Tom vs the Volcano God

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Tom vs the Volcano God Page 13

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  Lily stood straight and stared at the plane and yelled, “Tom Jensen, come here!”

  I climbed out the door and Lily pointed to a spot beside her and I stood where I was told. Lily really was almost as tall as me. I was about five-eleven and a half, and Lily might have been just half and inch shorter.

  Then, looking at the plane she screamed, “You three get your skinny asses out here this instant!”

  The three girls threw themselves out the door and rushed down the stairs. Lily pointed to a spot in front of her and the girls lined up side-by-side, looking terrified.

  Lily said sternly but quietly, “Girls, are these regulation uniforms?”

  Sondra said, “When serving the Jensen party, ma’am.”

  Lily said, “Really? Just like this? This is how you dress for work?”

  The girls looked like they didn’t know why they were being scolded for what they were wearing, but suddenly Ashley crossed her arms over her breasts, aware now that she wasn’t wearing two very important pieces of her uniform and then the others jumped to cover their chests as well.

  Lily said, “At attention. Arms at your sides. Girls, show me your underwear.”

  Diane said, “Um, Ma’am, um...”

  Lily barked, “Now! Pull up your dresses and let me see what you’re wearing!””

  The girls reacted involuntarily and pulled up their dresses, just high enough that I got a peek at their crotches and then they lowered them again.

  Lily was merciless.

  She yelled, “Keep them up! And high enough for inspection. I want to see navels!”

  The girls complied and pulled their dresses up above their navels and stood exposed to Lily’s inspection. There was no one near us, so there was no possibility of them being seen by anyone else.

  Lily said, “As I thought. No panties. And no bras. Tits and pussies bare and ready to be exposed at the drop of the pants. Mr. Jensen, is this how you expect your personal staff to attire themselves when on duty as your flight crew?”

  I said confidently, “Yes ma’am. This is the standard attire for my own personal staff when attending myself and my family.”

  Lily said, “That one has not shaved. Neither has this one. Is that acceptable?”

  I knew that I was supposed to be in charge now, not Lily. The girls were switching their allegiance to me and I was supposed to let Lily help me make that transition.

  I said, “I leave that up to them. They are to stay trim and neat, paying the same attention to their pubic hair as they would to their hair styles, but the details are up to them.”

  Lily said, “Well, I think that they could pay a bit more attention from now on. Girls, do you hear what I’m saying?”

  They all echoed, “Yes, Ma’am.”

  Lily said, “OK. Good. I wanted to make sure that we were all clear about the proper uniforms and grooming. You work for Mr. Tom now, but you still answer to me. By the way, my pussy is fully lasered, and all personal staff of the Jensen’s have unlimited spa privileges at all resort properties. You might want to consider it. It’s a lot more comfortable than shaving and I like how it feels. You can lower your dresses.”

  The girls dropped the hems of their dresses back into place.

  Lily changed her tone and said very sweetly, “Now, girls, that was fun. But we’re going to go get Sarah and Tom married now. And you want to come to the wedding. You are going to see some things that might be a bit surprising. But you are family now. I take care of you from now on. You are Tommy’s girls now, so you are family. I know I give you a hard time, but the truth is, I love you. If I didn’t, you wouldn’t be here. Tonight, after the ceremony, Sarah and Tom are going to have a special night together and I’m going to drive you back to the hotel. I would love to hang out, or even spend the night if you want me to. I’d really like to get to know you better. We’re sisters. I think we are going to be really close. Is that OK?”

  Ashley said, “Um, that’s it? We’re family? And it’s OK if we are with Tom and everything?”

  Lily laughed and said, “Of course. It’s what we all always wanted. Now get your skinny butts in the limo and let’s get going. Run up and grab your bags.”

  The girls looked at me and I smiled and then they rushed up the stairs and then back down again carrying the small travel bags with their minimal necessities. Lily and I both stepped forward and took their bags and placed them in the back of the car. The car was actually a big SUV outfitted as a kind of all-terrain limo. There was plenty of room for the nine of us. Lily in the front and me, Robby, Honey, Alice, Sarah, and the three girls in the back. We rode facing each other so that we could talk. As Lily drove out of the airport, we tried to settle in.

