Tom vs the Volcano God

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Tom vs the Volcano God Page 21

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  The last time I tried to kiss her, she had resisted, saying that she wanted to wait, but now she welcomed me. We kissed for several minutes. Passionately. And my penis started to fall out of her, becoming relaxed after our lovemaking. Yeah, Ashley could claim that it was a nice pretend fantasy if she wanted to, but it happened.

  Ashley said, “Tom, we better go. I’m going to have to go take a thorough shower in the changing room before I go to the spa. They are going to be working down there and I don’t want any signs of what we were doing.”

  I set her on her feet in the water, and we arranged our suits and started making our way back to the beach.

  I said, “You let me kiss you.”

  She smiled and said, “Of course I did.”

  We picked up our clothes from the chair where we had left them, and Ashley pulled on the tank top. We didn’t have towels with us, so we didn’t dry off.

  She said, “You’re my husband. Of course I wanted you to kiss me.”

  I said, “But before.”

  She said, “Tommy, it’s a game, right? We pretended that we can’t make love because we’re waiting for some special thing that Cupcake is planning. But that’s the pretend part. The truth is that we are married and in love and we can do what we want. You got me so horny I didn’t want to wait any more. I promised that you would be the last man to touch me until we changed that. Now that’s never going to change. You are the only man that will ever touch me. We didn’t break that vow at all as far as I can tell. I told you on the plane, I belong to you now. And somehow, even then I knew what that would mean. But how did you like it?”

  I said, “Like what?”

  She said, “Our first time making love, stupid.”

  I said, “Oh Ashley, I loved it. It was wonderful. Um, but we kind of did it in public. Sweetie, my wife and I had sex regularly. Not necessarily frequently, but regularly, anyway. And in all those years, it was rarely ever as sweet and wonderful as that was with you just now. But what about you?”

  She said, “Tommy, I had the first orgasms of my life that I didn’t give myself. You had me so hot that by the time we got to the water, if you hadn’t pulled your penis out, I was going to go fishing for it. And I was going to get it inside me somehow. I like this swimsuit. I feel sexy. Hey, there’s Dee. Oh, I better hurry.”

  Dee was sitting at the table where we had been earlier and when we walked up, she stood and said, “Well, all done. Ash, it takes an hour and a half or so. It feels weird while it’s happening, but it feels pretty nice when it’s done. You’re fine dressed like that. They’ll give you a robe, but you’re pretty much naked most of the time.”

  Ashley smiled and said, “OK. I’ll go get started. Tommy, thank you. I feel really good about everything now. I love you. Dee, I’ll see you when I get back. About three thirty you think?” and then she winked at me and left.

  I sat down and said, “Dee, I’m hungry. I didn’t have breakfast, and we haven’t eaten any lunch. Can we eat before we do anything else? I hope the girls are OK.”

  Dee smiled and agreed, and I called the waitress and she said that she would get our food right away. She brought the tea immediately. Dee and I were sitting mostly quiet, just looking at each other and the pool when the food arrived.

  I said, “I ordered a club sandwich and some fish tacos. Is that OK?”

  Dee said, “That sounds really good. I think I’m hungry too. Can we share both of them? Have some of each?”

  She took one of the tacos first. After eating several bites, she said, “Tom, I’m a virgin.”

  I looked at her and waited.

  She continued, “I’m not afraid or anything. Last night, Buttercup and Honey showed me something. It was amazing. And I felt really loved. And I knew it was all going to be OK. I keep blurting out that I’m a virgin because I don’t want to be anymore. That’s what I was saying on the plane. I was saying, I’m a virgin so please take me and love me and let me be a woman who knows love with a handsome prince because I love you and I can’t go on living without being yours. On the plane, you let me get naked, and you let me commit myself to you. And we said it was until some worthy guy came along, but I knew, and I could tell that Sarah knew, that you were that guy. I didn’t know that it would be like this, but I knew we all had to be together. On the plane, when I begged you to, you know, have sex with me, I knew that Sarah wouldn’t stop me. I felt like she loved me and that somehow, it was going to end up with me and Ash and Sal all being your girlfriends or something, and Sarah being fine with it. It was like she was giving us permission the whole time. Why else would she be talking like she did and having us take our clothes off and everything? And, it wasn’t weird. It wasn’t like she was luring us into some weird relationship. It was like she was offering us what we really wanted.”

