and there wasn’t time to take things slowly. Morrigan saw that Travis was her soulmate and Ada believed her even though it still didn’t make sense how a human could become a soulmate for a Witch. But those words; just trust, it’s all she could do. Morrigan let go of Ada and held her at an arm’s length looking her over, before sighing and giving Ada a weak smile. She turned and began to fill a jug with warm water and scented oils. Morrigan then tossed in rose petals that floated on top of the water.

  “Right well, off with these clothes” Morrigan said as she tugged at the shirt Ada wore. “I will meet you out in the hall when you are undressed”

  Morrigan turned and left with the jug, but the scent of the sandalwood and rose lingered.

  Chapter Twenty One

  “If love is a form of substance abuse, I hope to die high” Crystal Woods

  Ada quickly shed her clothes and went to the hall. The room was darkened and if it wasn’t for her Vampire vision she wouldn’t be able to see very far in front of her. She knew that Travis being human wouldn’t be able to see anything at all when he was brought in. Dotted around the room were small white candles and in the centre of the pentagram burnt purple candles, purple being the colour of the psychic world that would help to join Travis and Ada not only physically but also spiritually.

  Ada looked around the room where she could see the circle of women that stood around the edge of the hall. They all stood in silence with their arms outstretched to the skies as they mouthed words of chants. Morrigan saw Ada and stepped forward, she had also shed her clothes. Ada looked around but couldn’t see Travis anywhere. Morrigan took Ada’s hand and led her into the centre of the circle that had been dusted with purple powder. The women dropped their hands and each leaned forward picking up their own small jug and natural sponge.

  Morrigan instructed Ada to stand in the centre of the circle with her arms outstretched and each Witch stepped forward and in turn cleaned Ada’s body. The scent of the oils filled her nostrils and the warmth of the water made her feel relaxed as she was gently washed down. After the last Witch had taken her turn in washing Ada’s body, they all stepped back into the circle. Morrigan again entered with lavender flowers. Starting at the top of Ada’s head she gently feathered the flowers over her body. Just as she finished another coven member Natalie stepped forward with incense and blew the smoke over Ada’s body, followed by another coven member Jessica who took Witch hazel branches and tapped the sticks over Ada’s body and so continued until each coven member had covered Ada in either the smoke of incense or a plant.

  “Ada you have now been cleansed. Please bring Travis in” Morrigan called.

  Ada followed where two of the Witches went and saw them lead Travis in to the room. He was dressed in a white robe and was blindfolded with a white satin piece of material. The women lead Travis to the centre of the room and stopped him in front of where Ada stood. Morrigan took Travis’s hands and placed them in Ada’s. She then took a silk purple tie and wrapped their hands together. Ada entwined her fingers with Travis’s and rubbed her thumb on his palm. She heard him inhale sharply as she released pleasure into him.

  “Are you ready Ada?” Morrigan asked looking at her. Her eyes shined with love but threaded through the look was concern.

  “I am” Ada said

  Her aunt smiled a warm tender smile and nodded. Morrigan then took a golden dagger into her hand and went to the back of Travis. She reached up and held the back of his robe. With one clean slice Morrigan ran the dagger through the material. Travis grasped Ada’s hand tighter as the dagger sliced through the robe and it fell off his shoulders.

  Morrigan sliced through the arms of the robe until it fell off Travis’s body and he was standing naked in front of Ada. She couldn’t help but look him up and down. He was strong, tall, compared to her five foot seven frame he stood well over six feet; he held such strength in his shoulders and arms. His waist narrowed at his hips with a triangular shape. He had a light smatter of hair that ran over his nipples and down to his pubic area. Ada allowed her eyes roam over his body. She caught a glimpse of his penis that was semi erect. Her eyes widened at the size of it. She hadn’t been with human men before. But the girls talk. And the girls that Ada had spoken with who had been with human men have always said they were small. But there was nothing small about Travis.

  Ada instantly blushed and glanced at Travis who had a small smile on his face. She scolded herself for her thoughts she forgot he could feel her thoughts. He rubbed his thumb on her palm in reassurance. Morrigan leant forward and untied the satin blindfold allowing it to drop to the floor between Ada and Travis. Ada looked up into his face. His eyes were a sultry brown. They oozed with passion and his whole body seemed to instantly heat up. As she looked up into his face she could hear the women of the coven begin to chant.

  Travis seemed to instinctively know what to do. Ada looked around and saw that Morrigan had stepped back into the circle of witches and held her arms high in the air, her eyes closed and her head thrown back, her red hair dangling down her back caressing her buttocks. Travis pulled Ada closer to him and raised their tied hands above her head. Her breasts brushed against his chest and she couldn’t hold back the groan of pleasure it brought.

  Travis continued to look into her eyes, reading her reactions, her feelings. He pulled her closer still and she could feel his erection press itself against her belly. She moaned again as he leaned forward and began to kiss her lips. At first they were carefully gently placed kisses across her mouth. Nibbling, tasting, sampling; the heat started to build between them and Ada could hear the chants get louder around them. Soon she could see the sparks of hers and Travis’s aura begin to spew forth; like a volcanic eruption.