  Honey said, “Now this is wonderful. Girls, this is Alice. Let’s get a few things straight. I’m just going to blurt them out. Here goes. Tom here is going to be married to all four of you, because that’s what you want. He didn’t have to convince you and he didn’t coerce you and he might not have even exactly asked you. You knew what you wanted, and you just fell into it when the door opened. That’s exactly how it is for me and Alice and Lily, and the others that you know: Buttercup, Peach, Flower, and Cupcake. We never exactly told you what was what, but what we have is what you want. So, one thing that means is that we already know how it works and if you need anything, we’ll show you what you need to do. It also means that we know how you feel, and you don’t have to hide anything from us. Oh, speaking of that, we need to think about a dress code. Robby, Lily, what about that? How much do we need to worry about keeping our clothes on?’

  Lily said, “From my perspective, not at all.”

  Robby said, “That’s up to all of us and what we each feel comfortable with. Let’s talk about it. I don’t mind if Tom and his girls see Honey and the rest of our family naked. Tom, we don’t wear clothes much, and even some of our close women friends feel comfortable being nude around me. But we have never had another man around until now. But now, I am hoping that you and your family will be with us a lot.”

  Honey said, “Tom, would you be uncomfortable if I weren’t wearing clothes, at the pools or the beach, or the gardens maybe?”

  I said, “Well, maybe not. I didn’t think I that would be as comfortable as I was around the girls on the way over. It might be weird at first, but maybe I’d get used to it. It’s not a big deal is it? I mean, it feels like it is, but is it?”

  Honey smiled and said, “That’s close enough for me. Girls, how do you feel about the idea of your husband seeing me naked?”

  Ashley said, “Um, well, I guess I don’t mind at all. So, we’d just be like nudists? Like when we are at home together? And we could go skinny dipping and stuff? Or suntan in the buff? And nobody cares? If that’s OK, then I don’t mind.”

  Diane said, “I’m still freaked out but if Tom sees you naked because that’s just what we do, then that’s fine.”

  Honey said, “And Tom, what about Robby?”

  I said, “I’ve seen him naked.”

  Honey smiled and I said, “No, I don’t know. I would never expose these girls to any man, ever. But if this isn’t like that, I guess I would leave it up to them.”

  Honey said, “But let’s be clear: we each have our own lovers. Being naked doesn’t mean we are lustful toward each other.”

  I said, “I can handle that. I swear I can. I have my girls and the rest is family. We’d be fine with bathing suits on, so is it that different if we are nude? So, if that’s how Robby feels, I don’t mind, but it’s up to Sarah and the girls. And Robby.”

  Robby said, “Like I said, we have a good friend or two and they are comfortable in the nude with me, but they aren’t married or even in a relationship yet. But it doesn’t bother me at all when they are with us. In fact, it’ really comfortable. We can all just try it and see how it is. If it doesn’t feel right, we’ll know.”

  I said, “Um, this might not be a problem for the women, but um, what if something happens?”

Honey said, “Something like you pop a boner?”

  I said, “Well, yeah. By accident.”

  Honey said, “More importantly, what if Ashley is sitting beside you while we chat, and she forgets what we’re supposed to be talking about and she lets her hand accidentally slip down into your lap and she starts stroking you? Hold on, let me finish. Look, even if that happens, if you guys are comfortable with it, I say we just think it’s the most wonderful and natural thing and we give you a wink and you go off behind a bush and take care of it. And if there’s a bit of juice running down a thigh or a bit of a shine to your cock when you come back, we wink again and ask her if it was nice.”

  Lily said, “That sounds like a good plan to me. I’m down for that.”