  She paused and ate a few more bites and said, “Look, I’m going to admit it. We had major crushes on Robby. And it sure looked like he wasn’t just married to Honey but the others were totally in love with him too. And we wanted that. Honey saw it and she told us that Robby wasn’t the guy. But she has this thing where she says something and then promises that it will happen, and you just believe her. And it always comes true. So, she told us that when the time came, that we would get what we wanted, and it would be even better than if we got to be with Robby somehow. That sounded stupid. It sounded like a lie. But we kind of knew that she believed it. She really believed it and even if we couldn’t she told us we had to. She said that she was going to make sure of it. And every time she saw us, she would say, wait for the Chosen One. The prophecy is certain. You are chosen priestesses and if you are faithful, he will appear and make everything right. You are a tribe and your king is coming for you. Wait and be faithful to the word of the Prophecy. For one day, a great chief will fly the silver bird and you shall know him by the signs of his coming and the signs of your thighs. On that day you shall gaze upon him and cream your panties. And when he declares his love for all three of you in the same day, you shall know.”

  She took a few more bites and said, “She said stuff like that every time she saw us. It was a big joke after a while. But she kept telling us it wasn’t a joke. She’d smile and wink and tell us to wait and believe. So, when you got on the plane, and Ash and I came back to meet you, it was like the plane was falling out of the sky and I thought I was going to faint. My goodness, I was so instantly attracted to you I couldn’t believe it. So, when Sarah started having us get more comfortable by ditching our undies, it seemed like it was really happening. Why would she do that if she didn’t want us to get really comfortable with you. And we could tell that she wasn’t toying with us. She liked us. And she wanted us to like you. If she had been some other woman, and you were some high roller, we would have been disgusted. But you were Robby’s brother and Honey had promised us. Tom, you could have marched into the plane and said, I am the Chosen One. Strip and kneel before me. You are my wives and I will have sex with all of you now. Line up and bare your pussies to your King. And Tom, we would probably have done just about that. We did do just about that. We all knew, even Sarah knew, that we were meant to be with you. Yeah, look, we are all pretty strong women, and we don’t roll over for anyone, but we’re home now and you’re our man.”

  She paused and drank some tea.

  Then she continued, “Tom, I love you. I really do. But I’m a virgin. Tom, I’m a total virgin. Tom, I’ve never been on a date. I’m thirty-six years old. Never went to a school dance. Never kissed a boy. I kissed a girl once, because I wondered if that was more my style, but it wasn’t. It was nice, but not what I wanted. I didn’t want anything. Well, I did. I wanted someone to lay with. To get naked and hold under the covers. But it was like I was a different species. I struggled with all of it. Was I frigid? Was I a lesbian? Was I asexual? Was I psychologically damaged? Well yes, I probably am, and that’s probably a big part of it. Tom, I can’t tell you the things that I did in the military. But to do them, I had to shut down emotionally
. And I never had much connection to a family. My parents had a lot of kids and I was kind of invisible. I didn’t have dates because no one saw me. So no one touched me. Not even my parents. So, I learned to live without it. Tom, when you hugged me this morning, you were still dressed, but I had a small orgasm. Just from being hugged by you. It happened on the plane too. But if you were naked, I think I’d pass out.”

  I said, “Dee, I love you. Wow, that’s such a wonderful story. Not that you lived invisible or didn’t have the emotional and physical contact that you needed, but that you would trust me with your story. Dee, I want very much to hold you and have you feel loved by me. To have us feel each other’s bodies held warm and close. Dee, I love you. I am your man. I’m yours.”

  She sighed and said, “And I belong to you. All of me. Did you make love with Ash and Sal yet?”

  I said, “Well, Ash and I kind of did. We went swimming and we kind of made love in the water, right out there. You know, we didn’t mean to, but we really did mean to. We weren’t going to say anything about it, but you asked me, and I can’t lie to you.”