  Without warning Travis’s mouth engulfed hers. His tongue protruded her mouth and she opened her lips to let him have better access. She pushed herself tighter against him still. Her arms were pulled tight above her head, but not painfully. She longed to have him inside her. Her tongue tangled with his. She longed to be joined with him.

  “Soon” he murmured against her lips.

  Ada smiled as he kissed her cheeks, her ears and her neck. Their auras swam around them like a warm bath. She could see the threads of her white aura and his golden aura, intermingle around their waists, dancing in and out between their bodies and around the room. Travis leaned forward and pushed her back, she leaned as far as she could without falling.

  “Just trust” she heard Merza’s voice call.

  Ada sucked in a breath and she opened her eyes scanning the room for where her Mother was. She couldn’t see her in the sea of faces. All with their eyes closed, their arms outstretched and mouths moving fast in a chant. Her eyes settled on Morrigan who was watching Ada. Her green eyes sparkled and she nodded to Ada.

  “Just trust” she mouthed.

  Ada nodded her head and closed her eyes again. She lifted her feet from the ground and locked her ankles around Travis’s back. He continued to lean forward until they were both laying in the air, cushioned on their auras. Travis continued his onslaught of kisses. Ada thre
w her head back and moved her hips, nudging his erection, desperately wanting to feel him fill her, to stretch her, to join her. Travis bit gently into her neck, which brought a moan from Ada. Slowly he swivelled his hips so that his erection sat at her entrance. Gently he began to move into her depths. When he was completely seated inside her, Ada cried out in pleasure. She could hear Travis’s breath begin to hitch as he moved in and out of her at a painfully slow pace.

  “Oh Travis” she groaned.

  He growled into her ear as his movements became more intense. Ada’s orgasm began to grow at the base of her spine. She felt the tingles that were quickly spreading over her body and her temperature began to rise. Ada tightened her legs around his waist, grinding herself against Travis. He groaned her name into her ear, which was enough to push her over the edge.

  Ada let out a scream as her pleasure enveloped her. She felt herself sink into the depths of darkness as colours swirled around her. The chants faded and soon she and Travis were the only two people in the room. She could feel his every movement, his pleasure. The feelings were overwhelming. She could hear his love, his passion. Travis’s movements were becoming erratic and his breath short. His eyes flung open as he stared intently into Ada’s eyes.

  “I love you” he said.

  Ada felt the tears slip from her eyes.

  “I love you too” she responded.

  Travis closed his eyes again as he moved his hips faster and faster. Soon he roared a guttural groan that filled the room as his seed exploded into Ada. Slowly he leaned back and was standing. Ada still was straddled against his waist. He kissed her gently on the lips. A smile crept across her face.

  “Wow” she said.

  “I thought I was meant to say that?” he chuckled.

  She smiled again and kissed Travis deeply. Ada dropped her feet to the ground to stand beside him, instantly missing the feeling of him inside her. They both watched as a screen flickered to light. On the screen played a movie; a movie that contained her and Travis. Ada watched as the memories of the two of them floated through time. Not just in the life she was currently living, but she saw them in turn of the century clothing, items from the 50’s, on horse and carriages. Each time her and Travis came on the screen, she saw that she was human. This was the first life that she had been born Paranatural. However, the theme that threaded through the film was that Ada and Travis had always been together; always soul mates. Ada turned to Travis; his eyes were damp as he watched the screen briefly turning his head to glance at her.

  “We’ve always been together” he said.

  Ada smiled at him and turned to face him. Travis leaned forward and kissed her so deeply that she thought she would lose all her breath, she leant back again as he gently entered her, slowly moving deep inside of her. Ada felt the walls of pussy clench in pleasure dragging a second orgasm from him at the same time that hers exploded. They lay held on their aura’s kissing and soaking up the love. Travis slowly moved his feet to the ground as Ada stayed connected to his waist again.

  Movement beside her reminded Ada that she was in the room with the coven. Morrigan gently untied their arms and Ada instantly wrapped her arms around Travis’s neck, kissing him deeply. She felt him begin to grow hard again inside her. She smiled against his lips again. Travis looked at her and smiled.

  “What can I say? I’m human” Travis said with a smile.

  “And what a human” Ada responded tapping him lightly on the chest.

  “Come now there is plenty of time for that. You two must get dressed and join us for the celebration meal.” Morrigan interrupted.

  Travis slipped out of Ada and she felt an instant emptiness. Morrigan was right. There was plenty of time. They were now joined and so long as they both survived taking out Abaddon they would have until Travis was old and grey. Ada shook her head. She didn’t want to think about Abaddon at that moment and she didn’t want to think of Travis growing old.

  “We will beat him” Travis said.

  Ada smiled at him and leant her head against his chest.

  ‘I hope your right’ she said into his mind.

  Travis wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her tight against him.