  Honey said, “So, if Lily comes over and says, ‘Robby, I feel like I need something stiff and hard right now, take me in and help me out’, the rest of us tell them to have a good time and we’ll see them when they’re done. I think that makes everything really easy. Hardly any rules at all. We like rules around here a lot. It makes it easy. I don’t think we could be as happy as we are without them. I’d say, Rule One: Tommy’s girls don’t wear underwear unless he tells them to. Robby has that same rule, by the way. Rule Two: We wear what we want, and nobody is embarrassed about it. We are all beautiful, and won’t it be nice to see each other naked all the time anyway? And Rule Three: If anybody pops a boner or feels sexual and wants to drag one of our own mates behind the bushes, we just do it, and even if the boner just sits there during lunch or sunbathing or whatever, it’s a nice reminder that we all enjoy a healthy sex life and even a boner doesn’t always mean we’re wanting to shove it in. That’s it. And only the last two of those guidelines have bearing on this discussion.”

  Lily was exiting the highway and turning up a small side road. A minute later, she turned onto a dirt track just barely wide enough for the vehicle.

  Diane said, “I don’t have any experience with this at all, and I thought that I would be really shy about it, but somehow that makes it all really comfortable. I really like that idea. Then we can all be really happy, and never be embarrassed at all. Like Adam and Eve, if they never ate the apple, or something. And if Sarah and Tom want to go off, even if it’s just around the corner, like you said, as long as we aren’t like loud and stuff, that would make me really happy, I think. I think I would like that. And, um, if I wanted to, or he maybe wanted me, we could just do it, and nobody would be weird. If we can do that, that would be really nice.”

  Honey said, “OK then. Everybody in favor?”

  We all raised our hands and the rules were ratified.

  Chapter 13 - Jungle House

  Alice said, “I’ll amend the house rules. They aren’t really rules, just guidelines and privileges, but I will post them, so everybody knows.”

  Robby said, “I can’t believe this is all happening so fast. I thought it happened fast for us. Tom’s making me look like a stick in the mud.”

  We rode the rest of the way in relative silence, but in one spot, when the rode got really rough, Robby said, “We keep this road deliberately hard for vehicles to travel. There are automatic gates that look like natural features and they drop out of the way when we approach. We have another entrance, and it’s better paved, but much longer. We use that for deliveries when we need them. We’re pretty private.”

  I said, “Robby, what do you do for a living?”

  He smiled and said, “We’ll talk about that soon. Not right now.”

  Lily said, “Cupcake’s going to want costumes. Sarah, do you have the girls’ measurements?”

  Sarah said, “Sure do.”

  Lily said, “Send them to Alice. Alice send them to Cupcake so she can get outfits made before she comes.”

  I wondered how Sarah could have the girls’ measurements and Alice explained that she and Sarah were really good at guessing based on what they had seen. And since Sarah had seen the girls naked, she knew their sizes exactly. The truth was that since Sarah had seen them naked that her cameras had recorded very accurate 3D images that showed every dimension perfectly and that she and Alice could determine sizes from that.

  Ashley said, “How will Cupcake get here? Does she need us to go get her?”

  Robby said, “No. You girls are on your honeymoon. She’ll fly commercial. First class, but we don’t need to charter something for just one of us. Not this time. She’d prefer it this way.”

  Sondra said, “Is Miss Tiffany going to come too?”

  Honey said, “Miss Tiffany is already here. She likes you girls. She’ll be excited to see you. Robby, how are we going to explain some of this?”

  Lily said, “Straight up. What they see and hear from now on is family business,” and suddenly the car stopped.

  We were in the middle of what looked like a jungle. And no house or any other building was in sight.

  Lily turned around in her seat and said, “Ashley, Diane, and Sondra, listen. This is the last chance. One more step and you fall down a well and we wake up in Neverland. Inside the chocolate factory. Robby is Willy Wonka’s smarter cousin. You are going to meet real live oompa-loompas and elves and fairies and things you can’t imagine. Do you know what happens if I start the car again and you ever, I mean ever, tell anyone about what happens here?”

  Diane said, “We disappear and are never heard from again.”