  Dee said, “I’m really glad. Did she have a good time? Um, did she have an orgasm?”

  I said, “She said that she had four or five and really enjoyed it. I love her very much.”

  Dee said, “And what about Sal?”

  I said, “Well, Sally wanted me to touch her. She took me behind some bushes and wanted me to put my fingers in her. She had at least one orgasm too, but we didn’t have intercourse.”

  Dee said, “That’s nice too. We want to be ready for whatever Cupcake is planning but I’m glad that they aren’t letting it stop them. We all love you so much.”

  I said, “Dee, do you want me to take you somewhere and make love to you? Or at least kiss you?”

  Dee smiled and said, “No! That’s the point. Tom, if you touch me, I’m going to scream and go into orgasm overload and lose consciousness. I can feel it. I’m so afraid of you and what could happen. Get me to a safe place where the screaming and creaming won’t matter, where I can collapse and be safe, and then you can make me a woman. But put me in a cage and lock the door first.”

  I said, “We could just…”

  She exclaimed, “No, we can’t. Not unless you don’t care who knows about it. Yeah, sure, take me for a little swim. But the first time I end up in your arms, it’s going to be loud and obvious. Tom, we have to stop talking about it or I really will grab a palm tree and spread them for you. Damn. Oh damn. Will you excuse me for a minute,” and she rushed toward the restrooms.

  Chapter 21 - Afternoon in the Sun

  I sat and ate my lunch, and after Dee had been gone for at least ten minutes, Sally walked up and sat down at the table. The waitress came over and we ordered more food.

  Sally said, “Where’s Dee? Isn’t she back yet?”

  I said, “She went to the restroom. She’s been gone a while. She wasn’t feeling bad, so I’m sure she’s fine. How was the spa?”

  She said, “It was embarrassing. But it feels good. I took a shower after, and it felt nice. You should feel it.”

  I smiled and said, “That does sound nice. Hey, that swimsuit looks great on you.”

  She smiled at the compliment and said, “That was so fun this morning. Everything was great, and being able to talk to you especially, but the shopping was really nice. Hey, did you buy a swimsuit? You did. That’s great. It looks good. You have nice legs. We are going to need sunglasses. And maybe hats. It gets bright out here, and we’ll burn pretty bad if we don’t stay under an umbrella.”

  I said, “Sal, do you still feel good about telling me everything you did?’

  She said, “Wonderful. And you were so kind about it all. Did you and Dee get to talk at all? Like you and I did?”

  I said, “Yeah. She told me about what she wanted to. It’s going to be fine. I love her. And it seems like she really loves me.”

  Sally said, “We all do. Did she tell you about the prophecy and all that?”

  I said, “She did.”

  Sally said, “So, you know what was going on in the plane and how we all knew that we were in love right away and all that?”

  I said, “Yeah. I think she explained all of it. Sally, I’m so happy about all of this. I could never have imagined it. I want to make sure that you understand something. If you and I had met in a coffee shop, and there was no Sarah or Dee or Ashley, and if I was just some random guy, and I just met you, and no one else, I would have fallen in love with you just as fast as we did yesterday. And I would never have ever thought that I wanted anyone but you. I would have been happy forever, I’m sure, and never looked at another woman. I wasn’t looking for a harem.”

  Sally smiled and said, “Well, in that case, it’s a good thing we didn’t meet in a coffee shop. But if we had, I would have dragged you home and introduced you to Dee and Ash and we would have ended up all in bed together and trying to make sure you were planning to have all of us together. Tom, Honey and Robby set us up. But I think that even if we had never met them, I would feel the same way. You are just right for us. And this is right for us. But I think what you are saying is that any of us is enough for you and we shouldn’t feel like you have these huge appetites for women that demand an ever-expanding number of lovers.”

  I said, “Not at all. I mean, yes, exactly. Um, I don’t need anything. But I need you. And we need each other, and no more women, I swear.”