  ‘I know I am’ he replied.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  “This is wartime, this is our time, we won’t be denied, feed the fire that is raging inside. This is go time, this is show time. We will fight ‘til their wills are broken” Disturbed

  Travis and Ada had left the coven to go into the small room that she had left her clothes. Travis watched Ada with appreciation as she bent to pick her clothes up from the small bench. She turned and caught him watching her backside and smiled with a small shake of her head.

  “I can see the honeymoon is going to be a fun one” she laughed.

  Travis grinned like a Cheshire Cat and took her clothes from her hand, tossing them back down on the bench and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her in tight. Ada felt that he was hard again and she gently slid her fingers down between their bodies caressing the head of his cock. She watched him lean his head back and roll his eyes underneath half closed lids and a moan escaping his lips.

  “We aren’t going to eat if you keep doing that” Travis said with a smirk.

  Ada stood on her tip toes and kissed him, running her tongue along his bottom lip. Travis growled and lowered his hand to Ada’s backside lifting her feet off the ground and leaning her against the wall of the small room. He lowered his head into the crook of her neck and gently bit into the soft flesh. Ada cried out as she wrapped her ankles around his waist. Travis entered her. The sex was fast and furious as she screamed out his name in pleasure. When he lowered her to the ground his smile took over his whole face as he slowly shook his head.

  “I think you’re going to kill me” he said holding his chest catching his breath.

  Ada shook her head and laughed.

  “I think you’ve got plenty of life left in you yet” she laughed, picking up her clothes and starting to dress.

  After Travis and Ada had dressed they joined Morrigan and the rest of the coven in the main dining room where there was a huge feast in front of them. Ada noticed Kade and Frankie standing looking uncomfortable against one wall. She smiled and waved at them.

  ‘Is everything alright?’ she asked her Father with a frown.

  He gave a wane smile and nodded at her. Ada could tell instantly that he was lying but didn’t feel it was the right time to press him about it. When Kade noticed Travis his smile became more genuine and he stepped forward to shake his hand.

  “Well I guess now I get the honour of calling you my son” Kade spoke.

  Travis smiled and puffed out his chest with pride.

  “Yes, I guess I get the honour of calling you Dad” Travis returned.

  It was Kade’s turn to smile and puff out his chest with pride. Ada laughed and stepped forward taking the plate of food that Morrigan was offering her. The moon was shining high in the sky and through the window, the moon was full and she could hear the Werewolves in the distance at play, howling to one another, but something about the night didn’t sit right and she felt uneasy. She felt Travis grasp her shoulder and give her a squeeze.

  ‘What is it?’ he asked into her mind.

  ‘I don’t know. I asked my Father if everything was alright and he lied to me. Something is making me uneasy’ she replied.

  He squeezed her shoulder again. Ada noticed her Father go to the window and stare vacantly outside. Ada handed her plate to Travis who nodded knowing she needed sometime alone with her Father.

  “What’s going on?” she asked Kade when she reached his side.

  “Something is about to happen” Kade said. “I can feel it. He is close by. Feel it.”

  Kade took hold of her hand and together they sent their feelers out into the grounds. Ada followed Kade’s line of sight and noticed suddenly that the Werewolves had gone silent. Ada spun on her heel and looked to Morrigan.

“Ada” Morrigan cried out.

  Ada spun back to the window just as shards of glass blew in on her. She was knocked off her feet into the table that had stood behind her. Cuts from the shards of glass scratched over her body, Ada frowned as she sent her feelers through her body instantly healing the wounds. The food that lined the table was knocked to the floor. Ada reached for the amulet that began to glow a bright gold. She turned looking for her Father and found him as he stood with his teeth bared, his eyes red and his aura the darkest she had ever seen.

  ‘Travis’ Ada silently called.

  ‘I’m here’ Travis replied.

  Ada summoned a dagger into her hand. As she stood an owl flew into the broken window.

  “Abaddon” Ada spoke forcing the fear out of her voice.

  Ada lunged forward, thrusting her dagger in the direction of the owl. But it was too fast for her and pre-empted her move, flying out of the way before she had a chance to reach it. The owl hovered above her out of reach and then materialised. Abaddon stood in front of the room full of Witches, his aura and being in general seemed to fill the whole place, it was overwhelming. His black wings reached the roof and the wind from them blew Ada’s hair back from her face.

  “So you fuck my son, you kill my son; you fuck a human and join with him? You’re a whore, like your Mother” Abaddon spat.

  Kade roared behind Ada and lunged forward. Abaddon snapped his head towards Kade and narrowed his eyes. Suddenly Kade shrieked and crashed backwards into the small table beside the broken window.

  ‘Kill him’ Kade cried into her head.

  Ada screamed as tears fell from her eyes and she lunged again. Abaddon flicked his wrist and she flew through the room landing beside her Father with a hard crunch. Pain shot through her back and head.

  ‘Are you alright?’ she heard Travis say.

  ‘Yes’ she spoke.

  “Stupid child. You are a Witch. Even your Father can’t defeat me; a Nephilim. Your Mother couldn’t even do it” Abaddon laughed “Where is she Ada? Where is your Mother now? Why don’t you ask Kade. So if they couldn’t kill me how do you propose to do it?”


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