  Lily said, “No. That would be the merciful thing for me to do. If you ever tell anything that you aren’t supposed to, you go free, but we disappear and you never see or hear from us again. You break the rules, you go back to your old lives before you ever met any of us. One day, you wake up and think it’s all been a dream and you live with the knowledge of what you had and how happy you were and will never be again.”

  I started to say something, but I stopped myself because I knew that somehow Lily was right, and they did need to understand something about this.

  She continued, “Girls, I like you. I really do. But you are about to get married. In a very unique relationship to a very wonderful man. If you aren’t ready, say so now. And you can keep flying the plane and we can still be friends. But this is your ‘speak now or forever hold your peace’ moment. And if you wait, who knows, maybe you get another chance. Maybe we turn around and I take you back to the airport and you guys all fly back home and maybe you even live together and have happy lives. I bet you would. And maybe that’s for the best. And I’ll come and visit you and if you ever need help, you call me.”

  Honey said, “Maybe that is for the best. We should take them back. Girls, I’m sorry. We rushed things because we love you. Let’s go back.”

  Diane sobbed loudly and screamed, “No! You can’t. Honey, you made up the whole Prophesy thing. You told us. You promised. We have to be the ones! We’ll be good. We’ll do anything. Here!” and she started pulling off her dress hysterically.

  Honey said, “Sweetie, keep your dress on. Come here and let me hug you. Come on. I did promise. And I meant it.”

  Diane threw herself into Honey’s arms and cried.

  Lily said softly, “And what about you two?”

  Ashley and Sondra both got semi-hysterical as well and begged to be allowed to go on.

  Lily smiled and said, “Then hang on for the ride of your life!” and started driving as if on a thrill ride at an amusement park.

  Robby said simply, “Tommy, we had to be sure. It’s all going to be fine. Honey never breaks a promise.”

  We rode for another five minutes or so and the car pulled onto a paved driveway in front of a large estate home. Lily opened the doors for us, and we climbed out and the girls grabbed their bug bags from the trunk. When we were all out of the car, the three girls lined up side by side and stood where they were for a minute.

  Sondra said, “Hey, before we go in, I want to say something to Lily. It’s important. Um, can I borrow some lipstick?”

  Diane reached into her bag and handed a tube of red lipstick to Sondra and she took the top
off and turned the base to expose the red wax.

  She said, “Now Lily,” and suddenly grabbed Lily’s right arm and pulled it toward her, at the same instant drawing a red line up Lily’s arm from wrist to shoulder. It happened so fast that Lily had no time to react. The red mark continued across Lily’s throat and somehow Sondra was behind Lily’s back and a red streak went from her shoulder and down to her opposite hip. From there, it went straight across Lily’s lower back, and finally, two deep red marks appeared across each of Lily’s thighs at that hamstrings. And before we knew it was over, Sondra was standing beside the other two, about eight feet from where Lily stood.

  At that point, Ashley took a small bottle of nail polish and turned and threw it like a professional ball player. It was a beautifully graceful movement, but more surprising was the way that it struck a tree at least fifty feet away and shattered, leaving a bright red stain at eye level, as if the tree had just taken a blow between the eyes.

  Diane had retrieved two palm sized cylinders from her bag and with a flick of each wrist, she revealed expandable police batons about two feet long. She rushed to a small sapling, probably three inches in diameter, and a rain of blows reduced a portion of the trunk to pulp and the tree fell over. Then she calmly collapsed the weapons and rejoined the others in the line facing Lily.

  We were all stunned, but Lily most of all. She looked at her arm and the red mark that ran up the muscles. Sondra stepped forward and handed her a compact make-up mirror and Lily looked at the red line across her throat and then reached back as if feeling the marks down her back.

  Sondra said, “If you want to ask me one more time about my loyalty and commitment, do it now. Because this is your last chance. You speak now or forever hold your peace. I will not be questioned like that again. You can play your games about whether we’re wearing underwear, but if you have questions about my loyalty and commitment, we settle it right now.”

  Lily finally caught her breath and said, “I did background checks on you three.”


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