  She smiled and said, “Tom, you can’t actually promise that. Based on what you’re saying, yeah, you don’t need a fifth, but if we find a fifth and it’s just right, it will happen. I don’t see why, but if that happens, then it does. I guess Robby said that there are what, eight of them? And there are five of us. But something is weird about Alice and Sarah. It’s like we don’t count them somehow. Because they are foreign and mysterious or something. We absolutely love Sarah, but it’s like she’s a different category. It’s weird. But anyway, we love Sarah and if a fifth comes along and we have to have her, for her sake and for ours, then we will. Did Dee tell you that we all had crushes on your brother? But it wasn’t right? Like it was like different species somehow? But when you came, it all just clicked, like ‘bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh?’ If some other woman is part of our tribe, she’ll know it and we’ll know it, and you’ll know it. So, don’t rule it out. Maybe it won’t happen. I kind of hope not, for our sake, but if it does, it does, and we take her in, and you help her be who she is.”

  We sat together and Sally’s food came, and the waitress brought us refills on our tea and we watched people go by. Another ten minutes went by, and it had been about twenty-five or so since Dee had gone to the restroom and I asked Sally to go check on her. I hoped that she wasn’t ill. Or upset. I couldn’t figure out what could have kept her so long. Maybe she went back to the room. It was another eight to ten minutes or so before both Dee and Sally came back to the table.

  I said, “Is everything OK? Dee, are you all right? I was worried.”

  Dee looked embarrassed and frowned and said, “Yeah, I’m OK. I just was…processing.”

  Sally smiled and chuckled and Dee said, “Fine, go ahead and tell him if you want to.”

  I said, “Hey, Ashely won’t be back for a few minutes. Do you want to take a dip in the ocean? We can talk out in the water if you feel like it. There aren’t many people out there and it’s pretty private.”

  It was true. Most of the people stayed near the massive pool and only a few were on the beach. Most of those were sunning themselves and only a very few were in the water at all. The girls both had on swimsuits, the more full coverage polka dot ones, and we left the tank tops and our sandals at the table. It was a short walk across the walkway and across the sand. I headed off to the left, where there were almost most no people at all, except for an occasional couple on a walk. When we were about as far along the beach as we could go, I headed down into the water, holding hands with one of the girls on each side.

, we went out far enough that we were chest deep, and the gentle swells just barely bobbed us up and down. Dee still looked a little uncomfortable and I still didn’t know why.

  I said cheerfully, “Hey Dee, give me your bathing suit.”

  She looked at me and said, “What?”

  I said, “Come on. Give me your bathing suit. It’ll be fun. No one will know but me and Sally.”

  Dee said, “Here?”

  I said, “Dee, you said that one of your turn-ons was skinny dipping. Come on. It’ll be fun. Give me your bathing suit.”

  Dee’s frown turned to a grin and she reached behind her and undid the strap at her back and pulled off her top, looking around to see if anyone would notice. She smiled as she handed me the piece of fabric and sighed in relaxation. I smiled and stood and looked at her, as if still waiting for something.

  Her eyes went wide, and she said, “What? Bottoms too? Really?”

  I said, “I will if you will,” and I bent down in the water and started pulling my swim trunks down my legs.

  Dee grinned and did the same. When she had them off, she handed them to me with a big smile.

  I said, “So, how does that feel?”

  She said, “Scary. And wonderful. And sexy. And thrilling.”

  I said, “Do you go skinny dipping often?”

  She smiled and said, “I’m a virgin. A skinny-dipping virgin. Until now. Tommy, this is amazing. This is so fun. We’re naked. You’re naughty.”

  I turned to Sally, and she said, “Oh, right. Yeah. Wow, OK,” and she quickly pulled off her own swim suit.

  I said, “Here, take your suit, and kind of wind it around your wrist, like a big bracelet. That way it doesn’t get lost or float away, but you don’t have to hold onto it.

  Dee said, “Oh, so you’ve done this before.”

  I said, “Well, a few times. Maybe three or four. But not this publicly. Dee, oh no, you’re floating away. I better catch you!” and I made a grab for her and lifted her under her arms and pulled her to me.


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